Breast Mass
Breast Mass
Breast Mass
Topic: Breast Mass
Subject: Gynaecology
Submitted to: Smriti Ghosh
Nursing instructor, CNC
Submitted by:
Name: Roll:
1. Md. Sohel Rana 2014-02
2. Afrina Yeasmin 2014-22
3. Tohatur Nur Popy 2014-16
4. Mst Khadiza Tun Anam 2014-07
5. Ruma Rani Dey 2014-18
6. Tamanna Akter 2014-48
7. Rokeya 2012-74
A breast mass is a growth of tissue that develops within the
breast. A female breast consist of different types of breast
tissue. The two main types are milk glands and milk ducts.
The breast also contains fibrous connective tissue,fatty tissue
nerves,blood vessels and lymph nodes. Each part of the
breast can react in different way to change in the female body
chemistry. The changes impact the sensations and texture of
the breast and they can affect the development of breast
Definition: Breast mass is a general term for any circumsc
ribed lump in the breast which may be benign or malignant. It
is a localized swelling or hard area in the breast.
Picture of breast mass:
Types of breast mass: There are some common typ
es of breast mass. Such as;
1. General mass: Which are like nodules and they may com
e and go soon.
2. Abscess mass: They are fluid fill sacs and may be due to i
3. Adenomas: Abnormal growth of tissue.
4. Atypical hyperplasia: Fast growing abnormal cell.
5. Blood clot: Sometime blood clot in the breast make breas
t mass.
Signs and symptoms:
1. A firm,hard area within breast.
2. A thickened,slightly more prominent area in the breast.
3. Redness,dimpling or pitting of the skin.
4. One breast is larger than other breast.
5. Nipple pulls inward.
6. Discharge from nipple.
7. Breast pain.
8. Tenderness.
9. Swelling.
10. Itching.
11. When touched mass can move easily.
12. Rubber like texture.
13. Sensitive nipple.
14. Redness of skin.
15. Skin irritation.
16. Discomfort.
Cause of breast mass:
1. Breast cysts (soft fluid sacs).
2. Milk cysts (sacs filled with milk that can occur during breast
3. Fibrocytic breast (feels lumpy in texture and sometimes acc
ompanied by pain).
4. Hamartoma (a benign tumor like growth).
5. Intraductal papilloma (small,non-cancerous tumor in milk d
6. Lipoma (a slow growing,non-cancerous fatty
7. Mastitis (infection of the breast).
8. Fibroadenoma (non-cancerous rubbery mass).
9. Injury.
10. Infection.
11. Birth control pills.
12. Stress.
13. Smoking.
14. Alcohol.
15. Breast cancer.
16. Damage tissue.
Risk factors of breast mass:
1. Genetic factor.
2. Smoking.
3. Alcohol.
4. Being female.
5. Dense breast tissue.
6. Poor diet.
7. Lack of physical activity.
8. Radiation to chest.
9. Hormone therapy.
10. Over weight.
1. Breast cancer
2. Infection
3. Abscess
4. Chronic pain
5. Rupture of the mass.
Medical diagnosis:
1. X-ray.
2. Ultrasound.
3. MRI
4. Fine needle aspiration.
5. Biopsy.
Medical treatment:
1. Lumpectomy (removal of the lump).
2. Mastectomy (removal of the breast).
3. Chemotherapy.
4. Radiation.
5. Pain killer.
6. Antibiotic.
Nursing diagnosis:
1. A thickened,hard area in the breast.
2. Breast pain.
3. Swelling.
4. Redness.
5. Self breast examination.
Nursing intervention:
1. Provide a comfortable position.
2. Reduce anxiety of the patient.
3. Maintain privacy of the patient.
4. Do breast examination.
5. Look for any sign of breast mass.
6. Provide hot massage on the chest.
7. Provide analgesics to reduce pain.
8. Provide antibiotic to reduce pain.
9. Provide skin care.
10. Maintain personal hygiene.
11. Keep patient clean to reduce infection.
12. Monitor patient's nutritonal intake.
13. Provide adequate nutrition.
14. Inspect the skin for redness,irritation and skin breakdown.
15. Encourage the patient to take regular physical exercise.
16. Reduce stress of the patient.
17. Keep the patient in proper inspection.
18. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
19. Avoid high fat diet.
20. In any emergency situation inform the doctor.
Nursing care plan:
Diagnosis: Objective: Implement Evaluation:
-Provide antibiotic.
2. Infection -To reduce -Maintain personal -Infection is
infection. reduced.