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Addis Ababa University: Faculty of Technology (South)

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Construction Materials II
(COTM 1203)
Concrete Technology
Lecture prepared by:

Belayneh Berhanu
Topics discussed
 Definition
 Types and uses of concrete
 Properties of concrete
 Advantages and disadvantages of concrete
 Ingredients of concrete: cement, water,
aggregates, and admixtures
 Aggregate terms and types
 Properties of aggregates
 Handling and stockpiling of aggregates
 Fresh concrete
 Properties of fresh concrete
 Measurement of workability of concrete
 Calculation of volume of fresh concrete
 Concrete mix design
 Batching ingredients of concrete
 Mixing of concrete ingredients
 Transporting fresh concrete
 Formwork
 Placing fresh concrete
 Curing concrete
 Properties of hardened concrete
 Concrete grades
Definition of Concrete
Concrete is a composite material made up of
inert materials of varying sizes, which are bound
together by a binding medium. Concrete contains
coarse aggregate in addition to cement, water,
air and fine aggregate. The cement, water, and
air combine to from a paste that binds the
aggregates together.
Thus, the strength of concrete is dependent on
the strength of the aggregate matrix bond.
Composition of Concrete
Portland Cement
Water Paste
Air (entrapped or entrained)

Fine Aggregate (Sand)
Coarse Aggregate (Gravel)

Admixture (If required)

Concrete Ingredients
Types and Uses of Concrete
Concrete is a very versatile material and can be
made to satisfy a large variety of requirements.

1. Plain (mass) concrete

With graded or predominantly small sized
aggregate, for foundations, floors, paving,
monolithic walls (in some cases), bricks, tiles,
hollow blocks, pipes.

2. No-fines concrete

A lightweight concrete with only single size

coarse aggregate (dense or lightweight) leaving
voids between them. suitable for load bearing
and non-load bearing walls, in-fill walls in framed
structures or base coarse for floor slabs.

No-fines concrete provides an excellent key for

rendering, good thermal insulation (due to air
gaps), and low drying shrinkage. The large voids
also prevent capillary action.

3. Lightweight aggregate concrete

Using foamed blast furnace slag, sintered
fly ash, pumice, or other light aggregate,
for thermal insulating walls and
components, and for lightweight building

4. Aerated concrete
Made by introducing air or gas into a cement-
sand mix (without coarse aggregate), for thermal
insulating, non-structural uses and lightweight
building blocks. Disadvantages are low
resistance to abrasion, excessive shrinkage and
permeability. However, it is easy to handle and
can be cut with a saw and nailed like timber.

5. Reinforced concrete, also known as RCC

(reinforced cement concrete)
Which incorporates steel bars in sections of the
concrete which are in tension (to supplement the
low tensile strength of mass concrete and control
thermal and shrinkage cracking), for floor slabs,
beams, lintels, columns, stairways, frame
structures, long-span elements, angular or curved
shell structures, etc., all these cast insitu or

6. Prestressed concrete
Which is reinforced concrete with the steel
reinforcement held under tension during
production, to achieve stiffness, crack resistance
and lighter constructions of components, such
as beams, slabs, trusses, stairways and other
large-span units. By prestressing, less steel is
needed and the concrete is held under
compression, enabling it to carry much higher
loads before this compression is overcome.
Advantages of Concrete
Concrete has many properties that make it a popular
construction material. Good-quality concrete has
many advantages that add to its popularity.
 It is economical when ingredients are readily

 Concrete's long life and relatively low

maintenance requirements increase its economic
 Concrete is not as likely to rot, corrode, or decay
as other building materials.

 Concrete has the ability to be molded or cast into

almost any desired shape.

 Concrete is a non-combustible material which

makes it fire-safe and able withstand high

 It is resistant to wind, water, rodents, and insects.

Hence, concrete is often used for storm shelters.
 Building of the molds and casting can occur on
the work-site which reduces costs.

 High compressive strength, resistance to

weathering, impact and abrasion.
Disadvantages of Concrete
Some of disadvantages of concrete are:
 High cost of cement, steel and formwork ( in
developing countries).
 Difficult quality control on building sites, with the
risk of cracking and gradual deterioration, if
wrongly mixed, placed and insufficiently cured
with water.
 In moist climates or coastal regions, corrosion of
reinforcement (if insufficiently protected), leading
to expansion cracks.
 Low tensile strength (but can be overcome with
steel reinforcement).
 Demolishing concrete is difficult.
Ingredients of Concrete
Portland Cement
Admixtures (Additives)
Portland Cement
Usually, Portland cement is specified for
general concrete construction work and
should confirm to standard specifications.
Various types of Portland cement as well
as physical & chemical requirements were
discussed in the previous course.
Clean water is
Water serves two
important any
purposes in making
impurities present will
affect bond strength
 It triggers the between the paste
hydration of cement and aggregate.
 It makes the mix fluid
and workable.
Undesirable effects of impurities in mixing water:

Impurities in mixing water may cause any one or

all of the following:
 Abnormal setting time
 Decreased strength
 Volume changes
 Efflorescence
 Corrosion of reinforcement
Some of the impurities in mixing water that cause
undesirable effects in the final concrete:

1.Dissolved chemicals

 May either accelerate or retard the set and can

substantially reduce the concrete strength.

 Can actively attack the cement-aggregate

bond, leading to early disintegration of the
2. Seawater

 Seawater containing less than three

percent salt is generally acceptable for
plain concrete but not for reinforced

 The presence of salt can lead to corrosion

of the reinforcing bars and a decrease in
concrete strength by some 10-15%.
3. Algae
 Can cause a reduction in the strength of
concrete by increasing the amount of air
captured in the paste and
 Reduce the bond strength between the
paste and the aggregate.
4. Sugar
If sugar is present in even small amounts, it
can cause rapid setting and reduced
concrete strength.
Aggregates are the filler
materials which make up a
large portion (roughly 65-80%)
of the concrete volume.
Considerable care should be
taken to provide the best
aggregates available.
Aggregate Terms and Types
The terms used to describe aggregates are
many and varied. These descriptive terms
are based on source, size, shape, type, use
and other properties.
Some typical terms used in describing
aggregates are:
1.Fine aggregate- aggregate particles
passing the No. 4 (4.75mm) sieve and
retained on the No. 200 (75-m) sieve.

Natural aggregates are taken from natural

deposits without change in their nature during
production, with the exception of crushing,
sizing grading, or during production. In this
group, crushed stone, gravel, and sand are
the most common.
Manufactured aggregates include blast
furnace slag and lightweight aggregates.

2. Coarse aggregate- aggregate

predominantly retained on the No.4
(4.75mm) sieve.

3. Crushed gravel (gravel and sand)- that

has been put through a crusher either to
break many of the rounded gravel particles
to a smaller size or to produce rough

4. Crushed rock- aggregate from the

crushing of rock. All particles are angular,
not rounded as in gravel.

5. Screenings- the chips and dust or

powder that are produced in the crushing
of rock for aggregates.

6. All-in-aggregate- aggregate composed

of both fine and coarse aggregate.

7. Concrete sand- sand that has been

washed (usually) to remove dust & fines.

8. Fines- silty-clay or dust particles smaller

than 75 m (No. 200 sieve) usually
undesirable impurities in aggregates.
Properties of Aggregates
Important properties of aggregates include:
 Gradation (grain size distribution)
 Shape and surface texture
 Bulk unit weight
 Specific gravity (relative density)
 Absorption
 Hardness (resistance to abrasion or wear)
 Durability (resistance to weathering)
 Crushing strength
 Cleanliness (deleterious substances)
 Chemical stability
The gradation, or grain size
distribution of the aggregate
 the amount of paste
 the workability of the
 the strength and
 water tightness of the
finished product.
 In general, it is desirable
that the size increase
uniformly from fine sand to
the maximum allowed for a
given job.
Most specifications for concrete
require a grain size distribution
that will provide a dense, strong
Types of gradation
Aggregates may be:
 Dense,
 Gap-graded,
 Uniform,
 Well graded, or
 Open-graded.
The terms “dense” and “well-graded” are essentially the
same, as are “gap”, “uniform” and “open-graded”

The use of well graded mixture of aggregates

results in improved workability of the concrete
and economy of the cement since such
aggregate has a decreased amount of voids
between the particles and consequently requires
less cement paste. For a given consistence &
cement content, a well-graded aggregate
produces a stronger concrete than a poorly
graded one because less water required to give
suitable workability.
Aggregate Shapes

Aggregate Shapes

Elongated Angular
Aggregate Shapes

Flaky Flaky and Elongated


• The purpose of appropriate handling and stock piling of

aggregates is to avoid segregation of aggregates.
Precautions: ­
• Storing on hard and dry ground or on platforms of
planks, sheets, lean concrete
• Storing separately each aggregate size in compartments
• Avoiding segregation of aggregates resulting from free
• Damping consignments at different places.
• Soundness Tests
• The most common soundness test involves repeatedly submerging an
aggregate sample in a saturated solution of sodium or magnesium sulfate. 
This process causes salt crystals to form in the aggregate pores, which
simulate ice crystal formation (see Figure 3.10 and 3.11). The basic
procedure is as follows (from Roberts et al., 1996):
• Oven dry the sample and separate it into specific sieve sizes.
• Immerse the sample in a saturated solution of sodium or magnesium sulfate
and let it remain at a constant temperature for 18 hours.
• Remove the sample from the solution and dry to a constant weight at 110 ±
5oC (230 ± 9oF).
• Repeat this cycle five times.
• Wash the sample to remove the salt; then dry.
• Determine the loss in weight for each specific sieve size and compute a
weighted average percent loss for the entire sample.
• The maximum loss values typically range from 10 – 20 percent for every five
Compaction of Concrete
When first placed in the form, normal
concrete excluding those with very low or
very high slumps will contain between 5%
and 20% by volume of entrapped air.
Compaction is the process which expels
entrapped air from freshly placed concrete
and packs the aggregate particles together
so as to increase the density of concrete.

Proper compaction:
 Increase significantly the ultimate strength of
concrete and
• Enhances the bond with reinforcement.
• Increases the abrasion resistance and general
durability of the concrete,
• Decreases the permeability and helps to minimize
its shrinkage-and-creep characteristics.
• Also ensures that the formwork is completely filled
– i.e. there are no pockets of honeycombed
material – and that the required finish is obtained
on vertical surfaces.
Stages of Compaction

Compaction of
concrete is a two-
stage process.
First the aggregate
particles are set in
motion and slump to
fill the form giving a
level top surface.
In the second stage,
entrapped air is
Effect of compaction on hardened concrete

As may be seen from the

figure the effect of
compaction on
compressive strength is
dramatic. For example,
the strength of concrete
containing 10% of
entrapped air may be as
little as 50% that of the
concrete when fully

Loss of strength through incomplete compaction

Types of vibrators

1. Immersion Vibrator
Immersion vibrators consist
essentially of a tubular housing
which contains a rotating
eccentric weight. The out-of-
balance rotating weight causes
the casing to vibrate and,
when immersed in concrete,
the concrete itself. Depending
on the diameter of the casing,
and on the frequency and the
amplitude of the vibration, an
immersion vibrator may have a
radius of action between 100
and 600 mm.

Immersion Vibrator

2. Surface Vibrators

Surface vibrators are

applied to the top surface
of concrete and act
downwards from there.
They are very useful for
compacting slabs,
industrial floors, road
pavements, and similar
flat surfaces. They also
aid in leveling and
finishing the surface.
Surface Vibrator
Curing Concrete
Curing is the process which controls the loss of
moisture from concrete either after it has been
placed in position (or during the manufacture of
concrete products), thereby providing time for
the hydration of the cement to occur. Since the
hydration of cement does take time – days, and
even weeks rather than hours – curing must be
undertaken for a reasonable period of time if the
concrete is to achieve its potential strength and
Methods of curing
Since curing is designed primarily to keep the
concrete moist by preventing the loss of moisture from
the concrete during the period in which it is gaining
strength, it may be done either by:
 Preventing an excessive loss of moisture from the
concrete, e.g. by leaving formwork in place, covering
the concrete with an impermeable membrane after the
formwork has been removed, or by a combination of
such methods; or
 Continuously wetting the exposed surface thereby
preventing the loss of moisture from it. Pounding or
spraying the surface with water is a method typically
employed to this end.
• Concrete can be mixed in one of two ways for household projects: in a mechanical mixer, or by hand on a board
or in a wheelbarrow. Mechanical mixing is less strenuous and much more reliable than hand mixing. The latter
should therefore be used only for very small quantities. Mixers should not be overfilled and revolve at speeds
recommended by the maker.
• Using a mechanical mixer
• Step 1 Turn the mixer on and prime the bowl with approximately 2/3 of the required water.
• Step 2 Add the coarse aggregate followed by the sand and then the cement.
• Step 3 Blend together until a uniform color is achieved.
• Step 4 Add rest of water slowly and sparingly until a workable mix is achieved.
• Step 5 Continue mixing for at least 2 minutes.
• Step 6 Discharge mixer.
• Repeat process until required amount of concrete has been produced.
• Mixing by hand
• Step 1 Measure all the required dry materials for the batch onto a board or into a wheelbarrow.
• Step 2 Mix dry materials together until a uniform color is achieved.
• Step 3 Mound the material and form a crater in the centre.
• Step 4 Add water slowly into the crater and turn the material into the water.
• Step 5 Re-mound and repeat the process until a workable mix is achieved.
• Step 6 Continue turning and mixing the material for a couple of minutes to ensure all the aggregate is uniformly
coated with paste.
• Step 7 Use concrete.
• Repeat process until required amount of concrete has been produced.

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