A Review: Plant Nutrition: 1. Plant Nutrients 2. Chemical Fertilizers 3. Fertilizer Concentration Calculations
A Review: Plant Nutrition: 1. Plant Nutrients 2. Chemical Fertilizers 3. Fertilizer Concentration Calculations
A Review: Plant Nutrition: 1. Plant Nutrients 2. Chemical Fertilizers 3. Fertilizer Concentration Calculations
1. Plant Nutrients
2. Chemical Fertilizers
Commercial Analysis
Elemental Analysis
3. Fertilizer Concentration Calculations
4. Fertilizer Application
Preplant Application
Top Dressing
Liquid Feeding
1. Essential Nutrietns of Plants
a) Nitrogen Fixation
-Transformation of atmospheric N to nitrogen forms available to
- Mediated by N-fixing bacteria:
Rhizobium (symbiotic) found in legumes (bean, soybean)
Azotobacter (non-symbiotic bacteria)
b) Soil Nitrification
- Decomposition of organic matter into ammonium and nitrate
- Mediated by ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria
1) Soil Relations
- Present in large amounts in mineral soil
- Low in organic soils
2) Plant Functions
- Activator of many enzymes
- Regulation of water movement across membranes and through stomata
(Guard cell functions)
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
- Deficiency: Leaf margin necrosis and browning
Older leaves are more affected
- Toxicity: Leaf tip and marginal necrosis
4) Fertilizers
- Potassium chloride (KCl)- murate of potash
- Potassium sulfate (K2SO4)
- Potassium nitrate (KNO3)
Leaf Margin Necrosis in Poinsettia
Potassium (K) Deficiency
Macronutrients N, P, K Deficiencies
Leaf Lettuce
Macronutrient Deficiencies
D. Calcium (Ca)
1) Soil Relations
- Present in large quantities in earth’s surface (~1% in US top soils)
- Influences availability of other ions from soil
2) Plant Functions
- Component of cell wall
- Involved in cell membrane function
- Largely present as calcium pectate in meddle lamela
Calcium pectate is immobile in plant tissues
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
- Deficiency symptoms in young leaves and new shoots (Ca is immobile)
Stunted growth, leaf distortion, necrotic spots, shoot tip death
Blossom-end rot in tomato
- No Ca toxicity symptoms have been observed
4) Fertilizers
- Agricultural meal (finely ground CaCO3·MgCO3)
- Lime (CaCO3), Gypsum (CaSO4)
- Superphosphate
- Bone meal-organic P source
Blossom End Rot of Tomato
Calcium Deficiency
1) Soil Relations
- Present in mineral pyrite (FeS2, fool’s gold), sulfides (S-mineral complex),
sulfates (involving SO4-2)
- Mostly contained in organic matter
- Acid rain provides sulfur
2) Plant Functions
- Component of amino acids (methionine, cysteine)
- Constituent of coenzymes and vitamins
- Responsible for pungency and flavbor (onion, garlic, mustard)
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
- Deficiency: light green or yellowing on new growth (S is immobile)
- Toxicity: not commonly seen
4) Fertilizers
- Gypsum (CaSO4)
- Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)
- Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]
- Elemental sulfur (S)
F. Magnesium (Mg)
1) Soil Relations
- Present in soil as an exchangeable cation (Mg2+)
- Similar to Ca2+ as a cation
2) Plant Functions
- Core component of chlorophyll molecule
- Catalyst for certain enzyme activity
3 4
Nitrate reductase
NO3- ————————————— NH2
Root-nodule bacteria also requires Mo
• British System
- lb/1000 ft2 (solid, field application)
- 1b/acre (solid, field application)
- oz/100 gallon (=75 ppm)
- pint/gallon
• Metric System
- kg/ha (solid, field application)
- parts per million (ppm)
- milli-molar (mM)
- Milli-equivalent per liter (meq/L)
Molar (M) Concentrations
mole = molecular weight (g)
mmole = 0.001 mole = molecular wt (mg)
µmole = 0.000,001 mole = molecular wt (µg)
molar (M) = mole/liter
milli-molar (mM) = mmole/liter
micro-molar (µM) = µmole/liter
To Make 50 gallon of 200 ppm N Solution
1 ppm = 1 mg/liter
200 ppm = 200 mg/liter
Fertilizer Solution
Fertilizer: 20-20-20 N-P2O5-K2O
Amount/liter = 200 mg x 1/0.2 =1,000 mg = 1g
Amount/50 gal
1 g/liter x 3.8 liter/gal x 50 gal = 190 g
Fertilizer Application
1. Preplant Application
-Lime, sulfur, superphosphate, gypsum,
2. Dry Application
- Fertilizers with solubility <20 g/100 ml
- Top dressing
- Do not apply lime with phosphorus
3. Liquid Feeding
- Use soluble fertilizers
- Constant feeding vs intermittent feeding
Fertilizer Application
Plant growth in
influenced by a nutrient
at lowest concentration
as a denominator
Amounts of Fertilizer Applied
Fertilizer Application
Liquid Feeding of Greenhouse Crops
Use of Soluble Fertilizers
- Filtration