03a Horoscope Houses 2019 1-6
03a Horoscope Houses 2019 1-6
03a Horoscope Houses 2019 1-6
Dr PS Deb MD, DM
First House – Tanu Bhava
House of Mangala [Mars]: Bhava karakas and the signs of Zodiac
Physical appearance
Social personality body image
Overall temperament
Basis of material life
Effects of Tanu Bhava
1-2 Physical comforts
Should Lagna Lord be yuti with a malefic, or be in 8th, 6th, or 12th,
physical felicity will diminish.
If he is in an angle, or trine there will be at all times comforts of the
body. If Lagna Lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy's Rasi,
there will be diseases.
With a benefic in an angle, or trine all diseases will disappear. Lagna's
angles (i.e. Bandhu, Yuvati, or the 10th), or its trine (Putra, Dharma),
containing a benefic, is a powerful remedy for all, related to health.
Effects of Tanu Bhava
3. There will not be bodily health if Lagna, or Chandra
be drishtied by, or yuti with a malefic, being devoid of
a benefics Drishti.
4. Bodily Beauty: A benefic in Lagna will give a pleasing
appearance, while a malefic will make one bereft of
good appearance. Felicity of the body will be enjoyed,
if Lagna is drishtied by, or yuti with a benefic.
Effects of Tanu Bhava
5-7. Other Benefits:
If Lagna Lord, Budha, Guru, or Sukra be in an angle, or in a trine, the
native will be long lived, wealthy, intelligent and liked by the king.
Fame, wealth, abundant pleasures and comforts of the body will be
acquired, if Lagna Lord is in a Movable Rashi and be drishtied by a
benefic Graha. One will be endowed with royal marks (of fortune), if
Budha, Guru, or Sukra be in Lagna along with the Chandra, or be in
angle from Lagna.
If Budha, Guru, or Shukra be in 4th, 7th, or 10th from Lagna, or be in the
company of Chandra in Lagna, the native will enjoy royal fortunes
Effects of Tanu Bhava
8. Coiled Birth: If there be a birth in one of Mesha, Vrishabha & Simha Lagnas, containing either
Shani, or Mangala, the birth of the child is with a coil around a limb.
The corresponding limb will be in accordance with the Rashi, or Navamsha, rising.
9. Birth of Twins: The native, who has Surya in a quadruped Rashi, while others are in Dual Rashis
with strength, is born, as one of the twins.
12-14. Decanates and Bodily Limbs: Head, eyes, ears, nose, temple, chin and face is the order of
limbs, denoted (by the various Bhavas), when the first decanate of a Rasi ascends.
In the case of the second decanate ascending the order is neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart,
stomach and navel.
The order for the third decanate ascending is pelvis, anus/penis, testicles, thigh, knee, calf and
The portion already risen indicates left side of the body (while the one yet to rise, i.e. the invisible
half, denotes the right side of the body).
Effects of Tanu Bhava
Madhya Parashari, Ch. 9 , Shloka 1: Indications of the
first house are: Physique, Complexion, Longevity,
Fame, Status, Appearance and Wealth. These should
be assessed from the Rising Sign, the Lagna.
Effects of Tanu Bhava
The astrological picture of body, complexion, &
constitution is expanded by noting:
1. The rising nakshatra
2. Lord of the rising nakshatra
3. Navamsha (D-9) lagna
4. D-1 lagnesha within navamsha
5. Moon in D-1 and D-9
Effects of Tanu Bhava
6. It is worth looking at the characteristics of the D-9's
rising nakshatra and its Lord.
Although D-9's rising nakshatra will tell us more about
the native's behavior and expectations in relationships,
our social relationships in fact define our personality to
a very great degree. Therefore, do consider the D-9 in
assessing native's overall fortune, appearance & social
Effects of Tanu Bhava
BPHS Ch. 24, Shloka 25 : "If Sahaja's (6th) lord is in
Tanu Bhava, the native will have self-made wealth, be
disposed to worship, be valorous, and be intelligent,
although devoid of learning."
BPHS Ch. 24, shloka 10 : "If Lagna's lord is in Karmaa
Bhava, the native will be endowed with paternal
happiness, royal honor (or patronage), fame among
men and will doubtlessly have self-earned wealth."
HOUSE 2 =Dhana Bhava
Bhava karakas and the signs of Zodiac
House of Shukra [Venus]
Values, money, food, speech:
senses, wealth, death, food,
mouth, teeth, face, sight,
second spouse, family of
origin, traditions, oral history
Dhana Bhava
BPHS, Ch. 14. 1. O Brahmin, I now tell you about Sahaj
Bhava. Should Sahaj Bhava be yuti with, or drishtied
by a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born
and be courageous.
Dhana Bhava
BPHS Ch. 13, Shloka 4 : Parivartamsha yoga of L-2 in house-11 with L-11 in
house-2 ---also, L-2 yuti L-11 in Kendra or kona. If Dhana lord is in Labha, while
the lord of Labha in Dhana, wealth will be acquired by the native. Alternately,
these two lords may join in an angle or in a trine.
BPHS Ch. 24, shloka 16: L-2 in house-4 [house-2 = 11th-from house-4] "If
Dhana's lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will acquire all kinds of wealth."
BPHS Ch. 13 – Effects of Dhana Bhava: 3. One will be wealthy, if Guru is in
Dhan, as the Lord of Dhan, or is with Mangal
4. If Dhan Lord is in Labh, while the Lord of Labh in Dhan, wealth will be
acquired by the native. Alternately these two Lords may join in an angle, or in a
Dhana Bhava
5. If the Lord of Dhan is in an angle, while Labh Lord is in a
trine thereof, or is drishtied by, or yuti with Guru and Śukr, the
subject will be wealthy.
6-7. Yogas for Poverty. One will be penniless, if the Lord of
Dhan Bhava is in an evil Bhava, while the Lord of Labh Bhava is
also so placed and Dhan Bhava is occupied by a malefic.
There will be penury right from birth and the native will have to
beg even for his food, if the Lords of Dhan and Labh Bhava are
both combust, or with malefics.
Dhana Bhava
8.Loss of Wealth through the King. Should the Lords of
Dhan and Labh Bhava be relegated to Ari, Randhr, or
Vyaya Bhava, while Mangal is in Labh Bhava and Rahu is
in Dhan Bhava, the native will lose his wealth on account
of royal punishments.
11. Effortless Aquisition. If Dhan’s Lord is yuti with a
benefic and is in a good division, like Paravatāńś, there
will be effortlessly all kinds of wealth in the native’s family.
Dhana Bhava
In slokas 12 and 13 Sage Parasara also mentions about the eyes and
speech in relation to the Dhana Lord.
12. Eyes. If Dhan Lord is endowed with strength, the native will
possess beautiful eyes.
Should the said Grah be in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, there will
be disease, or deformity of eyes.
13. Untruthful Person. If Dhan Bhava and its Lord are yuti with
malefics, the native will be a talebearer, will speak untruth and
will be afflicted by windy diseases.
Combinations of L-2 and L-11
Total monetary wealth is a combination of:
1. "what you know" (family cultural values, domain-2)
2. "who you know" (marketplace associations, domain-11).
The yoga between 11th = incoming wealth -and- 2nd =
wealth retained -- will show the native's lifetime, overall
financial situation.
Should L-2 and L-11 be juxtaposed in a 6/8 angle, less
favorable financial results occur.
Wealth from Domains 2, 5, 9, and 11
Domain-2 = the storage-house for all "Skandha" or "heaps" of accumulation over the
course of multiple cycles of incarnations. Domain-2 = one's hoard or "history". In
particular as 11th-from-4th, domain-2 signifies "family money"
Domain-5 = 3rd-from-2nd and 11th-from-7th (gains from partnership, most obviously
children) the strongest of all wealth hous
Domain-9 = the strongest of all wealth houses being both 11th-from-11th and
5thfrom- 5th. Natives with power in domain-9 are typically members of the
priesthood of world governors who are not in public view. They have access to
massive resources.
Domain-11 = money from public leadership (2nd-from-10th), marketplace earnings
gained through actions in the assembly ( Also = 12th-from-12th = "loss of loss" = gain.
Wealth from other domains (3, 4, 6, 8)
Domain-3 being "2nd-from-2nd" shows a particular variety of wealth, which is "self-made wealth".
When domain-3 is much stronger than domain-2 but domain-2 is not damaged, the native's wealth
comes not directly from one's own family but rather through one's own personal efforts
Domain-4 = land ownership & real property such as buildings & fields. Indirectly domain-4 assists
wealth by triggering socialization-education. Education shapes the individual intelligence which is
the purview of domain-5. Although a good education does not per se guarantee wealth, strength in
domain-4 will support whatever creative wealth-building capacity is present in domain-5.
Domain-6 = 5th-from-2nd (speculative development of existing capital) and 2ndfrom- 5th
(accumulation as result of intelligence) can be a wealth house. Wealth will be the result of financial
transactions featuring the skillful use of debt, e.g.,
taking loans.
Domain-8 = "other people's hidden money" will sometimes produce a huge inheritance or alimony
Shukra naturally brings pleasure & comfort •
Guru naturally brings abundance & ease
Budha naturally brings manipulative skill
Any graha which is properly located & aspected can
confer material wealth
Dhan Yogas
Anthya Vayasi Dhana Yoga - wealth late in life :Lords of L-1 and
L-2, are yuti each other and yuti a benefic, and strong in lagna .
Balya Dhana Yoga: - wealth early in life :L-2 and L-10 in a
kendra, and also aspected by Lord of Navamsha occupied by
Ascendant Lord.
Bahudravyarjana Yoga: lagnesha in domain-2 . L-2 in domain-11
and L-11 in lagna. The subject will earn lot of money and will
amass a good fortune.
Swaveeryaddhana Yogas
lagnesha = strongest graha, lagnesha in kendra ,
lagnesha yuti
Guru , L-2 = Vaiseshikamsa ("Vaisheshik-amsha" means
that the graha must occupy a favorable sign in 13 out of 16
The subject will earn money by his own efforts and
exertions.if L-2 in kendra or trine from lagnesha or - L-2
is uccha benefic or yuti an uccha graham.
Madhya Vayasi Dhana Yoga
L-2 possessing Kalabala yuti lagnesha and L-2 & this pair must
be in kendra or trine, and rec. drishti of benefics. The person
will acquire money by self-effort towards the middle part of
his life.
Bahudra-vyarjana Yoga: lagnesha in domain-2 + L-2 in
domain-11 + L-11 in lagna. (Lord of the Lagna in the 2nd, lord
of the 2nd in the 11th and the lord of the 11 thin Lagna will give
rise to this Yoga) - The subject will earn lot of money and will
amass a good fortune.
House 3 = Sahaja Bhava
House of Budha [Mercury] Bhava karakas and the signs of Zodiac
Your Communications, courage, mental
health: hands, writing, siblings,
neighbors, teamwork, business
administration, media work, sales,
marketing, training
Bhratru Bhava :Sahaja (siblings) -
Vikrama - Parākrama – Duschikya
Brethren, Business, meetings, media,
messaging, Team, commerce,
communication, Cohort "the internal
narrative" - "the company one keeps"
Basic Significations of Bhava
Deliberate actions, motivation, interests, hobbies, one's own
efforts (initiative) and how well they are supported, sports,
pleasures, assistance, servants, neighbors, short-term desires,
short trips, short contacts, telephonic contacts, writing,
correspondence, computer skills, strength, valor, courage,
stamina, fine arts of music, dance and drama, actors, dancers,
singers, directors, producers, manual skills, initiation into
spiritual practices, death of parents, cause of own death
Uttrarakalamritam Section 5,: Slokas 4
- 4 ½: Relating to Action, Function or Doing of the 3rd bhava: (1) courage
(20 after-borns (3) battle (4) ears (5) legs (6) roadside place (7) confusion of
the mind (8) fitness (9) heaven, paradise (10) causing sorrow (11) dream (12)
soldier (13) heroic valour (14) one’s own relations (15) friend (16) wandering
(17) throat (18) eating unspoiled or pure food (19) partition of property (20)
ornaments (21) good quality (22) learning (23) pastime (24) bodily strength
(25) gain (26) bodily growth (27) noble descent (28) servant (29) the part of
the hand between the forefinger and the thumb (sacred to the Manes) (30)
female servant (31) journey in a small good vehicle (32) a large undertaking
and (33) one’s own religious duty these are to be divined from the third
Profile of Bhratru Bhave
Bhratru :a brother (often used to designate a near relative or an intimate friend , esp.
as a term of friendly address), (dual case) brother and sister
Sahaja : Brother of whole blood , born together . a natural friend the natural state ,
"saha" means "together" , born or produced together or at the same time as (gen.);
congenital, innate, hereditary, original , natural , birthplace, home, always the same
as from the beginning; natural state or disposition,name of the third astrol. mansion
,emancipation during life,innately honest,naturally dirty , spotty by nature,a natural
friend (as a sister's son , cousin etc.),fond or tender by nature.a natural enemy, one
hostile by birth (as the son of the same father by another mother , the son of a
paternal uncle etc.),one who is born neutral or who is naturally neither an enemy
nor a friend , a common acquaintance , friend , unconnected by birth
doubling the other (i.e. second) letter of a conjunction
of consonants bold advance, attack , heroism , courage
, power , strength , energy , exertion, enterprise going
out or away , knowing the strength (of an enemy).
showing courage or strength , exerting power
:the absence of the Krama, a step , stride , pace; a foot
going , proceeding , walking , motion , gait; course ,
way , manner; in regular order valour , courage ,
heroism , power , strength,to display prowess , use
one's strength) ; force , forcible means; an act of
prowess , feat of valour, the 14th year in the 60 years
cycle of Jupiter. the 3rd astrological house
Yogas to other houses
1st house from 3rd house ((body parts, physical level): Siblings , Birth
order , Hearing & Ears,Hands & Hand-Skills, gestures, body language,
Thinking and Talking, Courage,Acquaintances, Neighbours, Colleagues
who are not Equal Advisers, Small Groups, Team.
2nd-from-2nd (information about values & knowledge): Self-Made
Wealth, Short-term Travels, regional travel, business travel - remaining
mentally within the range of one's own people, Mental Tasking,
Communications Media, conversation, using language, historic
traditions of the family: values, stories, mentality, Record-Keeping.
Yogas to other houses
3rd-from-1st: manual work, any craft done with the Hands,
Writing, skills training, Career: your business style, your
communication style, planning, group, meetings, agendas,
Routines, programming, schedules , short-term travel, business
travel, organizing information, Competition, Manipulation,
Mental Health, Mental Attitude/State of Mind, Sales, Marketing,
Advertising, Public Relations.
4th-from-12th: property in foreign lands, Higher Education, formal
training regarding unfamiliar cultures, mentalities, & languages.
Yogas to other houses
5th-from-11th: goal-reaching intelligence, strategic decision-making children
of one's friends, children of the village or community people with whom one
has a natural sibling-like affinity (or natural competition for attention).
6th-from-10th: office staff, "servants in career", co-workers,conflicts,
aggression, disregard for agreements that affect one's leadership
position,enemies of one's career advance, debt incurred while striving for
public recognition or approval the natural controversies and arguments
which attend executive decision roles, and the tiring business of defending
one's decisions in meetings & conversations illness & internal conflict
(primarily mental imbalance) produced by heavy public responsibility.
Yogas to other houses
7th-from-9th: Father's advisors; Guru and advisor to the guru,
relationships between belief systems, ideologies & the ideological
component of religions partnerships based on shared beliefs,
partnered conversations, agreements and teamwork by people who
share a religion or belief system.
8th-from-8th: Longevity,Circumstances of Physical Death,Healing
after surgery. changed mental process resulting from intensive
tantrik practice,administrative process of distributing results of
insurance settlements, lottery winnings, and other sudden windfalls.
Yogas to other houses
9th-from-7th: father of the first spouse (father-in-law)’
religion / guru /belief system of the first spouse, benefits
resulting from contracts & agreements, from finding
balancedexchange in human relationships, gains of goodwill &
wisdom from orderly legal process, benefits from legal
10th-from-6th: prestige of your enemies, career of your
enemies,leadership resulting from conflict management,
Careers in managing animosity, debt, & disease.
Yogas to other houses
11th-from-5th: your children's gains & goals.
12th-from-4th: Change of Residence / Emigration, unmet
emotional needs / dissolution of emotional security,Maternal
great grandmother (Mother's father's mother)
Duschikya (the third house): Uras (chest), the right ear, army,
courage, valor, prowess, and brother are denoted by the third
house Duschikya (the third house): Uras (chest), the right ear,
army, courage, valor, prowess, and brother are denoted by the
third house
BPHS Ch. 11, Shloka 4 : Indications of Sahaja Bhava “From
Sahaja Bhava, know of the following: valor, servants
(attending, etc.), brothers, sisters, etc. initiatory
(Upadesha), journey, and parent's death."
BPHS, Ch. 22, 10. If Labh’s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, as Sahaj’s
Lord is in Labh Bhava, one will gain wealth through co-
borns and will be endowed with excellent ornaments
L-3 in Lagna vs. Lagnesha in domain-3
Third lord in lagna - Daily business controls the
- Social personality conforms to repetitive daily
business, administration of details, and cooperative
teamwork process. Native is socially identified with
siblings, cousins, work-group, neighbors, business
communications, and small-scale administration of
shared small-group concerns.
Nature of conformance judged by characteristics of L-3.
a) L-3 = Budha, native mainly talks about their daily business (follow
through would depend on other graha in lagna).
b) L-3 in a rashi of Shani = conservative administrative practices, limited
material scale.
c) L-3 in a rashi of Guru = expansive, inclusive & optimistic thought process.
d) L-3 = Shukra, the details are highly aesthetic, communications
e) L-3 = Chandra, emotional attachment to the sibling or team group,
nurturing repetition of conversations, small projects, administrative
planning tasks builds group emotional connection. A maintainer. etc.
Lagnesha in domain-3 = Personality controls the daily business.
Native is a born business administrator, with natural talents in all
commercial behaviors such as sales, marketing, public relations,
advertising, planning & execution. Success at all detail levels but of
course depending on the nature of the graha. The strongest case is
uccha Kuja which makes a captain of industry for Vrischikha lagna, but
also uccha Shani or uccha Budha are very positive for business in
domain-3. May not conform to the dogma of conventional business
practice due to the infusion of personal style into the communications
Nature of personalized expression of business practice is
to be judged by characteristics of L-1 as shown below:
a) If L-1 = Shukra in Simha or Dhanau, native expresses a feminized enthusiasm,
full of sweetness and bright optimism. Loves company and does well in female-
targeted business.
b) Any graha in Mithuna, celebration of communicative media & sexual
magnetism as the ultimate sales tool.
c) If L-1 = Guru in Kumbha or Vrishabha, liberal and inclusive type of business
practice, highly optimistic planner and strong identified with their group.
d) Any graha in Simha, finds expression in the global marketplace esp. education.
e) If L-1 = Shani in Meena or Mesha, the native is a highly disciplined and
punctual but may lack social communication skills and mental optimism. A
dedicated worker but not a visionary :)
Inclinations and other traits of Sahaja bhava
The thinking of 3rd bhava is on a daily business scale, consisting
of the processing of repetitive, scripted, call and response
communication throughout the busy active day whereas the
thinking of 9th bhava is on a grand scale including philosophy,
motivation, reflection and reflective thought.
The mental process in the 3rd bhava is elaborative of the basic
human behaviour of organizing goods and information and
developing group mind with shared goals and plans for action.
Sahaja bhava includes siblings, cousins and playmates but in adulthood it
signifies collaborative peerage of co-workers, team-mates, neighbours and
other adults who share one’s basic mental framework and with whome one
can co-operate successfully towards realization of shared goals.
- This bhava is practical, pragmatic, repetitive, group-oriented, task
driven, highly responsive to the immediate environment and
circumscribed to the reaction of immediate environment. It is fast paced
because the immediate environment of known in advance whereas the
thinking of 9th bhava is slow and pondering due to its philosophic nature.
Sahaja bhava is the natual house of business management as it rules most
commercial and administrative processes such as inventory management,
time management, other c as facsimile, letter of credit, bank accounting, sales
behaviour, advertising, public relations campaign, etc.
- Natives blessed with power of shared mental images, power of speaking
incessantly, with the art of bonding are capable of building powerful business
teams of high social agreements.
- The 3rd bhava concerns positive communication abilities, multi-lingual and
multi-cultural commication skills and hence it makes the native a gem of the
neighbourhood, business department and family bondage.ommunicative
instruments such
Problems of mental health connected with
the third bhava – a negative side
The issue to mental health with very common with the lifestyle of modern life
and the third bhava has this negative side.
Depressive thinking marked by negative expectations and unresponsive daily
interactions with kindred and work mates is signified by Shani in this bhave or
malefic aspects of Shani and Budha.
Budha dysfunction is frentic, non-stop taking, anxious over communication is
related to Budha – Moon combination and Kuja influences dominating
communicative behaviour.
The daily communication of human beings is repetive and scripted for the purpose
group bonding, consoling, unifying, etc. This repetitive process is detrimental to
mental health as they are performed millonsof times in one’s life time.
Skills related to Sahaja Bhava
The Sahaja Bhava encompasses all major acts of the
hands such as writing, sculpting, weaving, painting ,
shaping, etc. It literally means correspondence. Being
9th from the 7th bhave where agreements are signed, this
bahva is also the fortunate result of lawful negotiations.
A few indications of such skills are given below with
various planets in the 3rd bhava.
Strong Surya enables the creative of objects of philosophic reasoning throught the skills of the hands.
Strong Chandra enables the manufacture of objects parental nurturing throught he crafts of the
Strong Kuja enables the manufacture of vigorous competition through the skills of the hands.
Strong Budha enables the manufacture of objects of detailed communication through the skills of the
Strong Guru a enables the manufacture of humanistic teachings through the skills of the hands
Strong Shukra enables the manufacture of charming beauty and entertainment through the skills of
the hands
Strong Shani enables the manufacture of strict discipline through the skills of the hands
Strong Raha enables the manufacture of intense passion through the skills of the hands
Strong Ketu enables the manufacture of other worldliness through the skills of the hands
Communication, Media and Successful authors
Writing is a sophisticated field of cultural commication and an
extension of our natural civilization of hearing and
gesticulating and expressing through signs and syllables.
Sahaja Bhava profiles our relationship to media , ability
insales, marketing skills, advertising, public relations, etc.
Creative authourship needs strong 3rd and 5th bhavas
(creative inspiration) as well as a fortunate dharma bhava, for
the 9th bhava rules publications. This could be seen either
from the bhava lagna or Chandra lagna.
House 4 = Bandhu Bhava
House of Chandra [Moon} Bhava karakas and the signs of Zodiac
Security, roots, home, shelter: mother,
parents, kitchen, landed property,
vehicles, basic
formal education, emotional security,
heart. Fourth marriage.
Bandhu –Relatives: Hibuka /
Paataala / Sukha / Suhrida / Griha
Binding to Earth :Shelter, Security,
Socialization, Education, Roots,
Childhood Home,
Property, Vehicles
Basic Significations of Bandhu Bhava
Mind (emotion), heart, happiness & contentment, confidence
& belief, close friends, all family members (close relatives),
mother, all well-wishers, home, comforts, home country,
landed property, houses, gardens, underground treasures,
wells, graves, agricultural products, vehicles, horses,
elephants, cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep, holy places, moral
virtues, devotion to God, piety, righteous conduct, character,
good name and reputation, education (ultimate results,
degree etc), end of undertakings, conditions at close of life.
Uttrarakalamritam Section 5, Slokas 4 ½ - 7
Bandhu Bhava
Relating to Action, Function or Doing of the 4th bhava: The following are to be
investigated through the 4th house : (1) learning (2) kingdom (3) house (4) travel (5)
vehicle similar to rickshaws, small boats and the like (6) oilbath (7) mother (8) relation
(9) friend (10) caste (11) garment (12) a small well (13) water (14) milk (15) perfume (16) a
happy being (17) good name (18) a medicine of great supernatural efficacy (19) trust (20)
false allegation (21) a tent or pavilion (22) victory (23) wearisome work (24) land (25) a
garden (26) digging of a pond or well (27) and their installation for the use of the public
(28) mother’s side (29) a pure intellect (30) father (31) wife (32) hoarding of one’s savings
(33) a mansion (34) art (35) entrance into a house (36) conclusion (37) disposition (38)
loss of one’s dwelling (39) paternal property (40) celestial food (41) the art of giving clues
to the places where stolen property is kept, etc. (42) an anthill (43) development of Vedic
and sacred texts (44) buffaloes (45) cows (46) horses (47) elephant in rut and (48)
abundance of corn, grain produced from wet-lands
Bandhu Bhava
BPHS, Ch. 14. 1. O Brahmin, I now tell you about Sahaj
Bhava. Should Sahaj Bhava be yuti with, or drishtied by
a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born and
be courageous.
BPHS, Ch. 22, 10. If Labh’s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, as
Sahaj’s Lord is in Labh Bhava, one will gain wealth
through co-borns and will be endowed with excellent
Bandhu Bhava
BPHS, Ch. 15, 2. Housing Comforts. One will have residential comforts
in full degree, if Bandhu is occupied by its Lord, or by Lagn’s Lord and
be drishtied by a benefic.
BPHS, Ch. 15, 3. Miscellaneous. Should Putr’s Lord be in his own
Bhava, or in own Navāńś, or in exaltation, the native will be endowed
with comforts, related to lands, conveyances, houses etc. and musical
BPHS, Ch. 15, 4. Housing Comforts. If Karm’s Lord joins Bandhu’s Lord
in an angle, or in a trine, the native will acquire beautiful mansions.
Profile of Bhandu Bhava
According to the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon, among other meanings :
- Bandh means to bind , tie , fix , fasten , chain , fetter; to bind round , put on to bind
- Patala: means a roof , thatch, an excavation , hole in the earth
- Hibuka is the name of the fourth Lagna or astrological sign , fourth astrological
- Girha means an assistant , servant, a house , habitation , home, "house of earth" ,
grave, "the lower world", with names of gods, "a temple " , a house as containing
several rooms, the inhabitants of a house , family; a householder,name of the 4th
astrological mansion
Bandhu Bhava – Yogas
1st from 4th : rules conditions in the childhood home
and the old-age home. Bandhu bhava is the house of
Earth Root is called the basis of the incarnation (Ethno-
Cultural Roots). Known as the Early childhood and old-
age Home it is related to the fundamental emotional
and social security; entitlements, work toward securing
and protecting one's society. The cultural indoctrination
levels of education which facilitate a stable society:
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
2nd from 3rd: It concerns the wealth & knowledge values of the
immediate younger sibling and the speech & language patterns of
the sibling group & intimate peer group;
3rd from 2nd : It deals with communication patterns, beliefs &
mental practices of the family (family mental health), record
keeping re: property-values & other hoarded wealth, meetings to
discuss history & stored wealth , writings about history & values,
family literacy & manual skills; self-made wealth developed on basis
of family funds, communications with the mother's older siblings
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
4th-from-1st: Mother ; Heart; Patriotism, physical safety &
Emotional Security ; Basic Socialization; Education ; Buildings;
boundaries, fences; Vehicles; shelter & coverage, including Clothing.
The Fourth bhava is related to education: Education through Basic
Socialization (house-4) affects everyone and is related in this
respect to House-4: Bandhu Bhava, & L-4, 4th-from-4th: Yuvati
Bhava, & L-7 , karaka Budha & 4th-from-Budha, 4th-from-
Chandra , Siddhamsha (D-24 divisional chart), L-4's navamsha lord,
in radix, Dasha & bhukti periods of radix L-4, L-7, and Budha.
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
5th-from-12th : It deals with speculative gain from foreign travel &
relationships with distant cultures; children of foreigners (auspicious for
foreign adoption); creativity increased through meditation & sanctuary
practice; literature & performance art benefiting from input of the
subconscious imagination.
6th-from-11th: concerns illness & debts of friends; conflicts created by having
friends in a larger networked community outside of the home; conflict &
imbalance with the father's siblings (home is the mother's turf!)
7th-from-10th: Basis of public reputation; spouse of the leader (boss);
relationships with people in power; contracts & agreements with the
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
8th-from-9th: the naturally adversarial relationship between those focused on
ownership and protection of the Earth, vs. those focused on connection &
interactions with the Heavens, hidden aspects of religion: healing, secret lineages,
tantra; healing or destruction of the father; [mother has] secret information about
the father; Stepfather; Fourth marriage; taxes on religious activities in order to
strengthen the national defense, forcing the priesthood into secrecy in order to
transformative change in the (male) priesthood & destruction of the temple (which
moves the center of religion into the female home); adaptation & re-interpretation
of ancient rituals (which provides continuity of tradition over time).
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
9th-from-8th: Great fortune from inheritance & legacy = receiving
ownership of land, Wisdom through deep healing secrets = cures from
plants which grow on the land, Ritual communication with the spirits
of the property = continued safety & stewardship of the land, Good
fortune through confidential, therapeutic environments = deep
emotional security & trust, Priesthood of mysterious forces = deep
roots in the Earth.
10th-from-7th : Profession & reputation of spouse/partner; career of
spouse, public dignity of the marriage. The main public position of
your spouse is their identity as a parent.
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
11th-from-6th: Gains from loan debt/usury = the fruits of debt,
ownership of buildings & lands through mortgage debt , ownership of
vehicles & "property" (stuff) through "car loans" & consumer debt ,
completed education through student loan debt,gains from conflict
management, police control = social stability & safety of property, gains
from clinical medicine = returning home, fruits from keeping animals
= protection, physical & emotional security (pets), farms & pastures,
food from the edible animals (livestock), gains from the mother's
siblings = keeping property in the family.
Bandhu Bhava - Yogas
12th-from-5th: sanctuary/retreat for children, sanctuary/retreat for
creative works of genius, losses to the children (safe home = loss of
freedom), withdrawal from gaming & speculation; politics & theatre,
children's foreign travels, loss of children (typically through traveling
or marrying into an outside culture, but possibly through
House 5 = Putra Bhava
House of Ravi [Sun] Bhava karakas and the signs of Zodiac
Creativity, authorship, children of body, mind,
& spirit: books, art-works, graduate school,
theatre, politics, drama, dance, self-
expression, romantic love Putra –Children, -
Intelligence - Creativity - Muse - Mantra -
Speculation - Gambling - Winning - Awards &
Trophies - Political Campaigns - Theatre -
Amusement - Self- Expression - Popularity -
Fame - Celebrity - Games - Sruti - Smriti -
Literature – Genius
Putra sthana especially concerns the first
conception, first full-term pregnancy, first live
birth of a child, and the oldest living child.
Putra Bhava
BPHS, Ch. 16, 12. There will be many children, if Putra’s Lord is strong,
while Putr is drishtied by strong Budh, Guru and Śukr.
BPHS, Ch. 16, 13. If Putr’s Lord is with Chandra, or is in her Decanate,
the native will beget daughters; so say Jyotishis.
BPHS, Ch. 16, 16. If Putra’s Lord is exalted, or be in Dhan, Putra, or
Dharm Bhava, or be yuti with, or drishtied by Guru, obtainment of
children will be there.
Basic Significations of Putra Bhava:
Inclination of mind (intellect), creative Intelligence,
knowledge/education (deep and wise learning and wisdom),
knowledge of mantras, tantra and yantras, spiritual (meditation)
techniques, talents, judgment, discretion, advice, merits from past life,
devotion to gods and brahmins, deity of one's choice, virtues, ruling
powers, royalty, authority, fall from position, literary works,
amusements/enjoyment, recreation/sport, romance, children,
disciples, wealth,
Basic Significations of Putra Bhava:
Uttrarakalamritam Section 5, Sloka 8–9½: Relating to Action, Function or Doing of the 5th bhava: (1)
Progeny (2) virtuous act done by the father (3) a king (4)a minister (5) good morals (6) mechanical art
(7) mind (8) learning (9) pregnancy (10) desertion (11) umbrella (12) moral stories (13) auspicious
letters (14) garments (15) a great action desirable in various ways (16) paternal property (17)
foresightedness (18) property derived through wife’s luck (19) liaisons with courtezans (20) profundity
(21) firmness (22) secret (23) decorum (24) writing of news (25) well-being (26) friendship (27) a long
literary production (28) engaging oneself in any business (29) belly (30) prayer by incantations (31)
riches similar to that of Kubera (32) gift of cooked rice (33) discrimination between virtue and sin (34)
chanting of Vedic hymns (35) wisdom (36) deep pondering (37) ways for earning money (38) a festive
occasion when drum or tabor is player (39) intense satisfaction (40) profound learning and (41)
hereditary post of minister – these are to be determined from the 5th house.
Profile of Putra Bhava
Children, Creativity - creative ability obtained through
education, Literature -, Fame, Populace / Popularity, Celebrity,
Authorship/Authority – Academic Credentials, Mother's
Money/Values - money , Entrepreneur -- Gambling, Gaming,
Casinos, Speculation, Investment Banking. Courtship and
Romance , Amusements, Intelligence = Kindness, Intelligence
vs. Education = domain-5 vs. domain-4, Royal Powers and
Higher Knowledge, mantra / tantra / siddhi, Paternal
grandfather, from sale of properties, Abdomen,
Profile of Putra Bhava
Madhya Parashari, Ch. 9 , Shloka 5: Sons [children], intellect,
mantra, faith in God, heart, and maternal uncles be deduced
from the fifth house.
Phaladeepika, Ch1, Shloka 11-12: A royal emblem, minister, tax
or toll, Atma (selfculture) wisdom, knowledge of the future
(foresight) Prana (life), progeny, belly, Sruti (Vedic learning)
and Smriti (customary traditional knowledge depending on
memory and transferred by word of mouth) are represented
by the 5th house.
BPHS Ch. 7, Shloka 39-43
The 5th from Guru ... stands for consideration respectively in
respect of offspring.
"Putra" or how he/she Creates, is seen through:
5th house from radix lagna & L-5
5th from Chandra & its Lord
5th from karaka Jupiter & its Lord
lord of L-5's navamsha house
For a fuller profile of each child, also count children from
Chandra and from Saptamsha 5th house.
The astrological picture of *genius*
as expressed through children, artistic talent, creativity, or
speculation (gambling) is expanded by noting:
5th-from-5th, or Dharma bhava
Rashi (D-1) planets in Simha (Leo)
D-1 5th lord within navamsha Sun within navamsha
D-1 5th lord within saptamsha (D-7, the 7th harmonic varga)
5th house within D-7
Body Parts
In the physical body, putra bhava signifies:
gall bladder
In the physical body, putra bhava rules the abdomen or "belly".
Within the belly, putra bhava signifies liver, spleen, and stomach.
BPHS Ch. 11, shloka 6 : "If Dhana's lord is in Putra Bhava the native will
be wealthy. Not only the native, but also his sons, will be intent on
earning wealth."
"...if the fifth house is subject to favorable combinations or aspects, the
son will become prominent and the native himself would either secure
authority by dint of effort or secure mantra siddhi."
BPHS Ch. 11, shloka 1-3 : Should Putra's lord be in Ari, Randhra, or
Vyaya Bhava, there will be no offspring.
Creativity, Performance Arts, Amusements
and offspring's:
Putra bhava is the natural house of the Sun, karaka for
Self. The most basic form of self expression is procreativity,
producing and/or raising children that resemble one
physically, psychically, morally, or intellectually. The
alternative or next level is creativity in the arts.
Putra bhava contains the profile of the full range of self-
expression through the literary, fine, plastic, and
performance arts.
Karaka for putra bhava
Brihaspati, the expansion planet. The more auspicious and unimpeded one's
5th-house Jupiter, the more one's creativity will incline toward arts of high
civilization, and the less toward producing fleshly children.
Major performance artists will tend very much toward childlessness or a single
child, unless they can arrange surrogate parents like housekeepers or nannies
to actually raise their children. Similarly great authors, screenwriters, play-
writes, and other literary achievers tend very much toward a childless life.
Ditto often, for master teachers (since great educators are by definition great
actors) in all fields.
Childlessness is most simply known through an unproductive position of the
5th lord.
Suta bhava signifies "intelligence". One definition of 'intellect' is 'the
faculty by which humans can assess thoughts'. Not generating that
steady stream of conversational interactive repetitive thoughts which
occurs in third bhava and under auspices of Budha.
Rather, 'assess' thoughts. 5th bhava reveals one's capacity to
understand, evaluate, reflect, enliven, and enlighten thoughts which
can be called "creativity". Rashi, graha, and drishti upon 5th bhava will
define the scope of creative intelligence.
Intelligence vs. Education = the 5th bhava
vs. the 4th bhava.
4th bhava = the socialization level of education.
5th bhava = individual intelligence.
If 4th bhava is very strong while 5th bhava is weak, the native could be highly socialized,
having completed college & even graduate school in a technical subject, without having
the least drop of personal creativity. The mass of patriotic "guardian" types are very much
like this: solid citizens, property owners who love & care for the land, & desire security
above all.
If 5th bhava should surpass 4th bhava , the native might have very little stability of
upbringing or formal education -- and yet be wildly successful in publishing, industrial
design, or performance arts. The typical celebrity of stage & screen is indeed
undereducated formally. However as a class, they possess charismatic intelligence in
theatrical expression.
A few effects of specific graha in 5th bhava and
the L-5 will show the nature of the intelligence
Surya in domain-5 is primarily a rational style of intelligence; likes
performance art including theatre and politics • Chandra in domain-5 is
primarily an intuitive style of intelligence, and often psychically gifted
Kuja in domain-5 gives competitive, dynamic intelligence. Brilliant battle
Damages children.
Budha in domain-5 brings a love of detail & craft to the intelligence, and
outputs expression in writing, performance, and all other media. Sexual
Guru in domain-5 brings extraordinary broad optimism into the intelligence,
a huge speculative faith which makes a wonderful coach & preacher.
Shukra in domain-5 is design, design, design. Material beauty
intelligence that envisions & makes attractive. Beautiful children.
Shani in domain-5 restrains the creative intelligence & sets limits on
personal speculation; tends to punish the native for taking creative
risks. Children are a burden.
Rahu gives wild risk-taking & taboo-breaking intelligence, high
romance, and exotic ideas.
Ketu gives a reflective and detached philosophical intelligence, which
may seek no public output although it is very deep and valuable. Early
separation from children.
When the fifth lord is positively disposed, the native will have good luck in games of
chance. Compulsive gamblers will have Rahu/Ketu in putra or dharma bhava, or
Rahu/Ketu with L5.
Mysterious inner patterns of lotteries, stock markets, mutual funds, pyramid schemes,
and other large pooled monies which are controlled by people outside of one's family, are
seen primarily in the mysterious 8th house.
By contrast, the conservative banking of dhana bhava is not playful, but rather serious
about maintaining the family's traditional values - especially the family's long-held
As 4th-from-2nd putra bhava provides a "home for the native's wealth - that is, typically,
an investment container or "bank".
However, one's personal profits or losses from "playing" these funds are determined by
putra bhava and its attributes.
BPHS - Ch. 24, shloka 17 : The learned should deduce from Putra
Bhava: amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or
authority), fall of position, etc.
BPHS Ch. 15 : "Should Putra's lord be in his own bhava, or in own
Navamsha or in exaltation, the native will be endowed with comforts
related to lands, conveyances, houses, etc., and musical instruments."
Courtship and Romance
As the house of love (not marriage, only love!) putra bhava signifies primarily
the deepest loves of all: love of God and love of one's children. Thus putra
profiles the wellsprings of creativity, which flow forth in spiritual practice,
literature, poetry, arts, cultivated exquisitry of life at court, and romance.
Romantic relationships outside of marriage, including romance before
marriage, after marriage, and during marriage (including carnal relations or
adultery) are seen in putra bhava. Other aspects of courtly life including overall
social inclinations, ambassadors, various forms of amusements including
occult activities (think Tarot cards!) along with games and competitions are
HOUE 6 = Ari/ Ripu Bhava,
House of Budha [Mercury] Bhava karakas and the signs of Zodiac
Poverty, exploitation, argumentation &
conflict, enemies, disease: servitude, ministries
of service, debts, chronic health conditions,
animals/pets, clinical medicine, poisons &
drugs, police, indebtedness, divorce.
Ari – Enemy, Satkona / Ripu /Roga Loss of
Balance - Loss of Agreement - Loss of Respect,
Jealousy - Illness - Clinical Medicine - Drugs &
addiction - Usury - Jail - Police - Military -
Divorce - exploitation - Seva – Social Work,
House of Service = Ministry to the poor, the
sick, the polluted, & the unbalanced
Basic Significations of Bhava
Worries, anxieties, obstacles, enemies (external and internal i.e. vices),
thieves, challenges, tests, urge for perfection (self-improvement
techniques), turning obstacles into opportunities, competitive power
(ability to rise above competitors), difference of opinion, conflicts,
borrowing, bank drafts, debts, diseases, suffering, wounds/ulcers as
result of disease, medical profession (care of the sick - nursing), daily
job, service, colleagues, co-workers, subordinates, employees, hygiene,
preparation of food, appetite, quadrupeds, pet animals, receiving
Uttrarakalamritam Section 5, Sloka 9½-11½
Relating to Action, Function or Doing of the 6th bhava: The following are to be
investigated from the 6th house : (1) disease (2) obstacle (3) fighting in combat (4)
maternal uncle (5) phlegm (6) swelling in the body (7) cruel actions (8) insanity (9)
a boil (10) enmity (11) miserliness (12) sickness (13) venereal wound (14) cooked rice
(15) weariness (16) debt (17) reproach (18) enemy’s satisfaction (19) consumption
(20) heat (21) a wound (22) mental worry (23) intense anguish (24) enmity with
many people (25) incessant eye-trouble (26) receiving alms (27) untimely meals
(28) a fall from a boat (29) trouble and fear from one’s Dayadins (30) gain (31)
exertion (32) poison (33) a severe colic or gout (34) fetters (35) guarding of one’s own
credit (36) urinal trouble (37) dysentery (38) the six flavours (39) severe reproach
(40) service (41) theft (42) calamity (43) prison house and (44) misunderstandings
with brothers and the like.
Profile of the 6th bhava: Ari:
Cologne Sanskrit Dictionary gives the following means for the terms
used for the 6th bhava: Ari: Assiduous, not liberal , envious , hostile, an
enemy, a hostile planet, name of the sixth astrological mansion , in
arithmetic, the number six.
Satkona: six-angled , a six-angled figure , the thunderbolt of Indra , a
diamond the sixth astrological house.
Ripu:deceitful , treacherous , false, a deceiver , cheat , rogue an enemy ,
adversary , foe, a hostile planet
Roga:breaking up of strength, disease , infirmity , sickness (also
personified as an evil demon),a diseased spot .
Conflict, Enemies, Jail - Enemies , Jails,
Difficulties, Loss from Litigation, War - Hatred - Ethnic conflict , Evil -
Diabolical influence, Disputes
Police, criminals, violence, 'gaol' (prison = 12th bhava), losses from
failed partnership,
Marital disharmony:, failure to honor agreements, chances & life in
foreign place, relationships with foreigners, Superstition, fears,
Perseverance ,anguish, insanity, death of friends , struggle, annoyance,
opponents/ oppositions / animosity, unsporting competition, poor
losers, Marital Violence , Imbalance , Victimization, Mental illnesses
such as jealousy & greed, thievery, stealing.
Sixth House
Poverty – Loans, Debt/Finance: , Underclass (esp w/
Rahu), Usury - Loans - Loan
Interest – Mortgages, Exploitation, Bankruptcy.
Service related: Work, Trades, trade unions, Skilled
crafts, Servants, employees , social work, religious
service ministry, manual labor, servitude, miserliness,
acrimony, Gains from Secret Knowledge
Health and related issues: 6th House
Illness - Poisons, Medicines, Pollution, Toxicity. kidney, large
intestines, digestion, Drugs (legal & illegal), self-medication, plant
cures, healing foods, herbs, plants, oils & drugs, Health Sciences ,
visiting nurses health professionals of all kinds, nursing profession,
clinical medicine ambulatory health clinics (emergency room is in 8th
bhava), non-residential treatment of patient (hospital is in 12th bhava),
Good things from bad people, 6th bhava deals with toxic environment,
toxic waste management, Professionals who handle Toxins.
Other related issues – 6th House
Trades, trade unions, Skilled crafts, Servants, employees , social work,
religious service ministry, manual labor, servitude, miserliness,
acrimony, Gains from Secret Knowledge, wealth of first child , working
animals, domesticated animals, Pets, Livestock, Import-export/
international trade, purchase / sales of vehicles, long journeys of
spouse, foreign residence of spouse.
Ari bhava & L-6 = three classes of people (gana)
1. Healing Service Professionals who address conflict at spiritual, social, mental,
emotional, and physical levels: ministers, clinical health workers, social workers,
criminal judges & attorneys, physicians, police, etc. Anyone who deals with
medicine, money-lending, law-breaking, deep disagreements, or war.
2. Agents of the disorder: criminals at all levels (includes warmongering politicians
& the criminally insane), unscrupulous businesspeople, tyrants, abusers of all
3. Victims of the disorder: Prostitutes (not only sexual but anyone who must sell
their soul), victims, slaves, and the underclass as a whole.
If the overall karma of the nativity is good, the nativity showing much engagement
with Ari Bhava will have pure service motives & their professions highly respected.
Intends of Creating, managing and rebalancing
conflict vis-à-vis the 6th bhava
1. Intend to create conflict: Personally engaged in breaking agreements and they include
thieves, criminals, drug-dealers, victims, usurers, charlatans.
2. Intend to manage conflict: A social control force that identifies with disorder who
include police, military, money-lenders, divorce attorneys, bankruptcy agents, Repo man.
3. Intend to rebalance conflict: A professional handler of imbalance. addressing and
defining conflict, suggest solutions. They include physicians, nurses, health managers,
pharmacist, pollution/hazardous waste managers, financiers, debt managers, trade union
Madhya Parashari, Ch. 9 , Shloka 6: Sixth house stands for enemies, relatives, strength,
illness, and stomach problems etc
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Ch. 7, Shloka 39-43 : The 6th from Budha be also
considered in regard to indications derivable from Ari Bhava.
Dushthamsha difficulties and the determination to face
challenges of the Upachaya
Ari bhava is considered the most severe "dusthamsha" or "difficult house" because it is the natural house
of the victim-mind. "Dush" means "difficult" and "amsha" means portion.
Often when it comes time to discuss the 6th house in a reading, astrologers stammer a bit and look at the
ground, because matters of the Sat-kona, the sixth angle, are always difficult to discuss..
Primary significations of Ari Bhava are traditionally, Enemies/Conflict, Debt/Finance, and
Disease/Imbalance. Ari Bhava's portfolio includes subjects like fear, superstition, illness, enslavement to
debt, and people who instinctively dislike you. These karmic disabilities appear to some degree in every
incarnation, because everyone has a rashi sixth house. But they are not very pleasant to talk about!
Pretty much everything that happens in Ari Bhava requires patient, neutral effort. If there is excessive
ego-defensiveness in matters of this house, there can be big trouble.
But with sufficient compassionate detachment, Ari bhava can produce great saints and healers.
Ari is a dusthamsha but Ari is also an upachaya house which improves over time. Slow, gradual
acceptance of the terms of the incarnation will counteract any tendency toward victim mentality or ego-
bondage to "becoming your losses".
Good Effects of house-6
The sixth bhava surely contains many miseries, such as marital conflict, poverty, &
disease. Despite this fact, what are the good things that can happen to us.
- In capitalistic cultures, debt can be a good thing. Bankers & financiers of all stripes will
have functional planets in 6th bhava and also 6th-from-6th, labha bhava, known as the
house of income.
- All the good people whose incomes depend on giving & managing financial credit, on
repossessing defaulted purchases, mortgaging & foreclosing homes... they all earn out of
the sixth & eleventh houses.
- Also the people who treat diseases, physicians of all cultures, flourish in 6th bhava.
- Even attorneys, mediators, marriage counselors - the famous ones that take the really
tough cases - must have strong 6th bhava effects to handle the intense conflicts from
which they earn.
Good Effects of house-6
As 11th-from-8th bhava Ripu Bhava gives the fruits of hidden matters. L-8 in 6th bhava is usually
very profitable, with gains resulting from confidential financial arrangements, "private equity",
undercover deals, etc. These arrangements may be legal or illegal (the nature of L-8 will tell) but
for various reasons the transactions remain hidden from public view, and the profits are often
Therefore, the 6th bhava gives good effects sometimes. But those good effects arise from skillful
management of the dark side of human interaction. Professionals with strong 6th bhava markers
may profit considerably from handling the negative materials of conflict/imbalance,
hatred/animosity, ignorance/bad choices, exploitation/victimhood, and illness/debt. However
those same professionals must walk the line between serving victims and becoming a victim. L-
6 and any occupants of Ripu Bhava must have dignity to ensure ethical results.
BPHS Ch. 24, shloka 18 : "When Dhana's lord is in Ari Bhava along with a benefic, the native will
gain wealth through his enemies." It is know as satramooladdhana yoga.
Ari bhava’s yogas to other bhavas:
1st from 6th bhava:: body out of balance, bodies in conflict, disease, medicine, clinical
treatments, internal argumentation, self-criticism, diseases caused by jealousy and loss
of mental balance.
2nd from 5th bhava: Speech, wealth, and values of one's children, telling the history and
traditions of the mother's tribe.
3rd from 4th bhava: Mother's siblings. Attachment to mental patterns formed in the
home culture. Discussions about property & vehicles. Sales (3rd-from) of property &
4th from 3rd bhava: Homes built from self-made wealth. Education of the (younger)
Educational values which emphasize mental processes, discussion, small-group
communications, administrative processes (Ari bhava is Budha's natural home).
Ari bhava’s yogas to other bhavas:
4th from 3rd bhava: Homes built from self-made wealth. Education of the (younger)
siblings. Educational values which emphasize mental processes, discussion, small-
group communications, administrative processes (Ari bhava is Budha's natural
5th from 2nd bhava: Being not only 5th-from-2nd but also 2nd-from-5th, and as well
9thfrom- 10th & 10th-from-9th, Ari bhava is a money-making house. L-6 brings
instability, imbalance, indebtedness and conflict into the house where it resides. But
house-6 itself can be very profitable for creative, intelligent people.
6th from 1st bhava: Animosity/imbalance with and for your children; health/financial
imbalance for eldest child; debts of children (including expenses for public
advancement such as children's education & health care; these are dignified debts).
Ari bhava’s yogas to other bhavas:
7th from 12th bhava: Relationships with sequestered or
confined persons & environments; imaginary,
subconscious, & foreign partnerships, contracts with
sanctuaries, ashrams, hospitals, monasteries, prisons.
8th from 11th bhava: Transformation of gainfulness &
income, hidden effects of the marketplace, the underbelly
of commerce.
9th from 10th bhava: Powerful good fortune in career and
public leadership duties.
Ari bhava’s yogas to other bhavas:
10th from 9th bhava: Career develops from basis of university education
or training in the priesthood, the public career of the father, public
expressions of religious belief and principles.
11th from 8th bhava: Marketplace dealings in secret, taboo, unlabeled,
mysterious, or polluted or untouchable persons & things. Gains - often
spectacular - from hidden or confidential sources.
12th from 7th bhava: Loss of marriage agreements, loss of balance and
equity. Perpetual inability to locate points of agreement. Private aspects
of partnerships, long journeys away from the spouse. Losses from legal
decisions, losses from judgment of law courts.
Thank you