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Émile Durkheim

April 15, 1858 - November 15, 1917

Life and Influences
• Born April 15, 1858 in France.
• Father, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather
were all rabbis.
• He believed religion could be explained from
social rather than divine factors.
• Entered the École Normale Supérieure in
• Read and studied with classicists with a
social scientific outlook while in school.
• The French academic system had no social
science curriculum at the time, and he
finished second to last in this graduating
class in 1882.
• Spent a year studying sociology in Germany.
Life and Influences
• 1887 - went to Bordeaux to teach pedagogy and social
science to new teachers.
• Through his new position, he reformed the French
school system and introduced social science into its
• 1893 - published The Division of Labor in Society.
• 1895 - published Rules of the Sociological Method, and
founded the European Department of Sociologique at
the University of Bordeaux.
• 1896 - founded the journal L'Année Sociologique.
Life and Influences
• 1897 - published Suicide
• 1902 - awarded a prominent position in Paris
as the chair of education at the Sorbonne.
• 1912 - published Elementary Forms of the
Religious Life, and his position became
permanent and he renamed it the chair of
education and sociology.
• His son died in World War I, and he never
recovered emotionally.
• Suffered a stroke in Paris in 1917, but
recovered and resumed work on La Morale.
• Later that year on November 15, he died at
age 59 from exhaustion.
Contributions and Theories
• He sought to construct one of the first
scientific approaches to social phenomena.
• Said that traditional societies were held
together by the fact that everyone was more
or less the same.
• Along with Herbert Spencer, he was one of
the first to conceptualize the idea of
– Functionalism views society as a system of
interdependent parts whose functions
contribute to the stability and survival of the
• Thought that society was more than the sum
of its parts, and coined the term social facts:
– Social Facts have an existence all their own,
and are not bound to the action of individuals.
Contributions and Theories
• Durkheim on Education:
• Believed that education served many functions:
1) To reinforce social solidarity
Pledging allegiance: makes individuals feel part of a group and therefore less
likely to break rules.
2) To maintain social roles
School is a society in miniature: it has a similar hierarchy, rules, expectations to
the “outside world,” and trains people to fulfill roles.
3) To maintain division of labor
School sorts students into skill groups, encouraging students to take up
employment in fields best suited to their abilities.
• He was professionally employed to
train teachers, so he used his ability
to shape France’s curriculum to
spread the instruction of sociology.
Contributions and Theories
• Durkheim’s Anomie:
– Anomie is the breakdown of social norms regulating behavior.
– Durkheim and other sociological theorists coined anomie as ‘a reaction against, or retreat from,
the social controls of society.’
– All deviant behavior stems from a state of anomie, including suicide.
• Durkheim on Crime:
– His views on crime were unconventional at the time.
– Crime serves as a social function, meaning that it has a purpose in society.
– He saw crime as being able to release certain social tensions and so have a cleansing or purging
effect in society.
The Division of Labor
• Division of labor examined how social order was maintained in different
types of societies.
• Traditional societies were held together by the fact that everyone was more
or less the same. The collective consciousness entirely includes individual
• In modern societies, the high complex division of labor resulted in the
binding of people together with different specializations in employment.
This created dependencies that tied people to one another since no one
person could fill all of the need by themselves.
• Anomie: Increasing division of
labor can lead to rapid change in a
society. This can produce a state of
confusion with regards to norms
and impersonality in social life.
This leads to a state in which the
norms regulating behavior have
been broken down.
Elementary Forms of Religious Life
• Thought religion was a form of social cohesion, which
holds complex societies together.
• Saw totemism as the original form of religion, because
it was the emblem for the social group, the clan.
• Believed that the function of religion was to make
people willing to put the interests of others ahead of
• The model for relationships between people and the
supernatural was the relationship between individuals
and the community.
– “God is society, writ large.”
• Saw religion as a mechanism that protected a
threatened social order.
Elementary Forms of Religious Life
• In the past, religion had been the cement of society - the means by
which men had been led to turn from the everyday concerns in which
they were variously enmeshed to a common devotion to sacred things.
– “A religion is a unified system of beliefs…relative to sacred things…
beliefs and practices which unite in one single moral community called a
Church, all those who adhere to them.”

• Condensed religion into 4 major functions:

– 1) Disciplinary: forcing or administrating discipline
– 2) Cohesive: bringing people together, a strong bond
– 3) Vitalizing: to make more lively or vigorous, vitalize, boost spirit
– 4) Euphoric: a good feeling, happiness, confidence, well-being
• Defined suicide as the act of severing social relationships.
• Goal was to show that an individual act is actually the result of the social
world that he would show the usefulness of sociology.
• He explored the differing suicide rates among Protestants and Catholics.
He explained how socially controlled Catholics had a lower suicide rate.
• Social integration: the integration of a group of people into the mainstream
of society.
• Said that abnormally high or low levels or social integration may result in
increased suicide rates.
• Results he found include:
– Suicide rates are higher for widowed, single or divorced people rather than
those who are married.
– Rates are higher for those who have no children rather than those who do .
– Rates are higher among Protestants than Catholics.
– Coroners in a Catholic country are less likely to record a suicide as the reason
of death because in Catholism it is a sin.
• Suicide may be caused by weak social bonds.
• Social bond is made up of social integration and social
• Distinguished 4 types of suicide:
– 1) Egoistic Suicide: Individual is weakly integrated into a society
so ending their life will have little impact on the rest of society.
– 2) Altruistic suicide: Individual is extremely attached to the
society and because of this has no life of their own.
– 3) Anomic suicide: There is a weak social regulation between
society’s norms and the individual and is most often brought on by
dramatic economic or social changes.
– 4) Fatalistic suicide: Social regulation is completely instilled in the
individual. There is no hope of change against the oppressive
discipline of the society. Feels that the only way to escape this
state is suicide.
Durkheim’s Legacy
• Durkheim helped make the study of sociology
mainstream. Sociology today has gained tremendous
popularity in Europe, the US, and across the world.
• Many of Durkheim’s students pursued his ideas in their
own studies.
• Founded the academic journal, L'Annee Sociologique.
• In recent decades, Durkheim’s philosophies have been
more influential in the US and Britain than in France,
his native country.
• Durkheim’s ideas influenced several major theoretical
movements in the twentieth century.
– His work was strongly present in the emergence of
‘structuralism’ through the work of Jean Piaget and
Claude Levi-Strauss.
Discussion Questions
• From Durkheims Suicide, one of the four types of suicide was
altruistic suicide. Under this type people saw the social world as
meaningless and would choose to sacrifice themselves for the greater
ideal. What are some examples you can think of that have happened
in the world where people may have committed suicide for this
purpose? Did they believe that they were doing the right thing? Did
others consider it the right thing?

• Durkheim considered himself to be a functionalist. Functionalism is

the view that society is a system of interdependent parts whose
functions contribute to the stability and survival of the system. Do
you agree with this theory or do you disagree? Why or why not?
Discussion Questions
• Durkheim said that one of the ways to maintain the division of labor,
schools should sort students into skill groups, encouraging students to
take up employment in fields best suited to their abilities. For today’s
society do you think that this may be a good idea? Should this be the
schools responsibility or the students? What age is best for this to

• Durkheim believed that crime was merely a departure from

conventional notions and that it served as a function of society. Do
you agree with Durkheim that crime is a necessary part of society?
– Is an ideal society one in which there is no crime (meaning no reformation or progress in ideas)
or one in which crime does occur?
Discussion Questions
• Durkheim believed that the division of labor was an essential part of society and that it evolved ‘spontaneously’
from human nature. Where else do you see examples of the division of labor, other than in the workplace? Why do
you think that the division of labor was crucial to success?

• Presentation by: Jennifer Summe, Stephanie Scholl, and Jess Webb

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