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Department of Plant Science: Graduate Program

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• BY
• ID NO. AGR/1249/11

• February, 2021
• burie, ETHIOPIA
• ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... iv

• 1.INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1
• 1.1 BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATIN............................................................... 1
• 1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................... 2
•  1.3 Objectives............................................................................................ 2
• 2.LITERATURE REVIW........................................................................................ 3
• 2.1 Aggro-Ecologies and Production of Maize in Ethiopian..................................3
• 2.2Yield Related Traits.......................................................................................3
• 2.3Grain Yield................................................................................................... 4
• 2.4 Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Time of Application on Maize Quality Traits.... 6
• 2.5 Nitrogen Use Efficiency................................................................................ 7
• 2.6Response of Maize to Nitrogen rate and Time of application.................... 8
• 3.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION.......................................................... 11
• Reference.............................................................................................................. 12
• Maize is an important crop in Ethiopia. It is grown in the mid highland areas of the
country. It is also an important source of income for farmers and used as directly
human food in different forms. Applying the optimum nitrogen rate and N application
timing is most important for raising the grain yield of corn and improving nitrogen use
efficiency in using nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizer is the most limiting factors in the study
area since the area is characterized with high amount of rainfall that causes leaching
and runoff. High yield maize and drought resistant hybrid varieties of maize (melkasa 1
varieties) was used. Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of urea (46%) was used. The
treatment consists of four rates of nitrogen rate (0N g, 23kg, 46kg, and 69kg) and
applied two times. The experiment was laid out in the randomized complete design
(RCBD) with treatment replicated three times contain 12 plots. The recommended rate
of N (urea) fertilizer (100kg/ha) were equally applied to all plots at the time of sowing.
Data on plant growth parameter (leaf number, yield and yields component) number of
kernels number of rows per ear, ear length and total grains was collected and
• Key word: Fertilizer, yield, Maize
 Maize (Zea mays L.) is the world’s widely grown highland cereal and primary staple food
crop in many developing countries (Kandil, 2013).
 It was originated in America and first cultivated in the area of Mexico more than 7,000
years ago, and spread throughout North and South America (Hailare, 2000).

 In the world production, maize is ranked as the third major cereal crop after wheat and
rice (Zamiret al., 2013). World
 production of white maize is estimated to be around 65 to 70 million tons (Statista, 2015).
 Maize is an important crop in Ethiopia.

 It is grown in the mid highland areas of the country.

 There are huge tracts of land in all regions suitable for maize farming. Maize is mainly
produced in SNNPR and Oromia regions where there are about 1.77 million hectares
under cultivation. (Ethiopian Investment Agency (WWW.eia.gov.et)).
1.2 Statement of the problem
 Maize is an important crop in Ethiopia. However, the productivity is
very low as compared to the average National productivity.
 Nitrogen is key element in increasing productivity. However large
amount of Nitrogen less to the environment. could cause serious
environmental problem such as ground water contamination (chenetal,
2004).Therefore it needs optimize nitrogen management.
 The low productivity of maize is attributed to many factors like decline
of soil fertility, poor agronomic practices, and limited use of, insufficient
technology generation, poor seed quality, disease, insect, pest and
 Nitrogen fertilizer is the most limiting factors in the study area since the
area is characterized with high amount of rainfall that causes leaching
and runoff
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
 To review the effect of nitrogen application on yield and
yield components of maize
 1.3.2 Specific objective
 To review the effect of nitrogen application on yield of
 To review the effect of nitrogen application on yield
component of maize
 To review the effect nitrogen rate on production and
productivity of maize
 2.1 Aggro-Ecologies and Production of Maize in
 Maize is one of the most important food crops
world-wide. It has the highest average yield per
hectare and it is
 own in most parts of the world over a wide range of
environmental conditions. Maize is generally less
suited to semi arid or equatorial climates, although
drought-tolerant cultivars adapted to semi rid
conditions are now available.
• crop requires an average daily temperature of at least 20 oC for
adequate growth and development; the optimum temperature
for growth and development ranges between 25-30 oC;
temperature above 35 oC reduces yields (Brink and belay,
2006). Frost can damage maize at all growth stages and a frost-
free period of 120 to 140 days is required to prevent damage.
Leaves of mature plants are easily damaged by frost and grain
filling can be adversely affected. Maize is widely grown in most
parts of the world over a wide range of environmental
conditions ranging between 50o latitude north and south of the
equator. It is also grown from sea level to over 3000 meters
above sea level (masl) elevation (Singh, 1987).
• The maize productivity gap between stressed
and high potential areas is not only an issue of
technology but also differences in climatic
factors. Unavailability of improved infrastructure
and maize grain marketing represents major
limiting factors for maize production. Wise
utilization and conservation of natural resources
will also have a significant impact on maize grain
production (Mosisa et al., 2001).
2.2Yield Related Traits
• Nitrogen is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients for
crop production in the world. It is also the nutrient
element applied in the largest quantity for most annual
crops (Huber and Thompson, 2007). Nitrogen also
increases shoot dry matter, which is positively associated
with grain yield in cereals and legumes (Fageria, 2007a;
Fageria, 2008). Maize biomass yield increases with
increase in plant density and N rate (Gaurkar and Bharad,
1998). Increase in biological yield for maize under various
N rates has been reported by other researchers (Cox et
al., 1993).
• In a study by Hammad et al. (2011), biological yield increased with
application of N up to 300 kg/ ha. These results are also supported by
the findings of Khaliq et al. (2009) who achieved 17.61 t/ha mean
biological yields with application of different N rates. The study by Sabir
et al. (2000) indicated the average harvest index ranging between 30 and
50%. Leaf area influences interception and utilization of solar radiation of
maize crop canopies and, on sequent, maize dry matter accumulation
and grain yield. Leaf area and number are important factors in the
estimation of canopy photosynthesis in crop growth simulation models
that compute dry matter accumulation from temporal integration of
canopy photosynthesis (Boote et al., 1996). Oscar and Tollenaar (2006)
reported that width of the area per leaf profile decreases under high soil
nitrogen level and high plant density.
2.3Grain Yield
• Grain yield is a function of genotype x environment interaction (Annicchiarico, 2002).A
more acceptable crop genotype is the one which exhibits wide adaptability to varying
environments. In a given environment, the grain yield of a particular maize genotype
depends on its potential grain yield components (Grafius, 1960). Grain yield of maize is a
product of three yields components, i.e. the number of ears per unit area, the number of
grains per ear and the unit grain weight (Gardner et al., 1985). Increase or decrease in any
one of these components, keeping the size of other components constant, contributes to
increase or decrease in grain yield, respectively, and thus any exercise whether agronomic
(management) or breeding type (genotype), which increase any of these components,
keeping the other components constant, will increase the final grain yield. Devi et al.
(2001) reported that ears plant-1, ear length, number of seeds ear-1 and 100-seed weight
directly influence the grain yield and indirectly affect several other parameters. On the
other hand, grain yield is the main target of crop production. Yield is significantly affected
by both N application timing and nitrogen rates. Nitrogen levels significantly increase the
grain yield. Yield varying between 4744.8 kg/ha in no nitrogen application and 7355.5 kg
N/ ha with application of 225 kg N/ ha have been reported by ( Ali and Raouf (2012).
• The grain yield is the magnitude of thousand grain weight number
of grains per cob and biological yield and same trend was
observed in these parameters with application of N at a rate of
250 kg ha-1. Ragheb and Rassy (1989) reported that hybrids
generally differ from each other in grain yield due to genetic
factors and the different physiological performance. The
physiological factors include extended root system with more root
hairs to absorb more nutrients and the canopy architecture to
intercept more photosynthetic light. The general conclusion of
grain yield increase over control per kg N applied and time of N
application in maize has been due to good synchrony if N is
applied nearest to the time it is needed by the crop (Bundy, 1986).
2.4 Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Time of
Application on Maize Quality Traits
• 2.4.1 Kernel number per ear
• Ear and grain development is severely inhibited by N
deficiency. It was found that yield reduction at low N
stress is largely due to increased kernel abortion and
formation of fewer kernels per ear (Below, 2002). It
appears that N metabolism in kernels has a direct
effect on kernel development and productivity since
the provision of N to developing maize kernels can
increase their capacity to synthesize protein and to
utilize sugars for the biosynthesis of starch
• (Singletary and Below 1990).
• In comparison with N-inefficient hybrids, N-efficient maize hybrids have a higher net
• photosynthetic rate at the kernel filling stage, although their N concentrations in the
vegetative organs are similar (Chen et al., 2006). An alternative explanation might be
that there is weak negative feedback on photosynthetic rate from sink requirement
in N-efficient cultivars because they have more fertile kernels than the N inefficient
cultivars. One of the important roles of N in ensuring high productivity of crop plants
is establishment of reproductive sink capacity (Below, 2002).
• In N-efficient maize hybrids, the number of kernels per ear is much higher than in
efficient hybrids (Chun et al., 2005), even when their above-ground vegetative
biomass is similar (Chen et al., 2006). Ovule abortion can also cause the limited
product of photosynthesis that affect, in turn growth at vegetative and after
flowering (McCullough et al., 1994). Such abortion could be the result of a limitation
in the source of photosynthetic products, which also affects post-anthesis growth
(29% reduction) much more than vegetative development (14% reduction).
2.4.2. Grain Protein Content
• Nitrogen is the most important constituent of plant
proteins and is required throughout the crop growth
period from vegetative stage to subsequent harvesting.
Application of nitrogen is known to mainly increase the
gluten strength, protein content, sedimentation value,
and protein fractions. Many researchers have found that
late season top dressed nitrogen addition as dry fertilizer
material was most effective in attaining higher grain
protein concentration, yield and increased fertilizer
recovery and efficiency (Kumari et al., 2000; Michael et
al., 2000; Anthony et al.,
2.5 Nitrogen Use Efficiency
• NUE has been defined in several ways although most of
them denote the ability of a system to convert inputs
nitrogen into outputs. It can be also defined as the
maximum economic yield produced per unit of N applied,
absorbed, or utilized by the plant to produce grain and
• yields (Fageria and Baligar, 2005). Nitrogen use efficiency is
the grain yield produced per unit of N supply from soil or
fertilizer (Sowers et al., 1994). NUE can be subdivided into
components that identify soil and plant processes that
contribute to the overall use of N (Moll et al., 1982).
2.6Response of Maize to Nitrogen rate
and Time of application
• Nitrogen is the most important and limited nutrient in maize production.
Several studies have reported positive effects of N fertilization on corn plant
biomass, photosynthesis and grain yield (Fabrizzi et al., 2005; Ma et al., 2005;
Uribelarrea et al., 2009).
• Precision agriculture technologies are becoming an integral part of farming
operations for crop production and fertilizer management. These
technologies, especially optical sensing, can help estimate plant nutrient
status. Normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) and chlorophyll soil
plantanalysis development (SPAD) measurements are commonly used spectral
indices in field practices due to their effectiveness and ease of use. SPAD
measures relative chlorophyll content in plant leaves. Because chlorophyll
content is closely related to N supply (Pandey et al., 2000), Soil Plant Analysis
Development (SPAD) is also used to diagnose maize N status and predict maize
grain yield potential (Bullock and Anderson, 1998;Vetsch and Randall, 2004
• The result indicated that there is significant difference
among treatments (P<0.05). It was observed that, there is
an increase in number of leaves with an increase in N
level. The data showed that the minimum number of
leaves per plant (15.8) was obtained from no N
application and the maximum numbers of leaves per
plant (17.4) were obtained from the application of 69 and
92 kg N ha-1. This result is supported by Badr and
Authman (2006) who reported that increasing nitrogen
fertilizer rate from zero up to 250 kg N/ha significantly
increased the number of leaves/plant of maize.
Table 1: The effect of N fertilizer on number of
leaves per plant, plant height and ear length
N rate (kg/ ha Number of leaves/plant Plant height(cm) Ear length(cm)
0 15.8 347.33 22.63
23 16.3 351.73 22.8
46 17 353.00 23.16
69 17.4 360.40 23.43
92 17.4 360.66 23.63
LSD(%) 0.23 307.9 0.14
CV(%) 2.5 5.0 2.71

The result also shows that there is an increase in plant height with an
increase in nitrogen level. The tallest plant (360.66 cm) was recorded
from the application of 92 kg N ha-1 and the shortest (347.33 cm) from
no N

• Table 2: The effect of N fertilizer on number of

kernel per plant, number of rows per ear and
grain yield
Nitrogen rate(kg/ha) Number kernels/plant Number of rows/ear Grain yield(kg/ha)
0 497.86 12.8 72.2
23 524.66 13.06 72.1
46 574.13 13.33 73.15
69 587.20 13.33 75.5
92 588.00 13.3 73.3
CV(%) 5.8 0.4 2.04
LSD(%) 1123 0.04 2.42

• The result shows that the application of different levels of

nitrogen (46 kg a-1 , 69 kg ha-1 and 92 kg ha-1 ) is non-
significant on number of rows per
• From the results of the experiment, it is possible to conclude that nitrogen fertilizer
rate had a significant effect on leaf number, ear length, number of kernel per ear,
number of row per ear, grain weight of maize. These results showed that for highest
yield, yield components, nitrogen level vary for cultivars, and the amount of optimum
nitrogen level shows differences for the cultivars. Nitrogen fertilizer 69 kg ha-1 is
optimum dose for growing of maize production. The highest thousand grain weight
was obtained from 69 kg ha-1 nitrogen dose (400.4) while the lowest thousand grain
weight was obtained (300.5) was obtained from 0 kg ha-1 nitrogen dose (control
plots). Generally, as the amounts of fertilizer application increase the thousand grains
weight increase. The number row per ear obtained highly significance under 69 kg ha-
1 of nitrogen fertilizer application which is (13.34) and minimum number of row per
ear was obtained under 0 kg ha-1which is (10.9) but, there is no significance difference
between the 23 and 46 kg ha-1 of nitrogen fertilizer application. For the number of
kernel per ear all fertilizer application four treatments were highly significance
difference. However, application of 69 kg N ha−1 gave maximum profit from the rest of
fertilizer is highly significance which can be recommended for the study area.
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