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Covid-19 Detection Using Machine Learning Approach

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Ms.Archana Khot USN:2BL17EC017

Ms.Preeti R Joshi USN:2BL17EC060
Ms.Shruti Holi USN:2BL17EC082
Ms.Sneha Biradar USN:2BL17EC085


Prof. G.B.GOUR

 In December 2019,the COVID-19 pandemic appeared in China . It has

adversely been affecting the health and welfare of the world’s population
and killing many people.
 It has also impacted the economy of nations where the disease has spread.
COVID-19 is a severe diseaseissuewhere a large number of people lose
their lives everyday.
 COVID-19 affects not only single country,and even the whole world
suffered because of this virus disease.
 In the present time,the whole world affected by COVID-19 disease,and
most important thing is no single country scientists can prepare a vaccine
for the same.

It is clear from the literature survey that, much of the work was
carried out in detection of COVID-19 was based on X-rays and CT
scans. But, use of machine learning algorithms is found to be more
explored to enhance the performance of ML techniques. In this
regard, CNN based feature extractor and related machine learning
approach is found to be more prominent.

 The main objective is to detect the Covid-19 using chest X-ray using CNN
model, which shows promising results of diagnosing patients with the
COVID-19 through radiography.
 To bulid a model that can differenciate between “Covid” and
 Checking accuracy using different machine learning algorithms.
 This model predict mortality among confirmed CoVID-19 patients using
machine learning algorithms, and deploy the best performing algorithm as
an open-source online prediction tool for best accuracy.

 Implemented a newmethod to detect theCOVID-19virus using X-Ray images.

The implemented methodology also differentiates the patients suffering from
pneumonia and COVID-19 as both have the same symptoms and patients usually
got confused between the two. Detecting COVID-19 using X-Ray is much
cheaper than the medical COVID-19 test kit and as fast as the current thermal
imaging technique. Hence, can be used for the first screening at airports, hotels,
shopping centres.

 CNN based model for the detection of Covid-19 images has been discussed.
 Our method uses VGG for features extraction from different x-ray images, which
allows us to properly identify the covid-19 affected person.
 The proposed methodology explores different parameters of the CNN in order to
achieve the best architecture for this specifictask.

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