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Quality Work Life: Group Members

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Quality Work Life

Group Members:-
Surya Nair
Yatin Patel
Prince Patel
Jitesh Patel
Hemant Patel

• Quality of work life refers to the level of happiness or

dissatisfaction with one’s career.

• Those who enjoy their careers are said to have a high

quality of work.

• Those who are unhappy or whose needs are otherwise

unfilled are said to have a low quality of work life.
 Human resource departments are involved with efforts
to improve productivity through changes in employees’

 QWL means having good supervision, good working

condition, good pay and benefits and an interesting,
challenging and reward job.
What is QWL?

• An opportunity to exercise one’s talents & capacities.

• An activity in which one understands the role the

individual plays for achievement of goals.

• A sense of taking pride in what one is doing & in doing it

Employment Difficulties

Management Practices
(e.g. way of treating employees Quality of Work life
& giving them opportunity (QWL)
to use their abilities)

Strong effect

Job Nature
(e.g. work load, work hours Minor effect
& pay)
The factors that influence and
decide the QWL

• Attitude
• Environment
• Opportunities
• Nature of job
• People
• Stress level
• Challenges.
Concept of QWL

• Basically it is started with surveys conducted at the

University of Michigan between 1969 & 1973.

• QWL aims at developing satisfaction of employees


• To increase employee engagement in both emotional

and intellectual way.
Provision of a safe and healthy
• Organization should provide safe and hygienic work

• Organization should also strive to ensure that employees

are not exposed to undue job stress.

• A QWL activity, initiated by the organization, should

therefore cater to the physical needs of employees.
Establishment of effective
supervision and management
• Supervisors and manager should make the employee
feel proud about their work and organization.

• Explore inner skills of employees.

Adequate and fair compensation

• Organization must provide adequate and fair


• Compensation should be fair for every employee

according to their work.

• It should not only be competitive based but also motivate

Development of work skill

• A positive work environment develops employees


• Organization should give facility for development

human capital.
Effective management of change
and transition
• Change and transition in various aspect of management
like technology and organizational structure.

• QWL activities therefore facilitates transition of

organization from one stage of development to another.
Benefits of QWL

• An effective QWL initiative leads to the creation of a

healthy, satisfied and productive workforce.

• QWL activities, develops a healthy attitude in employees

among their jobs and their organizations.

• Effective QWL activities also provide employees

opportunities for learning and professional growth.
• QWL activities ensures fair compensation and security
for workers.

• QWL encourages interaction between the individuals

and the organization.

• It enhances employees participation.

Difficulties of QWL

• Problem arises when QWL initiatives are collaboratively

launched by the management and the union.

• The above difficulty can be minimized if there is mutual

trust between the two parties.
Strategies for improving QWL

• Effective career guidance.

• Reward systems.
• Job design.
• Role of supervision and management.
Effective career guidance

• The manager should develop career paths for employees,

counsel workers.

• Good for work environment or organization setting.

• Coordination with the employees.

Reward systems

Intrinsic Rewards
 Status.
 Growth.
 Responsibility.

Extrinsic Rewards
 Non-financial (promotion, appraisal etc.)
 Financial (salary, wages, incentives etc.)
Job design

• The continuing challenge to management is to provide

for QWL and to improve production, quality, and

• Process by which managers decide individual job tasks

and authority.

• It increases organization effectiveness, efficiency and

worker motivation.
Role of supervision and

• Communicator - Communicate with direct reports about

the change

• Coach - Coach employees through the change process.

• Liaison - Engage with and provide support to the project


• Resistance manager - Identify and manage resistance.

Principles of WQL

• Principles of security:
Working condition must be safe, employ does not have
fear etc.

• Principles of equity:
Elimination discrimination between people doing same
• Principles of individualism:
Individual have the opportunity to develop his potential

• Principle of democracy:
Greater authority and responsibility to employees.
Techniques for improving QWL

• Flexible work schedule.

• Job rotation:
improves quality of work and satisfies higher level needs of

• Opportunity for development :

Employee advancement and growth.
• Job security.

• Equitable justice.

• Employees participation of management.

• Autonomous work group:

freedom for decision making.
Case Study
• Rajesh Nair is one of the many employees of Federal
Technologies, who are now able to spare more time for
their families and personal commitments.

• Federal is a leading player in the software development

industry, employing over 800 people across the nation.

• Due to the untiring efforts of the new CEO of the

company, Rohan Saxena, the company has now been
successful in creating a worker-friendly environment for
its employees.
• One of the striking initiatives of Saxena towards this end
is the introduction of a new concept called “Flexible
Work Option” (FWO). This option, available to all the
permanent employees of Federal, allows them to design
a flexible work schedule for themselves.

• Accordingly, employees can now have a variable and

customized work schedule that facilitates them to spend
more time with their family members and to meet their
personal needs.
Thank You

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