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Topic 02 - Q Experts New

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2. Quality Experts (Gurus & Scholars)


After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1. know the “founding fathers” quality

management ;

2. identify the area of focus of each “founding

father”; and

3. be able to understand the similarities and

differences in their philosophies.
2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

 Statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant

 He is perhaps best known for his work in Japan.
 Significant contribution to Japan's later reputation for innovative high-
 quality products and its economic power.
 Some of his contributions to quality :
a. 1960 - the Prime Minister of Japan (Nobusuke Kishi), acting on behalf
of Emperor Hirohito in 1960, awarded Dr. Deming Japan’s
Order of the Sacred Treasure, Second Class. The citation on the medal
recognizes Deming's contributions to Japan’s industrial rebirth and its
worldwide success.
b. 1950 - assistant to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers
c. instructor in sample survey methods in government statistics.
d. an exhibit memorializing Dr. Deming's contributions and his famous
Red Bead Experiment is on display outside the board room of the
American Society for Quality.
2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

 He is also widely known for the :

a. System of Profound Knowledge

b. Deming Cycle.
c. Fourteen Points
d. Seven Deadly Diseases
2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

 All managers need to have a System of Profound Knowledge

consists of 4 parts :

a. Appreciation of a system: understanding the overall processes involving

suppliers, producers, and customers (or recipients) of goods and

b. Knowledge of variation: the range and causes of variation in quality,

and use of statistical sampling in measurements.

c. Theory of knowledge: the concepts explaining knowledge and the

limits of what can be known.

d. Knowledge of psychology: concepts of human nature.

2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

Deming Cycle (PDCA):

 Conduct consumer research and use it in planning

the product (Plan)
 Produce the product (Do)
 Check the product to make sure it was produced in
accordance with the plan. (Check)
 Market the product (Act)
 Analyze how the product is received in the
marketplace in terms of quality, cost and other
criteria (Analyze)
2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

The Deming Cycle

Act Plan


Check Do

2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

Deming 14 points :
1. Create a Statement of Purpose.
2. Learn the New Philosophy.
3. Understand Inspection.
4. End Price Tag Decisions.
5. Improve Constantly.
6. Institute Training.
7. Teach and Institute Leadership.
8. Drive Out Fear and Innovate.
9. Optimize the Efforts of Teams and Staff.
10. Eliminate Exhortations.
11. Eliminate Quotas and MBO; Institute Improvement; and Understand
12. Remove Barriers.
13. Encourage Education.
14. Take Action
2.1 W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

The Seven Deadly Diseases :

 Lack of constancy of purpose to plan products and services that have

a market sufficient to keep the company in business and provide jobs.
 Emphasis on short-term profits; short-term thinking that is driven by a
fear of unfriendly takeover attempts and pressure from the bankers and
shareholders to produce dividends.
 Personnel review systems for managers and management by
objectives without providing methods or resources to accomplish
objectives – for eg. performance evaluations, merit ratings, and annual
 Job hopping by managers.
 Using only visible data and information in decision making with little or
no consideration given to what is not known or cannot be known.
 Excessive medical costs.
 Excessive costs of liability driven up by lawyers that work on contingency
2.2 Joseph Juran (1904-2008)

 Evangelist for Q and Q Management

 Statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant
 Similar to Deming, he made an impact in Japan before his ideas were
accepted in the West.
 Some of his contributions to quality :
a. Pareto Principle
b. Management Theory
c. Juran’s Trilogy
d. Transferring quality knowledge between east and west.
e. Consultants for several US, Western-European and Japanese companies.
f. Founding of Juran institute.
2.2 Joseph Juran (1904-2008)

 Juran's famous Quality Trilogy, like most trilogies these

days, consists of three parts:

1. quality planning - the process for preparing to

meet quality goals;
2. quality control - the process for meeting quality
goals during operations; and
3. quality improvement - the process for breaking
through to unprecedented levels of performance.
2.3 Philip Crosby (1906 – 2001)

Quality is free . . .

“Quality is free. It’s not a gift, but it is free. What costs

money are the unquality things that is all the
actions that involve not doing jobs right the first time.”
2.3 Philip Crosby (1906 – 2001)

 Philosopher and pragmatic practioner of Q


 international ambassador extending the influence of quality

thinking to the furthest parts of the globe.

 a writer and communicator who plainly spoke his

message of Q and reached a broad audience because of
his clear and pragmatic writing style.
2.3 Philip Crosby (1906 – 2001)

 Crosby's 4 (FOUR) Absolutes of Quality Management are:

1. Quality means conformance to requirements, not goodness.

2. Quality is achieved by prevention, not inspection.
3. Quality has a performance standard of Zero Defects, not
acceptable quality levels.
4. Quality is measured by non conformance, not indexes.

 Crosby's Basic Elements of Improvement include :

1. determination
2. education
3. implementation.
2.3 Philip Crosby (1906 – 2001)

 Some of his most important books include:

1. Cutting the Cost of Quality, 1967

2. Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, 1979
3. Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management, 1984
4. Running Things: The Art of Making Things Happen, 1986
5. The Eternally Successful Organization, 1988
6. Let’s Talk Quality, 1989
7. Leading: The Art of Becoming an Executive, 1990
8. Completeness: Quality for the 21st Century, 1992
9. Reflections on Quality, 1995
10. Quality Is Still Free, 1996
11. The Absolutes of Leadership, 1997
12. Quality and Me: Lessons of an Evolving Life, 1999
2.4 Armand V. Feigenbaum (1922 )

 American quality control expert and businessman.

 He devised the concept of Total Q Control later

known as Total Quality Management (TQM).

"Total quality control is an effective system for

integrating the quality development, quality
maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of the
various groups in an organization so as to enable
production and service at the most economical levels
which allow full customer satisfaction."
2.4 Armand V. Feigenbaum (1922 )
 Contributions to Q :

1. his international promotion of the quality ethic,

2. his development of the concept of total quality control
3. his development of the quality cost classification.
4. He also mentioned the THREE (3) steps to quality ;
a. Quality Leadership, with a strong focus on planning.
b. Modern Quality Technology, involving the entire work force.
c. Organizational Commitment, supported by continuous
training and motivation.

 Wrote several books and served as President of the American Society for Quality
(1961-1963). One of his latest books (2009) is about
The power of management innovation : 24 keys for sustaining and accelerating bu
siness growth and profitability

 Quality must be actively managed and have visibility at the highest levels of
2.4 Armand V. Feigenbaum (1922 )

 Some of the awards and recognitions received are :

1. First recipient of ASQ's Lancaster Award.

2. ASQ 1965 Edwards Medal in recognition of "his
origination and implementation of basic
foundations for modern quality control".
3. National Security Industrial Association Award of Merit.
4. Member of the Advisory Group of the U.S. Army.
5. Chairman of a system-wide evaluation of quality
assurance activities of the Army Materiel Command.
2.5 Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 - 1989)

 A Japanese university professor and influential quality

management innovator best known in North America for
the Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram (also known as
fishbone diagram) that is used in the analysis of industrial

 Ishikawa defines quality as follows :

1. Quality and customer are the same thing.
2. Quality is a broad concept that goes beyond just product quality
to also include the quality of people, processes, and every other
aspect of the organization.
2.5 Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 - 1989)

 His contributions to quality are :

1. User Friendly Quality Control .

2. Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram - Ishikawa
3. Implementation of Quality Circles.
4. Emphasised the Internal customer.
5. Shared Vision
2.5 Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 - 1989)

 Some of the awards and recognitions received :

1. 1972 American Society for Quality's Eugene L. Grant Award.

2. 1977 Blue Ribbon Medal by the Japanese Government for
achievements in industrial standardization.
3. 1988 Walter A. Shewhart Medal.
4. 1988 Awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasures, Second
Class, by the Japanese government.
2.5 Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 - 1989)

 At Ishikawa's 1989 death, Juran delivered this eulogy :

“There is so much to be learned by studying how Dr. Ishikawa managed to

accomplish so much during a single lifetime. In my observation, he did so
by applying his natural gifts in an exemplary way. He was dedicated to
serving society rather than serving himself. His manner was modest, and
this elicited the cooperation of others. He followed his own teachings by
securing facts and subjecting them to rigorous analysis. He was completely
sincere, and as a result was trusted completely.”
2.5 Genichi Taguchi (1924 )

 Engineer , Statistician

 1950s onwards, Taguchi developed a methodology for

applying statistics to improve the quality of manufactured goods.

 Controversial with Western conventional Statisticians but

many others accepted as knowledge.

 Measured quality as the variation from the target value of a

design specification, and then translated that variation into an
economic "loss function" that expresses the cost of variation in
monetary terms.
2.5 Genichi Taguchi (1924 )

 His contributions to quality are :

1. Taguchi loss function, used to measure financial
loss to society resulting from poor quality;

2. The philosophy of off-line quality control,

designing products and
processes so that they are
insensitive (robust) to parameters outside the
design engineer's control;

3. Innovations in the statistical design of experiments,

notably the use of an outer array for factors that are
uncontrollable in real life, but are
systematically varied in the experiment.
2.5 Genichi Taguchi (1924)

 Some of the awards and recognitions received :

1. Honorary member of the Japanese Society of

Q Control and of the American Society for Q.

2. Shewhart Medal of the American Society for Q


3. Honoured as a Quality Guru by the British

Department of Trade and Industry (1990).
2.7 Christian Gronroos

 He is a leading scholar developing the areas

of relationship marketing and customer
relationship management.

 He is also one of the scholars pioneering

modern service marketing and the service logic
and one of the earliest proponents of the term
service management to describe market-
oriented management based on a service logic
in service and manufacturing firms.
2.7 Christian Gronroos

 He authored numerous books and articles on service

quality. Some of them are :

1. Management e markting dei servizi. La gestione del cliente

nel mercato dei servizi. In `Italien. Torino: isedi, 2009.
2. Marketing gerenciamento e servicos. In Portuguese. 3rd
edition. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier Editora Ltda, 2009.
3. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi (Service management
and marketing). In Finnish. 3rd edition. Espoo: WSOYpro,
4. Service management och marknadsföring (Service
management and marketing). In Swedish. 3rd edition.
Malmö, Sweden: Liber, 2008.
5. Fú wù guanli yu yíngxiao. Jiyu guke qunxi guanli celue
(Service management and marketing.Customer management
in service competition). In Chinese. 3rd edition. Beijing:
Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2008.
2.7 Christian Gronroos

 His Scholarly articles :

1. Value Co-creation in Service Logic. A Critical Analysis.

Marketing Theory, Vol. 11 (forthcoming 2011).
2. A service perspective in business relationships: The value
creation and marketing interface. Industrial Marketing
Management, Vol. 40, (forthcoming 2011).
3. Service as business logic: implications for value creation and
marketing (together with Annika Ravald). Journal of Service
Management, Vol. 22, No. 2 (forthcoming2011).
4. Adopting a service logic in manufacturing. Conceptual
foundation and metrics for mutual value creation (together
with Pekka Helle). Journal of Service Management, Vol. 21,
No. 5, 2010, pp. 564-590.
2.7 Christian Gronroos

 His Scholarly articles :

5. Service Logic Revisited: Who Creates Value? And Who Co-

creates? European Business Review, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2008, pp.
6. Service Productivity: Toward a Conceptualization of the
Transformation of Inputs into Economic Results in Services
(together with Katri Ojasalo). Journal of Business Research, Vol.
57, No. 4, 2004, pp. 414-423.
7. Taking a customer focus back into the boardroom: can
relationship marketing do it?. Journal of Marketing Theory, Vol.
3, No. 1, 2003, pp. 171-173.
8. The Perceived Service Quality Concept – A Mistake.
Managing Service Quality, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2001, pp. 150-152.
2.8 A. Parasuraman

 An Indian professor of Marketing at the

University of Miami and has published numerous

 He authored several books and articles. Some

selected ones are :
1. Technoready Marketing: How and Why Your Customers
Adopt Technology, The Free Press (coauthor with Colby).
2. Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality, The
Free Press (co author with Berry).
3. Delivering Quality Service—Balancing Customer
Perceptions and Expectations, The Free Press (co author
with Zeithaml and Berry).
2.8 A. Parasuraman

 His area of interests and specialties are :

1. defining, measuring and leveraging service quality

2. role of technology in service delivery.

3. strategies for effectively marketing technology-based

products and services.

4. services marketing.

5. service quality measurement and improvement

technology’s role in marketing to and serving
2.9 Valarie A. Zeithaml

 An American who is internationally

recognized pioneer of services marketing.

 Her research interest areas are :

a. Customer Equity
b. Service Quality
c. Services Marketing
d. Consumer Perceptions of Price and
2.9 Valarie A. Zeithaml

 Her contributions to quality are :

1. Devoted the last 20 years to researching,

consulting and teaching service quality, services
management and customer equity.

2. Consulted with service and product companies,

including IBM, Kaiser Permanente, GE,
Caterpillar, John Hancock Financial Services,
Aetna, AT&T, Sears, Metropolitan Life Insurance,
Bank of America, Chase Manhattan Bank,
Allstate, BellSouth, and Procter and Gamble.
2.9 Valarie A. Zeithaml
 Some of the awards and recognitions received :

1. 2009 AMA Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished

Marketing Educator Award.
2. 2008 Paul Converse Award.
3. Research awards from most marketing journals –
she has researched customer expectations in
more than 40 industries.
4. Zeithaml and her co-authors also won the
prestigious, inaugural Berry-American Marketing
Association Book Prize for their book, Driving
Customer Equity: How Customer Lifetime
Value is Reshaping Corporate Strategy.
5. She also co-authored the best-selling Delivering
Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions
and Expectations and the textbook,
Services Marketing.
2.9 Leornard L. Berry

 Distinguished Professor of Marketing.

 He is also Professor of Humanities in Medicine

in the College of Medicine at The Texas A&M
University System Health Science Center.

 During the 2001-2002 academic term he served

as a Visiting Scientist at Mayo Clinic studying
healthcare service.

 Dr. Berry has been identified as the most

frequent contributor to the English-language
services marketing literature in the world.
2.9 Leornard L. Berry

 Some of the awards and recognitions received

are :

1. 2007, Winner of the Best Paper Award for article published in

Business Horizons in 2007, “Building a Strong Services
2. Lessons from Mayo Clinic,” Business Horizons, May-June
2007 (with Kent D. Seltman).
3. 2003, American Marketing Association SERVSIG Best
Services Marketing Article Award for 2002, “Understanding
Service Convenience,” Journal of Marketing, July 2002 (with
K. Seiders and D. Grewal).
4. 2002, Selected as the namesake for a new annual
community award for customer service. The award is called
the Leonard L. Berry Customer Service Excellence Award.
2.9 Leornard L. Berry

 Some of the awards and recognitions received are :

5. 1999, Appointed Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Texas

A&M University.
6. 1997, American Marketing Association SERVSIG Best
Services Marketing Article Award for 1996, “The Behavioral
Consequences of Service Quality,” Journal of Marketing, April
1996 (with Valarie Zeithaml and A. Parasuraman).
7. 1996, Association of Former Students Distinguished
Achievement Award in Research, Texas A&M University.
8. 1996, American Marketing Association SERVSIG Services
Marketing Career Contributions Award.
2.9 Leornard L. Berry

 His contributions to quality are :

a. authored and published numerous books, articles and

proceedings in his area of interests which are :
- Healthcare Services Marketing
- Service Marketing
- Service Quality
- Retailing
- Service Management

b. A member of the board of directors of several major public

companies and national not-for-profit organizations.
c. Some of his great books are Management Lessons
from Mayo Clinic, Discovering the Soul of Service, On
Great Service, Marketing Services: Competing Through
Quality, and Delivering Quality Service.
End of Chapter 2

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