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Lect 3

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Major spheres in environment

Earth systems
Major parts of environmental Parameters



Aquatic Terrestrial
– Fisheries  Forest
– Eutrophication  Wildlife
– Aquatic Weeds  Species diversity
– Species diversity  Endangered species
– Endangered species

Land Groundwater
– Erosion and Siltation  Regional Hydrology

– Backwater Effect  Recharge

– Bank stability  Water table

– Drainage  Water Pollution

– Soil characteristics
Surface water Atmosphere
– Regional Hydrology  Air pollution

– Silt Load  Dust Pollution

– Water Pollution  Noise Pollution

Human Interest
 Socio-Economic
• Health  Land Loss
– Diseases  Crop Production
 Aquaculture
– Sanitation
 Irrigation
– Nutrients  Navigation
 Flood Control
• Aesthetic  Transport
– Landscape  Re-settlement
– Recreation  Employment
 Agro-industrial
Environmental categories to be considered in
identifying and evaluating significant impacts
Review: Definition of EIA

Impact Assessment is

a formal process for identifying:

• likely effects of activities or Environment is
projects on the broadly interpreted:
ENVIRONMENT, and on physical, biological,
human health and welfare. and social.
• means and measures to
mitigate & monitor these In EIA, the term
“impacts” is used
instead of “effects
of activities.”
What is an
What is an impact?

The impact of an activity is a

deviation (a change) from The baseline
the baseline situation that is situation is the
caused by the activity. environmental
situation or
condition in the
absence of the
To measure an impact, you activity.
must know what the
The baseline
baseline situation is. situation is a key
concept in EIA.
The baseline situation
Water Quantity, quality, reliability,
In characterizing the accessibility
baseline situation,
Soils Erosion, crop productivity,
many environmental fallow periods, salinity,
components MAY be nutrient concentrations
of interest Fauna Populations, habitat

Env Health Disease vectors, pathogens

Flora Composition and density of

natural vegetation,
productivity, key species

Special Key species

Types of impacts & their attributes

Direct & indirect

The EIA process is impacts
concerned with
Short-term & long-
all types of impacts term impacts
and may describe them in
Adverse & beneficial
a number of ways impacts
Cumulative impacts
 Intensity
 Direction
 Spatial extent
 Duration
But all impacts are
 Frequency
 Reversibility NOT treated
 Probability equally.

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