The document discusses various cat breeds including their origins, physical characteristics, and personalities. It covers both domestic and wild cat species. Some key breeds mentioned include the Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Bombay, British Shorthair, Burmese, and Cornish Rex. The document also discusses cat reproduction, breeding practices, and organizations that recognize different cat breeds.
The document discusses various cat breeds including their origins, physical characteristics, and personalities. It covers both domestic and wild cat species. Some key breeds mentioned include the Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Bombay, British Shorthair, Burmese, and Cornish Rex. The document also discusses cat reproduction, breeding practices, and organizations that recognize different cat breeds.
The document discusses various cat breeds including their origins, physical characteristics, and personalities. It covers both domestic and wild cat species. Some key breeds mentioned include the Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Bombay, British Shorthair, Burmese, and Cornish Rex. The document also discusses cat reproduction, breeding practices, and organizations that recognize different cat breeds.
The document discusses various cat breeds including their origins, physical characteristics, and personalities. It covers both domestic and wild cat species. Some key breeds mentioned include the Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Bombay, British Shorthair, Burmese, and Cornish Rex. The document also discusses cat reproduction, breeding practices, and organizations that recognize different cat breeds.
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M.V.SC.,Ph.D. Cat, (Felis catus), - house cat or domestic cat “Man’s most interesting friend”. Family Felidae, order Carnivora Smallest member of that family. Supple low-slung bodies Neatly moulded heads Long tails that aid in balance Specialized teeth and claws for active hunting. Basically carnivorous (obligate carnivores) Remarkably agile and powerful Neatly coordinated in movement. Never been bred for economic purposes Relatively little scientific breeding of cats Details of breed inheritance in these animals are not well known. Cats are genetically far less plastic than dogs and therefore have not offered the same opportunities to breeders. Physical differences between one breed and another are largely differences in colour and texture of the coat. Bred and shown as registered pedigree pets. Hobby is known as cat fancy. Domestic cat and some of its wild relatives
Domestic cat Felis catus Worldwide
African wild cat Felis silvestris Africa lybica
Indian desert cat Felis silvestris South west Asia;
ornate Northern India
Jungle cat Felis chaus Egypt to India
Sand cat Felis margarita Sahara to Turkestan
European wildcat Felis silvestris Scotland to south
silvestris east Russia Feline5Personality Australian study has uncovered Traits basic personality traits that cats have. Cats can fall anywhere along the scale from "very" to "not at all" on each of the following traits: Skittishness. This refers to how nervous or laid-back a cat is. Researchers feel that this trait equates with neuroticism in humans. Outgoingness. A cat may be friendly, curious, and active or "lazy" and uninterested in exploring new things. This trait is similar to extraversion in people. Dominance. This trait does not correlate with any of the human ones; it's the tendency for a cat to either bully other cats or submit to them. Spontaneity. This is the other trait that doesn't have an equal in human terms. It measures whether a cat is predictable or erratic in how he behaves. Friendliness. In humans, this would be termed "agreeableness," and it's a scale that measures whether a cat tends to be highly affectionate or prefers to be alone and tends to act grumpy. Cats share 3 out of 5 personality traits with humans. BREEDING Female cats should not be bred before they are 2 years of age, and they should only be bred every other year. Many legitimate breeding programs put a cap on the number of litters that a queen can produce Require medical check-ups for the queen before each and every litter. Legitimate breeding programs were started to preserve and maintain the quality and health of cat breeds around the world; They are not concerned with financial gains or marketing kittens. A responsible breeding program should be up front with you about all the financial costs that you may incur . Breeding cats can cost a small fortune; in fact, many professional breeders routinely lose money on their breeding endeavors. Before you choose a breeding program for your cat, research that program thoroughly. and ask local breeding clubs about breeding programs which they may recommend. Reproduction Cats reach reproductive age between 7 and 12 months. A breeding female (queen) can be in heat, or estrus, as many as five times a year. The gestation period for cats averages 63 to 65 days, and birth usually lasts about two hours. The birth is often called kittening, and the kittens are called a litter. The average litter numbers four; however, the Abyssinian usually has fewer, the Siamese more. Kittens at birth lack distinctive colouring, and many do not acquire their characteristic markings and colour for weeks. Siamese kittens are white at birth, while blue Persians have tabby markings and black Persians are brown. Cats are truly prolific when it comes to reproduction. When a queen is bred by a tom, usually ovulation results. Queens are termed "induced ovulators" meaning that some kind of stimulation (like breeding) is usually needed before the eggs ovulate. Normally during a heat in the presence of one or more toms, multiple breedings will occur. It takes time for the hormone levels to drop off once the first breeding has occurred i.e., 1 to 3 days. This explains heat signs a few days after a mating, and explains the phenomenon of cat litters containing offspring of more than one male (super fecundity). Sometimes the queen will have a surge of hormones in early pregnancy also, resulting in a litter of mixed gestational age where kittens inside her uterus are at different stages of Castration of the male, ideally around six or seven months of age, helps control the adult male’s tendency to “spray”—to mark objects in and around the house with his own urine. Spaying the female may help reduce the incidence of breast cancer in addition to eliminating uterine diseases and unwanted litters. Neutered cats live longer than non neutered ones, partly because they have less desire to roam. The average life expectancy for the cat is 10 to 15 years International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance (IPCBA) :- Recognizes 73 new and old breeds of cats, making it the largest all-breed cat registry in the world. The International Cat Association (TICA):- world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, recognizes 71 breeds of cats for championship competition. Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA):- recognizes 42 breeds Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe):- considered as the United Nations of Cat Federations recognizes 48 breeds. Governing Council of the Cat Fancy(GCCF) is the premier registration body for cats in the UK recognizes 39 breeds. Colours Shorthair Breeds Abyssinian One of the oldest known breeds Characteristics: Ruddy (orange-brown), red and blue, all ticked with darker colors at tips of each hair Personality: Busy, active, agenda-driven and affectionate Abyssinians are nicknamed the "Clowns of the Cat Kingdom. Medium sized Muscular cat Almond shaped eyes Very active Fond of water Can be taught to retrieve American Shorthair (Domestic Shorthair) Characteristics: Stocky, working breed Personality: Even tempered and quiet Came to US with English settlers Known for its longevity, robust health, good looks, sweet personality, and amiability with children, dogs, and other pets 34 recognized colour patterns Medium to large sized They have round faces and short ears. Affectionate makes great lap cat Has a very strong play/prey instinct and they should have access to toys as an important part of their development Bombay Ms.Nikki Horner(1953)-selective breeding of a black American Shorthair to a sable Burmese female Also called the Black Burmese Hybrid, combining characteristics of established domestic breeds to create a specific, third look. Combines the easy going temperament and robust nature of the American Shorthair and the social, inquisitive, lap-loving character of the Burmese. Head is rounded with a short muzzle Medium sized cat Resembles a miniature black panther Copper or gold colored eyes A dog, a cat or a monkey all rolled into one mischievous package. They can be leash trained, and most enjoy playing “fetch”. Congenial, outgoing and make intelligent, affectionate companions. They adapt well to busy life styles and usually get along with children, elders and other pets. British Shorthair Characteristics: Stocky, sturdy, plush coat; blue is very popular but also come in other colours Personality: Calm and quiet; enjoy people Oldest Natural English breed ancestry back to the domestic cats of Rome. This breed was first prized for its physical strength and hunting ability. Larger and taller than American Shorthair Large rounded head Big, round copper or gold eyes They are an easygoing and dignified breed, not as active and playful as many but sweet-natured and devoted to their owners, making them a favourite of animal trainers. They tend to be safe around other pets and children since they will tolerate a fair amount of physical interaction, but as a rule do not like to be picked up or carried. Slow maturing breed and do not reach their full size until three years of age. Burmese Thailand, near theThai-Burma border and developed in the United States and Britain in 1930’s by Crossing between Siamese x Burma The four colors are Sable, a rich dark brown; Champagne, a warm beige; Platinum, a pale gray with fawn undertones; and Blue, a medium gray with fawn undertones. Medium-sized ,Stocky and well muscled Sable-brown in color with gold eyes unique solid brown colored coat Can become bossy, stubborn, and angry Not as independent as other breeds and are not suited to being left alone for extended periods of time. Extremely people-oriented companions. Their personalities are almost dog-like. They will follow you from room to room, and they greatly desire to give and receive affection. Being one of the most trusting cat breeds Cornish Rex Cornwall ,England Curly coat, curved profile, large expressive ears, and Whippet like arched bodies. The most striking feature of the breed is its very noticeably curly coat. Coat is very short, lies close to the body, and is incredibly soft to the touch Distinct egg-shaped head with high cheekbones, hollow cheeks, a strongly bridged Roman nose, and large ears set high on the head. Body compared to that of a Whippet, with its arched back, barrel chest, small waist, and very fine, long legs. Personality: Active, racy, affectionate Small to medium size Oval eyes Must be kept indoors Lacks guard hairs to protect it from the elements Devon Rex Devonshire, England Pixie of the Cat Fancy, sports oversized ears on an elfin face with large impish eyes Mad-cap personality within – a cross, some say, between a cat, a dog, a monkey, and Dennis the Menace. Easily learn tricks and are always up for a game of hide-and-seek, tag, or fetch. This unique breed possesses intensely loyal, human-loving, dog-like qualities. Children and Devons are naturals as best friends and tireless playmates. The social nature of the Devon makes them unsuited to spending long periods of time without companionship. Devons are food hounds They are known for their slender bodies, wavy coat, and large ears. Capable of learning difficult tricks but can be difficult to motivate. Active, mischievous, playful, and very people-oriented. They are high-jumpers and will try to occupy any space large enough to admit them. They are often found in odd nooks and crannies of a closet, shelf, or laundry basket. LH & SH Japanese Bobtail Active, intelligent, and affectionate, Full of energy, always playful, loving, endearing, and happy One of the oldest naturally occurring breeds of cat - native to the islands of Japan They are naturals at Feline Agility. They love to jump hurdles and leap through hoops and are speedy and proficient at this sport. They have been known to run the course in less than 10 seconds! Like out finger prints, no two tails are ever alike. The tail must be clearly visible and is composed of one or more curves, angles, or kinks, or any combination. The furthest extension of the tailbone from the body should be no longer than three inches. Unique feature that distinguishes this breed from other breeds is that the back legs are slightly longer than the front legs, giving the back legs a very muscular appearance. The head of the Japanese Bobtail is triangular, and their ears are upright and at right angles to the head. Their eyes appear oval rather than round, giving an oriental cast to the face Probably one of the most recognizable colors is the mi-ke (calico). Low kitten mortality rate and a high disease resistance rate Korat Thai "good luck" cat; Highly prized, rare cat of Thailand Personality: Energetic and affectionate Distinguishing characteristics is its heart-shaped head and large green eyes The Korat only comes in the silver tipped blue color The Korat has a unique head structure that is based off of a “heart shape.” There are a total of five hearts associated with the Korat. The Korat’s body is semi-cobby, with a tapering at the waist. The bulk of the weight is carried towards the front through rounded, well-developed, muscular shoulders. The neck is fairly short and heavy, connecting to a broad chest, with the shoulders somewhat wider than the chest. Protective of family members, and reserved with strangers They are intelligent, with a good memory. If they are brought to a place they never been before, they can return home on their own. When fed, the sergeant of the group will eat first and then the other cats follow the hierarchy, though they will let kittens eat first. Manx LH & SH. Among earliest European breeds Tailless cat from the Isle of Man; thick, dense coat; heavy cat; many colors and patterns are available Working cat has a strong constitution, great intelligence, and a personality that is active yet not hyperactive. Manx is known for its robust and rounded appearance with great depth of flank. Very round head with rounded cheeks which give it a jowly appearance, especially in the male. It has high hindquarters with the back legs much longer than the forelegs, causing the rump to be higher than the shoulders. The shortness of the back forms a continuous arch from shoulders to rump. The Manx eyes are large and rounded, set at a slight tilt towards the ear. The ears are wide at the base, tapering to a rounded tip. Medium in size, they are widely spaced and set slightly outward. The ear should resemble the rocker on a cradle. “dog-like” both in their loyalty to their families and their love of interactive play. Great hunters, and a house with a Manx will certainly never have to worry about rodents The Manx taillessness gene is dominant and highly penetrant Siamese One of the original breeds of pedigreed cats Characteristics: Long, slender body with typical color at the points - chocolate, seal, blue and lilac; long slender legs; long wedge shaped head Personality: Vocal, affectionate, active; can be insistent The muscular, tubular body is supported by long legs and graced by a long neck and tail. The short, silky, close lying coat accentuates the long lines perfectly. The long Siamese head is delineated by an absolutely straight profile and well aligned chin. From the front, the outline of the face presents a smooth wedge with large ears that complete the wedge. The outstanding feature of the head is the pair of deep blue almond eyes which are set at a slant. Singapura Personality: Sweet, demanding, affectionate and occasionally bossy The Singapura’s disposition is that of a “pesky people cat,” an extroverted, curious, playful but nondestructive cat that insists on helping you with everything. Very intelligent and interactive with people and remain even into old age One of the smallest breeds of cats, noted for its large eyes and ears, brown ticked coat and blunt tail Known for its’ quiet, shy disposition The large, slightly pointed and deep cupped ears together with the large almond-shaped eyes are characteristics of the breed. Males weigh at most 6 pounds Females usually weigh less than 4 pounds Sphynx Canadian origin in the late 1960’s Known for its tough, wrinkled hairless skin Not always totally hairless and there are different degrees of “hairlessness.” Seasonal and hormonal changes in the cat may also effect hair development. The skin is loose on the body which leads to that extra wrinkling effect you see on the cat Large, lemon-shaped eyes cannot survive outdoors depends upon people for survival Constantly purrs Adores body contact and is very affectionate Normal body temperature is 4°F higher than most other breeds unable to store body fat must eat more frequently to maintain its body temperature Bengal Medium to large domestic cat Only domestic cat breed that can have rosettes like the markings on Leopards, Jaguars and Ocelots. Most recognized colour and pattern is the brown spotted or rosetted tabby (which is reminiscent of a Leopard-like color and pattern) . The marbled pattern looks more like the extended blur of a Clouded Leopard's markings. Green, yellow or gold eyes, the lynx points have blue eyes and the minks have aqua eyes. Bengals have wide noses with prominent nose leather (the skin on the tip of the nose), and the muzzle is completed with prominent whisker pads. Longhair Breeds Balinese Originated as a spontaneous longhaired mutation of the Siamese cat Balinese enhance the elegance, grace and intelligence of the Siamese with the luxury of a silky flowing coat. Named for the graceful dancers of Bali, the coat is the most unique feature of the breed. The most distinctive feature of the Balinese is its luxurious tail plume. Because the Balinese has a single coat, in contrast to the double coat of other longhairs, the hair lies close to the body, flowing naturally toward the rear Coat length is the primary difference between the Siamese and the Balinese Purebred long-haired Siamese Sapphire-blue eyes Reputed to have the highest intelligence of all the long-haired breeds Birman "Sacred Cat of Burma” Like all color point cats, Birman kittens are born all white and develop their color as they mature. Rainbow of colors, including seal, blue, lilac, chocolate, red, cream, and tortie. A special and unique feature of the Birman is their beautiful white paws. Medium-sized cat, strongly built cat with striking eyes, round face, and a Roman-shaped nose The Birman is sociable, gentle, quiet, loving, and companionable. They love to be with people and are playful and desirous of attention. Birman is patient, even-tempered and tolerant, they make an excellent choice for families with children and/or other pets. Birmans are soft spoken and refined, with soft chirp-like voices. Long, silky coat that does not mat and requires little care Eyes are round Ears are medium with rounded tips Maine Coon Cat Native American long-haired cat and was first recognized as a specific breed in Maine where it was named the official cat of the state. These cats were held in high regard by the locals for their mousing talents and special competitions were even held to reward the best “Coon Cat.” The characteristics all have a purpose or function. Developed into sturdy, working cats suited to the harsh winters and varied seasons of the Northeast region. The Maine Coon Cat of today is known for a sturdy, rugged appearance, which includes an uneven, shaggy coat of three distinct lengths and a long, well furnished tail. They carry that tail proudly and use it to surround themselves for warmth and protection. Large, well tufted paws to allow ability to walk on top of snow despite size and weight. Ears are large and well tufted for protection and warmth. Even more than for beauty, Maine Coon Cats are noted for intelligence and kindly disposition. The Maine Coon Cat has a silky and somewhat oily coat, it is not dense and its upkeep is much easier than that of other longhaired breeds. Persian Characteristics: Stocky body, long full coat, round head with a short nose; broad face Personality: Sweet, affectionate, quiet Persians, with their luxurious coats and open pansy-like faces are the number one breed in popularity. One of the oldest and most popular breeds Persians have short heavily boned legs to support their broad, short bodies. Persians come in an astonishing number of colors, which are divided into seven color divisions Medium to large size ,short, compact body, large head, small rounded ears Well mannered easy going quiet cats Make good apartment cats and excellent companions Require daily grooming removes and knots Requires regular bathing removes excess oil from the coat Ragdoll Ragdolls were developed in the 1960’s by Ann Baker; a breeder in Riverside California Characteristics: Large cat with color at the points Exceptionally large Heavy breed Large, laid-back, semi longhaired cats with captivating blue eyes. The Ragdoll is a pointed breed, which means that the body is lighter in color than the points (the face, legs, tail and ears). Ragdoll cats tend to be more interested in humans than some breeds of cats Ragdolls tend to be floor cats, not jumpers. Semi long coat is plush and silky, and requires minimal grooming . Docile, quiet, and composed named because they show little signs of fear or pain take a floppy posture when handled Turkish Angora Originated in the mountainous regions of Turkey Developed an unusually soft, medium-long coat for protection against the harsh winters. This pure, natural breed can trace its written history as far back as 16th-century France Characteristics: silky intermediate length coat; long body; several colors and patterns One of the most outgoing and affectionate of all cat breeds Turks are not only intelligent, but extremely adaptable, loving and playful, which makes them an excellent choice for families with young children, and lively companions for senior adults. They readily accept dogs and other animals, but their confident and bold nature often make them the “alpha” pet in the household. Small to medium-sized cat Polite, Intelligent, very responsive, easily trained to perform tricks THANK YOU
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