MT123 Business Communication
MT123 Business Communication
MT123 Business Communication
Dr. Rohit Pandey
Department of Management, B.I.T Mesra
Continuous Process
Source: Business Communication IInd edition (OUP), Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh
Functions Contd
Manager’s roles
Interpersonal Informational
Monitor Entrepreneur
Figure Head
Disseminator Disturbance Handler
Spokesperson Resource Allocator
Liaison person
Effective Interpersonal Communication
Source: Ibid
Barriers Contd ….
Physical Barriers:
Environment - Some barriers are due to the existing environment. For example, if
you are standing in adverse weather conditions, your conversation would be
hampered because you would not be able to pay full attention to what the other
person is saying.
Distance - Distance also plays an important part in determining the course of a
conversation. For example, if the staff in an organization are made to sit in
different buildings or different floors, they might have to substitute face to face
communication with phone calls or emails.
Ignorance of Medium - Communication also includes using signs and symbols to
convey a feeling or a thought. However, if there is a lack of ignorance about the
medium in which sender is sending the message, the conversation can be hampered
Source: Communication Skills, Sanjay Kumar, Pushp Lata (OUP)
Barriers Contd….
Cultural Barriers
Cultural barriers are a result of living in an ever shrinking world. Different cultures,
whether they be a societal culture of a race or simply the work culture of a company,
can hinder developed communication if two different cultures clash. In these cases, it is
important to find a common ground to work from. In work situations, identifying a
problem and coming up with a highly efficient way to solve it can quickly topple any
cultural or institutional barriers. Quite simply, people like results.
Generational - Each age group has a different general approach to work, which often
leads to conflicts with older workers describing younger workers as "slackers," and
younger workers criticizing older workers as being "out of touch."
Status and Resistance - Workers who are accustomed to workplaces where seniority and
status are emphasized may find it difficult to adapt to more fluid environments, where
job titles are de-emphasized and production methods do not always follow a
predetermined set of guidelines. Source : Ibid
Barriers Contd …..
Language Barriers
Language barriers seem pretty self-inherent, but there are often hidden language
barriers that we aren't always aware of. If you work in an industry that is heavy in
jargon or technical language, care should be taken to avoid these words when
speaking with someone from outside the industry.
Dialects - While two people may technically speak the same language, dialectal
differences can make communication between them difficult. Examples of
dialectical language barriers exist worldwide. Chinese, for example, has a variety of
dialects that are commonly spoken, including Cantonese and Mandarin.
Language Disabilities - Language disabilities are physical impediments to language.
Physical language disabilities that cause language barriers include stuttering,
dysphonia or an articulation disorder and hearing loss.
Source: Ibid
Barriers Contd…..
Perceptual Barriers
Perceptual barriers are internal. If you go into a situation thinking that the
person you are talking to isn't going to understand or be interested in what
you have to say, you may end up subconsciously sabotaging your effort to
make your point. You will employ language that is sarcastic, dismissive, or
even obtuse, thereby alienating your conversational partner.
Perceptual Filters - We all have our own preferences, values, attitudes,
origins and life experiences that act as "filters" on our experiences of people,
events and information. Seeing things through the lens of our own unique life
experiences or "conditioning" may lead to assumptions, stereotyping and
misunderstandings of others whose experiences differ from our own.
Source: Ibid
Source : Ibid
Effective Communication Contd ……
Appropriate Communication Style: Every organization has its own culture, which is a
reflection of its values, traditions, habits and customs. Some companies tend to curb the upward
flow of communication believing that it is time consuming and unproductive while other
companies foster candor and honesty, and employees feel free to confess their mistakes, to
disagree with their bosses and to express their opinion.
There are several factors which influence an organization’s communication climate including
the nature of the industry, the company’s physical set up, the history of the company etc. One of
the most important factors is the management style of the top management. Managers might
adopt a directive style when they assume workers are lazy and irresponsible. Some managers
might adopt a supportive style assuming that people like to work and take responsibility in what
they are doing. Yet another might adopt a participative style who encourages employees to work
together as a team. The trend today is to adopt any style which encourages an open
communication climate.
Source: Ibid