Lecture For Class
Lecture For Class
Lecture For Class
Mesopotamian Civilization
E a r l y H u m a n M i g r a ti o n o u t o f A f r i c a
natural determinants
topography (location)
natural resources, building materials and technology
man-made determinants
political power
L o c a ti o n o f A n c i e n t M e s o p o t a m i a n C i v i l i z a ti o n
L o c a ti o n o f A n c i e n t M e s o p o t a m i a n C i v i l i z a ti o n
The King
The Governors
The Aristocracy
The Peasantry
• Originated with practice of men
selling themselves and/or their
families to pay off debts
• Supplemented by using prisoners
of war as slaves
Demand for slaves increased as
civilization progressed
In the city-state (or state), kin and tribal loyalties are, by definition, subordinated and replaced
by political ties.
W h y d i d t h e s e c i ti e s d e v e l o p ?
Inventions -
Wagon wheel
Potter’s wheel
Number system, demarcation of time
Religious Beliefs - Ziggurats
Through daily rituals, attention to the deities, proper funeral practices and simple civic duty, the people of
Mesopotamia felt they helped maintain balance in the world and kept the forces of chaos and destruction at bay
•The Mesopotamian thinking - instruction for the layout and design of temple precincts came
directly from the gods – in the form of a mysterious dream
•Position of king was enhanced and supported by religion
•Each god had control of certain things and each city was ruled by a different god
•The belief that gods lived on the distant mountaintops gave rise to Ziggurats
•The word ziggurat comes from the Assyrian for ‘raised up’ or ‘high’. Ziggurats were built in
the centre of the city
•Connection between heaven and earth
•Stepped pyramid – Temple complex
Historical and Analytical account of cities in
Narrow Streets
Courtyard Area
Ancient town of Jericho
C i t y o f Wa r k a
Ci ty o f Wa rka ( a n c i e nt U ruk )
C i t y o f W a r k a – T h e W h i t e Te m p l e
C i t y o f W a r k a – T h e W h i t e Te m p l e
A millennium later… Around 2100 B.C.E
City of Ur
Features of City and Building Materials
• Earth plaster used to seal and finish exterior and interior spaces of common residences
• Lime plaster used to seal and finish exterior and interior spaces of wealthy residences, places, and temples
• A type of terrazzo used as flooring (Burnt lime + clay + natural colour pigment)
• Terracotta panels used for decoration
• Bitumen used to seal plumbing
City of Ur
City of Ur
Late Babylonian
Ur, the capital city of Mesopotamia
R e s i d e n ti a l Q u a r t e r s o f U r - D o m e s ti c A r c h i t e c t u r e
R e s i d e n ti a l Q u a r t e r s o f U r - D o m e s ti c A r c h i t e c t u r e
Ur, residential area southeast of
the royal mausolea in the
twentieth century B.C.;Plan
1. Courtyard
2. Entry Vestibule
3. Reception Room
4. Private Chapel
5. Kitchen
3. 6. Lavatory
7. Stair case
8. Drain
1. 2. 8. 9.Shop
6. 5.
The Amorite invasions, 2100-1900 B.C. Reign of Hammurapi of Babylon, 1792-1750 B.C.
HISTORICAL CONDITION: The ancient architecture of West-Asiatic
developed FROM 3000 BC TO 330 BC. in the following period.
(a) Early Sumerian (3000—2000 BC)
(b) Old Babylonian (2016-1595 BC) ---NEO Babylonian (626-539 BC)
(c) Assyrian (1859—626 BC)
(d) Persian (750—330 BC)
The city was a royal Assyrian foundation, begun in 706 B.C., and abandoned, unfinished,
shortly afterward.
It covered 2.5 Sq.Km. (almost 1 Sq.mile).
There were two arched gates on each side of the square, guarded by stone demons in the
form of human-headed bulls.
On the North-West side one of the gates had been replaced by a bastion that served as a
platform for the royal place.
The entrance court is associated with a number of temples grouped along the west side.
They were all served by single ziggurat that was no other example of this
Mesopotamian building type.
1. Citadel wall
2. Entrance court
3. Court of honor
4. Unexcavated