Software Engineering: Dr. Saba Khalil Toor
Software Engineering: Dr. Saba Khalil Toor
Software Engineering: Dr. Saba Khalil Toor
Industrial Experience: CresSoft (Pvt) Ltd. And Vroom (Pvt) Ltd. 6 years.
On-shore-off-shore Models
Developed software for fortune 100 companies of USA.
Using the techniques of Object Oriented analysis, design and development
1.Introduction to Programming
2.Data Structures
Text and Reference Books
Text Book
Roger S. Pressman “Software Engineering- A practitioner’s
approach”, 8th edition.
Applying UML and Patterns, An Introduction to Object
Oriented Analysis and Design and UML. Craig Larmer. 3rd
AlainAbran, James W. Moore, Pierre Bourque, Robert Dupuis, Leonard
L. Tripp “Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge” IEEE
Edition – SWEBOK Guide V3.0.
Ian Sommerville “Software Engineering”, 10th edition.
An integrated approach to software engineering by Pankaj Jalote
Assessment Scheme
Software Failure Curve
increased failure
rate due to side effects
actual curve
idealized curve
Types of Software
1. System software: such as operating system, compilers, file
management utilities
2. Application software: stand-alone programs for specific
3. Engineering/scientific software: Characterized by “number
crunching”algorithms. Such as molecular biology, orbital
dynamics etc
4. Embedded software resides within a product or system.
(key pad control of a microwave oven, digital function of
dashboard display in a car)
5. Product-line software focus to address mass 23consumer
market. (word processing, graphics, database management)
Types of Software
Complex complicated
I decide to outsource the software project to a third party, I
can just relax and let that firm build it"
Ifyou cant do it, how can you make someone understand what do to.
Software projects need to be controlled and managed.
Software Myths - Customer