Coffee Shop Management System
Coffee Shop Management System
Coffee Shop Management System
There are two sections in this project, they are Coffee Ordering and Admin panel.
By using this system, we can maintain ordering records of a day. By selecting Coffee
Order the system displays a list of Available coffee drinks and the user has to place an
order with item quantity. After that, he/she proceeds towards Order confirmation and
Payment methods.
Now, talking about the Admin Panel, an admin has full control of the
He can view Total cash and card transactions of the day, add coffee
items, delete items, list instant items, item counter, backup system,
preview instant orders. While adding coffee items, the user should fill up
the Item’s name, item’s quantity, item’s serial number (without
repeating) and price.
• 2.Login System.
• 3.Admin Panel.
• 6.Item counter.
This will ultimately lead to hire less waiters and create and
opportunity to appoint more chefs and better shop to serve coffee
Almost 80% of the population are coffee lovers
We have also analyzed our opportunities and threats from the external environment.
The usage of coffee shop management system would ultimately reduce the overall
management costs thus ensuring greater profits and reduced burdens.
The system is very easy to use and can adjust into any business frame.
• At present traders maintain their day to day transection where a waiter
has to go at each table and takes the order. And give to the chef and the
must be passed to the cashier.
• During this process it takes lots of time and customer must wait till the
process. Only single system is used during this process.
Problems in existing system
General Problem
• General problems include that basic file and data organizing system for
existing system. Some of them are following
Required more time for searching old files and details of the products.
No proper stores and organization technique for the files and data of
Require lot of paper invoice for the product.
Difficult to prepare sales reports on daily basis.
Difficult to remember prices for small-small things.
Problems in existing system
Technical Problem
• The following are some technical issues with existing shopping system
It requires space for keeping all the registers and files of the shop i.e.
Difficult to maintain the sales record by owner or manager.
Less Secured
Difficulties in checking the available stock of items.
Files may be damaged by cockroaches or some insects.
Problems in existing system
Financial Transaction / Data Calculation
• The following are some data problems can be there in existing shopping system.
The system provides proper security and reduces the manual work.
The proposed software will solve all the problem they are facing now.
This software is designed such way that it will generate the bill automatically
every order in time.
This software also equipped with to enter the details of each employee in the
organization, it help them to track each employee.
proposed system will help the user to reduce the workload and mental
conflict. Through this system it is possible to print various reports and bills
for the organization..
The introduction to this system is not going to hamper any user of the system.
This system is useful for administrator of any division of Starbucks
This system is very flexible and user friendly.
This system provides GUI application.
2. Technical Feasibility:
This feasibility deals with technicality of the system. Instead of storing data
of Product & Employee in manual way this System is fully automated
No efficient manpower is required to handle the system.
This area is concerned with cost incurred for the development and
implementation of the system .The maintenance of the system on the other
hand and the benefits derived from it .The cost benefits analysis is
effectiveness of the system.
The benefits and savings obtained using the system is far more compared
to the invested cost as it reduces operational costs through lower bills.