Foreign Market Entry Strategies
Foreign Market Entry Strategies
Foreign Market Entry Strategies
• The commercial
activity of selling and
shipping goods to a
foreign country
• Allows firm to participate where there are
barriers to investment (Fuji-Xerox)
• Firm has no long term interest in the country –
can take minority equity interest in company
• Firm may inadvertently create a competitor
(middle east oil refineries)
• If firm’s process technology is a source of
competitive advantage, then selling technology
is also selling competitive advantage to
potential competitors
Contract manufacturing
• Contract
manufacturing is a
process that establish
a working agreement
between two
• As part of the
agreement, one
company will custom
produce parts or
other materials on
behalf of their client.
Contract manufacturing
• The client does not have to maintain
manufacturing facilities, purchase raw
materials, or hire labor in order to produce
the finished goods so less capital investment is
• Helps to achieve benefits of economies of
• Helps to achieve location economies
Contract manufacturing
• Less management control
• Potential security or confidentiality issues
• Complexity
• Potential quality issues
Management contracting
• A management contract
is an arrangement
under which
operational control of
an enterprise is vested
by contract in a
separate enterprise
which performs the
necessary managerial
functions in return for a
Management contracting
• Management contracts involve not just selling
a method of doing things (as with franchising
or licensing) but involves actually doing them.
• A management contract can involve a wide
range of functions, such as technical operation
of a production facility, management of
personnel, accounting, marketing services and
Management contracting
• Management contracts are often formed
where there is a lack of local skills to run a
• It is an alternative to foreign direct investment
as it does not involve as high risk and can yield
higher returns for the company when foreign
government actions restrict other entry
Management contracting
• Loss of control
• Time delays
• Loss of flexibility
• Loss of quality
• Compliance
• Cooperative agreements between potential or
actual competitors
• A strategic international alliance (SIA) is a
business relationship established by two or more
companies to cooperate out of mutual need and
to share risk in achieving a common objective
• SIAs are sought as a way to shore up weaknesses
and increase competitive strengths.
• Licensing, Joint venture, consortia etc
Strategic alliances
• Firms enter SIAs for several reasons:
– Opportunities for rapid expansion into new
– Access to new technology
– More efficient production and innovation
– Reduced marketing costs
– Strategic competitive moves
– Access to additional sources of products and
Strategic alliances- JOINT VENTURES
• A JV entails
establishing a firm that
is jointly owned by
two or more
independent firms.
• Four Characteristics define joint ventures:
– JVs are established, separate, legal entities
– The acknowledged intent by the partners to share
in the management of the JV
– There are partnerships between legally
incorporated entities such as companies,
chartered organizations, or governments, and not
between individuals
– Equity positions are held by each of the partners
Strategic alliances- Consortia
• Consortia are similar to joint ventures and could be
classified as such except for two unique
– They typically involve a large number of participants
– They frequently operate in a country or market in which
none of the participants is currently active.
• Consortia are developed
to pool financial and
managerial resources and
to lessen risks.
Joint ventures..
• Smaller investment
• Local marketing and production/ procurement
of expertise from local partner
• Better understanding of the host country
• Typically 50/50 with contributed team of
managers to share operating control
Joint ventures..
• Firm benefits from local partner’s knowledge
of competitive conditions, culture, language,
political system & business system