Entry Strategy AND Strategic Alliances
Entry Strategy AND Strategic Alliances
Entry Strategy AND Strategic Alliances
After you have read the chapter, you should able to:
• Explain the three basic decisions that firms contemplating foreign
expansion must make: which market enter, when to enter those
markets, and on what scale.
• Outline the advantage and disadvantages of the different modes that
firm use to enter foreign markets.
• Identify the factors that influence a firm’s choice of entry mode.
• Evaluate the pros and cons of acquisitions versus green-field
ventures as an entry strategy.
• Evaluate the pros and cons of entering into strategic alliances.
This chapter is concerned with two closely related topics:
1. The decision of which foreign markets to enter,
when to enter them, and on what scale
2. The choice of entry mode
Any firm contemplating foreign expansion must first struggle with
the issue of which foreign markets to enter and the timing and scale
entry. The choice of which markets to enter should be driven by an
assessment of relative long-run growth and profit potential.
possible revenue loss in the long term the firm has no longer-term interest in the
foreign country
unintended competition -the firm may create a competitor
the potential loss of a competitive advantage if the firm’s process technology is a
source of competitive advantage, then selling this technology this technology
through a turnkey project is also selling competitive advantage to potential and/or
actual competitors
The licensor grants the rights to intangible property to
the licensee for a specified tie period, and in turn,
receives a royalty free from the license.
Intangible property includes:
the firm does not have to bear the development costs and risk
associated with opening a foreign market.
very attractive for firms lacking the capital to develop operation
can be attractive when a firm is unwilling to commit substantial
financial resources to an unfamiliar or politically volatile foreign
potentially better marketing
the ability to enter foreign markets more easily
the diffusion of conflicts
risk of IP theft
it does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing,
marketing, and strategy that is required for realizing experience
curve and location economies
no guarantee of revenue
risk of diminished reputation
potential conflicts licensing also exposes the licensor to potential
conflicts with their licensees particularly if those licensees try
withholding revenue from the licensor
4. Franchising
It is similar to licensing, although franchising tends to involve
longer-term commitments than licensing
basically, a specialized form of licensing in which the
franchiser not only sells intangible property (normally a
trademark) to the franchise, but also insist that the franchise
agree to abide by strict rules as to how it does the business
the franchiser will also often assist the franchisee to run
business on an ongoing basis
As with licensing, the franchiser typically receives a royalty
payment which amount to some percentage of the franchisee’s
the advantages of franchising as an entry mode are very similar
to those of licensing
the firm is relieved of many of the costs and risks of opening a
foreign market on its own
the franchisee typically assumes those costs and risks
it creates a good incentive for the franchisee to build a
profitable operation as quickly as possible
using a franchising strategy, a service firm can build a global
presence quickly and at a relatively low cost and risk
the disadvantages of franchising are less pronounced that in the
case of licensing
Since franchising is often used by service companies, there is no
reason to consider the need to coordinate manufacturing to
achieve experience curve and location economies
5. Joint venture with a host country firm
a firm that is jointly owned by two or more otherwise
most joint ventures are 50:50 partnerships
gaining support from a local partner thus having Access to local’s
partners knowledge
Sharing development costs and risks
politically acceptable
Lack of control over technology
Inability to realize location and experience economies
6. Wholly owned subsidiaries
the firm owns 100 percent of stock
in establishing a wholly owned subsidiary in a foreign market
can be done in two ways:
New operation, often referred to as a greenfield venture
Acquired an established firm
Acquisition Greenfield venture
• an acquisition is defined as a • refers to when a company creates a
corporate transaction in which one subsidiary in a different country
company purchases either a portion or building its operations from the
all of another company's shares or ground up in addition to the
assets acquisitions are typically made construction of new production
in order to take control of and build facilities these projects can sometimes
on the target companies strengths and include the building of new
to capture synergies. distribution hubs offices and living
quarters establishing Greenfield
ventures are quite common in the
automobile industry
when a firm’s competitive advantages is based on
technological competence, a wholly owned subsidiary will
often be the preferred entry mode because it reduces the risk of
losing control over that competence
wholly owned subsidiary gives a firm tight control over
operation in different countries
wholly owned subsidiary may be required if a firm is trying to
realize location and experience curve economies
2. An acquisition strategy
- acquire an existing company
Acquisition may be better when there are well-established competitors or
global competitors interested in expanding
The volume of cross-border acquisitions has been rising for the last two
Acquisition are attractive because
They are quick to execute
They enable firms to preempt their competitors
They may be less risky that greenfield ventures
1.Partner selection
A good partner
helps the firm achieve its strategic goals and has the capabilities the
firm lacks and that it values
shares the firm’s vision for the purpose of the alliance
will not exploit the alliance for its own ends
2. Alliance structure
The alliance should
make it difficult to transfer technology not meant to be transferred
have contractual safeguards to guard against the risk of opportunism by a
allow for skills and technology swaps with equitable gains
minimize the risk of opportunism by an alliance partner