Toefl Test
Toefl Test
Toefl Test
This section tests your ability to comprehend spoken English. I t is divided into three parts,
each with its own directions. You are not permitted to tum the page during the reading of the
directions or to take notes at any time.
Part A
lllb Directions: Each item in this part consists of a brief conversation involving two speakers.
Following each conversation, a third voice will ask a question. You will hear the conversations and
) questions only once, and they will not be written out.
When you have heard each conversation and question, read the four answer choices and select
the o n e - ( A ) , (B ), (C), or ( D ) - t h a t best answers the question based on what is directly stated or
on what can be inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the
answer that you have selected.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
Sample Answer
From the conversation you find out that the woman thinks the man should put the chair over by
the window. The best answer to the question, "What does the woman think the man should do?"
is (B), "Move the chair." You should fill in (B ) on your answer sheet.
1. (A) She doesn't have an appointment. 8. (A) He was too busy to take it.
(B) Her problem is complicated. (B) He did well on it.
(C) She must live somewhere else. (C) He left some questions unanswered
( D ) Her apartment isn't far away. on it.
(D) He took it two times.
2. (A) She can use his phone i f she wants.
(B ) There's no charge for phone calls. 9. (A) Breaking the glass.
(C) His phone is out of order too. (B ) Warming the lid.
(D) She can call him later i f she likes. (C) Hitting the lid.
(D) Filling the jar.
3. (A) He couldn't find it.
(B) I t was too hard to solve. 10. (A) I t was too expensive.
(C) I t was simpler than he'd thought. (B) She bought it at the shop next
(D) He solved it even though it was door.
hard. (C) I t was given to her as a gift.
(D) She paid very little for it.
4. (A) He cleaned up after cooking.
(B) He forgot to put the pots and pans 11. (A) She doesn't want to discuss the
away. traffic.
(C) He was out in a terrible storm. (B) She didn't have to go downtown
(D) He put some plants in the kitchen. today.
(C) She was in the traffic herself.
5. (A) He studied forestry in school.
(D) She thinks the traffic was better
(B ) He worked in a forest.
(E) He read a lot of books about trees.
(F) His father taught him. 12. (A) The classes aren't interesting.
(B) Classes have been canceled.
6. (A) How many pages he must
(C) The weather is pleasant.
(D) I t isn't very sunny today.
(B) What Professor Barclay discussed.
(C) How long the class lasted. 13. (A) Gary doesn't need a a udi o player.
(D) When the paper is due. (B) She wants her audio player back.
(C) She's glad Gary is finally here.
7. (A) She doesn't like any music
(D) Gary can keep her au di o player.
except classical.
(B) There is some classical music she 14. (A) Stay inside and read it.
doesn't like. (B) Look in it for advertisements for
(C) She likes classical music, but she can't umbrellas.
play it. (C) Cover her head with it.
(D) Classical music doesn't interest her at (D) Throw it away.
15. (A) She originally supported
(B) She can no longer support Ed.
(C) Ed has dropped out of the race.
(D) She's not interested in the
[I] [I][I][I][I][I][I] [I] [I][I]
16. (A) She and her brother painted 24. (A) To improve his game quickly.
the apartment. (B) To take more lessons.
(B) Her brother owes her some (C) To train with a professional.
money. (D) To teach people to play
(C) Her brother painted the apartment tennis.
by himself.
25. (A) Wrap the present.
(D) She painted her brother's apartment.
(B) Play a game.
17. (A) Give him a map. (C) Point out a problem.
(B) Cut his hair for him. (D) End the discussion.
(C) Drive him to the lake.
26. (A) He wants to buy some books.
(D) Show him another route.
(B) Two of the books are the
18. (A) Hanging it. same.
(B) Buying it. (C) He needs some matches.
(C) Painting it. (D) The couple is a good match.
(D) Framing it.
27. (A) Neither street goes downtown.
19. (A) Borrow Stephanie's computer. (B) California Street is better than Oak
(B) Buy her own computer. Street.
(C) Save some money. (C) There's not enough time to go
(D) Stay home and complete her downtown.
assignment. (D) He can take either
20. (A) He doesn't need to practice
anymore. 28. (A) I t was hard to hear.
(B) His team has won a lot of (B ) I t wasn't true.
games. (E) I t was surprising.
(C) He doesn't want to play (F) I t wasn't very
volleyball. interesting.
(D) needs to improve.
29. (A) The handle on the
21. (A) She seems to be feeling suitcase is broken.
better. (B) His hands are
(B) She has quite an already full.
imagination. (C) The luggage is too
(C) She takes beautiful pictures. heavy for him.
(D) She's too sick to go out. (D) He'll be happy to
22. (A) Lou has been here once
before. 30. (A) She had to prepare
(B) They'll start when Lou for an exam.
arrives. (B) She'd passed the
(C) Lou has already started. physics test.
(D) Everyone is getting hungry. (C) She was going
23. (A) She thinks they're
(D) She'd dropped the
reasonably priced.
physics class.
(B) She doesn't like them at all.
(C) She'd buy them if she had enough
(D) She doesn't need them, but she still
likes them.
Part B
Directions: This part of the test consists of extended conversations between two speakers. After
each of these conversations, there are a number of questions. You will hear each conversation and
question only once, and the questions are not written out.
When you have heard the questions, read the four answer choices and select the o n e - ( A ) ,
(B), (C ), or ( D ) - t h a t best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can
be inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that
you have selected.
Don't forget: During actual exams, taking notes or writing in your test book is not permitted.
31. (A) They are both studying 35. (A) At a university.
social anthropology. (B) At a television station.
(B ) Both of them are going to the museum (C) At a newspaper office.
on Saturday. (D) At a hospital.
(C) They both have the same teacher.
36. (A) He needs a well-paying position.
(D) Both of them have studied
(B) He was told to by a professor.
anthropology before.
(C) He wants the experience.
32. (A) In the morning. ( D ) He recently lost another job.
(B) In the afternoon.
37. (A) Drama.
(C) In the evening.
(B) Journalism.
( D ) Only on Saturdays.
(E) Telecommunications.
33. (A) Relationships between parents (F) History.
and children.
38. (A) Talk to Ms. Wagner.
(B) The tools used by ancient people.
(B) Drop a class.
(C) Leadership in contemporary
(G) Change his major.
(H) Complete a form.
(D) Marriage customs.
34. (A) He found it uninteresting.
(B) He found it useful.
(C) He found it fascinating.
(D) He found it difficult.
Section 1 • Listening Comprehension 419
Directions: This part of the test consists of several talks, each given by a single speaker. After
each of these talks, there are a number of questions. You will hear each talk and question only
once, and the questions are n o t written out.
When you have heard each question, read the four answer choices and select the o n e -
( A ),
(B), (C), or ( D ) - t h a t best answers the question based on what is directly stated or on what can be
inferred. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you
have selected.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
[I] [I] [I] [}] [}] [}] [}] [}] [}] [}] [}] [}]
From the lecture you learn that a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves between the Sun and
the Moon and the shadow of the Earth passes across the Moon. The choice that best answers the
question, "According to the speaker, which of the following occurs during a lunar eclipse?" is (A),
"The Earth's shadow moves across the Moon."
Don't forget: During actual exams, taking notes or writing in your test book is not permitted.
[I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I] [I]
8 8 8 8 8 8
[filStructure and Written Expression
Time: 25 m i n u t e s
This section tests your ability to recognize grammar and usage suitable for standard written
English. This section is divided into two parts, each with its own directions.
Directions: Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these sentences, there
are four words or phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C ), or ( D ) - tha t
best completes the sentence. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of
the answer that you have selected.
Example/ Sample Answer
This sentence should properly read "No large natural lakes are found in the state of South
Carolina." You should fill in (D) on your answer sheet.
As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this part.
1. team sports require cooperation. 7. A person of age may suffer
(A) Of all from defects of vision.
(B) They are all (A) every
(C) All (B) some
(D) Why are all (C) certain
(D) any
2. Anyone who has ever pulled weeds from a
garden roots firmly anchor 8. have settled, one of their first
plants to the soil. concerns has been to locate an adequate
(A) is well aware of water supply.
(B) is well aware that (E) Wherever people
(C) well aware (F) There are people who
(D) well aware that (C) Whether people
(D) People
3. Centuries of erosion have exposed
rock surfaces in the Painted 9. I f a bar magnet , the two
Desert of northern Arizona. is pieces form two complete magnets, each
(A) in colors of the rainbow with a north and south pole.
(B) colored like a rainbow (A) broken
(C) rainbow-colored (B) broke
(D) a rainbow's coloring (C) breaking
(D) break
4. The higher the temperature of a molecule,
10. The type of plant and animal life living in
(A) the more energy it has and around a pond depends on the soil of
(B) than it has more energy the pond, , and the pond's
(C) more energy has it location.
(D) it has more energy (A) what the quality of the water is
(B) how is the water quality
5. Frontier surgeon Ephraim MacDonald had to
(C) the quality of the water
perform operations anesthesia.
(D) what is the water quality
(A) no
(B) not having 11. Clifford Holland, civil
(C) without engineer, was in charge of the
(D) there wasn't construction of the first tunnel under the
Hudson River.
6. young, chimpanzees are easily
(A) he was a
(B ) a
(A) When are
(C) being a
(B ) When
(D) who, as a
(C) They are
(D) When they
12. parrots are native to tropical 14. In 1775 Daniel Boone opened
regions is untrue. the Wilderness Trail and made the
(A) That all first settlements in Kentucky.
(B) All (A) possibly it was
(C) Why all (B ) as possible
(D) Since all (C) possible
(D) it possible
13. A major concern among archaeologists
today is the preservation of archaeological 15. Rarely seen far from
sites, are threatened by water.
development. (A) spotted turtles
(A) of which many (B ) spotted turtles are
(B ) many of them (C) have spotted turtles
(C) which many (D) are spotted turtles
(D) many of which
Written Expression
Directions: The items in this part have four underlined words or phrases, (A), (B), (C), and (D).
You must identify the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to he
correct. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and fill in the space
corresponding to the letter.
Example I Sample Answer
This sentence should read "Lenses may have either concave or convex shapes." You should
therefore select answer (A).
When painting a fresco, an artist is applied paint directly to the damp plaster of a
This sentence should read "When painting a fresco, an artist applies paint directly to the damp
plaster of a wall." You should therefore select answer (B).
As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this section.
16. Ceramics can be harder, light, and more resistant to heat than metals.
17. Not everyone realizes that the most largest organ of the human body is the skin.
A I l C D
19. Sidney Lanier achieved fame both as a poet or as a symphony
20. The horses used play polo are not of any special breed or of any definite size.
21. A tapestry consists of a foundation weave, called the warp, which across are passed different
colored threads, called the weft, forming decorative patterns.
26. The fossil remains of much extinct mammals have been found in the tar pits at Rancho La Brea
in Los Angeles.
27. Sharks can detect minute electrical discharges coming from its prey.
A B c D
f.) f.) f.) f.) f.) f.) f.) f.)
f.) f.) f.) f.)
28. A dark nebula consists of a cloud of interstellar dust enough dense to obscure the stars
beyond it.
30. Commercially
29. The various parts of the
honey body require
is heated so different
and filtered in order surgical skills
to stabilize that
and many ·surgical
cl arify
specialties AA BB c C - D - D
have developed.
31. One reason birds have been so successful is because of their able to escape from danger
33. Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and mathematics.
34. Ballet performers must be believable actors and actresses as well as experts dancers.
35. Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is exactly almost the same size as the Earth.
A - B - C D
36. PT. Barnum opened his own circus in 1871 and become the most famous showman
of his
f.) f.) f.) f.) f.) f.) f.) f.)
f.) f.) f.) f.)
39. Chemical compounds with barium, cobalt, and strontium are responsible to many of the vivid
- A - B c
colors in fireworks.
- D -
40. Duke University in North Carolina has an outstanding collecting of documents concerning
Southern history.
8 8 8 8 8 8
R e a d i n g Comprehension
Time: 55 minutes
This section of the test measures your ability to comprehend written materials.
Directions: This section contains several passages, each followed by a number of questions. Read
the passages and, for each question, choose the one best answer- (A), (B), (C), or ( D ) -ba sed on
what is stated in the passage or on what can be inferred from the passage. Then fill in the space on
your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun
(A) is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf
(B) has been in existence for 10 billion years
(C) is rapidly changing in size and brightness
(D) will continue as a yellow dwarf for another 10 billion years
5. What will probably be the first stage of change as the Sun becomes a red giant?
(A) Its core will cool off and use less fuel.
(B) Its surface will become hotter and shrink.
(C) It will throw off huge amounts of gases.
(D) Its center will grow smaller and hotter.
6. W hen the Sun becomes a red giant, what will conditions be like on Earth?
(A) Its atmosphere will freeze and become solid.
(B) It will be enveloped in the expanding surface of the Sun.
(C) It will become too hot for life to exist.
(D) It will be nearly destroyed by nova explosions.
7. As a white dwarf, the Sun will be
(A) the same size as the planet Mercury
(B) thousands of times smaller than it is today
(C) around 35 million miles in diameter
(D) cold and dark
8. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the sequence of stages that
the Sun will probably pass through?
(A) Yellow dwarf, white dwarf, red giant, black giant
(B ) Red giant, white dwarf, red dwarf, nova explosion
(C) Yellow dwarf, red giant, white dwarf, black dwarf
(D) White dwarf, red giant, black dwarf, yellow dwarf
9. The phrase "throw off" in line 17 is closest in meaning to
(A) eject
(B ) burn u p
(C) convert
(D) let in
10. The word "there" in line 23 refers to
(A) our o w n planet
(B) the outer surface of the Sun
(C) the core of a black dwarf
(D) the planet Mercury
11. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
(A) Alarmed
(B) Pessimistic
(C) Comic
(D) Objective
Questions 1 2 - 2 3
13. The word "feasibility" in line 6 is closest in meaning to
(A) profitability
(B) difficulty
(C) possibility
(D) capability
14. According to the passage, the Erie Canal connected the
(A) Potomac and Ohio rivers
(B) Hudson River and Lake Erie
(C) Delaware and Potomac rivers
(D) Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson River
15. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "comparatively" in line 17?
(A) Relatively
(B) Contrarily
(C) Incredibly
(D) Considerably
16. The phrase "on-again-off-again" in line 20 could be replaced by which of the following with the
least change in meaning?
(A) Intermittent
(B) Unsolicited
(C ) Ineffectual
(D) Gradual
17. The completion of the Erie Canal was financed by
(A) the state of New York
(B) private companies
(C) the federal government
(D) DeWitt Clinton
18. The actual cost of building the Erie Canal was
(A) five million dollars
(B) less than had been estimated
(C) seven million dollars
(D) more than could be repaid
19. The word "tolls" in line 26 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Jobs
(B) Grants
(C) Links
(D) Fees
20. Which of the following is NOT given in the fourth paragraph as an effect of the building of the
Erie Canal?
(A) It allowed the East Coast to trade with the Great Lakes area.
(B) It took water traffic away from the Mississippi River.
(C) I t helped determine the outcome of the Civil War.
(D) I t established Boston and Philadelphia as the most important centers of trade.
21. What can be inferred about railroads in 1849 from the information in the last paragraph?
(A) They were being planned but had not yet been built.
(B) They were seriously underdeveloped.
(C) They had begun to compete with the Erie Canal for traffic.
(D) They were weakened by the expansion of the canal.
22. The word "warranted" in line 35 is closest in meaning to
(A) guaranteed
(B) justified
(C) hastened
(D) prevented
23. At what point in the passage does the author focus on the beginning of construction of
the Erie Canal?
(A) Lines 3-5
(B) Lines 1 0 - 1 3
(C) Lines 1 6 - 1 8
(D) Lines 25 -26
Questions 24-33
insects communicate at ultrasonic frequencies, they may pick up the
trees' vibrations and attack the weakened trees. Researchers are
now running tests with potted trees that have been deprived of
(20) water to see if the sound is what attracts the insects. "Water
stressed trees also smell differently from other trees, and they
experience thermal changes, so insects could be responding to
something other than sound," one scientist said.
24. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
(A) The vibrations produced by insects
(B) The mission of the U.S. Forest Service
(C) The effect of insects on trees
(D) The sounds made by distressed trees
25. The word "them" in line 4 refers to
(A) trees
(B) scientists
(C) insects
(D) cries
26. The word "parched" in line 6 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Burned
(B) Dehydrated
(C) Recovered
(D) Fallen
27. The word "plight" in line 8 is closest in meaning to
(A) signal
(B) condition
(C) need
(D) agony
28. It can be inferred from the passage that the sounds produced by the trees
(A) serve as a form of communication with other trees
(B) are the same no matter what type of tree produces them
(C) cannot be heard by the unaided human ear
(D) fall into the 1 - 2 0 kilohertz range
29. The word "fractured" in line 15 is closest in meaning to
(A) long
(B) blocked
(C ) hollow
(D) broken
30. Which of the following could be considered a cause of the trees' distress signals?
(A) Torn roots
(B) Attacks by insects
(C) Experiments by scientists
(D) Lack of water
31. In line 17, the phrase "pick up" could best be replaced by which of the following?
(A) Perceive
(B ) Lift
(C) Transmit
(D) Attack
32. All of the following are mentioned as possible factors in drawing insects to weakened trees
(A) thermal changes
(B) smells
(C) sounds
(D) changes in color
33. I t can be inferred that, at the time the passage was written, research concerning the distress
signals of trees
(A) had been conducted many years earlier
(B) had been unproductive up to then
(C) was continuing
(D) was no longer sponsored by the government
Questions 34-41
36. The word "rigid" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) inflexible
(B ) ideal
(C) unnatural
( D ) steep
37. According to the information provided in the passage, which of the following would most
probably be considered analogous?
(A) A shark's fin and a tiger's claws
(B ) A man's arms and a bird's wings
(C) A monkey's tail and an elephant's tail
(D) A spider's legs and a horse's legs
38. According to the passage, one way in which homologous organs differ from analogous organs
is that they
(A) are genetically related
(B ) are only found in highly developed animals
(C) perform the same general functions
(D) come from different embryological structures
39. As used throughout the passage, the term "structures" most nearly means
(A) buildings
(B ) features of an animal's anatomy
(C) organizational principles
(D) units of grammar
40. The word "sense" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
(A) feeling
(B ) logic
(C) meaning
(D) perception
41. Where in the passage does the author first focus his discussion on the concept of homology?
(A) Lines 2-4
(B) Lines 6-8
(C) Lines 9 -11
(D) Lines 13-14
Questions 42-50
to the city to work on automotive assembly lines. Within four or
five years, these young men's health was destroyed by the stress of
work in the factories.
The film opens with a shot of a mass of sheep making their way
(10) down a crowded ramp. Abruptly the scene shifts to a scene of
factory workers jostling one another on their way to a factory.
However, the rather bitter note of criticism in the implied
comparison is not sustained. I t is replaced by a gentler note of
satire. Chaplin prefers to entertain rather than lecture.
(15) Scenes of factory interiors account for only about one-third of
the footage of Mo d e r n Times, but they contain some of the most
pointed social commentary as well as the most comic situations. No
one who has seen the film can ever forget Chaplin vainly trying to
keep pace with the fast-moving conveyor belt, almost losing his
(20) mind in the process. Another popular scene involves an automatic
feeding machine brought to the assembly line so that workers need
not interrupt their labor to eat. The feeding machine malfunctions,
hurling food at Chaplin, who is strapped into his position on the
assembly line and cannot escape. This serves to illustrate people's
(25) utter helplessness in the face of machines that are meant to serve
their basic needs.
Clearly, Mo d e r n Times has its faults, but it remains the best
film treating technology within a social context. It does not
offer a radical social message, but it does accurately reflect the
(30) sentiments of many who feel they are victims of an over-mechanized
42. The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to
(A) criticize the factory system of the 1930's
(B) analyze an important film
(C) explain Chaplin's style of acting
(D) discuss how film reveals the benefits of technology
43. According to the passage, Chaplin got the idea for the film Mo d e rn Times from
(A) a newspaper article
(B) a scene in a movie
(C) a job he had once held
(D) a conversation with a reporter
44. The word "abruptly" in line 10 is closest in meaning to
(A) suddenly
(B ) mysteriously
(C) finally
(D) predictably
45. It can be inferred from the passage that two-thirds of the film Mo d e r n Times
(A) is completely unforgettable
(B) takes place outside a factory
(C) is more critical than the other third
(D) entertains the audience more than the other third
46. Which of the following could best replace the phrase "losing his mind" in lines 19-20?
(A) Getting fired
(B) Doing his job
(C) Going insane
(D) Falling behind
47. The word "This" in line 24 refers to which of the following?
(A) The machine
(B) The food
(C) The assembly line
(D) The scene
48. According to the passage, the purpose of the scene involving the feeding machine is to show
(A) ingenuity
(B) adaptability
(C) helplessness
(D) independence
49. The word "utter" in line 25 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Notable
(B) Complete
(C) Regrettable
(D) Necessary
50. The author would probably be LEAST likely to use which of the following words to describe
the film Mo d e rn Times?
(A) Revolutionary
(B) Entertaining
(C) Memorable
(D) Satirical