Protected Horticulture
Protected Horticulture
Protected Horticulture
• Protected cultivation practices can be defined as a cropping technique
wherein the micro climate surrounding the plant body is controlled partially
or fully as per the requirement of crops grown during their period of growth.
With the advancement in horticulture various types of protected cultivation
practices suitable for a specific type of agro-climatic zone have emerged.
Among these protective cultivation practices, poly green house, net house,
shade house, plastic tunnel & mulching etc. are very useful for for
temperate zone. Protected cultivation under different types of structures
save plants from winter and extends the cultivation session for off-season
crop production.
2.Why Green house & Poly
house Cultivation?
• After the advent of green revolution, more emphasis is laid on the quality of the
agricultural product along with the quantity of production to meet the ever-
growing food and nutritional requirements. Both these demands can be met
when the environment for the plant growth is suitably controlled. The need to
protect the crops against unfavourable environmental conditions led to the
development of protected agriculture. Greenhouse is the most practical method
of achieving the objectives of protected agriculture, where natural environment
is modified by using sound engineering principles to achieve optimum plant
growth and yield. Poly house cultivation has become an important policy of
Pakistani and Indian Agriculture. Our country is self dependent on food grain
production but to fulfill the nutritional security, the gap between increasing
demand of horticultural produce has to be filled. This gap cannot be filled by
the traditional horticulture which required large area under horticulture to
increase the production for the ever growing population. Green house
technology has potential to produce more produce per unit area with increased
input use efficiency. Therefore, this problem can be coped up by adopting
green /poly house technology for the horticultural production. For example if
one lakh hectare area under vegetable cultivation is brought out under poly
house cultivation the annual availability of vegetable will be increased by at
least 100 lakh tons. Besides this it will also increase the significant jobs
opportunity for the skilled rural men, youths and rural women.
• Total production of vegetables in Pakistan is next to India and China, but per
capita availability of vegetables is much lower than required. The productions
of vegetable crops are to be increased to meet the demand of the ever
growing population otherwise per capita availability of vegetables will further
go down. There is lot of pressure on cultivable land caused due to
industrialization, urbanization and expansion of the rural villages. Therefore, it
is utmost necessary to improve the productivity of crops including vegetables
by adopting intensive cultivation, hydroponics and poly house cultivation.
Adopting poly house cultivation the productivity of vegetable crops can be
increased by 3-5 times as compared to open environment. Besides
productivity, the better quality of produce is also obtained under poly house
cultivation. This technology can be adopted by the rural youth for more
income per unit of land. The improvement in economy of farmers 2
• with the decreasing land holding is also possible through the protected
cultivation by increasing production per unit area. The glut of vegetable during
a short period of harvesting is also the problem in the country which can be
minimized with the protected cultivation as harvesting period of crops under
protected structures is longer.
I. Classification of greenhouse
II. Design and Orientation of Greenhouse / Polyhouse
III. Components of green house
IV. Plant growing structures/containers in green house production
V. Environmental factors influencing greenhouse cultivation
VI. Fan and Pad system
VII. Media preparation and fumigation
VIII. Drip irrigation and fertigation systems
IX. Problem management in greenhouse cultivation
X. Linkages – Backward and Forward
• Greenhouses are frames of inflated structure covered with a transparent
material in which crops are grown under controlled environment conditions.
Greenhouse cultivation as well as other modes of controlled environment
cultivation has been evolved to create favourable micro-climates, which
favours the crop production could be possible all through the year or part of
the year as required. Greenhouses and other technologies for controlled
environment plant production are associated with the offseason production of
ornamentals and foods of high value in cold climate areas where outdoor
production is not possible. The primary environmental parameter traditionally
controlled is temperature, usually providing heat to overcome extreme cold
conditions. However, environmental control can also include cooling to
mitigate excessive temperatures, light control either shading or adding
supplemental light, carbon dioxide levels, relative humidity, water, plant
nutrients and pest control
A. Classification of greenhouse based on suitability
1. Low cost or low tech greenhouse: Low cost greenhouse is a simple structure
constructed with locally available materials such as bamboo, timber etc. The
ultra violet (UV) film is used as cladding materials. Unlike conventional or hi-
tech greenhouses, no specific control devices for regulating environmental
parameters inside the greenhouse are provided. Simple techniques are,
however, adopted for increasing or decreasing the temperature and humidity.
Even light intensity can be reduced by incorporating shading materials like
nets. The temperature can be reduced during summer by opening the side
walls. Such structure is used as rain shelter for crop cultivation. Otherwise,
inside temperature is increased when all sidewalls are covered with plastic
film. This type of greenhouse is mainly suitable for cold climatic zone.
2. Medium-tech greenhouse: Greenhouse users prefers to have manually or
semiautomatic control arrangement owing to minimum investment. This type
of greenhouse is constructed using galvanized iron (G.I) pipes. The canopy
cover is attached with structure with the help of screws. Whole structure is
firmly fixed with the ground to withstand the
disturbance against wind. Exhaust fans with thermostat are provided to
control the temperature. Evaporative cooling pads and misting arrangements
are also made to maintain a favourable humidity inside the greenhouse. As
these systems are semi-automatic, hence, require a lot of attention and care,
and it is very difficult and cumbersome to maintain uniform environment
throughout the cropping period. These greenhouses are suitable for dry and
composite climatic zones.
3. Hi-tech greenhouse: To overcome some of the difficulties in medium-tech
greenhouse, a hi-tech greenhouse where the entire device controlling
environment parameters are supported to function automatically.
3. Shade house- Shadehouses are used for the production of plants in warm
climates or during summer months. Nurserymen use these structures for the
growth of hydrangeas and azaleas during the summer months. Apart from
nursery, flowers and foliages which require shade can also be grown in
shadehouses. E.g. Orchids, These shade structures make excellent holding
areas for field-grown stock while it is being prepared for shipping to retail
outlets. Shadehouses are most often constructed as a pole-supported structure
and covered with either lath (lathhouses) or polypropylene shade fabric.
Polypropylene shadenets with various percentages of ventilations are used.
Black, green, and white coloured nets are used, while black colours are the
most preferred as it retains heat outside.
The design of greenhouse should be based upon sound scientific principles which
facilitates controlled environment for the plant growth. Controlled environment plant
production systems are used widely throughout the world to produce plant materials
and products at a time or place, or of a quality that cannot be obtained outdoors.
Controlled environment agriculture requires far more capital investment per unit area
than field agriculture and thus must essentially be correspondingly more intensive
to justify investment costs. The greenhouse is a structure covered with a transparent
material for admitting natural light for plant growth. The main components of
greenhouse like structure, covering/glazing and temperature control systems need
proper design for healthy growth of plants. Under Indian conditions, Quonset type,
multispan greenhouse is most suitable, because of its low cost and eases of
i. Roof: transparent cover of a green house.
ii. Gable: transparent wall of a green house
iii. Cladding material: transparent material mounted on the walls and roof of a
green house.
iv. Rigid cladding material: cladding material with such a degree of rigidity that any
deformation of the structure may result in damage to it. Ex. Glass
v. Flexible cladding material: cladding material with such a degree of flexibility that
any deformation of the structure will not result in damage to it. Ex. Plastic film
vi. Gutter: collects and drains rain water and snow which is place at an elevated
level between two spans.
vii. Column: vertical structure member carrying the green house structure
viii. Purlin: a member who connects cladding supporting bars to the columns
ix. Ridge: highest horizontal section in top of the roof
x. Girder: horizontal structure member, connecting columns on gutter height
xi. Bracings: To support the structure against wind
xii. Arches: Member supporting covering materials
xiii. Foundation pipe: Connection between the structure and ground
xiv. Span width: Center to center distance of the gutters in multispan houses
xv. Green house length: dimension of the green house in the direction of gable
xvi. Green house width: dimension of the green house in the direction of the gutter
The plant is required to take up very large amounts of water
A. Watering system: Micro irrigation system is the best for watering plants in a
manufacture photosynthates
greenhouse. for a large
Micro sprinklers amount
or drip of flower
irrigation per
equipments can be used. Basically
the watering system should ensure that water does not fall on the leaves or flowers
as itwith
unit area leads to disease
a foliar and
system scorching
relatively problems.
small In micro
in relation to sprinkler system, water
under high pressure is forced through nozzles arranged on a supporting stand at
required production.
about 1 feet height. This facilitates watering at the base level of the plants .
B. Equipments required for drip irrigation system include
i. A pump unit to generate 2.8kg/cm2 pressure
ii. Water filtration system – sand/silica/screen filters
iii. PVC tubing with dripper or emitters
C. Drippers of different types are available:
i. Labyrinth drippers
ii. Turbo dripper
iii.Pressure compensating drippers – contain silicon membrane which
assures uniform flow rate for years
iv. Button drippers- easy and simple to clean. These are good for pots,
orchards and are available with side outlet/top outlet or micro tube
out let
v. Pot drippers – cones with long tube.
D. Water output in drippers:
i. 16mm dripper at 2.8kg/cm2 pressure gives 2.65 litres/hour ( LPH).
ii. 15mm dripper at 1 kg/cm2 pressure gives 1 to 4 litres per hour.
E. Filters: Depending upon the type of water, different kinds of filters can be
i. Gravel filter: Used for filtration of water obtained for open canals and reservoirs
that are contaminated by organic impurities, algae etc. The filtering is done by
beds of basalt or quartz.
ii. Hydrocyclone: Used to filter well or river water that carries sand particles.
iii. Disc flitersL: Used to remove fine particles suspended in water
iv. Screen filters: Stainless steel screen of 120 mesh (0.13mm) sizes. This is used
for second stage filtration of irrigation water.
7.Financing Aspects
a.Subsidy: In India the Dept of Horticulture, Govt is providing subsidy of 65%, 90%
and 50% on cost of polyhouse, irrigation system and planting material
respectively. The back ended subsidy will be provided to financing bank in
respect to the beneficiaries immediately after the release of first instalment of
loan. The subsidy admissible to the borrower under the scheme will be kept in
the Subsidy Reserve Fund A/c – borrower-wise in the books of the financing
b. Refinance to Banks:
The 90% of the amount financed to the borrower under the scheme by banks will be eligible
for the refinance from NABARD.
c. Bank Finance:
i.Term Loan: The banks may finance 90% of the project cost as term loan. The
eligible amount of subsidy would also be allowed as term loan.
ii.Margin Money: The entrepreneurs should normally meet 10% of the project cost
out of their own resources.
iii.Interest Rate: Interest rate will be decided by financing banks from time to time.
However, the repayment programme has been worked out at 14% rate of interest.
iv. Security: Banks may obtain security as per RBI norms.
v. Repayment: The principal and interest will be repayable in seven years, with
moratorium of 01 year.
• Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) belongs to the genus Lycopersicon under
Solanaceae family. Tomato is a herbaceous sprawling plant growing to 1-3 m in
height with weak woody stem. The flowers are yellow in colour and the fruits of
cultivated varieties vary in size from cherry tomatoes, about 1–2 cm in size to
beefsteak tomatoes, about 10 cm or more in diameter. Most cultivars produce red
fruits when ripe. Tomato is a native to Peruvian and Mexican region. Though there
are no definite records of when and how it came to India, the Portuguese perhaps
introduced it to India.
• Tomato is one of the most important "protective foods" because of its special
nutritive value. It is one of the most versatile vegetable with wide usage in Indian
culinary tradition. Tomatoes are used for soup, salad, pickles, ketchup, puree,
sauces and in many other ways It is also used as a salad vegetable. Tomato has
very few competitors in the value addition chain of processing.
B. CLIMATE: It is a warm season crop and the moderate temperature ranging from
18oC to 30oC is best for its growth and flowering. This crop cannot tolerate low
temperature and is very much susceptible to frost. However, it can be sown under
polyhouse during December-January at slightly improved condition for raising
early summer crop with better quality of fruits.
C.SOIL :The tomato crop can be raised in a wide variety of soil ranging from light
textured sandy or sandy loam to heavy clay soils. The soil should be rich in nutrients
and organic matter. The ideal soil pH is 6.00 to 7.00 for its growth. High organic
matter content inoil is highly essential for higher production and quality.
D. BED PREPARATION:A raised bed is always preferred for plantation of Tomato
Cultivation. After fumigation, the beds of following dimensions are prepared.
1. Top width - 90cm
2. Path width- 50 cm
3. Height - 40 cm
1) 40 cm between two plants
2) 50 cm between two rows
G. PLANTING MATERIAL: The seedlings of 05-06 weeks old are used for transplanting,
depending on temperature and light conditions during propagation. Ideal seedling
size is about 16 cm.
The varieties which are preferred for cultivation under polyhouse are –
a. Tomato - By Syngenta - Him Sona, Him Shekha, Insona, 34774 etc.
b. Cherry tomato – By Monsento -Olleh, Raisy etc.
Besides the varieties developed by HAU and IARI are also available for protected
The harvesting of tomato fruits start from 90 days after transplanting. The total
crop period for tomatoes is 8-9 month after planting. The harvesting is done
daily or alternate day depending on market distance and customer choice. For
long distance marketing, the fruits are picked at matured green or breaker
stage. For processing the fully matured red ripe fruits are harvested in order to
optimize the quality parameters. The optimum storage condition of 12oC
temperature and 86 to 90 per cent relative humidity is required for tomatoes.
Under polyhouse condition from well maintained tomato crop average 30 kg/m2
or 10 kg/plant of marketable fruits are obtained.
Capsicum (Capsicum annum) belongs to the family Solanaceae and is an
important member of chilli group. Green pepper is reported to be the native of
tropical America. In India its introduction is believed to be through the
Portuguese. In India it is cultivated commercially in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka,
Himachal Pradesh and in some parts of Uttar Pradesh. In North India, it is
known as "Simla Mirch" and is an important summer crop grown extensively in
the mild hills of Himachal Pradesh to supply to the plains. It is variously called
as capsicum, green pepper, sweet pepper, bell pepper, etc. In shape and
pungency it is different from chilli. It is fleshy, blocky, of various shapes, more
like a bell and hence named bell pepper. Almost all the varieties of green
pepper are very mild in pungency and some of them are non-pungent, and as
such they can be used as stuffed vegetable.
Capsicum grown under plolyhouse require following climatic conditions to get
good quality and better yield round the year.
Name of crop Day (0C) Night (0C) Humidity (%) Light intensity (Lux)
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