T-Ball Sepep
T-Ball Sepep
T-Ball Sepep
SEPEP stands for Sport Education in Physical Education
It is based on improving participation in a competition
like situation. Structured teams and games, with finals.
• Coach/ Captain – Each team has a dedicated coach, who
runs the warm-ups and completes the half time
• Umpire – An umpire for each team is required.
• Scorer - This would involve filling out the official results
sheet and submitting it to the teacher
• Statistics – Students involved in this job are responsible for
providing game statistics to the coaches (home runs,
catches, outs).
• Team Mascot/ Team Colours need to be selected.
• T-Ball is a team sport that is very similar to
the game of baseball.
• T-Ball is used as a way of helping develop
T-BALL hand/eye coordination and ball skills.
• The main difference between T-Ball and
baseball is that, in baseball a pitcher
pitches the ball towards the batter, whilst in
T-Ball the batter hits the ball off a tee which
is stationary.
• The object of the game is for one team to
defeat another by scoring more runs.
• Teams are made up of between 5 and 7
• When batting, each player is required to
wear a helmet.
• 1 run is scored for each member of the
batting team who makes it round all bases.
• When batting, the ball shall not be pitched but shall be placed • Fielding positions are as follows:
on a tee from which the batter shall hit it.
The Pitcher: The pitcher does not pitch the ball but is
• The batter is entitled to have as many swings as they need to tasked with fielding the diamond area in which most
hit the ball. balls are hit.
• A player is declared as being out when: The Catcher: This role, unlike their baseball equivalent is
to place the ball on the tee, catch the ball and to tag
The ball is hit and then caught without hitting the ground.
runners running for home base.
A player who has the ball stands on the base before the
runner makes it to the base. Bases: First Base, Second Base and Third Base positions
field in and around their base area and attempt to run
A fielder with the glove or hand that is holding the ball out players running for their base.
tags a runner between the bases.
Others: If playing with larger numbers, other fielders are
• An innings is complete when each player on the team that is placed around the playing area and are tasked with
batting has had a turn to bat. fielding the ball, catching and trying to run players out
• Once the first team to bat’s innings are all complete, it is the
turn of the opposition to have their innings.
STUDENT Active participation
DEVELOPMENT and development of
physical skills.
• Player participation
• Student commitment
• Detailed multimodal
presentation on their
3 roles, participation,
problems arising,
achievements etc.
• Grand-final of course!
• Prizes and awards – some of which are
cumulative as they have been tallied
throughout the season. (i.e. overall best
and fairest, most improved etc)
• A small celebration for the hard work and
commitment to their competition season.