Premature Ruptured of Membrane: Ferdian Gunawan
Premature Ruptured of Membrane: Ferdian Gunawan
Premature Ruptured of Membrane: Ferdian Gunawan
Ferdian Gunawan
Fetal Membrane Activation
• Syncytiotrophoblasts release CRH, progesterone,
and estrogens -> maternal fetal blood.
• Cortisol -> a maternal artery and enters the
intervillous space -> stimulates the production of
CRH by the syncytiotrophoblasts -> to fetal vein
-> stimulating the fetal pituitary to synthesize
corticotropin and drive fetal adrenal cortisol and
DHEAS synthesis.
• Cortisol and CRH stimulate the fetal lungs to
produce surfactant protein A, which moves from
the amniotic fluid to the amnion, where it
stimulates the production of cyclooxygenase 2
(COX-2) and the synthesis of prostaglandin E2
• Prostaglandins mediate the release of the
metalloproteases that weaken the placental
membranes, thereby facili- tating membrane
• CRH also stimulates the secretion of membrane
matrix metalloprotease-9.
Adopted from : Paary S, Strauss JF. Premature rupture of The Fetal Membrane. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2014:338(10);663669
Rupture of the
Premature fetal membranes
Ruptured of before onset of
Membranes uterine
• PROM Incidence from 3-10% of all delivery complicate
3% of pregnancy lead 1/3 of preterm birth
• Classified as
• Term PROM (37 weeks and longer)
• Preterm PROM (fewer than 37 weeks), and
• Previable preterm PROM (fewer than 24 weeks)
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Prelabor Rupture of Membranes. ACOG. 2018; 188 (1)
Term PROM Preterm PROM Previable PROM Prolonged PROM
Defined as PROM at or after
37 weeks of gestation
Defined as PROM PROM
weeks of gestation
before 37 Defined as PROM before
24 weeks of gestation 2
PROM more than 24
hours before delivery
Adopted from : Menon R. Oxidative stress damage as a detrimental factor in preterm birth pathology. Frontiers in Immunology. 2014.
Adopted from : Zeng LN, Zhang LL, Shi J, Gu LL, Grogan W, Gargano MM, et al. The primary microbial pathogens associated with premature
Adopted from : Zeng LN, Zhang LL, Shi J, Gu LL, Grogan W, Gargano MM, et al. The primary microbial pathogens associated with premature
• History and physical examination
• Examinations increase the risk of infection and add
little information to that available with speculum
examination, digital examinations generally should
be avoided unless the patient appears to be in active
labor or delivery seems imminent (For cervicitis,
prolapse cord/fetal
• Diagnosis of membrane rupture typically is
confirmed by the visualization of amniotic fluid passing
from the cervical canal and pooling in the vagina
Amniotic fluid vs other fluid
• The normal pH of vaginal secretions is generally 4.5–
6.0, whereas amniotic fluid usually has a pH of 7.1–7.3.
• False-positive test results may occur in the presence of blood or semen, alkaline
antiseptics, or bacterial vaginosis.
• Microscopic arborization (ie, ferning) of cervicovaginal
discharge on drying (ie, fern test)
• Ultrasonographic examination (not diagnostic)
• Fetal fibronectin is a sensitive but nonspecific test for
ruptured membranes; a negative test result is strongly
suggestive of intact membranes, but a positive test result
is not diagnostic of PROM
• Amnio-dye test (ie, tampon test) can be performed to
confirm diagnosis of PROM
Amnion-dye test
– General explanation
• Instill 1 mL of indigo carmine dye mixed in 9 mL of sterile saline 5 into amniotic cavity using
ultrasonographic guidance
• Owing to recent availability issues with indigo carmine dye, alternative options have been
– A review of potential dyes for clinical use suggested fluorescein is a readily available
commercial option that has the best evidence supporting use and safety
– Indication
• Recommended for patients in whom diagnosis remains equivocal after full evaluation
– Complications
• Bleeding (placental abruption)
• Infection
• Iatrogenic PROM
• Miscarriage/fetal loss
– Interpretation of results
• With indigo carmine dye, leakage of blue-dyed fluid into vagina within 20 to 30 minutes—as
documented by staining of a tampon—is regarded as definitive diagnosis of PROM
• Maternal urine also will turn blue and should not be confused with amniotic fluid
• Delivery for non-reassuring fetal status, clinical chorioamnionitis, and
significant abruptio placenta optimal gestational age is controversial (but
recommend for > 34 0/7 gestation, no beyond 37 0/7)
Adopted from : Bolt RJ, Weissenbruch V, Lafeber, Waal DV. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2001(32);76-91
Mechanism of MgSO4 for neuroproc
• Vasodilator effect in cerebral vessel inhibit hypoxia and