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"Whole Prayer Is Nothing But Love." - St. Augustine

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“Whole prayer is nothing but love.

– St. Augustine
A blessed day to each and
everyone. In our Gospel today,
Jesus is reminding us that the sin
of pride, envy and anger make us
very irrational in our thinking,
impair our judgement and destroy
our relationship. Let us ask God to
give us the capacity to see the
goodness in others and see things
according to His perspective.
Leader: A Reading from the Holy
Gospel according to St. Luke.

Response: Glory to you, Oh Lord.

Gospel – Luke 6:6-11

On a certain sabbath Jesus went into the synagogue and taught,

and there was a man there whose right hand was withered.
The scribes and the Pharisees watched him closely to see if he would
cure on the sabbath so that they might discover a reason to accuse
But he realized their intentions and said to the man with the
withered hand, “Come up and stand before us.” And he rose and
stood there.
Then Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the
sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?”
Looking around at them all, he then said to him, “Stretch out your
hand.” He did so and his hand was restored.
But they became enraged and discussed together what they might
do to Jesus.
“ He that is jealous is not in love.”
- St. Augustine
What an unfortunate incidence here between Jesus and the Pharisees. Here
we see the Pharisees filled with envy after seeing Jesus miracle of healing the
man on the Sabbath.

Why are they envious of Jesus? It is because He has done something good that
has won Him praise and recognition instead of them. So this envy makes them
look for a reason to accuse Jesus, and they find one which is that Jesus has
worked on Sabbath against the law. This is why Jesus asks them, “is it Lawful to
Do Good on the Sabbath?”

This is not an isolated case where the Pharisees see Jesus getting in their way
of self-importance. He was becoming more popular and respected day after
day than the scribes and Pharisees and they could not take it any more.
So, the teaching we get today from this passage is that the sin of pride,
envy and anger makes us very irrational in our thinking and impairs
our judgement. Why would anyone accuse another of doing something
good? The Pharisees used to preach on Sabbath but they did not term that as
work! That was hypocrisy!

Let us know that our envious actions displease God and also hurt other people
as they continue serving God in their lives.

Let this passage make us examine if we have these Pharisees-like tendencies in

the relationships we have with others. Do you spot any envy anywhere? Do
you remember having acted with envy in the past? Now is the time to change.
Leader: Let us pray to God to steer
us away from any temptation to act
with envy, anger and pride. In
every petition let us pray: Lord,
listen to your children.
Response: Lord, listen to your
Leader: May the Lord work through
all medical experts and frontliners
who are fighting COVID 19. May they
find strength in those who show
them love and compassion: We

Response: Lord, listen to your

Leader: May the leaders of our
nation speak out bravely against
evil that destroys the dignity of
human person and conservation
of the world: We pray…
Response: Lord, listen to your
Leader: May all those who mourn
the passing of their loved ones
find strength and consolation
in the loving embrace of God:
We pray…

Response: Lord, listen to your

Leader: For all of us who are
gathered here virtually, that God will
continue to inspire and grant us the
desire for knowledge, the
knowledge that will lead us to Him:
We pray…

Response: Lord, listen to your

Leader: For all the special
intentions we hold in our hearts…
(silence). Lord, we pray…

Response: Lord, listen to your

Concluding Prayer
Dear Lord, free us from the sin of pride,
envy, anger and jealousy. Help us to
spot them in our lives and steer away
from them. We repent for any
transgression we may have committed
by these sins. Embrace us with your love
and mercy so that we may not stray
again from your glare.. Amen


C oncluding
Leader: May the Lord bless
us protect us from all evil and
bring us to everlasting life.
Response: Amen


C oncluding Prayer
Leader: O most Sacred Heart of Jesus
All: Have mercy on us
Leader: Immaculate Heart of Mary
All: Pray for us
Leader: St. Augustine
All: Pray for us
Leader: St. Nicholas of Tolentine
All: Pray for us
Leader: St. Ezekiel Moreno
All: Pray for us


C oncluding
Leader: With one mind and
one heart...
All: Intent upon God

In the name of the Father, and

of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen

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