Generalmath11 Jeanelynpesimo
Generalmath11 Jeanelynpesimo
Generalmath11 Jeanelynpesimo
The circulatory system, also
called the cardiovascular
system or the vascular system,
is an organ system that
permits blood to circulate and
transport nutrients (such as
amino acids and electrolytes),
oxygen, carbon dioxide,
hormones, and blood cells to
and from the cells in the body
to provide nourishment and
help in fighting diseases
The cardiovascular (from Latin
words meaning "heart" and
"vessel") system comprises the
blood, heart, and blood vessels.
The oxygen we breathe gets mixed into the blood in the lungs, and
the heart pumps this blood to all parts of the body. Each
heartbeat is a contraction of the heart as it pumps blood around
the body.
The heart has four chambers: the left atrium, right atrium, right
ventricle and left ventricle. They are all separated by one-way
valves, meaning the blood can only flow in one direction. Blood
is carried to the heart in the veins, and back out to the rest of
the body in the arteries.
It is typically caused by a diet high in fat, which leaves fatty deposits on the lining of the
blood vessels. These fatty deposits stick together and make the arteries hard and less
Atherosclerosis leads to high blood pressure, which can damage the heart and kidneys
and even lead to strokes.
2. Heart attack
Myocardial infarction (MI) is the technical term for a heart attack. A heart attack can
occur when the blood supply is cut off from the heart, often by a blood clot. Some heart
attacks are minor, but others can be life-threatening.
3. Mitral valve prolapse 6. Angina pectoris
Mitral valve prolapse means the mitral valve bulges Angina pectoris means “pain in the chest” and
out or prolapses because it does not close evenly. The occurs if the heart is not receiving enough blood.
mitral valve pumps freshly oxygenated blood out of People often describe it as a crushing sensation or
the heart to the rest of the body. feeling like their chest is in a vice.
4. Mitral valve regurgitation People with angina pectoris may also feel
breathless, tired, and nauseated.
Mitral valve regurgitation happens when the mitral
valve does not close all the way and causes a leak, 7. Arrhythmia and dysrhythmia
allowing some of the oxygenated blood to flow
backward. Arrhythmia and dysrhythmia are often used
interchangeably, and both refer to abnormal heart
5. Mitral stenosis rates and rhythms. In general, arrhythmia means “no
rhythm” and dysrhythmia means “abnormal
Mitral stenosis means the mitral valve is abnormally rhythm.”
narrow which can prevent the blood from flowing
smoothly or quickly through it.
8. Cardiac ischemia
9. High cholesterol
Heart failure means that the heart is not pumping blood around the body as
efficiently as it should. It can lead to fatigue, shortness of breath, and
Some people with heart failure find it difficult to do things such as walking,
climbing stairs, or carrying groceries.
12. Stroke
A stroke can happen when one of the vessels that lead to the brain either
becomes blocked by a blood clot or bursts. This stops blood flow and
prevents oxygen from getting to the brain.
13. Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) refers to narrowing of the arteries that lead to
the legs, stomach, arms, and head. This reduced blood flow can damage the
cells and tissues in the limbs, organs, and brain. PAD tends to occur more
often in older people.
Aortic aneurysms affect the main artery in the body. It means the artery wall
has weakened, allowing it to widen or “balloon out.” An enlarged artery could
burst and become a medical emergency.
Can circulatory diseases be prevented?
While scientists do not know what causes all of these diseases, there are things that individuals can do to reduce
the risk of developing them.
Many circulatory system diseases are linked to each other. For example, high blood pressure damages the blood
vessels, which can lead to other circulatory problems.
The narrowing of blood vessels caused by high cholesterol increases the likelihood of a person getting a blood
Being overweight or obese also increases the possibility of developing circulatory diseases. However, a healthful
diet and being active can reduce the risk.
Regular exercise keeps the heart healthy by reducing the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and being
overweight — all of which are risk factors for circulatory diseases.
People who have family members with a circulatory disease are more likely to develop one themselves. This risk,
however, can be reduced with a healthful lifestyle.
Tips for circulatory health
#can-they-be-prevented •
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