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Bio Mass & Bio Fuels: R.Somasundaram M.Tech

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Bio mass & Bio fuels

R.Somasundaram M.Tech
Topics to be taught
• Bio mass: 5 hours • Process heat & electricity.
• Principles of using bio mass. Availability. Economics. • Pyrolysis..
• Solid, liquid and gases
• Bio fuels 12 hours • Hydrogen reduction.
• Acid & enzyme hydrolysis.
• Introduction. • Conversion of oil (coco) to Ester.
• Bio fuel classification. • Methanol liquid alcohol fermentation.
• Thermo chemical. • Directly from sugar cane sugar beet.
• Biochemical. Agrochemical. • Starch crops.
• Bio mass production for energy farming. • Cellulose.
• Ethanol fuel use.
• Energy farming advantages & disadvantages.
• Ethanol production.
• Geographical distribution.
• Anaerobic digestion for biogas-basic process & energetics.
• Crop yield.
• Digester sizing.
• Energy analysis.
• Working digester.
• Direct combustion for heat.
• Agrochemical fuel extraction- advantages & disadvantages
• Domestic cooling & heating.
• Crop drying.
Bio mass
• All kinds of organic matters from • Sources of bio-mass:
fuel wood to marine vegetation. Selective cultivation of energy
• It is renewable in the sense that efficient crops depending on their
bio-mass renews naturally and adds fuel content.
to itself in a very short span of time.
Organic waste such as municipal
(in a year or less)
solid wastes, timber waste &
• It is renewable so long as it is grown sewage sludge.
at the same rate of its consumption.
Residues left as plant materials in
• It is also another form of solar the field and forests.
energy as plants grow by
photosynthesis process using solar • Examples: sugar cane, maize,
energy potatoes, grasses, shrubs,
sunflower, soya been etc.
Bio-mass as source of energy

• Advantages: • Disadvantages:
It is a renewable energy. Low density of availability 400-
Reduced emission of 600Kg/m3
greenhouse gases Large volumes of storage.
Less ash content in comparison High transportation costs.
with coal. Wide variation of source e.g. saw
dust to tree trunk.
Higher moisture content needing
some energy to dry them up.
Bio fuel

• Any hydrocarbon fuel that is • Classification :

produced from carbonic matter • I generation: food crops explicitly
(living or once living matter) in a grown for fuel production e.g.
short period of time ( days, weeks eucalyptus
or months can be called as biofuel. • II generation: fuel manufactured
• Biofuels burn cleaner resulting few from biomass. e.g. solid sewage
green housing gas and nil waste, grass etc.
particulate emissions. • III generation: oil rich Algae
• It is sulphur free • IV generation: they are meant to
• It is biodegradable. i.e. even if there store electrical energy from
is any spillage it is not harmful as renewable sources in the chemical
bonds of liquid/gas fuels. e.g.
compared with fossil fuel.
Butanol, hydrogen etc.
• Energy crops which are low-cost and Energy farming
comparatively maintenance fee are
grown solely for energy production (not
for food).
• The crops are processed into solid, liquid
or gaseous fuels, such as pellets,
bioethanol or biogas.
• These fuels may be burnt to generate
power or heat.
• They are grown on poor agricultural land.
• Hybrid variety may give higher yield.
• Example of woody plants is elephant
• Advantages:
They don’t emit any Sulphur
Provides rural employment. ENERGY FARMING
Waste land can be converted into
fertile land. • Disadvantages:
These crops release oxygen while Additional work is needed to
consuming carbon-di-oxide; so acting convert waste land into fertile
as carbon sink.
Land used for energy farming
When they absorb the same amount
may be in demand for other
of CO2 they release during
consumption, they are called as
purposes like factory/ housing
carbon neutral fuel source. etc.
Less money spent than traditional They are considered to sap the
farming. entire soil energy

Refined bio-fuel

• Fuel value of bio fuel is less due to presence of moisture in them.

• Bio-mass can be used to give the stored energy by direct combustion
after necessary drying process.
• Conversion of bio-mass into liquid or gas form will make it more
convenient to use along with conventional fuels.
• It has the advantage that
Very little or no modification is required in the existing system
Refined bio-fuel has more calorific value
Storage for long periods without degradation is possible
Ease of transportation.
Bio-mass conversion technology
• Direct combustion:
No chemicals added to process i.e. they can be burnt alone or in
conjunction with other fuels like coal or oil.
Wood, straw etc. can be directly burnt for cooking, space heating.
Sugarcane refute is used as fuel in sugar industry.
It takes place at high temperature in the range of 850°C and above.
• Pyrolysis: It is the thermal decomposition of organic matter in the
absence of oxygen.
• It is a relatively slow chemical reaction to convert biomass into more
useful fuel such as carbon rich solid residue.
Other Bio-mass conversion technology

• Thermochemical conversion:
Gasification: bio- mass is heated with limited oxygen to produce
 Liquefaction: bio-mass is reacted in presence of steam & oxygen to
produce methanol or ethanol.
• Biochemical conversion:
Anaerobic digestion: microbiological activity in the absence of air.
Fermentation: grains and sugarcane are converted into ethanol under
the influence of ferments like yeast, enzymes
• Pyrolysis does not involve reaction Pyrolysis
with oxygen, water or any other
• They operate at around 500°C
• It needs a source of heat.
• End products are char ( a
combination of non-combustible
material and carbon) and a
synthetic gas.
• The gas itself may have CO2 , CO,
hydrogen, methane etc.
• The gas can be suitably cooled and
condensed to produce liquid i.e.
Bio gas generation

• Decomposition of animal, plant and • Bio gas can be generated by

human waste in the absence of digestion, pyrolysis or
oxygen by anaerobic bacteria hydrogasification.
digesting them to produce bio gas.
• Digestion is a process using
• Main composition is 30-45% CO 50- anaerobic bacteria.
70% methane and the reminder
H2S,H2 & N2 • Aerobic bacteria’s main products
• Bio gas has a calorific value of 5000 are CO2, NH3
Kcal/Kg. • Anaerobic bacteria is used for bio
• The solid waste is a rich source of gas generation with an optimum
nitrogen which is used as fertilizer. temperature range of 35-38°C

• The digester needs plenty of water to dispose the slurry content.

• 10-15 m2 of area is required for each m3of gas produced.
• Digester to be away from wells and close to the user.
• It must have good sunlight for optimum generation of gas.
Digester sizing
• The size depends on the retention period. e.g. cow-buffalo dung takes
50 days to pig dung within 20days.
• A slurry is prepared from dry dung on 1: 1 ratio between wet dung to
water. 4:1 ratio is maintained to convert dry dung into wet.
• 10% volume is provided for gas accumulation.
• Loading rate of raw material to maintain pH level (7-7.5 pH value is
maintained for sewage solids with a loading rate of 0.5-1.6
Types of gas plants

• Though there are many types available in the market, the main types
Continuous and batch types
Dome and drum types
• In continuous type, raw materials are continuously added and the
process goes on except for maintenance schedules.
• Batch type works with a stock of fermented slurry to start the
Batch type

• It is suitable where daily supply of raw material is difficult to be

• It is charged at 50-60 day interval.
• It starts supplying the gas after 10-15 days till the process of complete
digestion (around 45 days)
• Gas production is uneven.
• Several digesters are required.
• Requires large digesters and so initial cost is very high.
• Dome and drum type has (i) floating gas holder and (ii) fixed dome
digester plant
Gas holder is separate from the digester .
Plant has a steel drum to collect gas. Steel drum is replaced by a fixed
Digestion takes place inside a masonry well dome roof of masonary work.
Fixed dome type
Digester sizing

• It depends on rate of energy to be • Again say C is biogas per unit dry

produced, calorific value of the mass of whole input and mo is
fuel, retention time of biomass, the mass, Vb = Cmo
volatile solid concentration of
feedstock, slurry temperature and • Volume of fluid Vf= m/Pmo
combustion efficiency of the • Volume of the dome, Vd= Vf.tr
where tr is the retention time.
• Burner efficiency (ηc) heat of
combustion of methane gas (Hm), Calorific value of methane is taken
fraction of methane in biogas (Fm), as 28 MJ/m3 at STP
volume of biogas (Vb), then total Slurry temperature can be
energy available, E= ηc Hm Fm Vb assumed to be 30⁰ C

• Gasification is the decomposition of a • Drying: The fuel moisture is removed

solid (e.g. wood) by a reactive gas (e.g. by evaporation by an endothermic
air) to obtain a gaseous fuel. process at temperature between 100
• It is in between pyrolysis and direct °C -160 °C.
combustion. • Pyrolysis: As the temperature of the
• It involves partial oxidation by allowing solid increases, gases are generated
oxygen in small quantity at around 650°C. by dry biomass from 250 °C. 
• Some heat is needed to initiate and • Oxidation: Oxidation is the phase that
sustain the gasification process. provides heat for the three phases of
• The main product is synthetic gas. the gasification process.
• During this process, biomass is subjected • Reduction: the solid residue, coke
to four successive thermochemical reacts with water vapour and carbon
phenomena : drying, pyrolysis, oxidation dioxide, thereby forming hydrogen
and reduction. and carbon monoxide.
Classification of gasifier

• Depending upon the inlet of air into the gasifier and combustion of
the fuel and outlet of generated gas, they can be classified as
Updraft gasifier
Down draft gasifier
Cross draft Gasifier
Types of Gasifier
Ethanol production

• Corn or sugar cane plants are

the main sources. We may
also get it from potato, hemp
• During fermentation, which
takes place in an aqueous
medium, glucose and other
sugars are converted into
ethanol and CO2
• After fermentation the mash
is heated called as distillation
to drive out the ethanol.
• Thereafter the water content
is removed by dehydration.
Use of ethanol as fuel

• Ethanol can be used as an alternate fuel for spark ignition engines

though they have low mileage. (its volumetric energy content is 34%
as compared to petrol)
• It can be use as a blend from E10 –E85

• Energy plantation is the process of harvesting energy from plants.

• Plants with higher fuel value may be selectively grown to produce bio
fuel. e.g. eucalyptus.
• Such plants serve as solar energy storage device.
• Such stored energy can be released at temperatures comparable with
fossil fuels.
Carbon recycling international

• Carbon Recycling International is an Icelandic limited liability

company which has developed a technology designed to produce
methanol from carbon-di-oxide and hydrogen.
• It uses water electrolysis process.
• Alternatively, hydrogen is captured from industrial waste gases. The
technology is trademarked by CRI as Emissions-to-Liquids (ETL) and
the renewable methanol produced by CRI is trademarked as Vulcanol.
• In 2011 CRI became the first company to produce and sell liquid
renewable transport fuel produced using only carbon dioxide, water
and electricity from renewable sources.

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