Other Forms Renewable Energy: R.Somasundaram M.Tech
Other Forms Renewable Energy: R.Somasundaram M.Tech
Other Forms Renewable Energy: R.Somasundaram M.Tech
R.Somasundaram M.Tech.
Topics to be taught
• Tidal power • Ocean thermal energy conversion:
Introduction. Principles.
The cause of tides. Heat exchangers.
Enhancement of tides. Pumping requirements.
Tidal flow power. Other practical considerations.
Tidal range power. Problems.
World range power sites. • Hydro power & geothermal
• Brief review and description.
Tidal and geothermal energy
• Tidal energy and geo thermal energy are known as non solar
renewable energy as they do not depend upon the solar power.
• Tidal energy depends on the gravitational effort of sun and moon.
• Geo thermal energy is the thermal energy stored in the core of the
Tidal and geothermal energy
• Tides are the periodic rise and
fall of sea levels caused by the
gravitational forces exerted by
the Moon and the Sun.
• Sun has a higher mass and
higher is its gravitational pull.
• But due to moon’s close
proximity to earth, it plays a
more important role.
• Moon produces 70 % of tide
• The side which faces the moon
will be more influenced by it.
Tidal energy conversion
• Here the change in vertical column of sea water column due to the
gravitational pull of sun and moon is utilized.
• It needs construction of walls called tidal barrage which is built from sea
floor to a level just above the highest possible tide level.
• The barrage has a number of tunnels above the bottom with sluice gate
valves to allow the floe either side.
• Within these tunnels high capacity turbines are placed.
• During flood tide period, water flows into the tunnels and fills up the
reservoir, called as flood generation.
• On ebb tide period, the water flows outward, called as EBB generation.
• Thus energy can be created in both the directions of water movement.
Tidal energy conversion systems
• Rising water: Groundwater near the magma becomes heated and more buoyant
than the surrounding colder waters and rises through pathways that lead to the
• Hot water plume: The rising water is discharged at the surface through hot
springs and steaming ground.
• Interaction: The rising fluids interact chemically with the surrounding rocks and
their temperature is moderated by mixing with cooler water and by local boiling.
• Counter flow: The upward flow of hot water from depth creates a downward
counter-flow in the surrounding area so the surrounding cold water moves
• Convection system: The movement of the two types of water create a circulating
convection system that is a very efficient way to transfer heat.
uses of
It is a carbon free energy.
It provides a continuous, uninterrupted
supply of heat.
It is independent of sun & its relative
Nil Nox, Sox content, so no acid rain.
Wells have to be drilled to a depth of 4
kms. to get low to medium quality of heat.
For better quality we may need latest
technology with materials to withstand
the temperature, pressure and hardness
of the material.
In its true sense, it can’t be termed as
renewable energy.
Types of geo thermal plants
Merits Demerits
• Phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC) use phosphoric acid as electrolyte to pass positive
hydrogen ions from the anode to the cathode.
• These cells work in temperatures of 150 to 200°C
• This heat can be used to produce steam for air conditioning systems or any other
thermal energy consuming system.
• Phosphoric acid is a non-conductive liquid acid which forces electrons to travel from
anode to cathode through an external electrical circuit.
• Since the hydrogen ion production rate on the anode is small, platinum is used as
catalyst to increase this ionization rate.
• A key disadvantage of these cells is the use of an acidic electrolyte.
• This increases the corrosion or oxidation of components exposed to phosphoric acid
• Solid acid fuel cells (SAFCs) use Caesium hydrogen sulphate (CsHSO 4) or Caesium
dihydrogen phosphate (CsH2PO4) as the electrolyte.
• Higher Efficiency-can go up to 80% • Expensive to manufacture due the
when utilizing co-generation. high cost of catalysts (platinum)
• Good reliability • Lack of infrastructure to support
• Quality of power provided does not the distribution of hydrogen
degrade over time. • A lot of the currently available fuel
• Noiseless and smooth operation. cell technology is in the prototype
• Environmentally beneficial- greatly stage and not yet validated.
reduces CO2 and harmful pollutant • Hydrogen is expensive to produce
emissions. and not widely available
• Fuel cells are significantly lighter and
more compact so occupy less space.