Bioreactor Analysis and Operation
Bioreactor Analysis and Operation
Bioreactor Analysis and Operation
- Overview of bioreactors
- Modified batch and continuous reactors
- Scale up/down
- Immobilized cell systems
- Operation consideration
- Sterilization
- Bioreactor Instrumentation and control
Bioreactor Analysis and Operation
- Fermentation processes
- solid state: water content: 40~ 80%, mostly mold
fermentation on agriculture products and food:
rice, wheat, barley, corn and soybean.
e.g.rotary drum fermentator
- submerged systems: water content > 95%
e.g. bacteria, yeast.
Bioreactor Analysis and Operation
- Overview of bioreactors for submerged system
- Classification:
operation modes:
- batch: stirred tank
- continuous: chemostat, fluidized-bed
- modified types of the above modes:
fed-batch, chemostat with recycle,
multi-stage continuous reactors
X1, S
Chemostat with Cell Recycle
Cell mass balance (qp=0, kd ≈0, X0=0, Monod equation is applied):
where µ=µnet=µg-kd
When kd=0
Chemostat with Cell Recycle
Mass balance on growth-limiting substrate (qp=0, kd ≈0, X0=0,
Monod equation is applied):
1 dS
FS 0 FS V g X 1 M (1 ) FS V
YX / S dt
At steady state, dS/dt 0,
X1 Y X / S (S0 S ) K s D(1 C )
g S
m D(1 C )
Since g [1 (1 C )]D,
Y X / S (S0 S ) YX / S K s D(1 C )
X1 , X1 [S0 ]
1 C [1 (1 C )] m D(1 C )
Chemostat with Cell Recycle
No recycle
X1, S
(1 ) FX1 FX 2 FCX1 X 2
The average residence time in cell separator
Vcell separator
(1 ) F
Example-Chemostat with Cell Recycle
Organisms are cultured in a chemostat with cell recycle. The
system is operated under glucose limitation.
where S≈0
assuming X≈Xm
at Pt=Pt0, t=0
Example: Fed- Batch
In a fed-batch culture operating with intermittent
addition of glucose, the value of V is given at time
t=2hr, when the system is at quasi-steady state.
F 200 ml/h, V 1000ml, S0 100 g glucose/L
YX/S 0.5gdw cells/g glucose; μ m 0.3h 1 ,
Ks 0.1g/L, X t 0 30 g cells
Determine V0.
At t=2 hr, find S, X and Xt and P at quasi-steady state if
qp=0.2 g product/g cells-h, P0=0.