Ethical Issues in Employee Employer Relation
Ethical Issues in Employee Employer Relation
Ethical Issues in Employee Employer Relation
Employer relation
Animesh Khandelwal
Kajal Katiyar
Nibranth Prabhakar
Payal Bhatnagar
Shruti Rawat
Business Ethics
• Business ethics are moral principles
that guide the way a business behaves.
• Acting in a ethical way involves
distinguishing between “right” and
“wrong” and then make the “right”
• Ethics is a branch of philosophy which
seeks to find answers about the moral
concepts like bad, good, evil, right
wrong, etc.
Employees Unethical Behaviors
Lies Extended Breaks
• Lying is a trait that is detested in Companies give lunch breaks to
and outside the workplace. It employees and people take
kills trust, affects relationships advantage of these breaks to do
and may even put people in other things outside office work
trouble. like, go for interviews, meet
• A lot of employees start lying with friends or even work on
from their CV, by adding their side hustles.
experiences they didn't acquire,
and the skills they don't have.
Verbal Harassment/Abuse Leaking the confidential
Employees need to stay away from information
using foul language on coworkers Employees tends to do such things
in and out of the workplace. This when they get frustrated from the
is very important when dealing work or their managers behavior,
with customers. they tend to leak the confidential
Employers Unethical Behaviors
Undue Pressure Verbal Harassment
Deadlines are a great way to make It is common among employers to
sure the work gets done on time. verbally harass employees when
However, when employees are they make little mistakes. This will
placed under undue pressure, they reduce employee morale and
end up trading quality for on-time productivity.
Employers should always say kind
An example of undue pressure will words to their employees.
be giving an employee a 1-day
deadline for a project that would
normally take a week.
Unfriendly Work Environment Taking Credit For Someone
One of the things that can reduce Else’s Hard Work
productivity is an unfriendly It is very common for managers
working environment. This may to take credit for their team
come as a combination of abusive member’s idea.
bosses, lack of commendation,
nepotism, etc. This kind of unethical behavior
could deny the right person a
An unfriendly environment is an promotion, reward or bonus for
environment that combines various
the job well done.
unethical behaviors into one.
Unpaid Overtime Nepotism
Some employers take advantage of This is a common type of
desperate job seekers and the corruption that happens in the
competitive job market to use workplace. An employee who has
employees' leisure time as they been working hard for years while
wish. influencing company growth may
They do so with the mentality that get sidelined for a promotion
they are doing employees a favor because of another employee who
by employing them, not knowing is a family friend, family or friend
that the favor is mutual. of the employer.
How to Solve Unethical Issues