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 A queue is like a line of people waiting for a

bank teller. The queue has a front and a rear.
 Operates on FIFO (First In First Out) basis.
$ $

Rear Front
The Queue Operation

 New people must enter the queue at the rear. it is

usually called an enqueue operation.

$ $

The Dequeue Operation

 When an item is taken from the queue, it always

comes from the front. it is usually called a dequeue
$ $

 Operation Content of queue
 Enqueue(B) B
 Enqueue(C) B, C
 Dequeue() C
 Enqueue(G) C, G
 Enqueue (F) C, G, F
 Dequeue() G, F
 Enqueue(A) G, F, A
 Dequeue() F, A
Array Implementation of Queue
 Consider the following structure:
 int Num[MAX_SIZE];
 We need to have two integer variables that tell:
 the index of the front element
 the index of the rear element
 We also need an integer variable that tells:
 the total number of data in the queue
 int FRONT =-1,REAR =-1;
 int QUEUESIZE=0;
Array Implementation of Queue

 A queue can be implemented with an array, as

shown here. For example, this queue contains the
integers 4 (at the front), 8 and 6 (at the rear).

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ...

4 8 6

An array of integers
to implement a
queue of integers
a) Simple Array Implementation of Queue

 The easiest implementation also keeps 3 size

track of the number of items in the queue
(Queue Size) and the index of the first 0 first
element (at the front of the queue), the
last element (at the rear).
2 last

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ...

4 8 6

Front Rear
To dequeue data from the queue
 check if there is data in the queue
 Yes:
 Copy the data in Num[FRONT]
 Increment FRONT
 Decrement QUEUESIZE
 No:
 Queue Underflow
A Dequeue Operation

 When an element leaves the queue, size is 2 size

decremented, and first changes, too.
1 first

2 last

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ...

4 8 6

Front Rear
To enqueue data to the queue
 check if there is space in the queue
 Yes:
 Increment REAR
 Store the data in Num[REAR]
 Increment QUEUESIZE
 FRONT = = -1?
 Yes:
 Increment FRONT
 No:
 Queue Overflow
An Enqueue Operation

 When an element enters the queue, size 3 size

is incremented, and last changes, too.
1 first

3 last

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ...

8 6 2

Front Rear
b) Circular Array Implementation of Queue

 There is special behaviour at the 3 size

end of the array. For example,
suppose we want to add a new 3 first
element to this queue, where the
last index is [5]: 5 last

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

2 6 1

Front Rear
An Enqueue Operation

 The new element goes at the front of 4 size

the array (if that spot isn’t already
used): 3 first

0 last

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

4 2 6 1

Linked List Implementation
Linked List Implementation

 A queue can also be implemented with a linked

list with both a head and a tail pointer.

 Enqueue:- is inserting a node at the end of a

linked list
 Dequeue:- is deleting the first node in the list
Linked List Implementation

13 10 15

Types of Queue
Deque (pronounced as Deck)

 Is a Double Ended Queue

 Insertion and deletion can occur at either end
 Has the following basic operations
EnqueueFront:– inserts data at the front of the list
DequeueFront:– deletes data at the front of the list
EnqueueRear:– inserts data at the end of the list
DequeueRear:– deletes data at the end of the list
Deque (pronounced as Deck)
 Implementation is similar to that of queue
 Is best implemented using doubly linked list

Front Rear

DequeueFront EnqueueFront DequeueRear EnqueueRear

Priority Queue

 Is a queue where each data has an associated key

that is provided at the time of insertion.

 Dequeue operation deletes data having highest

priority in the list.

 One of the previously used dequeue or enqueue

operations has to be modified.
Priority Queue

Example: Consider the following queue of persons

where females have higher priority than males
(gender is the key to give priority).

Abebe Alemu Aster Belay Kedir Meron Yonas

Male Male Female Male Male Female Male
Priority Queue

 Dequeue( )- deletes Aster

Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Meron Yonas

Male Male Male Male Female Male
Priority Queue

 Dequeue( )- deletes Meron

Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas

Male Male Male Male Male
Priority Queue

 Now the queue has data having equal priority and

dequeue operation deletes the front element like in
the case of ordinary queues.

 Dequeue( ):- deletes Abebe

Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas

Male Male Male Male
Priority Queue

 Dequeue( ):- deletes Alemu

Belay Kedir Yonas

Male Male Male
Priority Queue

Demerging Queues:
 Is the process of creating two or more queues
from a single queue.
 Used to give priority for some groups of data
Priority Queue

Example: The following two queues can be created

from the above priority queue.

Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas

Female Female Male Male Male Male Male
Priority Queue

create empty females and males queue
while (PriorityQueue is not empty)
Data=DequeuePriorityQueue();//delete data at the front
if(gender of Data is Female)
Priority Queue

Merging Queues:
 Is the process of creating a priority queue from
two or more queues.

 The ordinary dequeue implementation can be

used to delete data in the newly created priority
Priority Queue

Example: The following two queues (females

queue has higher priority than the males queue)
can be merged to create a priority queue.

Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas

Female Female Male Male Male Male Male

Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas

Female Female Male Male Male Male Male
Priority Queue

create an empty priority queue
while(FemalesQueue is not empty)
while(MalesQueue is not empty)
Application of Queues

I. Access to Shared Resources (e.g., printer)

II. Disk Driver:- maintains a queue of disk input/output requests
Application of Queues

III. Task scheduler in multiprocessing system

maintains priority queues of processes

III. Telephone calls in a busy environment

maintains a queue of telephone calls

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