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CS 726: Nonlinear Optimization 1 Lecture 05: Existence: Michael C. Ferris

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CS 726: Nonlinear Optimization 1

Lecture 05 : Existence

Michael C. Ferris

Computer Sciences Department

University of Wisconsin-Madison

February 3 2021

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Theorem (Weierstrauss)
Let A ✓ Rn , A 6= ; and let f : A ! R be lower semicontinuous at all
points of A. Assume one of the following:
(a) A is compact
(b) A is closed and f is coercive (ie f (x) ! 1 when ||x|| ! 1)
(c) 9 such that the set {x 2 A|f (x)  } is non-empty and compact
Then 9x 2 A such that f (x) = inf f (z).

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Quadratic form: f (x) = 12 x T Qx + p T x, Q 2 Rn⇥n .
We show without loss of generality, Q can be assumed symmetric. Take
x 2 Rn .

1 T 1 1 T 1 Q + QT
x T Qx = x Qx + ( x T Qx )T = x Qx + x T Q T x = x T ( ) x.
2 2 | {z } 2 2 2
| {z }

For example,
 1
✓ ◆
1 2 x1
f (x) = x12 + 2x1 x2 + 3x22 = (x1 x2 ) 2
2 0 3 x2
 1
✓ ◆
2 1 x1
= (x1 x2 ) .
1 3 x2

f is quadratic form above, then rf (x) = Qx + p. (needs Q symmetric.)

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Theorem (Frank-Wolfe)
If f is a quadratic function as above, and C is a nonempty polyhedral set
(defined in Lecture 2), consider the following problem,

min f (x)
s.t. x 2C

then either f attains its global infimum on C , or there exists a feasible

half-line in C along which f # 1. (C 3 x0 + d, 0).

Seen[Frank and Wolfe(1956)], but also other proofs in
[Blum and Oettli(1972), Eaves(1971)]. Some extensions can be found in
[Luo and Zhang(1999), Perold(1980)].

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min kAx bk22 0.


Then f (x) = x T AT Ax 2b T Ax + b T b 0. Thus a global minimizer

always exists by the Frank-Wolfe theorem because f is bounded below.
Contrast this with e x (strictly convex function).

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Convex Functions and Di↵erentiability

Suppose dom(f ) is open. f : Rn ! R̄ is di↵erentiable over dom(f ). Then
(also see figure below)

f is convex , dom(f ) is convex and

f (x) f (z) + rf (z)T (x z), 8x, z 2 dom(f )


dom(f ) is convex and

f (x) > f (z) + rf (z)T (x z), 8x, z 2 dom(f ) ) f is strictly convex

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Linearization at x under-estimates f .

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(()Suppose x, y 2 dom(f ), ↵ 2 (0, 1), then z = ↵x + (1 ↵)y 2 dom(f ).
By assumption: (
f (x) f (z) + rf (z)T (x z)
f (y ) f (z) + rf (z)T (y z)
Multiply the first inequality by 1 ↵ and the second by ↵, then sum then
together we have

(1 ↵)f (x) + ↵f (y ) (1↵)f (z) + (1 ↵)rf (z)T (x z)

+↵f (z) + ↵rf (z)T (y z)
= f (z) + rf (z)T [(1 ↵)(x z) + ↵(y z)]
= f (z)

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()) Suppose x, z 2 dom(f ), x 6= z, 0 < < 1,

f (x) + (1 )f (z) f ( x + (1 )z)

) (f (x) f (z)) f ( x + (1 )z) f (z)
1 o( )
) f (x) f (z) [f (z + (x z)) f (z)] = rf (z)T (x z) +

lim as # 0, f (x) f (z) rf (z)T (x z)

The last statement follows from a simple extension of the argument

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E. Blum and W. Oettli.
Direct proof of the existence theorem for quadratic programming.
Operations Research, 20(1):165–167, 1972.
ISSN 0030364X, 15265463.
URL http://www.jstor.org/stable/169347.
B. C. Eaves.
On Quadratic Programming.
Management Science, 17:698–711, 1971.
M. Frank and P. Wolfe.
An Algorithm for Quadratic Programming.
Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 3(1-2):95–110, Mar. 1956.
doi: 10.1002/nav.3800030109.
Z.-Q. Luo and S. Zhang.
On extensions of the frank-wolfe theorems.
Computational Optimization and Applications, 13(1-3):87–110, Apr.
A. F. Perold.
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A generalization of the frank-wolfe theorem.
Mathematical Programming, 18(1):215–227, dec 1980.
doi: 10.1007/BF01588315.

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