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FS 1 2 - Outline of A Lesson Plan The 16 Code of Ethics of A Professional T

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FS 1 & - Observation and in Actual

Teaching-Learning Environment &

Participation & Teaching Assistantship
Module 6 – Final Outline of a Daily Lesson
Plan & the 16 Code of Ethics of a
Professional Teacher
October 11 – 16, 2021
For BEEd & BSEd 4 Students
College Teacher
Good morning every one. I am sure you are so excited to
make a lesson plan so that you can demonstrate it to us in
person. I have send you the CG in English you download it
and try to study it very well for your information. For the
BEEd I have send a link for your to download and study it
too. That link is also good for the BSEd. You may read it
in advanced for your LET that is why I uploaded it for you.

In this module I am sending the 16 Code of Ethics of a

Professional Teacher. Please study this code and try to
memorize it heartily. You will recite this orally in the 2 nd
semester this Academic Year. It that clear?

Outline of The Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)

I. Objective
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competency

II. Content
A. Topic or Subject Matter or Content
B. Learning Materials
a. Learning Material (LM): (Title of the LM
b. Teacher’s Guide (TG) & Teacher’s Manual
c. Other References: (Write the title of a Book
which you use as a reference if none write NA
d. Other Materials: Example; chart, flash cards,
globe, real objects, laptop, projector, etc

III. Procedures or Learning Experiences

A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Short Announcement (Positive
B. Before the Lesson
a. Drill
b. Review 4
C. During the Lesson
a. Unlocking of unfamiliar words
Grades 1 – 3 at least 3 words only
Grades 4 – 12 5 words
b. Motivation
c. Presentation of the topic or subject matter
For Grades 1 – 3 Explicit
For Grades 4 – 12 Discovery
d. Giving of the motive question
e. Presentation of the KBI

D. Presentation of Activities
a. Activity 1 Check every activity &
b. Activity 2 analyze it
c. Activity 3
E. Discussing or Explaining the Concept
F. Making of Generalization or Formulation of
G. Developing mastery or Fixing of Skills
H. Finding Practical Application or simply
I. Value Integration (This is your KBI)

IV. Formative Test or Evaluation
Compute the MPS

V. Homework or Assignment
The MPS will decide if what you indicate in this
part is homework or assignment

VI. Remarks

VII. Reflections

The Sixteen Code of Ethics of a Professional Teachers

1. Bear in mind that prompt, courteous and efficient

service is the first duty of every school officials,
employees and teachers.

2. Service in education calls for the highest standard of

integrity, morality. Conduct yourself accordingly at
all times during and after office hours.

3. Set the example of clean, simple and honest living as

worthy models for the students and the community.

4.Perform your duties and functions thoroughly,
earnestly and to the best of your ability,
ing a high sense of respsosnsibility and civic

5. Be punctual, observe official hour and see to it that

you always do a whole day of work at least.

6. Observe discipline for duly constituted authority.

Abide the rules and regulations as thorough as you

7. Be just and fair with your actions in dealing with your 9

8. Use leisure time profitably in worthwhile activities
such as gardening, handicrafts and cultural pursuits.

9. Set the example of buying and using goods make in

the Philippines.

10. Seek to grow professionally. It is your obligation to

improve yourself in the service.

11.Observe propriety, modesty and good taste in your


12. Participate actively in non-official activities designed
to advance the goal of the new society.

13. Perform your functions in rendering due service to

the public without any thoughts of personal gain.

14. Seek to minimize government expenses by

observing the strictest economy in the use of
public equipment and property.

15. Observe discretion in relations with agents, dealers,

publishers, and other business in your office.

16. Be fair and resolute in improving discipline with
humane understanding and charity when


DepEd Order # 042, s. 2016

Code of Ethics of a Professional
Teachers - 1974



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