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Learning Episode 2 Fs 1 Timbas Eloisa May

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FS 1 2

This learning episode will emphasize structures and procedures
performed by the teacher in the classroom. The teacher's first responsibility as
a manager in the classroom is to create a conducive learning environment. This
can be accomplished by a well-organized personal classroom management plan
that includes behavior, relationships, routines, time, instruction, and a
learning environment that makes the learner productive and happy. Effective
classroom routines maintain order and discipline, allowing students to remain
calm and stay focus on their daily activities.
Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this episode, you must be able to:

 Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and

 Observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.

Recall of the Learning Essentials

Carter V. Good’s Dictionary of Education (1973) defines classroom
management as the administration or direction of activities with special
reference to such problems as discipline, democratic techniques, use and care
of supplies and reference materials, the physical features of the classroom,
general housekeeping, and social relationship of pupils. (Lardizabal, et.al, 1995)
Good classroom management creates an environment in which activities
may be completed efficiently and economically. It ensures that both the
teacher's and the students' time, efforts, and energies are well spent. It denotes
judicious use of the school's physical resources.
Routines are the lifeblood of the classroom. They make teaching and
learning easier. They help teachers save time in the classroom and students
can learn and achieve more with more efficient procedures.
General Classroom Management Principles
(Thomas L. Good and Jere E. Bropphy, 2000)

1. Plan rules and procedures in advance.

2. Establish clear rules and procedures where needed.
3. Students assume responsibility.
4. Minimize disruptions and delay
5. Plan independent activities as well as organized classroom

Activity Observing Classroom Management and Routines


Resource Teacher: ___________________________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________

School: ________________________ Subject Area: ______________Date: ___________


Observe the classroom routines of the resource teacher by accomplishing

the given checklist.

Checklist on Classroom Routines

Check Yes (/) if observed and (X) if not observed
Classroom Routines Observed Not
(/) Observed
1 Checking of attendance /
2 Reporting of tardy and absent students /
3 Singing of National Anthem (During Mondays) /
4 Greeting the teachers and classmates /
5 Prayer before class begins /
6 Reminders on online rules and others /
7 Motivation prior to the class start /
8 Submission/collection of assignments/materials /
9 Permission to answer/ask questions (emoticons) /
10 Working with pairs/groups /
11 Classroom Break /
12 Use of technology – laptop, tablet, cell phone /
13 Behavior Management (warning, action) /
14 Asking for assistance /
15 Joining classroom activities /
16 Group work /
17 Online Quiz /
18 Movement between activities /
19 Turning in activities after lesson discussion /
20 Dismissal /
Other routines that the teacher used
1 Watching and learning teacher used /
2 Active participation/Recitation /

Analyze the routines set by the resource teacher by answering the

following questions.
1. Were the routines useful in maintaining class discipline and order?
Why? Why not?
 Yes, because having a classroom routine is very important between teacher
and students and it because this can be stand as a guide to maintain the
discipline and be able to order the flow of the day to day class.

2. Cite any of the classroom management principles by Good and Broppy

which were applied by the teacher
 This principle was applied by our resource teacher in her online class. Her
materials needed for discussion and even her audio and camera was
already built in and audible for the students to listen very well on her
discussion and she can make genuine connections with her students so
that it can avoid disruption. Teachers will be very effective classroom
managers if they know how to be proactive.


1. How will you establish classroom management in your class?

 Establish a Positive Relationship with Your Students. Don’t leave
relationships to chance if you want to get the most out of classroom
management. Experts acknowledge that teacher-student relationship is the
cornerstone of effective classroom management, and classroom
management has the largest effect on student achievement. Let’s face it, we
all want to feel cared and valued by significant people in our world. Well,
students are no different.Establishing positive relationships promotes a
sense of school belonging, as well as encourages students to participate
cooperatively. Besides, it helps them to develop the confidence to
experiment and, of course, succeed in a learning environment where they’re
not restricted by the fear of failure.


Episode 2
Activity 2.1 - Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Name of FS Student TIMBAS, ELOISA MAY L. Date Submitted: ___________

Year and Section: 4TH SECTION A Course: BTLED

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episodes 4 3 2 Improvement
All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
questions/tasks observation observation observation
Accomplished completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
Observation answered/accom answered/accomplis answered/accomplis answered/accomplis
Sheet plished. hed. hed. hed.

All questions All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered answered answered observation
completely; completely; answers completely; answers questions were not
Analysis answers are with are clearly are not clearly answered; answers
depth and are connected to connected to not connected to
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on and spelling are free three (3) four (4) grammatical
theories; from error. grammatical error/spelling errors
grammar and error/spelling errors
spelling are free
from error.

Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported by shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
by what were what were observed supported by what supported by what
Reflection observed and and analyzed were observed and were observed and
analyzed analyzed analyzed

Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not

reflected on in on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the context of the learning context of the context of the
the learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes. Complete; well- Complete; not incomplete; not
Artifacts Complete, well- organized, very organized, relevant organized, not
organized, highly relevant to the to the learning relevant.
relevant to the learning outcome outcomes
Submission Submitted Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days
before the deadline after the deadline or more after the
deadline deadline

Over-all score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.225 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

__________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date
Activity Creating a List of Classroom Rules

Resource Teacher: ___________________________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________

School: ________________________ Subject Area: ______________Date: ___________

Observe a class and make a list of the Resource Teacher's classroom
rules. List down the importance of those rules as seen below.
Teachers must devote their full attention to numerous responsibilities in
order to ensure good classroom management. Planning classroom management
allows for more effective instruction while also ensuring the safety and well-
being of the students. Building positive relationships with coworkers, parents,
and friends also aids in the achievement of classroom management goals.


1 E.g. Read directions well Ensures less error in answering the
2 Open camera if necessary. Open camera if necessary. For the
teacher to see if the students are
focus on her discussion and stay
present in the virtual meeting.

3 Mute your microphone when you Muting microphone. Respecting the

are not talking. one whose talking and avoiding
distraction in the virtual
discussion and for the students to
stay focus.

4 Dress appropriately. Dress appropriately. Dress and be

groomed appropriately to avoid
distraction, for student and
specially a respect for the teacher
who can monitor you.

5 Active participation in the online Active participation. To know if the

discussion. learners are doing well and the
knowledge giving by the teachers
are instilling on their minds and if
they're progressing actively.

6 Use respectful language. Use respectful language for the

Right manner and right conduct, to
respect the teachers use polite
manners and build rapport.

1. How did the teacher involve the students in the development of
classroom procedures and rules? Did the teacher introduce them to the
class. Explain in at least 5 or more sentences.
 The classroom are not effective if the presence of the students are not
involve, so it is very importance the involvement of the students to have an
effective development of the classroom and to fulfill this rules and
procedures the presence of the students is a must. And before to start the
first day of class the teacher should facilitate the rules and regulation to
his/her students. And to be able have a better and good classroom
environment. . So that yes, it should be introduce these to their class.

2. Did the teacher assist pupils in internalizing classroom procedures and

norms in order for them to become self-directed learners? Explain in at
least 5 or more sentences.
 Yes, because I believe in saying “a good leader is a good follower”. It should
be reflect to the teacher of his/her given rules and norms to his/her
students. So that your students follow your rules, its because they can see
that you also as a teacher follow these kind of rules. And as a future
teacher we also check the rules that we give to our students if they are okay
to them and they can easily follow that given rules, we need the feedback to


Based on your own experience, what classroom rules set by your teacher
you consider effective and what are those you consider lest. Why and Why not?
 In today’s new normal set-up, based on my experience the classroom rules
set by the resource teacher is to mute the microphone to avoid distraction
and wear a proper uniform and also open a camera to see if the students
are focus on her discussion and stay present in the virtual meeting. And
the least are the connection of every students in the virtual meeting, we all
know that the connection of some students are not the same, and also to
the teacher as well.

Consider the different classroom rules established by the resource

Teacher. Will you follow the same set of rules? What rules will you consistently
adopt? Explain your response.
 Yes. I obliviously follow her classroom rules because of the pandemic these
rules are common to us, like the muting the microphone, open the camera
if necessary, and always be presentable when having a virtual meeting. And
I think in today’s time these rules are important to able to connect with
your students better.
Post proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this episode.

Episode 2. Activity 2.2 – Creating a List of Classroom Rules

Name of FS Student TIMBAS, ELOISA MAY L. Date Submitted: ___________
Year and Section: 4TH SECTION A Course:BTLED

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory

Episodes 4 3 2 Improvement
All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
questions/tasks observation observation observation
Accomplished completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
Observation answered/accom answered/accomplis answered/accomplis answered/accomplis
Sheet plished. hed. hed. hed.

All questions All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered answered answered observation
completely; completely; answers completely; answers questions were not
Analysis answers are with are clearly are not clearly answered; answers
depth and are connected to connected to not connected to
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on and spelling are free three (3) four (4) grammatical
theories; from error. grammatical error/spelling errors
grammar and error/spelling errors
spelling are free
from error.

Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported by shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
by what were what were observed supported by what supported by what
Reflection observed and and analyzed were observed and were observed and
analyzed analyzed analyzed

Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not

reflected on in on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the context of the learning context of the context of the
the learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes. Complete; well- Complete; not incomplete; not
Artifacts Complete, well- organized, very organized, relevant organized, not
organized, highly relevant to the to the learning relevant.
relevant to the learning outcome outcomes

Submission Submitted Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days

before the deadline after the deadline or more after the
deadline deadline

Over-all score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.225 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

__________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date

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