Learning Episode 2 Fs 1 Timbas Eloisa May
Learning Episode 2 Fs 1 Timbas Eloisa May
Learning Episode 2 Fs 1 Timbas Eloisa May
This learning episode will emphasize structures and procedures
performed by the teacher in the classroom. The teacher's first responsibility as
a manager in the classroom is to create a conducive learning environment. This
can be accomplished by a well-organized personal classroom management plan
that includes behavior, relationships, routines, time, instruction, and a
learning environment that makes the learner productive and happy. Effective
classroom routines maintain order and discipline, allowing students to remain
calm and stay focus on their daily activities.
Intended Learning Outcomes
All questions All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered answered answered observation
completely; completely; answers completely; answers questions were not
Analysis answers are with are clearly are not clearly answered; answers
depth and are connected to connected to not connected to
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on and spelling are free three (3) four (4) grammatical
theories; from error. grammatical error/spelling errors
grammar and error/spelling errors
spelling are free
from error.
Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported by shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
by what were what were observed supported by what supported by what
Reflection observed and and analyzed were observed and were observed and
analyzed analyzed analyzed
Over-all score (Based on
__________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date
Activity Creating a List of Classroom Rules
Observe a class and make a list of the Resource Teacher's classroom
rules. List down the importance of those rules as seen below.
Teachers must devote their full attention to numerous responsibilities in
order to ensure good classroom management. Planning classroom management
allows for more effective instruction while also ensuring the safety and well-
being of the students. Building positive relationships with coworkers, parents,
and friends also aids in the achievement of classroom management goals.
1. How did the teacher involve the students in the development of
classroom procedures and rules? Did the teacher introduce them to the
class. Explain in at least 5 or more sentences.
The classroom are not effective if the presence of the students are not
involve, so it is very importance the involvement of the students to have an
effective development of the classroom and to fulfill this rules and
procedures the presence of the students is a must. And before to start the
first day of class the teacher should facilitate the rules and regulation to
his/her students. And to be able have a better and good classroom
environment. . So that yes, it should be introduce these to their class.
Based on your own experience, what classroom rules set by your teacher
you consider effective and what are those you consider lest. Why and Why not?
In today’s new normal set-up, based on my experience the classroom rules
set by the resource teacher is to mute the microphone to avoid distraction
and wear a proper uniform and also open a camera to see if the students
are focus on her discussion and stay present in the virtual meeting. And
the least are the connection of every students in the virtual meeting, we all
know that the connection of some students are not the same, and also to
the teacher as well.
All questions All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered answered answered observation
completely; completely; answers completely; answers questions were not
Analysis answers are with are clearly are not clearly answered; answers
depth and are connected to connected to not connected to
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on and spelling are free three (3) four (4) grammatical
theories; from error. grammatical error/spelling errors
grammar and error/spelling errors
spelling are free
from error.
Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported by shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
by what were what were observed supported by what supported by what
Reflection observed and and analyzed were observed and were observed and
analyzed analyzed analyzed
Over-all score (Based on
__________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date