Pyroxene are most significant & abundant group of rock forming ferromagnesian silicates. They are
found in almost every variety of igneous rock & also occur in rocks of widely different composition
formed under condition of regional & contact metamorphism.
The name Pyroxene is derived from the ancient Greek word for ‘fire’ (Pyr) and ‘stranger’ (ksénos).The
pyroxenes are named so because of their presence in volcanic lavas, where they are sometimes found as
crystal’s embedded in volcanic glass,it was assumed they are impurities in glass hence the name meaning
‘Fire-Strangers’. However they are simply early forming minerals that crystallized before the lava erupted.
TheUpper Mantle of the Earth is mainly Olivine and Pyroxene minerals. Pyroxenes and Feldspars are
major minerals in Basalt ,Andesite and Gabbro rocks.
2) M2 site :
M2 sites are larger, lie between the bases of
tetrahedra, and are more distorted 6- or 8-fold sites.
Linked – BASE To BASE
6 fold – Mg , 8 fold – Ca , Na.
Fracture - Uneven
Lustre - Vitreous, Pearly , Hypersthene has special metallic- pearly lustre called
Hardness – 5 to 7
b) Clinopyroxene :
Colour – Colourless to pale green
R.I – High
Interference – 2nd order
Extinction - Inclined
C lin op yroxen e G rou p
Clinopyroxene ( D i o p s i d e s e r i e s ) :
Diopside C a M g S i2 0 6
H e d e n b e rg ite C a F e S i2 0 6
P y r o x e n e S o lid s o lu tio n s :
P ig e o n ite (C a , M g , F e )2 S i2 0 6
Augite ( C a , M g , F e , N a ) ( M g , F e , A l ) ( S i , A l ) 2 0 6
O m p h a c ite (C a , N a ) (F e M g A l) (S i, A l)2 0 6
Aegirine N a (A l , F e 3+ ) S i2 0 6
Ferrosilite Fe 2 Si206
Difference of Orthopyroxene & Clinopyroxene
Presented By
Gitika Deshmukh
Shubhajit Chattopadhyay