Marcelina L. Tabunda RIPH
Marcelina L. Tabunda RIPH
Marcelina L. Tabunda RIPH
of material
Culture of Moros as presented
in he documentary
5 examples of material culture of
1. Body Armor
2. Garay
3,Moro Barong
4. Moro Kris/ Calais
5. Kampilan
1. Body Armor
Two matching latches with protruding
studs to bind breastplates together,
missing some decorative studs but
otherwise in good condition, thirty plates
of body armour attached together with
large chainmail rings, arms and lower
mid-section with smaller size ringed
chainmail, front main breastplates with
applied engraved silver decorative panels
in floral shapes and three quatrefoils with
swirling terminals along join between
two breastplates, The purpose of this
body armor is to keep the wearer safe.
2. Garay
Garay were the Banguingui
people’s traditional native
warships in the Philippines.
They were often utilized for
piracy by the Banguingui and
Iranun peoples against
unarmed commercial ships
and raids on coastal
settlements in the regions
surrounding the Sulu Sea in
the 18th and 19th century.
3,Moro Barong
The Barong is a traditional short sword
used by Moro warriors. It is prized for its
ability to sever an arm or leg in a single
blow. The Barong is the unique national
weapon of the Tausugs Moros of the Sulu
archipelago, and it can be found in
Mindanao, North Borneo, and other Moro
islands. The barong is the only knife that is
wholly Moro in origin, having not evolved
from other tribes’ designs or been used in
combat or trade. When it comes to their
ancient customs, the Moro people are
adamant about upholding them for as long
as they live. The barong is a traditional
Moro garment worn by warriors from the
Tausug, Samal, and Yakan tribes in the Sulu
4. Moro Kris/ Calais
A weapon of warfare and
ceremony . Measures up to
1-2 meters In length,
double edged and with
either a smooth or wavy
blade that could make
quick work of an enemy in
close combat easy slashing
bone penetrating.
5. Kampilan
Longest of the swords used
primarily by the Ilanun. Heavy
single edged sword often
adamed with hair to make it
look even more intimidating .
Also common to find a grooves
cut onto the blade to indicate
the lives it had claimed.
Marcelina L. Tabunda
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Reading In Philippine History
Thankyou!!! ♥