ECE 8830 - Electric Drives: Topic 5: Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor
ECE 8830 - Electric Drives: Topic 5: Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor
ECE 8830 - Electric Drives: Topic 5: Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor
Spring 2004
Stationary Reference Frame
Modeling of the Induction Motor
We now consider how the model of the
induction motor that we have
developed can be used to simulate the
dynamic performance of the induction
d d
vsg RsgR(sgiasand
where ibs Lsgicsare
) Lthe
sg (ias ibs icsand
resistance ) 3inductance
Rsg Lsg i0s
between the two neutral dt points. Of course, if s anddtg are
shorted, vsg=0.
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
Now consider transformation of stator abc
phase voltages to qd0 stationary voltages.
With the q-axis aligned with the stator a-
phase axis, the following equations apply:
2 1 1 2 1 1
v vas vbs vcs vag vbg vcg vsg
3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1
ds (vcs vbs ) (vcg vbg )
3 3
1 1
v0 s (vas vbs vcs ) (vag vbg vcg ) vsg
3 3
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
Transformation of the abc rotor winding
voltages to the qd0 stationary reference frame
can be done in two steps.
First transform the “referred” rotor abc phase
voltages to a qd0 reference frame attached to
the rotor with the q-axis aligned to the axis of
the rotor’s a-phase winding.
In the second step, transform the qd0 rotor
quantities to the stationary qd0 stator reference
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
Step 1 ->
1 s 3 s
ibs iqs ids i0 s
2 2
1 s 3 s
ics iqs ids i0 s
2 2
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
i i sin r (t ) i cos r (t )
Step 2 ->
i i i
1 'r 3 'r '
i iqr
br idr i0 r
2 2
1 'r 3 'r '
i iqr
cr idr i0 r
2 2
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
d rm
Tem Tmech Tdamp mechanical
where TmechJis the externally-applied
torque in the direction of the rotor speed and T damp
is the damping torque in the opposite direction of
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
2 J b d ( r / b )
Tem Tmech Tdamp (eq. 6.120)
P dt
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
Stationary Reference Frame Modeling
of the Induction Motor (cont’d)
Saturation of Mutual Flux