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Lecture-5-Kinematics of Fluid Flow

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Kinematics of Fluid Flow

Lecture -5
 Up till now we have studied the effect of force on
the liquid at rest. Now we will study the motion on
liquids without any reference to the force causing
 This lecture deals with the study of velocity and
acceleration of the liquid particles without taking
into consideration any force or energy.
Types of Flow

 Steady and Unsteady flows

 Uniform and non uniform flows

 Laminar and Turbulent flows

 Compressible and Incompressible flows

Steady and unsteady flow
 A steady flow is one in Steady flow
which all conditions
(Velocity, pressure, density,
discharge) at any point in a
stream remains constant
with respect to time, but the
conditions may be different
at different point, is called
steady flow.
Steady and unsteady flow
 An unsteady flow is one unsteady flow
in which all conditions
(Velocity, pressure,
density, discharge) at
any point in a stream
changes with respect to
time is called un-steady
Uniform and non uniform flow
 If the flow velocity at
a given instant of time
does not change
within a given length
of pipe or channel,
then the flow is called
uniform flow.
Uniform and non uniform flow
 If the flow velocity at a
given instant of time
changes within a given
length of pipe or
channel, then the flow
is called non-uniform
Flow Types (All Combinations):
 Steady uniform flow:
Conditions do not change with position in the stream or with
 Steady non–uniform flow:
Conditions change from point to point in the stream but do not
change with time.
 Unsteady uniform flow:
At a given instant in time the conditions at every point are the
same, but will change with time.
 Unsteady non–uniform flow:
Every condition of the flow may change from point to point
and with time at every point.
Laminar and Turbulent flows
 If the liquid
particles appear to
move in definite
smooth paths and
flow appears to be
as a movement of
thin layers on top
of each other, then
the flow is called
laminar flow.
Laminar and Turbulent flows
 If the liquid
particles appear to
move in irregular
paths which are
not fixed with
respect to either
time or space is
called Turbulent
Laminar and Turbulent flows
For Laminar Flow
Reynolds Number, Re <=2000
Laminar and Turbulent flows
For Turbulent Flow
Reynolds Number, Re >=4000
1. Compressibility

Compressible Flow Incompressible Flow

 A flow in which the  A flow in which the
volume of fluid and its volume of fluid and its
density changes during the density does not change
flow. during the flow.
 All the gases are generally  All the liquid are generally
considered to have considered to have
compressible flows. incompressible flows.
Streak Line, Path Line & Stream
 Streak Line

 Path Line

 Stream Line
Path Lines
 “A path line is a trace made by single particle over
a period of time.”
 “The path followed by a fluid particle in motion is
called path line.”
 Thus the path line shows the direction of a particle
for a certain period of time or between two given
Stream Lines
 Streamlines show the mean direction of a number of particles
at the same instant of time.
 Definition:
“The imaginary line, drawn in the fluid in such a way that the
tangent to any point gives the direction of motion at the point,
is called stream line.”

 Path lines and streamlines are identical in the steady flow of a

Streak Lines
 In experimental fluid mechanics, a dye or other tracer is
frequently injected into the flow to trace the motion of the
fluid particles.
 If the flow is laminar, a ribbon of color results. This is called a
streak line, or filament line.
Streak Lines
 “The instantaneous pictures of the position of all fluid
particles in flow, which have passed through a given point
(namely, the point of injection), are called streak lines.”
 Example:
1. The line formed by smoke particles ejected from a nozzle.
2. The line of color in a flow into which a dye is
continuously introduced through a small tube, all dyed
fluid particles having passed the tube's end. 
Streak Lines
 A streak line is physical line of particles that have
passed through some position in the flow field.
 In a steady flow, streamlines, streaklines, and path
lines coincide.
Rate of Discharge
 “The quantity of liquid, flowing per second through a section
of a pipe or channel, is known as the rate of discharge or
simply discharge.”
 It is generally denoted by Q.
 Now consider a liquid flowing through a pipe.
Let a = Cross-sectional area of pipe, and
v = Average Velocity of a liquid
Discharge Q=a.v

 Units: Cumecs (m3/s) or Cusecs (ft3/s)

Equation of Continuity
 If an incompressible liquid is continuously flowing through a
pipe or a channel (whose cross-sectional area may or may not
be constant) the quantity of liquid passing per second is the
same at all sections. This is known as equation of continuity
of liquid flow.
 Consider a tapering pipe through which some liquid is
Let a 1  Cross - sectional area of pipe at section 1
v1  Velocity of the liquid at section 1
a 2 , v2  Corresponding values at section 2
a 3 , v3  Corresponding values at section 3
We know that the total quantity of liquid passing through section 1,
Q1  a1.v1
Similarly, the total quantity of liquid passing through section 2
Q 2  a2 . v2
And the total quantity of liquid passing through section 3
Q 3  a 3 . v3
From the law of conservation of matter, we know that the total quantity
of liquid passing through the sections 1, 2 and 3 is the same.
Q1  Q 2  Q 3
or a1.v1  a 2 .v2  a3 .v3
 Water is flowing through a pipe of 100mm diameter
with an average velocity of 10m/s. Determine rate of
discharge of water in L/s. Also determine the velocity
of water at the other end of the pipe, if the diameter
of the pipe is gradually changed to 200mm.
 A pipe AB branches into two pipes C and D as shown in
The pipe has diameter of 0.45m at A, 0.3m at B,0.2m at C
and 0.15m at D. Find the discharge at A, if the velocity of
water at A is 2m/s. Also find out the velocities at B and
D, if the velocity at C is 4m/s.

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