1. RNA polymerase is responsible for catalyzing the transcription of DNA into RNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
2. Prokaryotic RNA polymerase exists as either a core enzyme with 5 subunits (α2ββ'ω) or a holoenzyme with 6 subunits (α2ββ'ωσ) that recognizes promoter sequences.
3. Eukaryotic RNA polymerase exists as three types - Pol I synthesizes rRNA precursors, Pol II synthesizes mRNA and some snRNAs, and Pol III synthesizes tRNA, 5S rRNA and other small RNAs. They contain 8-14 subunits with the largest two related to the bacterial β and
1. RNA polymerase is responsible for catalyzing the transcription of DNA into RNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
2. Prokaryotic RNA polymerase exists as either a core enzyme with 5 subunits (α2ββ'ω) or a holoenzyme with 6 subunits (α2ββ'ωσ) that recognizes promoter sequences.
3. Eukaryotic RNA polymerase exists as three types - Pol I synthesizes rRNA precursors, Pol II synthesizes mRNA and some snRNAs, and Pol III synthesizes tRNA, 5S rRNA and other small RNAs. They contain 8-14 subunits with the largest two related to the bacterial β and
1. RNA polymerase is responsible for catalyzing the transcription of DNA into RNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
2. Prokaryotic RNA polymerase exists as either a core enzyme with 5 subunits (α2ββ'ω) or a holoenzyme with 6 subunits (α2ββ'ωσ) that recognizes promoter sequences.
3. Eukaryotic RNA polymerase exists as three types - Pol I synthesizes rRNA precursors, Pol II synthesizes mRNA and some snRNAs, and Pol III synthesizes tRNA, 5S rRNA and other small RNAs. They contain 8-14 subunits with the largest two related to the bacterial β and
1. RNA polymerase is responsible for catalyzing the transcription of DNA into RNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
2. Prokaryotic RNA polymerase exists as either a core enzyme with 5 subunits (α2ββ'ω) or a holoenzyme with 6 subunits (α2ββ'ωσ) that recognizes promoter sequences.
3. Eukaryotic RNA polymerase exists as three types - Pol I synthesizes rRNA precursors, Pol II synthesizes mRNA and some snRNAs, and Pol III synthesizes tRNA, 5S rRNA and other small RNAs. They contain 8-14 subunits with the largest two related to the bacterial β and
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RNA polymerase
Prokaryotic RNA polymerase
• Also called DNA dependent RNA polymerase • In bacteria a single RNA pol. Catalyzes the transcription of all types of RNA. • RNA pol. Provide easy accommodation to DNA due to their groove having diameter & length of 25 Aᵒ (2.5 nm) & 55 Aᵒ (5.5 nm) • RNA pol. Looks like crab claw shape & the two pincers of RNA pol. make up by β & β’. • Active centre cleft, a region of enzyme is present at the base of pincers in which the active site of enzyme resides. • For polymerization of nt. Two Mg2+ are required by the enzyme which bind to active site; rate of polymerization is 45nt.per second • There are 5 channels for exit & entry of RNA,DNA, rNTP within RNA pol. such as 1. NTP-uptake channel 2. RNA exit channel 3. Non-template exit channel 4. Template strand channel (for exit of template) 5. Downstream DNA channel (for entry of non- transcribed DNA strand) • RNA pol. Exists in 2 forms i.e. Core RNA pol. Of ~400kDa has 5 subnits (ααββ’Ѡ subunits) or α2ββ’Ѡ & RNA pol. Holoenzyme ~480kDa has 6 subunits (α2ββ’Ѡσ) α- subunit • 2 sub units of α of 40kDa encoded by rpoA gene . Its function is to mediate (1) assembly of core enzyme (2) promoter recognition; if any modification occurs at α-subunit then affinity of holoenzyme to promoter is reduced. It helps for promoter recognition. (3) it also binds with some regulatory factors Β-subunit: • Its mol. Wt. is155kDa which is encoded by rpoB gene. • It has catalytic activity i.e. synthesis of RNA by polymerization of rNTPs. Β’-subunit • Its mol.wt. is 160kDa which is encoded by rpoC gene & it binds at several regions of coding strandin the region of transcription bubble & stabilizes the separated single strands & it is also responsible for template binding. σ-subunit: • Its mol.wt. is 40000Da which is encoded by rpoD gene.it recognizes origin site or initiation site for transcription at -10 & -35 sequence Ѡ-subunit: • Its mol.wt. is 10kDa & it also mediates RNA pol. assembly • Β,β’,α & Ѡ form core enzyme; σ is weakly attached to other chain & core enzyme catalyzes linkage of ribose nucleotide by phosphodiester bond • σ factor recognizes start sequence in the promoter region of DNA where transcription begins. In the presence of sigma factor, the holoenzyme binds to those nucleotides in promoter region which initiates transcription. • α2ββ’Ѡ actually carries out the polymerization reaction. • RNA pol. Has an overall shape of a crab claw whose two pincers are formed by β&β’ subunits enclosing a space of ~27Å between them & this channel is occupied by dsDNA • 3’ end of RNA forms a 9bp hybrid helix with 5’ end of the template DNA strand & then exits the protein through channel between β & β’ subunits, called RNA exit channel. • DNA binds to σ subunit via its promoter element to form so called closed complex Table 10.1 : RNA polymerase subunits and other transcription factors. Eukaryotic RNA polymerases • The eukaryotic RNA polymerases I, II and III consist of 8 to 14 different subunits in each. They recognise different promoters and recognise different classes of genes. • The two largest subunits of all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases are related to the β and β’ subunits of the E. coli polymerase. Five subunits of the eukaryotic RNA polymerases are common to all the three enzymes. (a) RNA polymerase I (RNA Pol I): • It is located in the nucleolus and synthesizes precursors of most rRNAs. It is sensitive to α- amanitin. (b) RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II): It is located in the nucleoplasm and synthesizes mRNA precursors and some small nuclear RNAs. It is very sensitive to α-amanitin (c) RNA polymerase III (RNA Pol III): • It is located in the nucleoplasm. It synthesizes the precursors of tRNA, 5S rRNA and other small nuclear and cytoplasmic RNAs. It is moderately sensitive to α-amanitin. Fig. 10.4 : Functional map of RNA polymerase subunits The End
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