Q2 CNF Module 11
Q2 CNF Module 11
Q2 CNF Module 11
Module 11
Reflective True
Essay Narrative
Understanding Various
Forms and Types of
Creative Nonfiction
• It expresses the writer’s insights on a given subject matter.
It commonly shows how the author had changed and what he had
learned from the experience. The cause of the changes within the
author is also included in the body.
It tells the reader the reason behind the changes and how these affected the
author’s perspective.
Tips in Writing Reflective Essay
Strengthen your
Map your mind beginning.
Create a map in your mind to
Create a strong introduction.
organize your thoughts about the
The beginning should be strong
enough and eye-catching so that
Identify your arguments and think
the readers will be engaged in
of how you will support your
reading your essay.
thesis statement.
Tips in Writing Reflective Essay
Conclusion is in
Keep it short the body
Make sure that you only include The body should explain the
important details in your essay conclusions and the understandings.
if you do not want your reader Draw supporting ideas from the
to get tired of reading your body to give concrete and specific
work. details.
Tips in Writing Reflective Essay
Describe your overall lesson, feeling, and realization you have had as
the result of your experiences. This may sound like “the moral lesson,”
but by arriving in the summary, your readers may think otherwise.
True Narrative
Kindly accomplish
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