An Alternative General Formula in Finding The Excess Area of A Regular Polygon Inscribed in A Circle
An Alternative General Formula in Finding The Excess Area of A Regular Polygon Inscribed in A Circle
An Alternative General Formula in Finding The Excess Area of A Regular Polygon Inscribed in A Circle
Scope and
Surigao del Sur Limitation
State University
December 3, 2021
Introduction This study’s main concern is the excess area of a regular polygon
inscribed in a circle given either the polygon’s side length or circle’s
Title radius. When a side of a regular polygon is supplied and
Problem and the radius of the circle, this formula makes obtaining the excess area of a
Framework regular polygon inscribed in a circle much easier.
Its Setting
The goal of this study is to determine
… UP TO N-gonhow
Statement of well the alternative formula performs in calculating the excess area of a
the Problem regular polygon cyclic polygon given either the regular polygon's side or
the radius of the circle.
Results and
When it comes to mathematics, students face plenty of challenges.
Significance of Most of the time, students are mentally confused and struggle to focus on
the Study multiple formulas and procedures.
This is why the researcher conducted the study titled
Scope and "Alternative General Formula in Finding the Excess Area of a Regular
Surigao del Sur Limitation Polygon Inscribed in a Circle," which provides a one-time process for
State University determining the excess area of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle.
December 3, 2021 Aside from that, one of the advantages of this alternative formula is that it
can be applied to any regular polygon inscribed in a circle, whether it has
100 sides or more.
Problem and Framework The result of this study will serve a significant role in the field of
Its Setting
mathematics education, particularly in providing more viable solutions in
Statement of simple to more complex math problems.
the Problem With this alternative general formula, students will be
relieved of the burden of calculating the areas of the circle and the regular
Results and
Hypothesis polygon and then subtracting the area of the polygon from the area of the
Discussion circle.
Significance of This will cut down their time figuring out how to find the excess
the Study area of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle. As a result, this provides a
more convenient solution.
Scope and
Surigao del Sur Limitation
State University
December 3, 2021
Introduction Framework
Theoretical This study claims that the effort and the time a student takes to
Problem and Framework solve a problem concerning finding the excess area of a regular
Its Setting polygon inscribed in a circle is lessened by a significant amount.
Statement of
the Problem
This study is anchored on Bruner (1986), as cited by Zhao et al.
Results and (2011), that learning is a dynamic process in which students generate
Discussion new thoughts or ideas based on prior knowledge. These ideas and
Significance of concepts are related in the researchers' study, as well as in Bruner's
the Study theory of Domain and Structural Information, clarifying that a
specific student should not rely on the given formulas; instead, he/she
Scope and is encouraged to create his/her formula based on previous learning, in
Surigao del Sur Limitation this case, on finding the excess area of a regular polygon inscribed in
State University a circle.
December 3, 2021
Introduction Framework
Research Subjects
Problem and Framework
Its Setting
Statement of Pretest
the Problem
Discussion/Learning Materials Discussion/Learning Materials
Results and
Hypothesis (Conventional method) (Using Alternative)
Significance of The central concept of
the Study Posttest
this study is fixated on
the effectiveness of the
Scope and alternative general
Scores of the formula in finding the
Surigao del Sur Limitation Research Subjects excess area of a regular
State University polygon inscribed in a
Determine whether the alternative circle.
December 3, 2021 general formula is more effective
than the conventional method.
Statement of
the Problem
Problem and Framework
Its Setting It sought to give answers to the following questions:
Statement of What are the pretest and posttest mean scores of
the Problem the research subjects when applied with the
Results and conventional method and alternative general
Hypothesis formula in finding the excess area of a regular
polygon inscribed in a circle?
Significance of
the Study
Scope and
Surigao del Sur Limitation
State University
December 3, 2021
Introduction Significance of
Problem and
Its Setting
Framework the Study
Statement of
the Problem
Results and
Math Teachers
Significance of
the Study
Scope and
Surigao del Sur Limitation
State University Future Researchers
December 3, 2021
Scope and
Problem and Framework
Its Setting
Statement of
the Problem
Results and
The subjects of the study were the Grade 12 STEM
Significance of students of Tigao National High School. The
the Study information needed was gathered by conducting a
pretest and posttest to the research subjects,
Scope and wherein they used the conventional method and the
Surigao del Sur Limitation alternative formula.
State University
December 3, 2021
Research Design Research Setting Research Subject
Problem and
Its Setting
Results and
Title This study used Quasi-Experimental Design, which is designed with the intent to be
as much like a true experiment as possible. This design is the same as the Classic
Problem and
Controlled Experimental Design except that the researcher chose not to split the group
Its Setting
into further division; that is, the subjects cannot be randomly assigned to either
Methodology experimental or the control group, or the researcher cannot control which group gets the
treatment. In other words, the subjects of the study have the same chance of being in the
Results and control or experimental groups or of receiving or not receiving the treatment (Price et al.,
Discussion 2017).
The said experimental design was used by the research to determine the
effectiveness of the alternative general formula in finding the excess area of a regular
Problem and
Its Setting
Methodology This study was conducted online via Google Meet as its medium for the
delivery of instruction to the research subjects as face-to-face conduct of the study is not
Results and feasible at this time of the pandemic. Luckily, the administration of the Tigao National
Discussion High School agreed to let this study be conducted online. This study was conducted
during the semester of School Year 2021-2022.
The researcher chose Tigao National High School to be the school
this study to be conducted in since the researcher targeted STEM students to be this
study's research subjects.
Surigao del Sur
State University Research Setting
December 3, 2021
Research Design Research Setting Research Subject
Title In selecting the subjects of this study, the researcher used random sampling wherein
each member of population is equally likely to be chosen as part of the sample. The
Problem and subjects of this study were the Grade 12 randomly selected STEM students of Tigao
Its Setting National High School located at Brgy. Tigao, Cortes, Surigao del Sur. The researcher
Methodology chose twenty (20) students as this study’s research subjects.
Results and
Discussion Distribution of the Subjects’
Level of Performance
Subjects Average Total
Above Average
Tigao National High School (100-86)
14 6 20 30%
Grade 12 STEM Students Average (85-81)
Surigao del Sur
State University 70%
December 3, 2021
Research Design Research Setting Research Subject
Problem and This research used a validated and reliability-tested researcher-made problem-solving
Its Setting test questionnaire to assess the performance of the test subjects. The said test questionnaire
was submitted to and was validated by the three experts in Mathematics. They examined the
Methodology content thoroughly with the use of the provided rubrics.
Results and
After experts validated the instrument, it was then tested for reliability. The
researcher used the Split-half method with the use of the Spearman-Brown Formula.
Twelve (12) Geodetic Engineering students of Caraga State University, three (3) third
year, and one (1) fourth-year BSEd Mathematics students from the College of Teacher
Education of Surigao del Sur State University were used as the subjects to this test. The
result was 0.98, which indicates that there is a very high correlation of the instrument
Surigao del Sur
State University Research Instrument
being used by the researcher. Therefore, the researcher-made test questionnaire is reliable
and valid.
December 3, 2021
Research Design Research Setting Research Subject
After the necessary permission from the SDSSU – Main Campus and Tigao National
Problem and
High School administration had been pursued and granted, the researcher proceeded with
Its Setting
the conduct of the study. First, the researcher gave a pretest to the group subjects, after
Methodology which was followed by the first discussion. A posttest was then conducted. Both pretest
and posttests had been given to the subject of the study. After their first posttest, the
Results and researcher proceeded with the second discussion, still via google meet. The second
Discussion posttest then followed after that.
After the given tests, the results were gathered and calculated to determine whether
the alternative formula is more effective and efficient in finding the excess area of a
regular polygon inscribed in a circle compared to the conventional way of solving the
Surigao del Sur problem.
State University
December 3, 2021
Research Design Research Setting Research Subject
Problem and
Its Setting
Methodology The Mean. It was used to answer problem number one (1), the mean score of pre- and
posttests using the two methods – the conventional one and the alternative formulas.
Results and
Paired T-Test. It was used to answer problem two (2) to determine the significant
difference between the pretest and posttest mean scores using the conventional method
and the alternative formula.
Surigao del Sur
State University
December 3, 2021
Results Conclusions Recommendations
Problem and
Its Setting
Results and
The result showed that the subjects' mean scores The computed P-value in posttest 0.000 is less
Title increased greatly from the pretest to the posttest. The than the 5% alpha level. It rejects the null hypothesis,
pretest of the subjects is 6.3, while the student’s mean which implies a highly significant difference between
Problem and score in the first posttest is only 6.55 compared to the the original formulas and the conventional method.
Its Setting mean score for the second posttest which is 9.15.
Mean Gain
Variables Tested
Pretest Posttest Score
Surigao del Sur
State University
Conventional Method 6.55 0.25
December 3, 2021
Alternative Formula 9.15 2.85
Results Conclusions Recommendations
Based on the findings drawn through the study, the following were concluded:
The mean scores of the research subjects increased when the pretest and posttest were
conducted, but the students who used the alternative general formula scored better in the
Problem and second posttest than their score in the first posttest, which was after the discussion of the
Its Setting conventional method.
Thus, it only shows that students increased their mathematical
Methodology achievements' and learned best when they were exposed to the alternative general formula
compared to the conventional way of solving mathematical problems and that the alternative
Results and one is effective.
The results indicate that using the alternative general formula increases students'
achievement more than using the conventional method.
As a result, it is clear that using the alternative method is more beneficial and
effective for students because it is easier for them to apply in finding the excess area of a
Surigao del Sur regular polygon inscribed in a circle than the conventional method.
State University
December 3, 2021
Results Conclusions Recommendations
Teachers are encouraged to use the alternative formula since in solving problems; it is
Problem and more effective, efficient, and less complicated compared to the conventional method.
Its Setting
Teachers and students are encouraged to be innovators and discoverers by developing
Results and new concepts or methods for solving such mathematical problems to have a more relevant
Discussion and easy learning experience. The use of an alternative formula would increase students'
interest in learning mathematics.
December 3, 2021