Chapter 3 - Circular Wall
Chapter 3 - Circular Wall
Chapter 3 - Circular Wall
Conduction without
Thermal Energy Generation
Chapter Three
Pipe & Spherical
Tube Wall
The Tube Wall
• Heat Equation:
1 d dT
kr 0 (3.23)
r dr dr
What does the form of the heat equation tell us about the variation of
in the wall?
Is the foregoing conclusion consistent with the energy conservation requirement?
2 Lk
qr 2 rLqr
ln r2 / r1
Ts ,1 Ts ,2 (3.27)
• Conduction Resistance:
ln r2 / r1
Rt ,cond Units K/W (3.28)
2 Lk
ln r2 / r1
Rt ,cond Units m K/W
2 k
Why is it inappropriate to base the thermal resistance on a unit
surface area?
Tube Wall (Cont.)
T,1 T,4
qr UA T,1 T,4 (3.30)
Note that
UA Rtot 1
is a constant independent of radius.
• Heat Equation
1 d 2 dT
2 dr
r 0
r dr
What does the form of the heat equation tell us about the variation of
qr with r ? Is this result consistent with conservation of energy?
T r Ts ,1 Ts ,1 Ts ,2
1 r1/ r
1 r1 / r 2
Spherical Shell (cont.)
1/ r1 1/ r2
Rt ,cond (3.36)
4 k
• Composite Shell:
qr overall UAToverall
UA Rtot 1 Constant
U i Ai Rtot Depends on Ai
Problem: Thermal Barrier Coating
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional, steady-state conduction in a composite plane wall, (2) Constant
properties, (3) Negligible radiation.
Problem: Thermal Barrier (Cont.)
ANALYSIS: For a unit area, the total thermal resistance with the TBC is
, w 103 3.85 104 104 2 104 2 103 m2 K W =3.69×10-3 m2 × K W
Ts , i ( w) T, i qw
400 K+ 3.52×105 W m 2 500 W m 2 ×K =1104 K
Ts , o ( w) T , i 1 hi L k In qw
=400 K+ 2×10 +2×10
m × K W 3.52×10
2 5
W m
=1174 K
Problem: Thermal Barrier (Cont.)
T, o T , i
qwo , wo
Rtot 4.06105 W/m2.
Ts , o ( wo ) T , i 1 hi L
k In q wo
1293 K
Use of the TBC facilitates operation of the Inconel below T max = 1250 K.
COMMENTS: Since the durability of the TBC decreases with increasing temperature, which increases
with increasing thickness, limits to its thickness are associated with reliability considerations.
Problem: Radioactive Waste Decay
PROPERTIES: Table A-1, Lead: k = 35.3 W/mK, MP = 601K; St.St.: 15.1 W/mK.
R conv 1/ 4 0.312 m 2 500 W/m 2 K 0.00166 K/W