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BA 301 Social Responsibility and Ethics in Engineering: Presentation (Test III)

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BA 301

Social Responsibility and Ethics

in Engineering
Presentation (Test III)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

School of Engineering
Tezpur University 1
CNC Machining and

Presentation 01 Introduction

02 Elements of a CNC System

03 Types of CNC Systems and related


04 CNC Programming and part

programming examples

Introduction Outline
Numerical Control and CNC 05

Components of NC System 06

CNC Features and Functions 07

Advantages and Disadvantages of CNC 09

Examples of CNC Machines 10

presented by Dipankar Kirtonia (MEB18047) 4

What is Numerical Control ?
Numerical control can be defined as a form of programmable automation in which process is
controlled by numbers, letters and symbols. In NC, the numbers form a program of
instructions designed for a particular work part or job. When job changes the program of
instruction changes. This capability to change a program for each new job gives NC its

What is CNC ?

It is a self-contained Numerical Control (NC)

system for a single machine tool which uses a
dedicated mini computer, controlled by the
instructions stored in its memory, to perform
all the basic numerical control functions.

Components of NC System

01 02 03

Program Machine Control Processing

Unit Equipment
Program instruction is served as the This component consists of It is the part of NC which performs the
input into the controller unit. It is a electronics and hardware which actual work. For example, in an NC
detailed step by step instruction read and interpret the program system designed to perform metal
which tells the machine tool instruction and convert each machining operation, the machine tool
what/how to do. Each instruction command to the action of consists of the work table, spindle,
specify the position and movement processing equipment. motors that control the tool, cutting
of machine tool. tool, work fixtures.
CNC Features and Functions
CNC is designed to perform many functions which either difficult or impossible to perform by a NC
machine. Some important function of CNC are:

1. Machine Tool Control: Controlling the machine tool is the primary function of a CNC. It includes the
conversion of part program instruction into machine tool motions. This conversion is done through a
computer interface and servo system.

2. In-process compensation: It involves the real-time dynamic correction of errors in the machine tools
motion during processing. Some features of in-process compensation are listed below
i. Debugging the problem and adjusting for the error sensed by in-process probes and gauges.
ii. Recalculation of axis positions when inspection probe is locating the reference on work part.
iii. Adaptive control adjustment to the tool speed and feed.
iv. Compute the predicted tool life and select alternative tooling when indicated.
v. Offset adjustment for tool radius and length.

CNC Features and Functions
3. Improved programming and operating features: The flexibility of soft-wired control of CNC allows
the introduction of many convenient programming and operation features. The main features are
listed below
i. Manual data input and editing of part program at machine - it permits the correction and
optimization of part program.
ii. Graphic display tool path help to verify the tape.
iii. Support more than one system of units.
iv. Use of specially written subroutine program.
v. Types of interpolation technique: Cubic, circular and parabolic interpolation.
vi. Large local storage system that having more than one program.

4. Diagnostic: The CNC machines are often equipped with the diagnostic capability to assist during the
maintenance of system. The diagnostic subsystem has several features. One of the main features is
that it identifies the reason for a problem and guide the maintenance personnel so that he/ she can
repair the system very quickly.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CNC
Advantages Disadvantages

• High Repeatability and Precision • Costly setup, skilled operators.

e.g. Aircraft parts.
• Computer programming knowledge
• Volume of production is very high. required.
• Complex contours/surfaces can be • Maintenance is difficult.
easily machined.
• Flexibility in job change, automatic • Need air-conditioned places.
tool settings, less scrap.

• More safe, higher productivity,

better quality.
• Less paper work, faster prototype
production, reduction in lead times.

Examples of CNC Machines

Lathe Milling CNC

CNC Machine

Drilling CNC Grinding CNC

Machines Machine

Examples of CNC Machines

Water Jet
CNC Machine

Laser Cutting
Cutting CNC
CNC Machine

Elements of a CNC System Outline
Components of a CNC System 13

Input Devices 14

Machine Control Unit 15

Machine Tool 16

Driving System 17

Feedback System 23

Display Unit 25

presented by Vikash Ranjan (MEB18045) 12

Elements of a 01 Input Device

CNC System
02 Machine Control Unit

03 Machine Tool

04 Driving System

05 Feedback System

06 Display Unit
Input Devices
These are the devices which are used to input the part program in the CNC machine.
Some of the commonly used input devices are:

01 Floppy Disk Drive

02 USB Flash Drive

03 Serial Communication

04 Ethernet communication

05 Conversational Programming

Machine Control Unit (MCU)
It is the heart of the CNC machine. It performs all the controlling action of the CNC machine, the various
functions performed by the MCU are:

• It reads the coded instructions fed into it.

• It decodes the coded instruction.

• It implements interpolation (linear, circular and

helical) to generate axis motion commands.

• It feeds the axis motion commands to the amplifier

circuits for driving the axis mechanisms.

• It receives the feedback signals of position and speed

for each drive axis.

• It implements the auxiliary control functions such as

coolant or spindle on/off and tool change.
Machine Tool
• A CNC machine tool always has a slide table
and a spindle to control of the position and

• The machine table is controlled in two axis

directions and the spindle is controlled in the
third axis direction.

• Most are made from high speed steel (HSS),

tungsten carbide or ceramics.

• Tools are designed to direct waste away from the


• Some tools need coolant such as oil to protect the

tool and work.

Driving System

• The requirement is that the driving system has to response accurately according to the
programmed instructions.

• The motor is coupled either directly or through a gear box to the machine lead screw to moves
the machine slide or the spindle

• Three types of electrical motors are commonly used:

o DC Servo motor
o AC Servo motor
o Stepper motor

DC Servo motor

• The principle of operation is based on the

rotation of an armature winding in a
permanently energized magnetic field.

• The armature winding is connected to a

commutator, which is a cylinder of insulated
copper segments mounted on the shaft.

• DC current is passed to the commutator

through carbon brushes, which are connected
to the machine terminals.

AC Servo motor

• In an AC servomotor, the rotor is a permanent

magnet while the stator is equipped with 3-
phase windings.

• The speed of the rotor is equal to the

rotational frequency of the magnetic field of
the stator, which is regulated by the frequency

Stepper motor

• The stepper motor is known by its property to

convert a train of input pulses (typically square
wave pulses) into a precisely defined
increment in the shaft position.

• Each pulse moves the shaft through a fixed


• Multiple "toothed" electromagnets arranged

around a central gear-shaped piece of iron.

• The electromagnets are energized by an

external driver circuit or a micro controller. In
that way, the motor can be turned by a precise

What does Stepper means?
• To make the motor shaft turn, first, one
electromagnet is given power, which
magnetically attracts the gear's teeth.

• When the gear's teeth are aligned to the first

electromagnet, they are slightly offset from the
next electromagnet.

• This means that when the next electromagnet is

turned on and the first is turned off, the gear However, stepper motors are not
rotates slightly to align with the next one. commonly used in machine tools due to the
following drawbacks:
• From there the process is repeated. Each of • slow speed,
those rotations is called a "step", with an integer • low torque,
number of steps making a full rotation. • low resolution
• easy to slip in case of overload.
Ball Lead Screws

Ball lead screw is the heart of the drive system.

Advantages of ball lead screw are:

• Precise position and repeatability
• High Speed capability
• Less Wear
• Longer life

Feedback System
Two types of feedback systems normally used are:

1. Positional Feedback Systems:

• Linear Transducers - A device mounted

on the machine table to measure the
actual displacement of the slide in such a
way that backlash of screws; motors etc.
would not cause any error in the feed
back data.

• Rotary Encoders – A device to measure

the angular displacement, It cannot
measure linear displacement directly so
they error may occur due to backlash of
screw and motor etc.

Feedback System
2. Velocity Feedback Systems:

• The actual speed of the motor can be measured in terms of voltage generated from a tachometer
mounted at the end of the motor shaft.

• The voltage generated by the DC tachometer is compared with the command voltage corresponding
to the desired speed.

• The difference of the voltages is used to actuate the motor to eliminate the error.

Display Unit

Interface between the machine and the operator.

It is a monitor is used to display the programs,
commands and other useful data of CNC

The Display Unit displays:

• position of the machine slide
• spindle RPM
• feed rate
• part programs
• graphics simulation of the tool path.

Types of CNC and related concepts Outline
Basis of Classification 27

Based on Control Point Characteristics 28

Based on Positioning Coordinates 31

Based on Feedback or type of Control System 33

Positions on CNC 37

Coordinate Systems 38

Interpolation Methods 40

presented by Srinjoy De Joardar (MEB18040) 26

Basis of Classification of CNC Machines
Based on Control Point Based on Feedback or type of
01 Characteristics 03 control system

1. Point to point positioning system 1. Open loop system

2. Straight line system 2. Close loop system
3. Contouring (continuous path)

Based on Positioning Based on Structure of

02 Coordinates
04 Control Circuit

1. Absolute system 1. Analog system

2. Incremental system 2. Digital system

1. Based on Control Point Characteristics
Point to Point Positioning System
• In this method, the cutting tool (or the table) moves from one
point to another point.

• Machining is done only at desired points. No machining is done

when the spindle moves from one point to another point.

• This is used in drilling and boring.

Straight Line System
• Straight line system are capable of moving the cutting moving the
cutting tool parallel to one of the axes (x-y-z) at a controlled feed
rate suitable for machining.

• Straight line system can also perform point-to-point movement.

• This system is used in step turning, milling of slots and face milling.

Contouring (Continuous) System

• In this system, the motion of the tool and the

workpiece are controlled along many axes ,
simultaneously (x-y-z).

• This facilitates machining of different types of curved

surfaces, profiles and taper or angular cuts.

• Feed of the tool is very closely controlled so as to

move the tool simultaneously in the required

2. Based on Positioning Coordinates
Absolute System
• In this system, all the moving commands are referred to
one reference point, which is the origin and is called the
zero point.

• This system is also known as the fixed zero system.

• From the figure the coordinate of point P1, P2 and P3 in

absolute system is given in the table:

Incremental System

• In incremental system the coordinates of any points

are calculated with the reference to the previous
position of the tool.

• From the figure, the coordinates of point P1, P2 and

P3 in incremental system are given in the table.

• It does not have a fixed origin.

• It is also known as floating zero system

3. Based on Feedback or type of control system
Open Loop Control System
• It refers to a system using a stepper motor, where the
communication between open loop the controller
system and motor is one way.

• The machinist will decide what he/she wants to

accomplish and will generate the G-code and the
software will create the necessary steps and direction
signals to perform the desired task.

Open Loop Control System
• The computer will relay this information to the controller which then energizes the motor.
What distinguishes open looped from a close looped system is after the motor moves to the
desired position, there is no feedback to the controller system to verify the action.

Close Loop Control System

• A closed loop system, or one using a servo motor, has a

feedback protocol to monitor the output of the motors.

• Closed systems are also able to correct any errors in

position, velocity, and acceleration and also have the
ability to fault the system if the error is too large.

Close Loop Control System
• There are two types of closed loop systems; one where the closed the system returns the
feedback to the CNC controller and another which returns the feedback to the computer. The
closed loop system uses a feedback subsystem primarily to monitor the actual output and
correct any discrepancies from the programmed input. The feedback system could be either
analog or digital.

Positions on CNC
• A CNC machine tool is provided with a fixed position where
tool changes are normally executed and programming of
absolute zero point is performed, is known as a reference
point or position.

• Machine Zero Point: The point that is specific to a

machine tool and serves as a reference of the machine, is
referred to as the machine zero point. A machine tool
builder sets a machine zero point for each machine.

• Workpiece Zero Point: This point determines the work

piece co-ordinate system in relation to the machine zero
point. The work piece zero point is set by the programmer
and put into the control system when setting up the

Coordinate Systems on CNC Machines

• The position of a tool is represented by coordinates in a coordinate system. Coordinates are

specified using program axes.

• Coordinates are specified in one of the following three coordinate system :

i. Machine Coordinate System
ii. Workpiece Coordinate System
iii. Local Coordinate System

Coordinate Systems on CNC Machines
• Machine Coordinate System: A coordinate system with a
machine zero point set as its origin is referred at as a machine
coordinate system. A machine coordinate system is set by
performing manual reference position return after power-on. A
machine coordinate system, once set, remains unchanged until the
power is turn-off.

• Workpiece Coordinate System: A coordinate system

used for machining a workpiece is referred to as workpiece
coordinate system. A workpiece coordinate system is to be
set with the NC beforehand. It is called setting a workpiece
coordinate system. A set workpiece coordinate system can
be changed by shifting its origin, called changing a
workpiece coordinate system.
Interpolation Methods
1. Linear Interpolation: Straight line between
two points in space.

2. Circular Interpolation: Circular arc defined by

starting point, end point, center or radius, and
direction. Figure shows approximation of
curved path by a series of straight line Both outside and inside of
segments, where tolerance is defined by: nominal curve

3. Helical Interpolation: Circular plus linear

Outside of nominal curve
4. Parabolic and Cubic Interpolation: Free form
curves using higher order equations.

Inside of nominal curve 5

CNC Programming Outline
Programming Methods 42

Basic Elements of a CNC Program 43

The G Codes and M Codes 44

Setting up the Coordinate System and Axis Codes 48

The Tool Codes 50

The other words: N, O, F, P, Q, S etc. 51

Sub Programs 53

Examples of CNC Programming 54

presented by Aadipta Ghosh (MEB18041) 41

Programming Methods
Part programing in CNC terms, is the
detailed step by step set of instructions,
responsible for executing an operation (or a
set of operations) for producing a
component (components) by the CNC

Programming Methods are of 2 kinds

• 1. Manual Part Programming

(Programming at G-Codes level)

• 2. Computer Aided Part Programming,

a) Language Base Programming: APT,
ADAPT etc.,
b) Graphical CAD/CAM: Pro-E,
MasterCAM, SurfCAM, etc.
Programming consists of a series of instructions in form of
Basic letter codes.
Elements • Preparatory Codes, or the G codes- Initial machining
of a CNC setup and establishing operating conditions.

Program • Miscellaneous codes – M codes For coolant control and

other activities.

• Axis Codes - X,Y,Z - Used to specify motion of the slide

along X, Y, Z direction.

• Tool codes T – Used to specify tool number.

• Feed and Speed Codes - F and S- Used to specify feed and

spindle speed.

• N codes- specify program line number to executed by the


• O Code – Used for program identification. 43

Preparatory Codes (G Code)
G-code is the standard programming language used to guide to the machine tools and was
developed by EIA (Electronic Industries Association) in the early 1960. It is represented by the
character ‘G’ followed by a two digit number, i.e. ‘00’ to ‘99’. e.g. G01, G02, G90 etc. G-code
informs the controller what type of motion or action is to be carried out. The mode of
movement is indicated by the numerical value following the G-address.

Types of G Codes
G Codes are of 2 kinds:

a) Modal G-Code: This G-Code is effective until another G-Code of the same group is
commanded (specified). G00 and G01 are modal G-codes in the same 1 group.

b) Non Modal (One Shot) G-Code: This G-Code is effective only in the block in which it is
specified. Non modal G-codes must be programmed in every block when required. e.g. G04,
G28, G53

Some Common G Codes
G00: Positioning (Rapid Transverse) G43: Tool length compensation (plus)
G01: Linear Interpolation(Feed) G44: Tool length compensation (minus)
G02: Circulation Interpolation(CW) G49: Tool length compensation cancel
G03: Circular Interpolation (CCW) G50: Work Co-Ordinate change
G10: Offset value setting by program G53: Setting Machine Coordinate Sys.
G20: Inch Data Input G54-59: Setting Workpiece Coordinate Sys.
G21: Metric Data Input G70: Finishing Cycle
G27: Reference Point Return Check G71: Stock Removal in Turning
G28: Reference Point Return G72: Stock Removal in Facing
G29: Return from Reference Point G73: Pattern Repeating Cycle
G30: Skip Function G81: Drilling cycle
G32: Thread Cutting G82: Counter boring cycle
G34: Variable Lead Thread Cutting G83: Deep hole drilling cycle
G40: Tool Nose Radius Compensation Cancel G90: Absolute positioning
G41: Tool Nose Radius Compensation Left G91: Incremental positioning
G42: Tool Nose Radius Compensation Right G94: Setting feed rate mode

Miscellaneous Codes (M Code)
These are also standardized codes use for miscellaneous functions, the address latter being M
followed by two digits. M-codes execute various NC machine operations not related to
dimensional axial movement. e.g. M06 – Auto Tool Change. These can be used for variety of
operations, depending on the company, but not related to dimensional axial movement.

Types of M Codes
M Codes are of 2 kinds:

a) The first category consists of those which execute with the start of the motion in a block.
e.g. M03 – Spindle Forward.

b) The second category consists of those which execute with the completion of motion
described in the block. e.g. M30 – End of the program.

Some Common M Codes

M00: Program Stop* M11: Chuck Closed

M01: Optional Stop* M13: Spindle Forward & Coolant ON
M02: Program Reset* M14: Spindle Reverse & Coolant ON
M03: Spindle Forward (CW) M30: Program Reset & Rewind
M04: Spindle Reverse (CCW) M38: Door Open
M05: Spindle Stop* M39: Door Closed
M06: Auto Tool Change M40: Part Catcher Extend
M07: Coolant ‘B’ ON M41: Part Catcher Retract
M08: Coolant ‘A’ ON M66: Wait for Input
M09: Coolant Off M98: To call a subprogram
M10: Chuck Open M99: End of a subprogram

Setting up the Coordinate System
Machine Coordinate System:
A coordinate system with a machine zero point set as its origin is referred at as a
machine coordinate system. A machine coordinate system is set by performing manual
reference position return after power-on. A machine coordinate system, once set,
remains unchanged until the power is turn-off.
Command Format : G53 X__ Z__ ;

Workpiece Coordinate System:

A coordinate system used for machining a workpiece is referred to as workpiece
coordinate system. A workpiece coordinate system can be set using one of the three
methods :

a) Method using G50: Format : G50_X_Z;

b) Automatic Setting: A workpiece coordinate system is automatically set when
manual reference position is performed.
c) Method of using G54 to G59, work offsets method.
X, Y, Z Axis Codes
These dimension words are known as “Co-ordinates” which give the position of the tool

Linear Dimension Words:

a) X, Y, Z for primary or main axial motion.

b) u, v, w, for secondary motion parallel to X, Y, Z.
c) p, q, r, for another third type motion parallel to X, Y, Z.

Another Dimension Words:

a) a, b, c for angular motion around X, Y, Z.

b) I, J, K for position of arc center, thread lead parallel to X, Y, Z.

T Word
The T-word is used in the CNC part programming to initiate/cause a tool change and to activate
tool geometry offsets to obtain the desired machining accuracy. There are 2 methods of
specifying a T Code.

• By 2-digit command, e.g. T15

• By 4-digit command, The first two digits in the T-word (01-16, depending on the number of tool
stations) are used to describe a turret station number. The third and forth digits of the T-word
are used to activate a pair of offsets (01-16) that allow the operator to compensate for tool
wear, tool length deviation, tool deflections e.g. T0103

Tool Offset
Tool offset is used to compensate for the difference when the tool actually used differs from the
imagined tool used in programming (usually, standard tool). The tool offset is specified by T code.
It is of two types:

• Tool geometry offset: It is used for compensating the tool shape or tool mounting position.
• Tool wear offset: It is used for compensating the tool nose wear.

N Words O Words
The number for discriminating each block is The number for distinguishing each
called the sequence number. It consists of a program is called the program number.
character “N” followed by a three digit number The address letter “O” followed by 4-
raising from ‘0’ to ‘999’. Generally, the sequence digit numerical value is used to assign a
number are given in ascending order in program number. e.g. O1234
increment of 10. e.g. N010 means “line number

P Words Q Words
Used in automatic cycles (G70, G71, G72, Used in automatic cycles (G70, G71,
G73, G76) to define the first block of the G72, G73, G76) to define the last block
contour. Used with G10 to define the of the contour. In G32 Threading
offset number in the tool. Used to define Cycle, it is used for multi-start thread
a subroutine number. E.g. M98 P1234; to define the start angle.
F Word
It is used to program the proper feed rate, to be given in either mm/min or mm/rev (inch/min or
inch/rev) as described by the G-code.

• In G98 mode the F word is used to command feed/min. e.g. G98 F60; (Metric)
• In G99 mode the F word is used to command feed/rev. e.g. G99 F0.1; (Metric)
• In G32 mode the F word specifies the lead of the thread. e.g. G32 Z-25 F3.00;

S Word
  speed of the cutting tool with respect to the workpiece when the workpiece is cut, is called
the cutting speed. As for the CNC, the cutting speed can be specified by the spindle speed per
minute. It is represented by the address letter S which is followed by the numerical value, e.g.

Cutting speed is given by where d = diameter in mm.

Sub Programs
Normally, the CNC operates according to the main program. However, when a command calling
a subprogram is encountered in the main program, control is passed to the subprogram. When a
command specifying a return to the main program is encountered in a subprogram, control is
returned to the main program.

If a program contains a fixed sequence or frequently repeated pattern, such a sequence or

pattern can be stored as a ‘Subprogram’ or ‘Subroutine’ in the control memory to simplify the
program. This, in fact, is a program within the main program which can be initiated at any time
the main program is running. In order that the controller can identify subroutine, each
subroutine must have its own identification number.

Sub Program Call Sub Program End

Sub-program is called by the use of M98 To return to the last program (main-
command followed by the sub-program number program) position for the program to
preceded with a letter P. N10 M98 P1004; In the continue, an M99 command on the last
given CNC program line the sub-program 1004 line of sub-program is used. N100 M99
will be called, which is stored in the control
memory as O1004. 53
Using codes G02/G03 enable the production of
full 90 degree radii or partial arcs in the
workpiece using absolute or incremental data

Format: G02 ( or G03) X_Z_ F_ ( or R_);

X = The diameter to which the tool movement is

being made.
Z = The Z-axis coordinate to which the tool
movement is being made.
R = Arc radius with no sign ( always with radius
F = Feed value.

G50 S2000 T0300 ; Sets machine datum and max spindle speed to 2000 rpm when
tool is changed to tool number 3 with no offset.
G96 S200 M03 ; Turns constant surface speed on (SFM) and sets spindle speed
200 rpm and spindle forward (CW).
G42 G00 X35.0 Z5.0 T0303; Selects Tool nose radius compensation right, rapid positions tool
to X35 (diameter) and Z5, changes offset of tool number 3 to 3.
M08 ; Turns coolant on.
G01 Z-20.0 F0.2 ; Describes linear feed interpolation till Z2 with feed 0.2 SFM.
G02 X67.0 Z-36.0 R16.0 ; Cuts arc in CW direction till X67 (dia.) and Z36 with arc radius 16.
G01 X68.0 ; Linearly feeds till X68 diameter.
G03 X100.0 Z-52.0 R16.0 ; Cuts an arc in CCW direction till X100 diameter and Z52 with an
arc radius 16.
G01 Z-82.0 ; Linearly feeds till Z82.
G40 G00 X200.0 Z200.0 T0300 ;Cancels tool nose radius compensation, rapid positions tool to
X200, Z200, and sets the offset to 0.
M09; Turns coolant off.
M30 ; Resets and rewinds the program.
Using codes G94 enable end face turning cycle. This
is also a “box type” cycle. It has 2-feed rate motions
and 2-rapid motions. This useful cycle is used for
stock removal either parallel or at an angle to the
workpiece face.

Format: G94 X(u)__ Z(w)__ R__ F__;

X = Final cutting position in X-axis (diameter)

Z = Final cutting position in Z-axis (abs)
R = The incremental distance to start of cut from
cutting position in radius value. This can be omitted
for cuts parallel to the X-axis.
F = Feed value.
N10 G50 S2500 ; Sets machine datum and maximum spindle speed is set to 2500
N20 G96 S180 M03 ; rpm.
Turns constant surface speed on (SFM), sets speed to 180 rpm
N30 T0100; and spindle forward (CW).
N40 G00 X55.0 Z2.0 T0101 ; Selects tool number 1 with 0 offset.
Rapid positions tool to X55 point, and Z2 point and changes offset
N50 G94 X15.0 Z-2.0 F0.2 ; of tool to 01.
Instructs the controller the X(15) and Z(-2) the final destination
N60 Z-4.0 ; values associated with the facing cycle for the cut facing.
Sets the Z axis value to be set to -4, value of X remains unchanged
N70 Z-6.0 ; while the facing cycle remains in effect.
Sets the Z axis value to be set to -6, value of X remains unchanged
N80 Z-8.0 ; while the facing cycle remains in effect.
Sets the Z axis value to be set to -8, value of X remains unchanged
N90 G00 X200.0 Z200.0 T0100 ;while the facing cycle remains in effect.
Cancels previous instructions and tool rapidly moves to X200,
N100 M30; offset of the tool is set to 0.
Resets and rewinds the program.
Thank You!
Srinjoy De Joardar
Aadipta Ghosh
Vikash Ranjan
Dipankar Kirtonia


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