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Empirical Methods in Finance Time Series Models Part 2: ARIMA Models by Sakshi Sharma

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Empirical Methods In

Time series Models Part 2
ARIMA models
Sakshi Sharma
Why ARIMA or ARMA models
Some examples
Stationarity and Correlogram in e
 How to test
 How to remove
Basics of ARIMA models
ARIMA methodolgy

 Box-Jenkins Methodology
Building ARMA Models
- The Box Jenkins Approach

 Box and Jenkins (1970) were the first to approach the task of
estimating an ARMA model in a systematic manner. There are
3 steps to their approach:
Step 1. Identification
Step 2. Estimation
Step 3. Model diagnostic checking and forecasting
 Step 1:
- Involves determining the order of the model.
- Use of graphical procedures
- A better procedure is now available 
Building ARMA Models
- The Box Jenkins Approach (cont’d)

 Step 2:
- Estimation of the parameters
- Can be done using least squares or maximum likelihood
depending on the model.

 Step 3:
- Model checking
 Box and Jenkins suggest
- deliberate overfitting
- residual diagnostics
ARIMA Modelling

 The “I” stands for integrated – an integrated process is

one that is stationary.
 Typically financial researchers difference the variable
so that it is stationary
 Δyt = yt – yt-1 - differenced once
 ΔΔyt = Δyt – Δyt-1 - differenced twice

 ARIMA(p, d, q,) - d denotes the number of times the

variable is differenced (typically only once, occasionally
 An ARMA(p,q) model in the variable differenced d times is
equivalent to an ARIMA(p,d,q) model on the original data
Identification process
RAW GDP Correlogram
Some More Recent Developments in
ARMA Modelling
• Identification would typically not be done using ACF’s.
• We want to form a parsimonious model.
• Reasons:
- variance (hence S.E.) of estimators is inversely proportional
to the number of degrees of freedom

• This gives motivation for using information criteria, which

embody 2 factors
- a term which is a function of the RSS
- some penalty for adding extra parameters
• The objective is to choose the number of parameters which
minimises the information criterion.
Information Criteria for Model Selection
 Embodying two factors: (i) a function of the residual sum
of squares (RSS) and (ii) a penalty for the loss of
degrees of freedom from having too many parameters
 Akaike (AIC); Schwarz Bayesian (SBIC); Hannan-Quinn
AIC  ln(ˆ 2 ) 
SBIC  ln(ˆ 2 )  lnT
HQIC  ln(ˆ 2 )  ln(ln(T ))
where 
ˆ  RSS /T  k

T is the number of observations, k is the number of

parameters, which for an ARMA model with a constant is
equal to p+q+1.
Which should you use? No criterion is superior to the others
– see Chris Brooks p. 257-8 for further discussion.
Diagnostics ( contd…)
3. Diagnostics
3. Diagnostics
Forecasting in Econometrics

 Determining the value that a variable is likely to take

 Why forecast?
 to predict returns to holding an asset
 to predict the riskiness of a portfolio
 to predict correlation between two variables
 Econometric (structural) forecasting:
 relies on relating a dependent variable to movements
in independent variables
 Time series forecasting:
 - relies on predicting future values on the basis of
past values
Forecasting in Econometrics
 Point forecasts : a single value prediction
 Interval forecasts: an indication of the range within which
a value is likely to lie
 In-sample forecast: retaining observations from a time-
series to investigate model reliability
 Out-of-sample forecast: predictions of future values not
yet observed
 The forecasting horizon:
 - one-step-ahead: forecast for the next observation only
 multi-step-ahead: forecast for 1,2,3,…,s observations
 Forecasts become less reliable as the forecast horizon is
In-Sample Versus Out-of-Sample

 Say we have some data - e.g. monthly FTSE returns for 120
months: 1990M1 – 1999M12. We could use all of it to build the
model, or keep some observations back:

 A good test of the model since we have not used the

information from 1999M1 onwards when we estimated the
model parameters
Because multi-step-ahead forecasts become less reliable
further ahead, one solution is to use a rolling or recursive
window for estimation:

Objective: To produce Data Used for Estimation of Parameters

3 step ahead forecasts Rolling Window Recursive Window

2002 M1, M2, M3 1990M1 – 2001M12 1990M1 – 2001M12

2002 M2, M3, M4 1990M2 – 2002M1 1990M1 – 2002M1

2002 M3, M4, M5 1990M3 – 2002M2 1990M1 – 2002M1


The sample size for the rolling estimation window remains


The sample size for the recursive window increases by 1

each step.
Determining the Accuracy of a Forecast
Forecast error = Actual – Forecast
1 T
Mean Squared Error: MSE   (y t  s  f t ,s ) 2
T  (T1  1) t T1
where T is the total sample size (in- and out-of-) and T1 is
the first out-of-sample forecast observation.
1 T
Mean Absolute Error: MAE   | y t  s  f t ,s |
T  (T1  1) t T1

Mean Absolute Percentage Error:

100 T y  ft s
t  s
MAPE  
T  (T1  1) t T1 y t s
has the advantage that it can be interpreted easily as it lies
between 0 and 100, but cannot be used if forecasts can be
both +ve and –ve (share returns for example).

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