Presentation 3
Presentation 3
Presentation 3
By: Linda
• The two main layers in the skin are called the
epidermis (upper and outer) and the dermis (lower
and inner). The epidermis is where skin cancer
begins to form, which has three types of cells:
Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma,
and Melanoma.
• There are three major types of skin cancer:
• •Basal cell carcinoma is the least threatening type
of skin cancer and is unlikely to spread to other
parts of your body. However, it can move into
your bone or tissue under your skin. Basal cell
carcinoma generally occurs on the neck or face. It
usually doesn’t appear after many years of being
exposed to the sun.
• •Squamous cell carcinoma is not life-threatening,
but it can become aggressive. Squamous cell
carcinoma can form anywhere squamous cells are
found. If untreated, cancer can spread to larger
areas, causing severe complications.
• •Melanoma is not as common as the other two.
But, it’s more dangerous because it has a higher
chance of spreading. Most skin cancer deaths are
from Melanoma.
Sun exposure: Skin cancer is commonly caused by exposure to the sun. Without proper
protection, ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning beds can ruin your skin’s DNA.
Tanning beds: Exposure to UV light from tanning beds and sun lamps can increase the
risk of cancer.
Weak immune system: Having a weakened immune system from medications or medical
conditions can also have an effect on skin cancer.
Family history of skin cancer: Melanoma can also run-in families, so 1 in every 10
patients has a family member that likely has the disease.
Previous history with skin cancer: People who have already had skin cancer in the past,
will have a likelier chance of developing it again.
Fair skin: Skin cancer occurs more frequently in people with fair skin, light eyes, light or
red hair. Also the risk is higher among people who burn easily and have freckles.
Location: People who live in warm climate are always surrounded by the sun, which can
increase the risk of skin cancer.
Environmental chemicals: Tar, paraffins (wax), vinyl chloride, solvents, and arsenic can
cause skin cancer.
growth of cells
• Seventy percent of the sun is the main root of skin cancer. When
going outside, everyone should wear sunscreen with SPF. The
number of SPF corresponds to how long the sunscreen will last.
For example, SPF 50 will last you 50 minutes of protection.
Although, even If it’s not sunny, UV rays can penetrate clouds.
About 80 % of UV rays make it to the ground on a cloudy day.
Everyone should apply sunscreen because the outer layer of our
skin cells contains a pigment called melanin. This pigment
protects our skin from UV rays. People who burn easily or don’t
have much melanin need to wear sunscreen because they seek a
higher risk of damaging the skin. Having five or more sunburns
can double your chances of melanoma.
Cryosurgery uses
liquid nitrogen to at
cold temperatures to
destroy disseased