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Biostatistics Teaching

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Kamukama Robert
Chapter 1

Introduction To

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 2
 Key words :

 Statistics , data , Biostatistics,

 Variable ,Population ,Sample

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 3
Some Basic concepts
Statistics is a field of study concerned
1- collection, organization, summarization
and analysis of data.
2- drawing of inferences about a body of
data when only a part of the data is
Statisticians try to interpret and
communicate the results to others.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 4
Methodology for the Health Sciences
* Biostatistics:
The tools of statistics are employed in
many fields:
business, education, psychology,
agriculture, economics, … etc.
When the data analyzed are derived from
the biological science and medicine,
we use the term biostatistics to
distinguish this particular application of
statistical tools and concepts.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 5

Methodology for the Health Sciences
• The raw material of Statistics is data.
• We may define data as figures. Figures
result from the process of counting or
from taking a measurement.
• For example:
• - When a hospital administrator counts
the number of patients (counting).
• - When a nurse weighs a patient

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 6

Methodology for the Health Sciences
:Sources of Data *
We search for suitable data to serve as
the raw material for our investigation.
Such data are available from one or more
of the following sources:
1- Routinely kept records.
For example:
- Hospital medical records contain
immense amounts of information on
- Hospital accounting records contain a
wealth of data on the facility’s business
- activities.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 7
Methodology for the Health Sciences
2- External sources.
The data needed to answer a question may
already exist in the form of
published reports, commercially available
data banks, or the research literature,
i.e. someone else has already asked the
same question.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 8

Methodology for the Health Sciences
3- Surveys:
The source may be a survey, if the data
needed is about answering certain
For example:
If the administrator of a clinic wishes to
obtain information regarding the mode of
transportation used by patients to visit
the clinic,
then a survey may be conducted among
patients to obtain this information.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 9
Methodology for the Health Sciences
4- Experiments.
Frequently the data needed to answer
a question are available only as the
result of an experiment.
For example:
If a nurse wishes to know which of several
strategies is best for maximizing patient
she might conduct an experiment in which the
different strategies of motivating compliance

are tried with different patients.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences
:A variable *
It is a characteristic that takes on different
values in different persons, places, or
For example:
- heart rate,
- the heights of adult males,
- the weights of preschool children,
- the ages of patients seen in a dental clinic.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 11

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Types of variables
Quantitative Qualitative

Quantitative Variables Qualitative Variables

It can be measured Many characteristics are
in the usual sense. not capable of being
For example: measured. Some of them
- the heights of can be ordered or
adult males, ranked.
- the weights of For example:
preschool children, - classification of people into
- the ages of socio-economic groups,
patients seen in a - social classes based on
- dental clinic. income, education, etc.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 12

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Types of quantitative variables
Discrete Continuous
A discrete variable A continuous variable
is characterized by gaps can assume any value within a
or interruptions in the specified relevant interval of
values that it can values assumed by the variable.
For example: For example:
- Height,
- The number of daily
admissions to a - weight,
general hospital, - skull circumference.
- The number of No matter how close together the
decayed, missing or observed heights of two
filled teeth per child people, we can find another
- in an person whose height falls
somewhere in between.
- elementary Text Book : Basic Concepts and 13
- school. Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example: Sex ( M, F)
Exam result (P, F)
Blood Group (A,B, O or AB)
,Color of Eyes (blue, green
)brown, black
Response to treatment
)poor, fair, good(
Severity of disease
)mild, moderate, severe(
,Income status (low, middle

Example: The no. of family members

The no. of heart beats
The no. of admissions in a day


Example: Height, Weight, Age, BP,

Cholesterol and BMI
Discrete data -- Gaps between possible values

Number of Children

,Continuous data -- Theoretically

no gaps between possible values



.wt. (in Kg.) : under wt, normal & over wt

Ht. (in cm.): short, medium & tall
Table 1 Distribution of blunt injured patients
according to hospital length of stay
hospital length of stay Number Percent
1 – 3 days 5891 43.3
4 – 7 days 3489 25.6
2 weeks 2449 18.0
3 weeks 813 6.0
1 month 417 3.1
More than 1 month 545 4.0
Total 14604 100.0
Mean = 7.85 SE = 0.10
Scale of measurement
:Qualitative variable
A categorical variable

Nominal (classificatory) scale

gender, marital status, race - 

Ordinal (ranking) scale

severity scale, good/better/best - 
Scale of measurement
:Quantitative variable
A numerical variable: discrete; continuous

: Interval scale
Data is placed in meaningful intervals and order. The unit of
.measurement are arbitrary

Temperature (37º C -- 36º C; 38º C-- 37º C are equal) and -

No implication of ratio (30º C is not twice as hot as 15º C)
:Ratio scale
Data is presented in frequency distribution
.in logical order. A meaningful ratio exists

Age, weight, height, pulse rate -

pulse rate of 120 is twice as fast as 60 -
person with weight of 80kg is twice as -
heavy as the one with weight of
.40 kg
Scales of Measure
Nominal – qualitative classification of equal •
value: gender, race, color, city
Ordinal - qualitative classification which can be •
rank ordered: socioeconomic status of families
Interval - Numerical or quantitative data: can •
be rank ordered and sizes compared :
Ratio - Quantitative interval data along with •
.ratio: time, age

Data Colllection

Inferential Statistiscs
Descriptive Statistics
Data Presentation
Estimation Hypothesis Univariate analysis
Measures of Location
Tabulation Testing
Measures of Dispersion
Diagrams Ponit estimate Multivariate analysis
& Measures of Skewness
Graphs Inteval estimate
Frequency Distributions
data distribution – pattern of •
the center of a distribution –
the ranges –
the shapes –
simple frequency distributions •
grouped frequency distributions •
midpoint –
Tabulate the hemoglobin values of 30 adult
male patients listed below

Patien Hb Patien Hb Patien Hb

t No (g/dl) t No (g/dl) t No (g/dl)
1 12.0 11 11.2 21 14.9
2 11.9 12 13.6 22 12.2
3 11.5 13 10.8 23 12.2
4 14.2 14 12.3 24 11.4
5 12.3 15 12.3 25 10.7
6 13.0 16 15.7 26 12.5
7 10.5 17 12.6 27 11.8
8 12.8 18 9.1 28 15.1
9 13.2 19 12.9 29 13.4
10 11.2 20 14.6 30 13.1
Steps for making a table
Step1 Find Minimum (9.1) & Maximum (15.7)

Step2 Calculate difference 15.7 – 9.1 = 6.6

Step3 Decide the number and width of

the classes (7 c.l) 9.0 -9.9, 10.0-

– Step4 Prepare dummy table

Hb (g/dl), Tally mark, No. patients
Hb (g/dl) Tall marks No. Hb (g/dl) Tall marks No.  
patients patients

9.9 – 9.0     9.9 – 9.0 l 1

10.9 – 10.0 10.9 – 10.0 lll 3
11.9 – 11.0 11.9 – 11.0 lll 6
12.9 – 12.0 12.9 – 12.0
13.9 – 13.0 llll llll 10
13.9 – 13.0
14.9 – 14.0 14.9 – 14.0 llll 5
15.9 – 15.0 15.9 – 15.0 3
lll 2
Total - 30
Table Frequency distribution of 30 adult male
patients by Hb
Hb (g/dl) No. of
9.9 – 9.0 1
10.9 – 10.0 3
11.9 – 11.0 6
12.9 – 12.0 10
13.9 – 13.0 5
14.9 – 14.0 3
15.9 – 15.0 2
Total 30
Table Frequency distribution of adult patients by
:Hb and gender
Hb Gender Total
Male Female

9.0< 0 2 2
9.9 – 9.0 1 3 4
10.9 – 10.0 3 5 8
11.9 – 11.0 6 8 14
12.9 – 12.0 10 6 16
13.9 – 13.0 5 4 9
14.9 – 14.0 3 2 5
15.9 – 15.0 2 0 2

Total 30 30 60
Elements of a Table
Ideal table should have Number
Column headings
Number – Table number for identification in a report

,Title,place - Describe the body of the table, variables

Time period (What, how classified, where and when)

,.Column - Variable name, No. , Percentages (%), etc


,Foot-note(s) - to describe some column/row headings

,.special cells, source, etc
Table II. Distribution of 120 (Madras) Corporation divisions
according to annual death rate based on registered deaths in
1975 and 1976

Death rate (/1000 per

of divisions
7.0-7.9 4 (3.3)
8.0 - 8.9 13 (10.8)
9.0 - 9.9 20 (16.7)
10.0 - 10.9 27 (22.5)
11.0 - 11.9 18 (15.0)
12.0 - 12.9 11 (0.2)
13.0 - 13.9 11 (9.2)
14.0 - 14.9 6 (5.0)
15.0 - 15.9 2 (1.7)
16.0 - 16.9 4 (3.3)
17.0 - 18.9 3 (2.5)
19.0 + 1 (0.8)
Total 120 (100.0)

Figures in parentheses indicate percentages

Discrete data
Bar charts (one or two groups) ---

Continuous data
Histogram ---
Frequency polygon (curve) ---
Stem-and –leaf plot ---
Box-and-whisker plot ---
Example data

32 28 36 30 27 42 63 68
65 44 25 24 28 22 27 79
31 28 42 36 51 74 25 43
32 12 51 57 12 45 25 28
21 38 50 31 27 42 38 49
27 43 22 23 47 64 24 16
31 46 52 11 19 23 28 49
12 49 43 30


11.5 21.5 31.5 41.5 51.5 61.5 71.5


Figure 1 Histogram of ages of 60 subjects



11.5 21.5 31.5 41.5 51.5 61.5 71.5

Example data

32 28 36 30 27 42 63 68
65 44 25 24 28 22 27 79
31 28 42 36 51 74 25 43
32 12 51 57 12 45 25 28
21 38 50 31 27 42 38 49
27 43 22 23 47 64 24 16
31 46 52 11 19 23 28 49
12 49 43 30
Stem and leaf plot
Stem-and-leaf of Age N = 60
Leaf Unit = 1.0

122269 1 6
1223344555777788888 2 19
00111226688 3 )11(
2223334567999 4 13
01127 5 5
3458 6 4
49 7 2
* A population:
It is the largest collection of values of a
random variable for which we have an
interest at a particular time.
For example:
The weights of all the children enrolled in
a certain elementary school.
Populations may be finite or infinite.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 40

Methodology for the Health Sciences
* A sample:
It is a part of a population.
For example:
The weights of only a fraction of
these children.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 41

Methodology for the Health Sciences
• Question (6) – Page 17
• Question (7) – Page 17
“ Situation A , Situation B “

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 42

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Chapter ( 2 )
Strategies for
understanding the
meanings of Data
Pages( 19 – 27)
 Key words

frequency table, bar chart ,range

width of interval , mid-interval
Histogram , Polygon

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 44
Descriptive Statistics
Frequency Distribution
for Discrete Random Variables
Suppose that we take a Relative
sample of size 16 from
No. of Frequency
children in a primary school decayed Frequency
and get the following data teeth
about the number of their
decayed teeth, 0 1 0.0625
3,5,2,4,0,1,3,5,2,3,2,3,3,2,4,1 1 2 0.125
To construct a frequency 2 4 0.25
table: 3 5 0.3125
1- Order the values from the 4 2 0.125
smallest to the largest. 5 2 0.125
2- Count how many
numbers are the same. Total 16 1
Representing the simple
frequency table using the bar
We can represent chart 6
the above simple
frequency table 5
using the bar
chart. 4

2 2 2


Text Book : Basic.00 1.00and 2.00

Concepts 3.00 4.00 5.00
Methodology for the Health
Number of decayed teeth 46
2.3 Frequency Distribution
for Continuous Random Variables
For large samples, we can’t use the simple frequency table to
represent the data.
We need to divide the data into groups or intervals or
So, we need to determine:
1- The number of intervals (k).
Too few intervals are not good because information will be
Too many intervals are not helpful to summarize the data.
A commonly followed rule is that 6 ≤ k ≤ 15,
or the following formula may be used,
k = 1 + 3.322 (log n)
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 47
2- The range (R).
It is the difference between the
largest and the smallest observation
in the data set.
3- The Width of the interval (w).
Class intervals generally should be of
the same width. Thus, if we want k
intervals, then w is chosen such that
w ≥ R / k.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 48
Assume that the number of observations
equal 100, then
k = 1+3.322(log 100)
= 1 + 3.3222 (2) = 7.6  8.
Assume that the smallest value = 5 and the
largest one of the data = 61, then
R = 61 – 5 = 56 and
w = 56 / 8 = 7.
To make the summarization more
comprehensible, the class width may be 5
or 10 or the multiples of 10.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 49
Example 2.3.1
 We wish to know how many class interval to have
in the frequency distribution of the data in Table
1.4.1 Page 9-10 of ages of 189 subjects who
Participated in a study on smoking cessation
 Solution :
 Since the number of observations
equal 189, then
 k = 1+3.322(log 169)
 = 1 + 3.3222 (2.276)  9,
 R = 82 – 30 = 52 and
 w = 52 / 9 = 5.778

 It is better to let w = 10, then the intervals

 will be in the form:
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 50
Class interval Frequency

30 – 39 11

40 – 49 46
50 – 59 70
60 – 69 45
70 – 79 16

80 – 89 1
Total 189

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Sum of frequency
Methodology for the Health sample size=n=
Sciences 51
:The Cumulative Frequency
It can be computed by adding successive

:The Cumulative Relative Frequency

It can be computed by adding successive relative

:The Mid-interval
It can be computed by adding the lower bound of
the interval plus the upper bound of it and then
.divide over 2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 52
For the above example, the following table represents the
cumulative frequency, the relative frequency, the cumulative
.relative frequency and the mid-interval R.f= freq/n

Class Mid – Frequency Cumulative Relative Cumulative

interval interval Freq (f) Frequency Frequency Relative
R.f Frequency

30 – 39 34.5 11 11 0.0582 0.0582

40 – 49 44.5 46 57 0.2434 -
50 – 59 54.5 - 127 - 0.6720
60 – 69 - 45 - 0.2381 0.9101
70 – 79 74.5 16 188 0.0847 0.9948

80 – 89 84.5 1 189 0.0053 1

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Total 189 Sciences 1 53
: Example
 From the above frequency table, complete the
table then answer the following questions:
 1-The number of objects with age less than 50
years ?
 2-The number of objects with age between 40-69
years ?
 3-Relative frequency of objects with age between
70-79 years ?
 4-Relative frequency of objects with age more
than 69 years ?
 5-The percentage of objects with age between
40-49 years ?
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 54
 6- The percentage of objects with age less than
60 years ?
 7-The Range (R) ?
 8- Number of intervals (K)?
 9- The width of the interval ( W) ?

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 55
Representing the grouped frequency
table using the histogram
To draw the histogram, the true classes limits should be used.
They can be computed by subtracting 0.5 from the lower
limit and adding 0.5 to the upper limit for each interval.
True class limits Frequency 80
29.5 – <39.5 11
39.5 – < 49.5 46
49.5 – < 59.5 70 40
59.5 – < 69.5 45
69.5 – < 79.5 16 10
79.5 – < 89.5 1
34.5 and44.5
Text Book : Basic Concepts 54.5 64.5 74.5 84.5
Methodology for the Health
Total 189 Sciences
Representing the grouped frequency
table using the Polygon
34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5 74.5 84.5

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 57
 Pages : 31 – 34
 Questions: 2.3.2(a) , 2.3.5 (a)

 H.W. : 2.3.6 , 2.3.7(a)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 58
Section (2.4) :
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central
Page 38 - 41
key words:
Descriptive Statistic, measure of
central tendency ,statistic, parameter,
mean (μ) ,median, mode.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 60
The Statistic and The
• A Statistic: Parameter
It is a descriptive measure computed from the
data of a sample.
• A Parameter:
It is a a descriptive measure computed from the
data of a population.
Since it is difficult to measure a parameter from the
population, a sample is drawn of size n, whose values
are  1 ,  2 , …,  n. From this data, we measure the
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 61
Measures of Central Tendency
A measure of central tendency is a measure which
indicates where the middle of the data is.
The three most commonly used measures of central
tendency are:
The Mean, the Median, and the Mode.
The Mean:
It is the average of the data.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 62
TheN Population Mean:
X i
= i 1 which is usually unknown, then we use the

sample mean to estimate or approximate it.

The Sample Mean:

= x
i 1

Here is a random sample of size 10 of ages, where
 1 = 42,  2 = 28,  3 = 28,  4 = 61,  5 = 31,
 6 = 23,  7 = 50,  8 = 34,  9 = 32,  10 = 37.

x = (42 + 28 + … + 37) / 10 = 36.6

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 63
Properties of the Mean:
• Uniqueness. For a given set of data there is
one and only one mean.
• Simplicity. It is easy to understand and to
• Affected by extreme values. Since all
values enter into the computation.
Example: Assume the values are 115, 110, 119, 117, 121 and
126. The mean = 118.
But assume that the values are 75, 75, 80, 80 and 280. The
mean = 118, a value that is not representative of the set of
data as a whole.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 64
The Median:
When ordering the data, it is the observation that divide the
set of observations into two equal parts such that half of
the data are before it and the other are after it.
* If n is odd, the median will be the middle of observations. It
will be the (n+1)/2 th ordered observation.
When n = 11, then the median is the 6th observation.
* If n is even, there are two middle observations. The median
will be the mean of these two middle observations. It will
be the (n+1)/2 th ordered observation.
When n = 12, then the median is the 6.5th observation, which
is an observation halfway between the 6th and 7th ordered

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 65
For the same random sample, the ordered
observations will be as:
23, 28, 28, 31, 32, 34, 37, 42, 50, 61.
Since n = 10, then the median is the 5.5th
observation, i.e. = (32+34)/2 = 33.
Properties of the Median:
• Uniqueness. For a given set of data there is
one and only one median.
• Simplicity. It is easy to calculate.
• It is not affected by extreme values as
is the mean.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 66
The Mode:
It is the value which occurs most frequently.
If all values are different there is no mode.
Sometimes, there are more than one mode.
For the same random sample, the value 28 is
repeated two times, so it is the mode.
Properties of the Mode:
• Sometimes, it is not unique.
• It may be used for describing qualitative
data. Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 67
Section (2.5) :
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Dispersion
Page 43 - 46
key words:
Descriptive Statistic, measure of
dispersion , range ,variance, coefficient of

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 69
2.5. Descriptive Statistics –
Measures of Dispersion:
• A measure of dispersion conveys information regarding
the amount of variability present in a set of data.
• Note:
1. If all the values are the same
→ There is no dispersion .
2. If all the values are different
→ There is a dispersion:
3.If the values close to each other
→The amount of Dispersion small.
b) If the values are widely scattered
→ The Dispersion is greater.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 70
Ex. Figure 2.5.1 –Page 43
• ** Measures of Dispersion are :
1.Range (R).
2. Variance.
3. Standard deviation.
4.Coefficient of variation (C.V).

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 71
1.The Range (R):
• Range =Largest value- Smallest value =
xL  xS
• Note:
• Range concern only onto two values
• Example 2.5.1 Page 40:
• Refer to Ex 2.4.2.Page 37
• Data:
• 43,66,61,64,65,38,59,57,57,50.
• Find Range?
• Range=66-38=28
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 72
2.The Variance:
• It measure dispersion relative to the scatter of the values
a bout there mean.
a) Sample Variance ( S ) :

•  (x  x) i ,where x is sample mean


S2  i 1

n 1

• Example 2.5.2 Page 40:

• Refer to Ex 2.4.2.Page 37
• Find Sample Variance of ages , x = 56
• Solution:
• S2= [(43-56) 2 +(66-43) 2+…..+(50-56) 2 ]/ 10
• = 900/10 = 90
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 73
• b)Population Variance ( 2 ) :

•    ( xN  ) where , is Population mean

2 i 1

3.The Standard Deviation:

• is the square root of variance= Varince
a) Sample Standard Deviation = S = S

b) Population Standard Deviation = σ =  2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 74
4.The Coefficient of Variation
• Is a measure use to compare the
dispersion in two sets of data which is
independent of the unit of the
measurement .
• C .V 
(100) where S: Sample standard

• X : Sample mean.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 75
:Example 2.5.3 Page 46
• Suppose two samples of human males yield the
following data:
Sampe1 Sample2
Age 25-year-olds 11year-olds
Mean weight 145 pound 80 pound
Standard deviation 10 pound 10 pound

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 76
• We wish to know which is more variable.
• Solution:
• c.v (Sample1)= (10/145)*100= 6.9

• c.v (Sample2)= (10/80)*100= 12.5

• Then age of 11-years old(sample2) is more


Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 77
• Pages : 52 – 53
• Questions: 2.5.1 , 2.5.2 ,2.5.3
• H.W. :2.5.4 , 2.5.5, 2.5.6, 2.5.14
• * Also you can solve in the review
questions page 57:
• Q: 12,13,14,15,16, 19

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 78
Chapter 3
The Basis of the
Statistical inference
 Key words:

 Probability, objective Probability,

subjective Probability, equally likely
Mutually exclusive, multiplicative rule
Conditional Probability, independent events,
Bayes theorem

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 80

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Introduction 3.1
 The concept of probability is frequently encountered in everyday
communication. For example, a physician may say that a
patient has a 50-50 chance of surviving a certain operation.

Another physician may say that she is 95 percent certain that a

patient has a particular disease.
 Most people express probabilities in terms of percentages.

 But, it is more convenient to express probabilities as fractions.

Thus, we may measure the probability of the occurrence of
some event by a number between 0 and 1.
 The more likely the event, the closer the number is to one. An
event that can't occur has a probability of zero, and an event
that is certain to occur has a probability of one.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 81
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Two views of Probability 3.2

:objective and subjective
 *** Objective Probability
 ** Classical and Relative
 Some definitions:

1.Equally likely outcomes:

Are the outcomes that have the same
chance of occurring.
2.Mutually exclusive:
Two events are said to be mutually
exclusive if they cannot occur
simultaneously such that A B =Φ .
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 82
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 The universal Set (S): The set all
possible outcomes.
 The empty set Φ : Contain no elements.
 The event ,E : is a set of outcomes in S
which has a certain characteristic.
 Classical Probability : If an event can
occur in N mutually exclusive and equally
likely ways, and if m of these possess a
triat, E, the probability of the occurrence
of event E is equal to m/ N .
 For Example: in the rolling of the die ,
each of the six sides is equally likely to be
observed . So, the probability that a 4 will
be observed is equal to 1/6.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 83
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 Relative Frequency Probability:
 Def: If some posses is repeated a large
number of times, n, and if some resulting
event E occurs m times , the relative
frequency of occurrence of E , m/n will be
approximately equal to probability of E .
P(E) = m/n .
 *** Subjective Probability :
 Probability measures the confidence that a
particular individual has in the truth of a
particular proposition.
 For Example : the probability that a cure
for cancer will be discovered within the
next 10 years.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 84
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Elementary Properties of 3.3
 Given some process (or experiment )
with n mutually exclusive events E1,
E2, E3,…………, En, then
 1-P(Ei ) 0, i= 1,2,3,……n
 2- P(E1 )+ P(E2) +……+P(En )=1
 3- P(Ei +EJ )= P(Ei )+ P(EJ ),
Ei ,EJ are mutually exclusive

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 85

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Rules of Probability
 1-Addition Rule
 P(A U B)= P(A) + P(B) – P (A∩B )

 2- If A and B are mutually exclusive

(disjoint) ,then
 P (A∩B ) = 0
 Then , addition rule is
 P(A B)= P(A) + P(B) .
 3- Complementary Rule
 P(A' )= 1 – P(A)
 where, A' = = complement event
 Consider example 3.4.1 Page 63
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 86
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Table 3.4.1 in Example 3.4.1
Family history of Early = 18 Later >18 Total
Mood Disorders )E( )L(

Negative(A) 28 35 63

Bipolar 19 38 57
Unipolar (C) 41 44 85

Unipolar and 53 60 113

Total 141 177 318

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 87

Methodology for the Health Sciences
:Answer the following questions**
Suppose we pick a person at random from this sample.
1-The probability that this person will be 18-years old
or younger?
2-The probability that this person has family history of
mood orders Unipolar(C)?
3-The probability that this person has no family history
of mood orders Unipolar( )?
4-The probability that this person is 18-years old or
younger or has no family history of mood ordersC
Negative (A)?
5-The probability that this person is more than18-
years old and has family history of mood orders
Unipolar and Bipolar(D)?

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 88

Methodology for the Health Sciences
:Conditional Probability

P(A\B) is the probability of A assuming

that B has happened.

P( A  B)
 P(A\B)= P( B) , P(B)≠ 0

P( A  B)
 P(B\A)= P ( A) , P(A)≠ 0

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 89

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 3.4.2 Page 64
From previous example 3.4.1 Page 63 ,
 suppose we pick a person at random and

find he is 18 years or younger (E),what is

the probability that this person will be one
who has no family history of mood
disorders (A)?
 suppose we pick a person at random and

find he has family history of mood (D) what

is the probability that this person will be 18
years or younger (E)?
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 90
Methodology for the Health Sciences
: Calculating a joint Probability
 Example 3.4.3.Page 64
 Suppose we pick a person at random
from the 318 subjects. Find the
probability that he will early (E) and
has no family history of mood
disorders (A).

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 91

Methodology for the Health Sciences
:Multiplicative Rule
 P(A∩B)= P(A\B)P(B)
 P(A∩B)= P(B\A)P(A)
 Where,
 P(A): marginal probability of A.
 P(B): marginal probability of B.
 P(B\A):The conditional probability.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 92

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 3.4.4 Page 65
 From previous example 3.4.1 Page
63 , we wish to compute the joint
probability of Early age at onset(E)
and a negative family history of
mood disorders(A) from a knowledge
of an appropriate marginal
probability and an appropriate
conditional probability.
 Exercise: Example 3.4.5.Page 66
 Exercise: Example 3.4.6.Page 67
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 93
Methodology for the Health Sciences
:Independent Events
 If A has no effect on B, we said that
A,B are independent events.
 Then,
 1- P(A∩B)= P(B)P(A)
 2- P(A\B)=P(A)
 3- P(B\A)=P(B)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 94

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 3.4.7 Page 68
 In a certain high school class consisting of
60 girls and 40 boys, it is observed that
24 girls and 16 boys wear eyeglasses . If a
student is picked at random from this
class ,the probability that the student
wears eyeglasses , P(E), is 40/100 or 0.4 .
 What is the probability that a student
picked at random wears eyeglasses given
that the student is a boy?
 What is the probability of the joint
occurrence of the events of wearing eye
glasses and being a boy?
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 95
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 3.4.8 Page 69
 Suppose that of 1200 admission to a
general hospital during a certain period of
time,750 are private admissions. If we
designate these as a set A, then compute
P(A) , P( A).

 Exercise: Example 3.4.9.Page 76

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 96

Methodology for the Health Sciences
:Marginal Probability
 Definition:
 Given some variable that can be broken
down into m categories designated
by A , A ,......., A ,......., A and another jointly occurring
1 2 i m

variable that is broken down into n

categories designated by B , B ,......., B ,......., B 1 2 j n

, the marginal probability of A with all the i

categories of B . That is,

P( Ai )   P( Ai  B j ), for all value of j
 Example 3.4.9.Page 76

 Use data of Table 3.4.1, and rule of

marginal Probabilities to calculate P(E).
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 97
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 Page 76-77
 Questions :
 3.4.1, 3.4.3,3.4.4
 H.W.
 3.4.5 , 3.4.7

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 98

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Baye's Theorem
Pages 79-83

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 99

Methodology for the Health Sciences

The sensitivity of the symptom

This is the probability of a positive result given that the subject

has the disease. It is denoted by P(T|D)


The specificity of the symptom

This is the probability of negative result given that the subject

does not have the disease. It is denoted by

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 100

Methodology for the Health Sciences
P(T | D) P ( D)
P( D | T ) 
P (T | D) P ( D )  P (T | D ) P ( D)

P ( D)  1  P( D)
p(T | D)  1  P(T | D )

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 101

Methodology for the Health Sciences
The predictive value negative of the symptom
This is the probability that a subject does not have the disease given that the
subject has a negative screening test result
It is calculated using Bayes Theorem through the following formula

P(T | D) P( D)
P( D | T ) 
P (T | D) P( D)  P(T | D) P( D)

p(T | D)  1  P(T | D)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 102

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 3.5.1 page 82

A medical research team wished to evaluate a proposed screening test for

Alzheimer’s disease. The test was given to a random sample of 450 patients with
Alzheimer’s disease and an independent random sample of 500 patients without
symptoms of the disease. The two samples were drawn from populations of
subjects who were 65 years or older. The results are as follows.

Test Result Yes (D) ) (D

No Total
Positive(T) 436 5 441
) (NegativT 14 495 509
Total 450 500 950

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 103

Methodology for the Health Sciences
In the context of this example
a)What is a false positive?

A false positive is when the test indicates a positive result (T) when
the person does not have the disease D

b) What is the false negative?

A false negative is when a test indicates a negative result ( )Twhen
the person has the disease (D).

c) Compute the sensitivity of the symptom.

P(T | D)   0.9689
d) Compute the specificity of the symptom.
P(T | D)   0.99
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 104
Methodology for the Health Sciences
e) Suppose it is known that the rate of the disease in the general population is
11.3%. What is the predictive value positive of the symptom and the predictive
value negative of the symptom
The predictive value positive of the symptom is calculated as
P (T | D) P ( D)
P( D | T ) 
P(T | D) P( D)  P (T | D) P( D)
  0.925
(0.9689)(0.113)  (.01)(1 - 0.113)

The predictive value negative of the symptom is calculated as

P(T | D) P ( D)
P( D | T ) 
P(T | D) P( D)  P(T | D ) P( D)
  0.996
(0.99)(0.887)  (0.0311)(0.113)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 105

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 Page 83
 Questions :
 3.5.1, 3.5.2
 H.W.:
 Page 87 : Q4,Q5,Q7,Q9,Q21

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 106

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Chapter 4:
Probabilistic features of
certain data Distributions
Pages 93- 111
Key words

Probability distribution , random variable ,

Bernolli distribution, Binomail distribution,
Poisson distribution

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 108

Health Sciences
The Random Variable (X):

When the values of a variable (height,

weight, or age) can’t be predicted in
advance, the variable is called a random

An example is the adult height.

When a child is born, we can’t predict

exactly his or her height at maturity.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 109

Health Sciences
4.2 Probability Distributions for
Discrete Random Variables
The probability distribution of a
discrete random variable is a table,
graph, formula, or other device used
to specify all possible values of a
discrete random variable along with
their respective probabilities.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 110

Health Sciences
The Cumulative Probability
:Distribution of X, F(x)

It shows the probability that the

variable X is less than or equal to a
certain value, P(X  x).

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 111

Health Sciences
:Example 4.2.1 page 94
Number of frequenc P(X=x) =F(x)
Programs y P(X≤ x)
1 62 0.2088 0.2088
2 47 0.1582 0.3670
3 39 0.1313 0.4983
4 39 0.1313 0.6296
5 58 0.1953 0.8249
6 37 0.1246 0.9495
7 4 0.0135 0.9630
8 11Text Book : Basic0.0370
Concepts and 1.0000
Methodology for the Health
Total 297 1.0000
Sciences 112
See figure 4.2.1 page 96
See figure 4.2.2 page 97

Properties of probability distribution

of discrete random variable.
1. 0  P (X  x )  1
2.  P (X  x )  1
3. P(a  X  b) = P(X  b) – P(X  a-1)
4. P(X < b) = P(X  b-1)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 113

Health Sciences
Example 4.2.2 page 96: (use table
in example 4.2.1)
What is the probability that a randomly
selected family will be one who used
three assistance programs?
Example 4.2.3 page 96: (use table
in example 4.2.1)
What is the probability that a randomly
selected family used either one or two

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 114

Health Sciences
Example 4.2.4 page 98: (use table in
example 4.2.1)
What is the probability that a family picked
at random will be one who used two or
fewer assistance programs?
Example 4.2.5 page 98: (use table in
example 4.2.1)
What is the probability that a randomly
selected family will be one who used fewer
than four programs?
Example 4.2.6 page 98: (use table in
example 4.2.1)
What is the probability that a randomly
selected family used five or more
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 115
Health Sciences
Example 4.2.7 page 98: (use table
in example 4.2.1)
What is the probability that a randomly
selected family is one who used
between three and five programs,

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 116

Health Sciences
:The Binomial Distribution 4.3
The binomial distribution is one of the most
widely encountered probability distributions
in applied statistics. It is derived from a
process known as a Bernoulli trial.
Bernoulli trial is :
When a random process or experiment
called a trial can result in only one of two
mutually exclusive outcomes, such as dead
or alive, sick or well, the trial is called a
Bernoulli trial.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 117

Health Sciences
The Bernoulli Process
A sequence of Bernoulli trials forms a Bernoulli
process under the following conditions
1- Each trial results in one of two possible,
mutually exclusive, outcomes. One of the
possible outcomes is denoted (arbitrarily) as a
success, and the other is denoted a failure.
2- The probability of a success, denoted by p,
remains constant from trial to trial. The
probability of a failure, 1-p, is denoted by q.
3- The trials are independent, that is the outcome
of any particular trial is not affected by the
outcome of any other trial
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 118
Health Sciences
The probability distribution of the binomial
random variable X, the number of
successes in n independent trials is:
 n  X n X
f (x )  P (X  x )    p q , x  0,1,2,...., n
x 
 
n 
 
Where is the number of combinations
x 
of n distinct objects taken x of them at a
time. n  n!
 
x 
 x !( n  x )!
 

x !  x (x  1)(x  2)....(1)
* Note: 0! =1 Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 119
Health Sciences
Properties of the binomial
1. f (x )  0
2.  f (x )  1
3.The parameters of the binomial
distribution are n and p
4.   E (X )  np
5.   var(X )  np (1  p )

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 120

Health Sciences
Example 4.3.1 page 100
If we examine all birth records from the North
Carolina State Center for Health statistics for
year 2001, we find that 85.8 percent of the
pregnancies had delivery in week 37 or later
(full- term birth).
If we randomly selected five birth records from
this population what is the probability that
exactly three of the records will be for full-term

Exercise: example 4.3.2 page 104

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 121

Health Sciences
Example 4.3.3 page 104
Suppose it is known that in a certain
population 10 percent of the population is
color blind. If a random sample of 25
people is drawn from this population, find
the probability that
a) Five or fewer will be color blind.
b) Six or more will be color blind
c) Between six and nine inclusive will be color
d) Two, three, or four will be color blind.
Exercise: example 4.3.4 page 106
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 122
Health Sciences
The Poisson Distribution 4.4
If the random variable X is the number of
occurrences of some random event in a certain
period of time or space (or some volume of
The probability distribution of X is given by:
  x
f (x) =P(X=x) = e ,x = 0,1,…..

The symbol e is the constant equal to 2.7183. 

(Lambda) is called the parameter of the
distribution and is the average number of
occurrences of the random event in the interval
(or volume)
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 123
Health Sciences
Properties of the Poisson

1. f (x )  0
2.  f (x )  1
3.   E (X )  
4.   var(X )  

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 124

Health Sciences
Example 4.4.1 page 111
In a study of a drug -induced anaphylaxis
among patients taking rocuronium bromide
as part of their anesthesia, Laake and
Rottingen found that the occurrence of
anaphylaxis followed a Poisson model with
 =12 incidents per year in Norway .Find
1- The probability that in the next year,
among patients receiving rocuronium,
exactly three will experience anaphylaxis?
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 125
Health Sciences
2- The probability that less than two patients
receiving rocuronium, in the next year will
experience anaphylaxis?
3- The probability that more than two patients
receiving rocuronium, in the next year will
experience anaphylaxis?
4- The expected value of patients receiving
rocuronium, in the next year who will
experience anaphylaxis.
5- The variance of patients receiving
rocuronium, in the next year who will
experience anaphylaxis
6- The standard deviation of patients receiving
rocuronium, in the next year who will
experience anaphylaxis
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 126
Health Sciences
Example 4.4.2 page 111: Refer to
example 4.4.1
1-What is the probability that at least three
patients in the next year will experience
anaphylaxis if rocuronium is administered
with anesthesia?
2-What is the probability that exactly one
patient in the next year will experience
anaphylaxis if rocuronium is administered
with anesthesia?
3-What is the probability that none of the
patients in the next year will experience
anaphylaxis if rocuronium is administered
with anesthesia?
Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 127
Health Sciences
4-What is the probability that at most
two patients in the next year will
experience anaphylaxis if rocuronium
is administered with anesthesia?

Exercises: examples 4.4.3, 4.4.4

and 4.4.5 pages111-113
Exercises: Questions 4.3.4 ,4.3.5,
4.3.7 ,4.4.1,4.4.5

Text Book : Basic Concepts and Methodology for the 128

Health Sciences
4.5 Continuous
Probability Distribution
Pages 114 – 127
• Key words:

Continuous random variable, normal

distribution , standard normal
distribution , T-distribution

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 130

Methodology for the Health Sciences
• Now consider distributions of
continuous random variables.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 131

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Properties of continuous
:probability Distributions

1- Area under the curve = 1.

2- P(X = a) = 0 , where a is a constant.
3- Area between two points a , b =
P(a<x<b) .

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 132

Methodology for the Health Sciences
4.6 The normal distribution:

• It is one of the most important probability

distributions in statistics.
• The normal density is given by
, - ∞ < x < ∞, - ∞ < µ < ∞, σ > 0
• 1 
( x )
f ( x)  2
2 

• π, e : constants
• µ: population mean.
• σ : Population standard deviation.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 133

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Characteristics of the normal
distribution: Page 111
• The following are some important
characteristics of the normal distribution:
1- It is symmetrical about its mean, µ.
2- The mean, the median, and the mode are all
3- The total area under the curve above the
x-axis is one.
4-The normal distribution is completely
determined by the parameters µ and σ.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 134

Methodology for the Health Sciences
5- The normal distribution
depends on the two
parameters  and .
 determines the
location of
1 2 3
the curve.
1 < 2 < 3
(As seen in figure 4.6.3) ,
But,  determines
the scale of the curve, i.e. 2

the degree of flatness or

peaked ness of the curve.
(as seen in figure 4.6.4)

1 < 2 < 3
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 135
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Note that : (As seen in Figure

1. P( µ- σ < x < µ+ σ) = 0.68

2. P( µ- 2σ< x < µ+ 2σ)= 0.95
3. P( µ-3σ < x < µ+ 3σ) = 0.997

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 136

Methodology for the Health Sciences
The Standard normal
• Is a special case of normal distribution
with mean equal 0 and a standard deviation
of 1.
• The equation for the standard normal
distribution is written as
1 
• f ( z)  e 2
, -∞<z<∞

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 137

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Characteristics of the
standard normal distribution

.It is symmetrical about 0 -1

The total area under the curve -2
.above the x-axis is one
We can use table (D) to find the -3
.probabilities and areas

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 138

Methodology for the Health Sciences
”How to use tables of Z“
Note that
The cumulative probabilities P(Z  z) are given in
tables for -3.49 < z < 3.49. Thus,
P (-3.49 < Z < 3.49)  1.
For standard normal distribution,
P (Z > 0) = P (Z < 0) = 0.5
Example 4.6.1:
If Z is a standard normal distribution, then
1) P( Z < 2) = 0.9772
is the area to the left to 2
and it equals 0.9772.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences
2 139
Example 4.6.2:
P(-2.55 < Z < 2.55) is the area between
-2.55 and 2.55, Then it equals
P(-2.55 < Z < 2.55) =0.9946 – 0.0054
= 0.9892. 2.55- 0 2.55

Example 4.6.2:
P(-2.74 < Z < 1.53) is the area between
-2.74 and 1.53.
P(-2.74 < Z < 1.53) =0.9370 – 0.0031
= 0.9339.

2.74- 1.53

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 140

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 4.6.3:
P(Z > 2.71) is the area to the right to 2.71.
P(Z > 2.71) =1 – 0.9966 = 0.0034.

Example : 2.71

P(Z = 0.84) is the area at z = 2.71.

P(Z = 0.84) =1 – 0.9966 = 0.0034

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 141
Methodology for the Health Sciences
How to transform normal
distribution (X) to standard
normal distribution (Z)?
• This is done by the following formula:
z 

• Example:
• If X is normal with µ = 3, σ = 2. Find the
value of standard normal Z, If X= 6?
• Answer:
x 63
z   1.5
 2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 142

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Normal Distribution 4.7
The normal distribution can be used to model the distribution of
many variables that are of interest. This allow us to answer
probability questions about these random variables.

Example 4.7.1:
The ‘Uptime ’is a custom-made light weight battery-operated
activity monitor that records the amount of time an individual
spend the upright position. In a study of children ages 8 to 15
years. The researchers found that the amount of time children
spend in the upright position followed a normal distribution with
Mean of 5.4 hours and standard deviation of 1.3.Find

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 143

Methodology for the Health Sciences
If a child selected at random ,then
1-The probability that the child spend less than 3
hours in the upright position 24-hour period

X  3  5.4
P( X < 3) = P( < ) = P(Z < -1.85) = 0.0322
 1.3

2-The probability that the child spend more than 5
hours in the upright position 24-hour period
X  5  5.4
P( X > 5) = P( > ) = P(Z > -0.31)
 1.3

= 1- P(Z < - 0.31) = 1- 0.3520= 0.648

3-The probability that the child spend exactly 6.2
hours in the upright position 24-hour period

P( X = 6.2) = 0

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 144

Methodology for the Health Sciences
4-The probability that the child spend from 4.5 to
7.3 hours in the upright position 24-hour period

4.5  5.4 X  7.3  5.4

P( 4.5 < X < 7.3) = P( 1.3
<  < 1.3 )
= P( -0.69 < Z < 1.46 ) = P(Z<1.46) – P(Z< -0.69)
= 0.9279 – 0.2451 = 0.6828

• Hw…EX. 4.7.2 – 4.7.3

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 145

Methodology for the Health Sciences
:The T Distribution 6.3

1- It has mean of zero.

2- It is symmetric about the 0

3- It ranges from - to .

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 146

Methodology for the Health Sciences
4- compared to the normal distribution,
the t distribution is less peaked in the
center and has higher tails.
5- It depends on the degrees of freedom
6- The t distribution approaches the
standard normal distribution as (n-1)
approaches .

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 147

Methodology for the Health Sciences
t (7, 0.975) = 2.3646 0.025

t (7, 0.975)
t (24, 0.995) = 2.7696

If P (T(18) > t) = 0.975, t (24, 0.995)
then t = -2.1009 0.975

If P (T(22) < t) = 0.99,
then t = 2.508 0.99

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 148 t

Methodology for the Health Sciences
• Exercise:

• Questions : 4.7.1, 4.7.2

• H.W : 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.6

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 149

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Chapter 6
Using sample data to make
estimates about population
parameters (P162-172)
 Key words:

Point estimate, interval estimate, estimator,

Confident level ,α , Confident interval for
mean μ, Confident interval for two means,
Confident interval for population proportion P,
Confident interval for two proportions

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 151
 6.1 Introduction:
 Statistical inference is the procedure by which we
reach to a conclusion about a population on the basis
of the information contained in a sample drawn from
that population.
 Suppose that:
 an administrator of a large hospital is interested in
the mean age of patients admitted to his hospital
during a given year.
1. It will be too expensive to go through the records of
all patients admitted during that particular year.
2. He consequently elects to examine a sample of the
records from which he can compute an estimate of
the mean age of patients admitted to his that year.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 152
• To any parameter, we can compute two types of
estimate: a point estimate and an interval estimate.
 A point estimate is a single numerical value used to
estimate the corresponding population parameter.
 An interval estimate consists of two numerical values
defining a range of values that, with a specified degree
of confidence, we feel includes the parameter being
 The Estimate and The Estimator:
 The estimate is a single computed value, but the
estimator is the rule that tell us how to compute this
value, or estimate.
For example,
x   xi

 is an estimator of the population mean,. The
single numerical value that results from
evaluating this formula is called an estimate of
the parameter .
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 153
Confidence Interval for 6.2
a Population Mean: (C.I)
Suppose researchers wish to estimate the mean
of some normally distributed population.
 They draw a random sample of size n from the

population and compute , which they use as a

point estimate of .
 Because random sampling involves chance, then

can’t be expected to be equal to .

 The value of x may be greater than or less
than .
 It would be much more meaningful to estimate
 by an interval.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 154
The 1- percent confidence
:interval (C.I.) for 

 We want to find two values L and U between which 

lies with high probability, i.e.

P( L ≤  ≤ U ) = 1-

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 155
:For example
 When,
  = 0.01,
then 1-  =
  = 0.05,
then 1-  =
  = 0.05,
then 1-  =

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 156
We have the following cases
a) When the population is normal
1) When the variance is known and the sample size is large
or small, the C.I. has the form:
 P( x - Z (1- /2) /n <  < x + Z (1- /2) /n) = 1- 
2) When variance is unknown, and the sample size is small,
the C.I. has the form:

P( x - t (1- /2),n-1 s/n <  < x+ t (1- /2),n-1 s/n) = 1- 

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 157
b) When the population is not
normal and n large (n>30)
1) When the variance is known the C.I. has
the form:
P( x - Z (1- /2) /n <  < x+ Z (1- /2) /n) = 1- 

2) When variance is unknown, the C.I. has

the form:
P( x - Z (1- /2) s/n <  < x+ Z (1- /2) s/n) = 1- 

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 158
:Example 6.2.1 Page 167
 Suppose a researcher , interested in obtaining an
estimate of the average level of some enzyme in a
certain human population, takes a sample of 10
individuals, determines the level of the enzyme in
each, and computes a sample mean of approximately
x  22 Suppose further it is known that the variable
of interest is approximately normally distributed with
a variance of 45. We wish to estimate . (=0.05)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 159
 1- =0.95→ =0.05→ /2=0.025, x  22
 variance = σ2 = 45 → σ= 45,n=10

 95%confidence interval for  is given by:

P( x - Z (1- /2) /n <  < x

+ Z (1- /2) /n) = 1- 
 Z (1- /2) =Z 0.975 = 1.96 (refer to table D)
 Z 0.975 (/n) =1.96 ( 45 / 10)=4.1578
 22 ± 1.96 ( 45 / 10) →
 (22-4.1578, 22+4.1578) → (17.84, 26.16)
 Exercise example 6.2.2 page 169
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 160
The activity values of a certain enzyme measured in
normal gastric tissue of 35 patients with gastric
carcinoma has a mean of 0.718 and a standard
deviation of 0.511.We want to construct a 90 %
confidence interval for the population mean.
 Solution:
 Note that the population is not normal,
 n=35 (n>30) n is large and  is unknown ,s=0.511
 1- =0.90→ =0.1
 → /2=0.05→ 1-/2=0.95,
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 161
Then 90% confident interval for  is given
: by

P(x - Z (1- /2) s/n <  < x + Z (1- /2) s/n) = 1- 

 Z (1- /2) = Z0.95 = 1.645 (refer to table D)

 Z 0.95 (s/n) =1.645 (0.511/ 35)=0.1421
0.718 ± 1.645 (0.511) / 35→
(0.718-0.1421, 0.718+0.1421) →
 Exercise example 6.2.3 page 164:
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 162
:Example6.3.1 Page 174
 Suppose a researcher , studied the effectiveness of
early weight bearing and ankle therapies following
acute repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon. One of the
variables they measured following treatment the
muscle strength. In 19 subjects, the mean of the
strength was 250.8 with standard deviation of 130.9
we assume that the sample was taken from is
approximately normally distributed population.
Calculate 95% confident interval for the mean of the
strength ?
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 163
 1- =0.95→ =0.05→ /2=0.025, x  250.8
 Standard deviation= S = 130.9 ,n=19

 95%confidence interval for  is given by:

 t
x - t (1- /2),n-1 s/n <  < x + t (1- /2),n-1 s/n) = 1- 
(1- /2),n-1 = t 0.975,18 = 2.1009 (refer to table E)
 t 0.975,18(s/n) =2.1009 (130.9 / 19)=63.1
 250.8 ± 2.1009 (130.9 / 19) →

 (250.8- 63.1 , 22+63.1) → (187.7, 313.9)

 Exercise 6.2.1 ,6.2.2

 6.3.2 page 171

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 164
Confidence Interval for 6.3
the difference between two
Population Means: (C.I)
If we draw two samples from two independent population
and we want to get the confident interval for the
difference between two population means , then we have
the following cases :
a) When the population is normal
1) When the variance is known and the sample sizes
is large or small, the C.I. has the form:

 12  22  12  22
( x1  x2 )  Z    1   2  ( x1  x2 )  Z  
2 n1 n2 1
2 n1 n2
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 165
2) When variances are unknown but equal, and the
sample size is small, the C.I. has the form:

1 1 1 1
( x1  x2 )  t  Sp   1   2  ( x1  x2 )  t  Sp 
1 ,( n1  n2  2 )
2 n1 n2 1
, ( n1  n 2  2 ) n1 n2
2 (n1  1) S12  (n2  1) S 22
S 
n1  n2  2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 166
a) When the population is normal
1) When the variance is known and the sample sizes is
large or small, the C.I. has the form:

S12 S 22 S12 S 22
( x1  x2 )  Z    1   2  ( x1  x2 )  Z  
2 n1 n2 1
2 n1 n2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 167
Example 6.4.1 P174:
The researcher team interested in the difference between serum uric
and acid level in a patient with and without Down’s syndrome .In a
large hospital for the treatment of the mentally retarded, a sample of
12 individual with Down’s Syndrome yielded a mean of x1  4.5
mg/100 ml. In a general hospital a sample of 15 normal individual of
the same age and sex were found to have a mean value of x2  3.4
If it is reasonable to assume that the two population of values are
normally distributed with variances equal to 1 and 1.5,find the 95%
C.I for μ1 - μ2
1- =0.95→ =0.05→ /2=0.025 → Z (1- /2) = Z0.975 = 1.96
 12  22 1 1.5
( x1  x2 )  Z    ( 4.5  3.4)  1.96 
2 n1 n2 12 15
) 1.94 , 0.26 ( = 0.84 1.1± = )0.4282(1.1±1.96 

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 168
Example 6.4.1 P178:
The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of an
integrated outpatient dual-diagnosis treatment program for
mentally ill subject. The authors were addressing the problem of substance abuse
issues among people with sever mental disorder. A retrospective chart review was
carried out on 50 patient ,the recherché was interested in the number of inpatient
treatment days for physics disorder during a year following the end of the program.
Among 18 patient with schizophrenia, The mean number of treatment days was 4.7
with standard deviation of 9.3. For 10 subject with bipolar disorder, the mean
number of treatment days was 8.8 with standard deviation of 11.5. We wish to
construct 99% C.I for the difference between the means of the populations
Represented by the two samples

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 169
: Solution
α =0.99 → α = 0.01 → α/2 =0.005 → 1- α/2 = 0.995-1 

n2 – 2 = 18 + 10 -2 = 26+ n1 
t (1- /2),(n1+n2-2) = t0.995,26 = 2.7787, then 99% C.I for μ1 – μ2 

1 1
( x1  x2 )  t  Sp 
, ( n1  n2  2 ) n1 n2
where 2  (n1  1) S12  (n2  1) S 22 (17 x9.32 )  (9 x11 .52 )
 Sp    102.33
n1  n2  2 18  10  2

then 

(4.7-8.8)± 2.7787 √102.33 √(1/18)+(1/10)

- 4.1 ± 11.086 =( - 15.186 , 6.986)
Exercises: 6.4.2 , 6.4.6, 6.4.7, 6.4.8 Page 180
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 170
Confidence Interval for a 6.5
:Population proportion (P)
A sample is drawn from the population of interest ,then
compute the sample proportion P̂ such as
no. of element in the sample with some charachtaristic a
pˆ  
Total no. of element in the sample n
This sample proportion is used as the point estimator of
the population proportion . A confident interval is
obtained by the following formula
ˆ (1  P
P ˆ)
ˆ  Z
P 
2 n

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 171
Example 6.5.1
The Pew internet life project reported in 2003 that 18%
of internet users have used the internet to search for
information regarding experimental treatments or
medicine . The sample consist of 1220 adult internet
users, and information was collected from telephone
interview. We wish to construct 98% C.I for the
proportion of internet users who have search for
information about experimental treatments or medicine

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 172
: Solution
1-α =0.98 → α = 0.02 → α/2 =0.01 → 1- α/2 = 0.99
Z 1- α/2 = Z 0.99 =2.33 , n=1220, ˆ 
 0.18

The 98% C. I is
ˆ (1  P
P ˆ) 0.18(1  0.18)
P  0.18  2.33

2 n 1220

0.18 ± 0.0256 = ( 0.1544 , 0.2056 )

Exercises: 6.5.1 , 6.5.3 Page 187

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health
Sciences 173
Confidence Interval for the 6.6
difference between two Population
: proportions
Two samples is drawn from two independent population
of interest ,then compute the sample proportion for each
sample for the characteristic of interest. An unbiased
point estimator for the difference between two population
proportions P ˆ P ˆ
1 2

A 100(1-α)% confident interval for P1 - P2 is given by

ˆ (1  P
P ˆ ) ˆ (1  P
P ˆ )
ˆ P
(P ˆ )Z 1 1
 2 2
1 2 
2 n1 n2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 174
Example 6.6.1
Connor investigated gender differences in proactive and
reactive aggression in a sample of 323 adults (68 female
and 255 males ). In the sample ,31 of the female and 53
of the males were using internet in the internet café. We
wish to construct 99 % confident interval for the
difference between the proportions of adults go to
internet café in the two sampled population .

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 175
: Solution
1-α =0.99 → α = 0.01 → α/2 =0.005 → 1- α/2 = 0.995
Z 1- α/2 = Z 0.995 =2.58 , nF=68, nM=255,
aF 31 aM 53
pˆ F    0.4559, pˆ M    0.2078
nF 68 nM 255

The 99% C. I is
ˆ (1  P
P ˆ ) ˆ (1  P
P ˆ )
ˆ P
(P ˆ )Z F F
 M M
F M 
2 nF nM

0.4559(1  0.4559) 0.2078(1  0.2078)

(0.4559  0.2078)  2.58 
68 255

0.2481 ± 2.58(0.0655) = ( 0.07914 , 0.4171 )

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 176
 Exercises:
 Questions :
 6.2.1, 6.2.2,6.2.5 ,6.3.2,6.3.5, 6.4.2
 6.5.3 ,6.5.4,6.6.1

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health
Sciences 177
Chapter 7
Using sample statistics to
Test Hypotheses
about population parameters
Pages 215-233
 Key words :

 Null hypothesis H0, Alternative hypothesis HA , testing

hypothesis , test statistic , P-value

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 179

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Hypothesis Testing

 One type of statistical inference, estimation,

was discussed in Chapter 6 .

 The other type ,hypothesis testing ,is discussed

in this chapter.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 180

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Definition of a hypothesis

 It is a statement about one or more populations .

It is usually concerned with the parameters of
the population. e.g. the hospital administrator
may want to test the hypothesis that the average
length of stay of patients admitted to the
hospital is 5 days

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 181

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Definition of Statistical hypotheses
 They are hypotheses that are stated in such a way that
they may be evaluated by appropriate statistical
 There are two hypotheses involved in hypothesis
 Null hypothesis H0: It is the hypothesis to be tested .
 Alternative hypothesis HA : It is a statement of what
we believe is true if our sample data cause us to reject
the null hypothesis

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 182

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Testing a hypothesis about the 7.2
:mean of a population
 We have the following steps:
1.Data: determine variable, sample size (n), sample
mean( x ) , population standard deviation or sample
standard deviation (s) if is unknown
2. Assumptions : We have two cases:
 Case1: Population is normally or approximately

normally distributed with known or unknown

variance (sample size n may be small or large),
 Case 2: Population is not normal with known or

unknown variance (n is large i.e. n≥30).

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 183

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 3.Hypotheses:
 we have three cases
 Case I : H0: μ=μ0
HA: μ μ0

 e.g. we want to test that the population mean is different
than 50
 Case II : H0: μ = μ0
H A: μ > μ 0
 e.g. we want to test that the population mean is greater
than 50
 Case III : H0: μ = μ0
HA: μ< μ0
 e.g. we want to test that the population mean is less than 50

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 184

Methodology for the Health Sciences
4.Test Statistic:
 Case 1: population is normal or approximately

σ2 is known σ2 is unknown
( n large or small)
X - o n large n small
Z X - o
 Z 
X - o T 
n s s
n n

 Case2: If population is not normally distributed and n is

 i)If σ2 is known ii) If σ2 is unknown
X - o X - o
Z 
 Text Book : Basic Concepts and Z  185
n s
Methodology for the Health Sciences
5.Decision Rule:
i) If HA: μ μ0
 Reject H 0 if Z >Z1-α/2 or Z< - Z1-α/2
(when use Z - test)
Or Reject H 0 if T >t1-α/2,n-1 or T< - t1-α/2,n-1
)when use T- test(
 __________________________

 ii) If H : μ> μ
A 0

 Reject H if Z>Z
0 1-α (when use Z - test)

Or Reject H0 if T>t1-α,n-1 (when use T - test)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 186

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 iii) If HA: μ< μ0
Reject H0 if Z< - Z1-α (when use Z - test)
Reject H0 if T<- t1-α,n-1 (when use T - test)
Z1-α/2 , Z1-α , Zα are tabulated values obtained
from table D
t1-α/2 , t1-α , tα are tabulated values obtained from
table E with (n-1) degree of freedom (df)
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 187
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 6.Decision :
 If we reject H0, we can conclude that HA is
 If ,however ,we do not reject H0, we may
conclude that H0 is true.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 188

Methodology for the Health Sciences
An Alternative Decision Rule using the
p - value Definition
 The p-value is defined as the smallest value of
α for which the null hypothesis can be
 If the p-value is less than or equal to α ,we
reject the null hypothesis (p ≤ α)
 If the p-value is greater than α ,we do not
reject the null hypothesis (p > α)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 189

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example 7.2.1 Page 223
 Researchers are interested in the mean age of a
certain population.
 A random sample of 10 individuals drawn from the
population of interest has a mean of 27.
 Assuming that the population is approximately
normally distributed with variance 20,can we
conclude that the mean is different from 30 years ?
(α=0.05) .
 If the p - value is 0.0340 how can we use it in making
a decision?

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 190

Methodology for the Health Sciences
1-Data: variable is age, n=10, x =27 ,σ2=20,α=0.05
2-Assumptions: the population is approximately
normally distributed with variance 20
 H : μ=30

 H : μ 30

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 191

Methodology for the Health Sciences
4-Test Statistic:
 Z = -2.12

5.Decision Rule
 The alternative hypothesis is

 H : μ > 30

 Hence we reject H0 if Z >Z1-0.025/2= Z0.975

 or Z< - Z1-0.025/2= - Z0.975
 Z0.975=1.96(from table D)
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 192
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 6.Decision:

 We reject H0 ,since -2.12 is in the rejection

region .

 We can conclude that μ is not equal to 30

 Using the p value ,we note that p-value

=0.0340< 0.05,therefore we reject H0
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 193
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.2.2 page227
 Referring to example 7.2.1.Suppose that the
researchers have asked: Can we conclude that
1.Data.see previous example
2. Assumptions .see previous example
 H0 μ =30
 HAِ : μ < 30
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 194
Methodology for the Health Sciences
4.Test Statistic :

X - o 27  30
 Z = = -2.12
 20
n 10
5. Decision Rule: Reject H0 if Z< Z α, where

 Z α= -1.645. (from table D)

6. Decision: Reject H0 ,thus we can conclude that the

population mean is smaller than 30.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 195

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.2.4 page232
 Among 157 African-American men ,the mean
systolic blood pressure was 146 mm Hg with a
standard deviation of 27. We wish to know if
on the basis of these data, we may conclude
that the mean systolic blood pressure for a
population of African-American is greater than
140. Use α=0.01.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 196

Methodology for the Health Sciences
1. Data: Variable is systolic blood pressure,
n=157 , =146, s=27, α=0.01.
2. Assumption: population is not normal, σ2 is
3. Hypotheses: H0 :μ=140
HA: μ>140
4.Test Statistic: 6
X - o
146  140
 Z  = 27 = = 2.78
s 2.1548
n 157

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 197

Methodology for the Health Sciences
5. Desicion Rule:
we reject H0 if Z>Z1-α
= Z0.99= 2.33
(from table D)

6. Desicion: We reject H0.

Hence we may conclude that the mean systolic
blood pressure for a population of African-
American is greater than 140.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 198
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Hypothesis Testing :The Difference 7.3
: between two population mean
 We have the following steps:
1.Data: determine variable, sample size (n), sample means,
population standard deviation or samples standard
deviation (s) if is unknown for two population.
2. Assumptions : We have two cases:
 Case1: Population is normally or approximately normally

distributed with known or unknown variance (sample size

n may be small or large),
 Case 2: Population is not normal with known variances (n

is large i.e. n≥30).

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 199

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 3.Hypotheses:
 we have three cases
 Case I : H0: μ 1 = μ2 → μ 1 - μ2 = 0
 HA : μ 1 ≠ μ 2 → μ1 - μ2 ≠ 0
 e.g. we want to test that the mean for first population is
different from second population mean.
 Case II : H0: μ 1 = μ2 → μ 1 - μ2 = 0
H A: μ 1 > μ 2 →μ 1 - μ 2 > 0
 e.g. we want to test that the mean for first population is
greater than second population mean.
 Case III : H0: μ 1 = μ2 → μ 1 - μ2 = 0
H A: μ 1 < μ 2 → μ1 - μ2 <0
 e.g. we want to test that the mean for first population
is greater than second population mean.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 200
Methodology for the Health Sciences
4.Test Statistic:
 Case 1: Two population is normal or approximately

σ2 is known σ2 is unknown if
( n1 ,n2 large or small)
( n1 ,n2 small)
(X1 - X 2 ) - ( 1   2 )
 12  22

n1 n2
population population
(X1 - X 2 ) - (Variances
1   2 )
(X1 - X 2 ) - ( 1   2 ) T
T Variances equal notS1equal
S 22
1 1 
Sp  n1 n2
n1 n2
2 2
(n  1) S  (n  1) S
S p2  1 1 2 2

n1  n2  2
where Text Book : Basic Concepts and 201
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 Case2: If population is not normally distributed
 and n1, n2 is large(n1 ≥ 0 ,n2≥ 0)
 and population variances is known,
(X1 - X 2 ) - ( 1   2 )
 12  22

n1 n2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 202

Methodology for the Health Sciences
5.Decision Rule:
i) If HA: μ 1 ≠ μ 2 → μ1 - μ2 ≠ 0
 Reject H 0 if Z >Z1-α/2 or Z< - Z1-α/2
(when use Z - test)
Or Reject H 0 if T >t1-α/2 ,(n1+n2 -2) or T< - t1-α/2,,(n1+n2 -2)
)when use T- test(
 __________________________

 ii) HA: μ 1
> μ2 →μ 1 - μ 2 > 0
 Reject H0 if Z>Z1-α (when use Z - test)
Or Reject H0 if T>t1-α,(n1+n2 -2) (when use T - test)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 203

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 iii) If HA: μ 1 < μ 2 → μ 1 - μ 2 <0 Reject H0
if Z< - Z1-α (when use Z - test)
Reject H0 if T<- t1-α, ,(n1+n2 -2) (when use T - test)
Z1-α/2 , Z1-α , Zα are tabulated values obtained from
table D
t1-α/2 , t1-α , tα are tabulated values obtained from
table E with (n1+n2 -2) degree of freedom (df)
6. Conclusion: reject or fail to reject H0
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 204
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.3.1 page238
 Researchers wish to know if the data have collected provide
sufficient evidence to indicate a difference in mean serum
uric acid levels between normal individuals and individual
with Down’s syndrome. The data consist of serum uric
reading on 12 individuals with Down’s syndrome from
normal distribution with variance 1 and 15 normal individuals
from normal distribution with variance 1.5 . The mean are
X 1  4.5mg / 100 and X 2  3.4mg / 100 α=0.05.
1. Data: Variable is serum uric acid levels, n1=12 , n2=15,
σ21=1, σ22=1.5 ,α=0.05.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 205

Methodology for the Health Sciences
2. Assumption: Two population are normal, σ21 , σ22
are known
3. Hypotheses: H0: μ 1 = μ2 → μ 1 - μ2 = 0
 HA: μ 1 ≠ μ2 → μ1 - μ2 ≠ 0

4.Test Statistic:
(X1 - X 2 ) - ( 1   2 ) (4.5 - 3.4) - (0)
 Z =  = 2.57
 12  22 1 1.5
 
n1 n2 12 15

5. Desicion Rule:
Reject H 0 if Z >Z1-α/2 or Z< - Z1-α/2
Z1-α/2= Z1-0.05/2= Z0.975=1.96 (from table D)
6-Conclusion: Reject H0 since 2.57 > 1.96
Or if p-value =0.102→ reject H0 if p < α → then reject H0
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 206
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.3.2 page 240
The purpose of a study by Tam, was to investigate wheelchair
Maneuvering in individuals with over-level spinal cord injury (SCI)
And healthy control (C). Subjects used a modified a wheelchair to
incorporate a rigid seat surface to facilitate the specified
experimental measurements. The data for measurements of the
left ischial tuerosity (‫لمتحرك‬bb‫لكرسيا‬bb‫لفخذ وتأثيرها منا‬bb‫ ا‬b‫ )عظام‬for SCI and
control C are shown below

C 131 115 124 131 122 117 88 114 150 169

SCI 60 150 130 180 163 130 121 119 130 143

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 207

Methodology for the Health Sciences
We wish to know if we can conclude, on the
basis of the above data that the mean of
left ischial tuberosity for control C lower
than mean of left ischial tuerosity for SCI,
Assume normal populations equal
variances. α=0.05, p-value = -1.33

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 208

Methodology for the Health Sciences
1. Data:, nC=10 , nSCI=10, SC=21.8, SSCI=133.1 ,α=0.05.
 , X SCI  133.1 (calculated from data)
X C  126.1

2.Assumption: Two population are normal, σ21 , σ22 are

unknown but equal
3. Hypotheses: H0: μ C = μ SCI → μ C - μ SCI = 0
HA: μ C < μ SCI → μ C - μ SCI < 0

4.Test Statistic:
(X - X ) - (   2 ) (126.1  133.1)  0
T  1 2 1
  0.569
 1 1 1 1
Sp  756.04 
n1 n2 10 10

(n1  1) S12  (n 2  1) S 22 9(21.8) 2  9(32.3) 2

Where, 2
S 
n1  n2  2

10  10  2
 756.04

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 209

Methodology for the Health Sciences
5. Decision Rule:
Reject H 0 if T< - T1-α,(n1+n2 -2)
T1-α,(n1+n2 -2) = T0.95,18 = 1.7341 (from table E)

6-Conclusion: Fail to reject H0 since -0.569 < - 1.7341

Fail to reject H0 since p = -1.33 > α =0.05

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 210

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.3.3 page 241
Dernellis and Panaretou examined subjects with hypertension
and healthy control subjects .One of the variables of interest was
the aortic stiffness index. Measures of this variable were
calculated From the aortic diameter evaluated by M-mode and
blood pressure measured by a sphygmomanometer. Physics wish
to reduce aortic stiffness. In the 15 patients with hypertension
(Group 1),the mean aortic stiffness index was 19.16 with a
standard deviation of 5.29. In the30 control subjects (Group 2),the
mean aortic stiffness index was 9.53 with a standard deviation of
2.69. We wish to determine if the two populations represented by
these samples differ with respect to mean stiffness index .we wish
to know if we can conclude that in general a person with
thrombosis have on the average higher IgG levels than persons
without thrombosis at α=0.01, p-value = 0.0559
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 211
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Group Mean LgG level Sample standardٍ
Size deviation
Thrombosis 59.01 53 44.89
No 46.61 54 34.85
1. Data:, n1=53 , n2=54, S1= 44.89, S2= 34.85 α=0.01.
2.Assumption: Two population are not normal, σ21 , σ22
are unknown and sample size large
3. Hypotheses: H0: μ 1 = μ 2 → μ 1 - μ 2 = 0
HA: μ 1 > μ2 → μ 1- μ 2 > 0

4.Test Statistic:
(X1 - X 2 ) - ( 1   2 ) (59.01  46.61)  0
Z    1.59
2 2 2 2
 S S 44.89 34.85
 2

n1 n2 53 54
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 212
Methodology for the Health Sciences
5. Decision Rule:
Reject H 0 if Z > Z1-α
Z1-α = Z0.99 = 2.33 (from table D)

6-Conclusion: Fail to reject H0 since 1.59 > 2.33

Fail to reject H0 since p = 0.0559 > α =0.01

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 213

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Hypothesis Testing A single 7.5
:population proportion
 Testing hypothesis about population proportion (P) is carried out
in much the same way as for mean when condition is necessary for
using normal curve are met
 We have the following steps:

1.Data: sample size (n), sample proportion( p̂) , P0

no. of element in the sample with some charachtaristic a
pˆ  
Total no. of element in the sample n

2. Assumptions :normal distribution ,

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 214

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 3.Hypotheses:
 we have three cases
 Case I : H0: P = P0
HA: P ≠ P0
 Case II : H0: P = P0
HA: P > P0
 Case III : H0: P = P0
HA: P < P0
4.Test Statistic: ˆ  p0
Z 
p0 q 0

Where H0 is true ,is distributed approximately as the standard

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 215
Methodology for the Health Sciences
5.Decision Rule:
i) If HA: P ≠ P0
 Reject H if Z >Z
0 1-α/2 or Z< - Z1-α/2
 _______________________

 ii) If H : P> P
A 0
 Reject H if Z>Z
0 1-α
 _____________________________

 iii) If H : P< P
A 0

Reject H0 if Z< - Z1-α

Note: Z1-α/2 , Z1-α , Zα are tabulated values obtained from
table D
6. Conclusion: reject or fail to reject H0
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 216
Methodology for the Health Sciences
2. Assumptions : p̂ is approximately normaly distributed
 we have three cases

 H0: P = 0.063
HA: P > 0.063
 4.Test Statistic :
ˆ  p0
p 0.08  0.063
Z    1.21
p 0 q0 0.063(0.937)
n 301

5.Decision Rule: Reject H0 if Z>Z1-α

Where Z1-α = Z1-0.05 =Z0.95= 1.645

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 217

Methodology for the Health Sciences
6. Conclusion: Fail to reject H0
Z =1.21 > Z1-α=1.645
Or ,
If P-value = 0.1131,
fail to reject H0 → P > α

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 218

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.5.1 page 259
Wagen collected data on a sample of 301 Hispanic women
Living in Texas .One variable of interest was the percentage
of subjects with impaired fasting glucose (IFG). In the
study,24 women were classified in the (IFG) stage .The article
cites population estimates for (IFG) among Hispanic women
in Texas as 6.3 percent .Is there sufficient evidence to
indicate that the population Hispanic women in Texas has a
prevalence of IFG higher than 6.3 percent ,let α=0.05
a 24
pˆ    0.08
1.Data: n = 301, p0 = 6.3/100=0.063 ,a=24, n 301

q0 =1- p0 = 1- 0.063 =0.937, α=0.05

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 219
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Hypothesis Testing :The 7.6
Difference between two
:population proportion
 Testing hypothesis about two population proportion (P 1,, P2 ) is
carried out in much the same way as for difference between two
means when condition is necessary for using normal curve are met
 We have the following steps:

1.Data: sample size (n1 ‫و‬n2), sample proportions( ),

Characteristic in two samples (x1 , x2), Pˆ ,P ˆ
1 2
x1  x2
p 
n1  n2
2- Assumption : Two populations are independent .

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 220

Methodology for the Health Sciences
 3.Hypotheses:
 we have three cases
 Case I : H0: P1 = P2 → P1 - P2 = 0
HA: P1 ≠ P2 → P1 - P2 ≠ 0
 Case II : H0: P1 = P2 → P1 - P2 = 0
HA: P1 > P2 → P1 - P2 > 0
 Case III : H0: P1 = P2 → P1 - P2 = 0
HA: P1 < P2 → P1 - P2 < 0
4.Test Statistic: ˆ1  p
(p ˆ 2 )  ( p1  p2 )
Z 
p (1  p ) p (1  p )

n1 n2

Where H0 is true ,is distributed approximately as the standard

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 221
Methodology for the Health Sciences
5.Decision Rule:
i) If HA: P1 ≠ P2
 Reject H if Z >Z
0 1-α/2 or Z< - Z1-α/2
 _______________________

 ii) If H : P > P
A 1 2
 Reject H if Z >Z
0 1-α
 _____________________________

 iii) If H : P < P
A 1 2
 Reject H0 if Z< - Z1-α
Note: Z1-α/2 , Z1-α , Zα are tabulated values obtained from
table D
6. Conclusion: reject or fail to reject H0
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 222
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Example7.6.1 page 262
Noonan is a genetic condition that can affect the heart growth,
blood clotting and mental and physical development. Noonan examined
the stature of men and women with Noonan. The study contained 29
Male and 44 female adults. One of the cut-off values used to assess
stature was the third percentile of adult height .Eleven of the males fell
below the third percentile of adult male height ,while 24 of the female
fell below the third percentile of female adult height .Does this study
provide sufficient evidence for us to conclude that among subjects with
Noonan ,females are more likely than males to fall below the respective
of adult height? Let α=0.05
1.Data: n M = 29, n F = 44 , x M= 11 , x F= 24, α=0.05
xM  x F 11  24
p   0.479 pˆ M  xm  11  0.379, pˆ F  xF  24  0.545
nM  n F 29  44 nM 29 nF 44
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 223
Methodology for the Health Sciences
2- Assumption : Two populations are independent .
 Case II : H0: PF = PM → PF - PM = 0
HA: PF > PM → PF - PM > 0
 4.Test Statistic:
( pˆ 1  pˆ 2 )  ( p1  p2 ) (0.545  0.379)  0
Z   1.39
p (1  p ) p (1  p ) (0.479)(0.521) (0.479)(0.521)
 
n1 n2 44 29
5.Decision Rule:
Reject H0 if Z >Z1-α , Where Z1-α = Z1-0.05 =Z0.95= 1.645
6. Conclusion: Fail to reject H0
Since Z =1.39 > Z1-α=1.645
Or , If P-value = 0.0823 → fail to reject H0 → P > α
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 224
Methodology for the Health Sciences
 Exercises:
 Questions : Page 234 -237
 7.2.1,7.8.2 ,7.3.1,7.3.6 ,7.5.2 ,,7.6.1

 H.W:
 7.2.8,7.2.9, 7.2.11, 7.2.15,7.3.7,7.3.8,7.3.10
 7.5.3,7.6.4

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 225

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Chapter 9
Statistical Inference and The
Relationship between two variables
Prepared By : Dr. Shuhrat Khan

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 226
Regression, Correlation and Analysis of •
Covariance are all statistical techniques that
use the idea that one variable say, may be
related to one or more variables through an
equation. Here we consider the relationship
of two variables only in a linear form, which
EQUATION OF REGRESSION is called linear regression and linear
correlation; or simple regression and
correlation. The relationships between more
than two variables, called multiple
regression and correlation will be considered
Simple regression uses the relationship •
between the two variables to obtain
information about one variable by knowing
the values of the other. The equation
showing this type of relationship is called
simple linear regression equation. The
related method of correlation is used to
measure how strong the relationship is
.between the two variables is

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 227
:Simple Linear Regression •
Suppose that we are interested in a variable Y, but we want •
to know about its relationship to another variable X or we
want to use X to predict (or estimate) the value of Y that
might be obtained without actually measuring it, provided
Line of Regression the relationship between the two can be expressed by a
DEPENDENT VARIABLE line.’ X’ is usually called the independent variable and ‘Y’
.is called the dependent variable
We assume that the values of variable X are either fixed or •
TWO RANDOM VARIABLE random. By fixed, we mean that the values are chosen by
OR researcher--- either an experimental unit (patient) is given
this value of X (such as the dosage of drug or a unit
BIVARIATE .(patient) is chosen which is known to have this value of X
RANDOM By random, we mean that units (patients) are chosen at •
VARIABLE random from all the possible units,, and both variables X
.and Y are measured
We also assume that for each value of x of X, there is a •
whole range or population of possible Y values and that the
mean of the Y population at X = x, denoted by µy/x , is a
,linear function of x. That is
µy/x = α +βx •

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 228
.Estimate α and β •
Predict the value of Y at a •
ESTIMATION .given value x of X
We select a sample of
n observations (xi,yi) Make tests to draw •
,from the population conclusions about the model
the goals
.and its usefulness
We estimate the parameters α •
and β by ‘a’ and ‘b’
respectively by using sample
:regression line
Ŷ = a+ bx •
Where we calculate •

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 229


Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 230
investigators at a sports health centre are •
interested in the relationship between oxygen
consumption and exercise time in athletes
recovering from injury. Appropriate mechanics
for exercising and measuring oxygen
consumption are set up, and the results are
:presented below
x variable –

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 231
exercise y variable
time oxygen consumption

0.5 620
1.0 630
1.5 800
2.0 840
2.5 840
3.0 870
3.5 1010
4.0 940
4.5 950
5.0 1130

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 232


Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 233
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

• With the aid of Pearson’s correlation coefficient

(r), we can determine the strength and the
direction of the relationship between X and Y
• both of which have been measured and they must
be quantitative.
• For example, we might be interested in
examining the association between height and
weight for the following sample of eight children:
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 234
Height and weights of 8 children
Child Height(inches)X Weight(pounds)Y
A 49 81
B 50 88
C 53 87
D 55 99
E 60 91
F 55 89
G 60 95
H 50 90
Average )inches 54 = ( )pounds 90 = (

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 235
Scatter plot for 8 babies
heig ht weig ht

49 81
50 88
53 83
55 99
60 91

55 89
60 95
50 9060



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 236
Table : The Strength of a Correlation

• Value of r (positive or negative) Meaning
• ______________________________________________________
• 0.00 to 0.19 A very weak correlation
• 0.20 to 0.39 A weak correlation
• 0.40 to 0.69 A modest correlation
• 0.70 to 0.89 A strong correlation
• 0.90 to 1.00 A very strong correlation
• ______________________________________________________

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 237

•  With Pearson’s r,
• means that we add the products of the deviations to see if the positive
products or negative products are more abundant and sizable. Positive
products indicate cases in which the variables go in the same direction (that
is, both taller or heavier than average or both shorter and lighter than
• negative products indicate cases in which the variables go in opposite
directions (that is, taller but lighter than average or shorter but heavier than

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 238
Computational Formula for Pearsons’s Correlation Coefficient r •

Where SP (sum of the product), SSx (Sum of

the squares for x) and SSy (sum of the squares
for y) can be computed as follows:

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 239
XY Y2 X2 Y X Child

144 14412 144A 12

80 64 100 8 10 B
72 144 36 12 6 C
176 121 256 11 16 D
80 64 10010 8E
72 64 81 8 9 F
192 256 144 16 12 G
165 225 121 15 11 H

981 1118 946 92 84 ∑

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 240
Table 2 : Chest circumference and Birth
Weight of 10 babies
• X(cm) y(kg) x2 y2 xy
• ___________________________________________________
• 22.4 2.00 501.76 4.00 44.8
• 27.5 2.25 756.25 5.06 61.88
• 28.5 2.10 812.25 4.41 59.85
• 28.5 2.35 812.25 5.52 66.98
• 29.4 2.45 864.36 6.00 72.03
• 29.4 2.50 864.36 6.25 73.5
• 30.5 2.80 930.25 7.84 85.4
• 32.0 2.80 1024.0 7.84 89.6
• 31.4 2.55 985.96 6.50 80.07
• 32.5 3.00 1056.25 9.00 97.5
• 292.1 24.8 8607.69 62.42 731.61

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 241
Checking for significance

• There appears to be a strong between chest circumference and birth

weight in babies.
• We need to check that such a correlation is unlikely to have arisen
by in a sample of ten babies.
• Tables are available that gives the significant values of this
correlation ratio at two probability levels.
• First we need to work out degrees of freedom. They are the number
of pair of observations less two, that is (n – 2)= 8.
• Looking at the table we find that our calculated value of 0.86
exceeds the tabulated value at 8 df of 0.765 at p= 0.01. Our
correlation is therefore statistically highly significant.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 242
Chapter 12
Analysis of Frequency Data
An Introduction to the Chi-Square

Prepared By : Dr. Shuhrat Khan

 To test whether two criteria of classification are
independent . For example socioeconomic status
and area of residence of people in a city are
 We divide our sample according to status, low,
medium and high incomes etc. and the same
samples is categorized according to urban, rural or
suburban and slums etc.
 Put the first criterion in columns equal in number
to classification of 1st criteria ( Socioeconomic
status) and the 2nd in rows, where the no. of rows
equal to the no. of categories of 2nd criteria (areas
of cities). Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 244
The Contingency Table
 Table Two-Way Classification of sample
First Criterion of Classification →

↓ Criterion
1 2 3 ..… c Total
1 N11 N12 N13 …… N1c .N1
2 N21 N22 N 23 …… N2c .N2

3 N31 N32 N33 ...… N3c .N3

. . . . …… . .
. . . . . .

r Nr1 Nr2 Nr3 N rc . Nr

Total N.1 N.2 N.3 …… N.c N

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 245
Observed versus Expected

 Oi j : The frequencies in ith row and jth column given in

any contingency table are called observed frequencies
that result form the cross classification according to the
two classifications.
 eij :Expected frequencies on the assumption of
independence of two criterion are calculated by
multiplying the marginal totals of any cell and then
dividing by total frequency
 Formula:
( ( )
eij 
i j

Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 246
Chi-square Test
 After the calculations of expected frequency,
Prepare a table for expected frequencies and use Chi-
(oi  ei )
  [
i 1
Where summation is for all values of r xc = k cells.
 D.F.: the degrees of freedom for using the table are (r-
1)(c-1) for α level of significance
 Note that the test is always one-sided.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 247
Example 12.401(page 613)
The researcher are interested to determine that
preconception use of folic acid and race are
independent. The data is:
Observed Frequencies Table Expected
frequencies Table Yes no Total
Use of Acid total White 636/)559()282( /)559()354( 559
Folic 636
No 247.86=
Yes 311.14=
Black 636/)56()282( 56
White 260 299 559
Black 15 41 56
24.83= =
Other 7 14 21
Other )21(()282( 31.17 21
Total 282 354 636 s
Text Book : Basic9.31 = and
Concepts 21x354/636
Methodology for the Health Sciences 248
Calculations and Testing
Data: See the given table 

Assumption: Simple random sample 

Hypothesis: H0: race and use of folic acid are independent 

HA: the two variables are not independent. Let α =

The test statistic is Chi Square given earlier 

Distribution when H0 is true chi-square is valid with (r-1)(c-1) 

.= (3-1)(2-1)= 2 d.f
Decision Rule: Reject H0 if value
 of is greater than

5.991 =
 , ( r 1)( c 1)

2 2
 (260 247.86) / 247.86  (299311
.14) / 311.14

 .....  (1411 .69) / 11.69  9.091

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 249
Statistical decision. We reject H0 since 9.08960> 5.991 

Conclusion: we conclude that H0 is false, and that there 

is a relationship between race and preconception use of

.folic acid
P value. Since 7.378< 9.08960< 9.210, 0.01<p 

We also reject the hypothesis at 0.025 level of 

.significance but do not reject it at 0.01 level

Solve Ex12.4.1 and 12.4.5 (p 620 & P 622) 

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 250
 In a retrospective study, samples are selected from
those who have the disease called ‘cases’ and those who
do not have the disease called ‘controls’ . The
investigator looks back (have a retrospective look) at the
subjects and determines which one have (or had) and
which one do not have (or did not have ) the risk factor.
 The data is classified into 2x2 table, for comparing cases
and controls for risk factor ODDS RATIO IS CALCULATED
 ODDS are defined to be the ratio of probability of
success to the probability of failure.
The estimate of population odds ratio is OR  a / b  ad

cld bc
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 251
 Where a, b, c and d are the numbers given in the
following table: Risk Sample Total

Cases Control

Presen a b a+b
Absent c d c+d
 We may construct 100(1-
a + cfor OR
b +by
d formula:
 2
1 ( z / X )
R / 2

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 252
Example 12.7.2 for Odds Ratio
 Example page 640: Data relates
to the obesity status of children aged 5-6
and the smoking status of their mothers
during pregnancy
 Hence OR for table Smoking cases Non- Total
status(during cases
 is : Pregnancy)

OR   9.62 Smoked 64 342 406
(342)(68) throughout
Never smoked 68 3496 3564
Obesity status Total 132 3838 3970

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 253
Confidence Interval for Odds
The (1-α) 100% Confidence Interval for Odds Ratio is:
ˆ 1 ( z /
OR X 2)
n ( ad  bc ) 2
X2 
( a  c )( aa=64,
For Example we have:  d )( b  cb=342,
)( b  d ) c=68,
d=3496 , therefore:

3970( 643496 34268 ) 2

X 2 ( 132 )( 3833 )( 406 )( 3564 )
 217.68
Its 95% CI is:

ˆ 1 ( z / X 2 )  9.621 (1.96 / 217.6831 )

 or (7.12, 13.00)

Text Book : Basic Concepts and

Methodology for the Health Sciences 254
Interpretation of Example 12.7.2 Data
 The 95% confidence interval (7.12, 13.00)
mean that we are 95% confident that the
population odds ratio is somewhere between
7.12 and 13.00
 Since the interval does not contain 1, in fact
contains values larger than one, we conclude
that, in Pop. Obese children (cases) are more
likely than non-obese children ( non-cases)
to have had a mother who smoked
throughout the pregnancy.
 Solve Ex 12.7.4 (page 646)
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 255
Interpretation of ODDS RATIO
 The sample odds ratio provides an estimate
of the relative risk of population in the case
of a rare disease.
 The odds ratio can assume values between 0
to ∞.
 A value of 1 indicate no association between
risk factor and disease status.
 A value greater than one indicates increased
odds of having the disease among subjects in
whom the risk factor is present.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and
Methodology for the Health Sciences 256
Chapter 13
Special Techniques for use
when population parameters
and/or population distributions
are unknoen
pages 683-689

Prepared By : Dr. Shuhrat Khan

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 257

Methodology for the Health Sciences

The t-test, z-test etc. were all parametric

tests as they were based n the
assumptions of normality or known

When we make no assumptions about the

sample population or about the population
parameters the tests are called non-
parametric and distribution-free.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 258

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Testing hypothesis about simple statements (not
involving parametric values) e.g.
The two criteria are independent (test for independence)
The data fits well to a given distribution (goodness of fit
Distribution Free: Non-parametric tests may be
used when the form of the sampled population is
Computationally easy
Analysis possible for ranking or categorical data
(data which is not based on measurement scale )

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 259

Methodology for the Health Sciences
The Sign Test
This test is used as an alternative to t-
test, when normality assumption is not
The only assumption is that the
distribution of the underlying variable
(data) is continuous.
Test focuses on median rather than mean.
The test is based on signs, plus and
Test is used for one sample as well as for
two samples
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 260
Methodology for the Health Sciences
(One Sample Sign Test)
Score of 10
mentally retarded girls Girl Scor Gi Score
e rl
1 4 6 6
We wish to know 2 5 7 10
if Median of population is 3 8 8 7
4 8 9 6
different from 5. 5 9 10 6
Data: is about scores of 10
mentally retarded girls
Assumption: The measurements are continuous variable.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 261

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Hypotheses: H0: The population median is 5
HA: The population median is not 5
Let α = 0.05
Test Statistic: The test statistic for the sign
test is either the observed number of plus signs
or the observed number of minus signs. The
nature of the alternative hypothesis determines
which of these test statistics is appropriate. In a
given test, any one of the following alternative
hypotheses is possible:
HA: P(+) > P(-) one-sided alternative
HA: P(+) < P(-) one-sided alternative
H : P(+) ≠ P(-) two-sided alternative

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 262

Methodology for the Health Sciences

If the alternative hypothesis is HA: P(+) > P(-) a

sufficiently small number of minus signs causes
rejection of H0. The test statistic is the number of
minus signs.
If the alternative hypothesis is HA: P(+) < P(-) a
sufficiently small number of plus signs causes
rejection of H0. The test statistic is the number of
plus signs.
If the alternative hypothesis is H : P(+) ≠ P(-) A

either a sufficiently small number of plus signs or

a sufficiently small number of minus signs causes
rejection of the null hypothesis. We may take as
the test statistic the less frequently occurring
sign. Text Book : Basic Concepts and 263
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Distribution of test statistic: If we assign
a plus sign to those scores that lie above the
hypothesized median and a minus to those
that fall below.
Girl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Score relative
to median = 5 - 0 + + + + + + + +

Decision Rule: Let k = minimum of pluses

or minuses. Here k = 1, the minus sign.
For HA: P(+) > P(-) reject H0 if, when H0 if
true, the probability of observing k or fewer
minus signs is less than or equal to α.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 264
Methodology for the Health Sciences
For H : P(+) > P(-) reject H0 if, when H0 if true,

the probability of observing k or fewer minus

signs is less than or equal to α.
For H : P(+) < P(-), reject H0 if the probability of

observing, when H0 is true, k or fewer plus signs

is equal to or less than α.
For H : P(+) ≠ P(-) , reject H0 if (given that H0 is

true) the probability of obtaining a value of k as

extreme as or more extreme than was actually
computed is equal to or less than α/2.
Calculation of test statistic: The probability of
observing k or fewer minus signs when given a
sample of size n and parameter p by evaluating
the following expression:
P (X ≤ k | n, p) =
x n x
 C pq
k n
x 0 x
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 265
Methodology for the Health Sciences

For our example we would compute

0 90 1 9 1
C (0.5) (0.5)  C1 (0.5) (0.5)
9 9

 0.00195  0.01758  0.0195

Statistical decision: In Appendix Table B we
P (k ≤ 1 | 9, 0.5) =
Conclusion: Since 0.0195 is less than 0.025, we
reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the
median score is not 5.
p value: The p value for this test is 2(0.0195) =
0.0390, because it is two-sided test.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 266
Methodology for the Health Sciences
SIGN TEST----Paired Data
This is used an alternative to t-test for paired
observations, when the underlying assumptions of t test
are not met.
Null Hypothesis to be tested the median difference is
P (Xi > Yi ) = P (Yi > Xi )
Subtract Yi from Xi , if Yi is less than Xi , the sign of
the difference is (+), if Yi is greater than Xi , the sign
of the difference is ( - ), so that
H0 : P(+) = P(-) = 0.5
TEST STATISTIC: As before is k, the no of least occurring
of Plus or minus signs.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 267

Methodology for the Health Sciences
SIGN TEST----Example 13.3.2
A dental research team matched 12 pairs of 24 patients in age, sex,
intelligence. Six months later random evaluation showed the
following score (low score score is higher level of hygiene)

.pair no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

instructed 1.5 2.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 2.0
Not 2.0 2.0 4.0 2.5 4.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
H0 : P(+) = P(-) = 0.5
Difference - 0 - + - - - - - - + -
1.Data. Scores of dental hygiene, one member instructed how
to brush and other remained uninstructed.
2. Assumption: the variable of dist is continues
3. Ho : The median of the difference is zero [P(+) =P(-)]
HA : The median of the difference is negative
[P(+) <P(-)]

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 268

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Let α be 0.05
4. Test Statistic: The test statistic is the number of plus
signs which occurs less frequent. i.e. k = 2
5. Distribution of k is binomial with n= 11 (as one
observation is discarded) and p= 0.5
6. Decision Rule: Reject H0 if P(k≤2| 11,0.5) ≤ 0.05.
7. Calculations:
   0.5) (0.5)
2 k 11 k
Table B or calculations show k (probability is equal to
k  0 the
0.0327 which is less than 0.05, we
must reject H0 .
8. Conclusion: median difference is negative and
instructions are beneficial
9. p value: Since it is one sided test the p-value is
p= .0327
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 269
Methodology for the Health Sciences

The t-test, z-test etc. were all parametric

tests as they were based n the
assumptions of normality or known

When we make no assumptions about the

sample population or about the population
parameters the tests are called non-
parametric and distribution-free.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 270

Methodology for the Health Sciences
Cardiac output (liters/minute) was measured by
thermodilution in a simple random sample of 15
postcardiac surgical patients in the left lateral
position. The results were as follows:

4.91 4.10 6.74 7.27 7.42 7.50 6.56 4.64

5.98 3.14 3.23 5.80 6.17 5.39 5.77
We wish to know if we can conclude on the basis of
these data that the population mean is different
from 5.05.
1. Data. As given above
2. Assumptions. We assume that the requirements
for the application of the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test
are met.
3. Hypothesis.
H0: µ = 5.05
HA: µ ≠ 5.05
Let α = 0.05.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 271
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Test Statistic. The test statistic will be T + or T-, .4
.whichever is smaller, called the test statistic T
5. Distribution of test statistic. Critical values of
the test statistic are given in Table K of the
6. Decision rule. We will reject H0 if the computed
value of T is less than or equal to 25, the critical
value n = 15, and α/2 = 0.0240, the closest value
to 0.0250 in Table K.
7. Calculation of test statistic. The calculation of
the test statistic is shown in Table.
8. Statistical decision. Since 34 is greater than
25, we are unable to reject H0.
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 272
Methodology for the Health Sciences
Cardiac di = xi – | Rank of |di Signed Rank of |di
output 5.05 |
4.91 0.14- 1 1-
4.10 0.95- 7 7-
6.74 1.69+ 10 10+
7.27 2.22+ 13 13+
7.42 2.37+ 14 14+
7.50 2.45+ 15 15+
6.56 1.51+ 9 9+
4.64 0.41- 3 3-
5.98 0.93+ 6 6+
3.14 1.91- 12 12-
3.23 1.82- 11 11-
5.80 0.75+ 5 5+
6.17 1.12+ 8 8+
5.39 0.34+ 2 2+
5.77 0.72+
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 4 4273
Methodology for the Health Sciences
T+ = 86, T- = 34, T = 34

8. Statistical decision. Since 34 is greater than

25, we are unable to reject H0.
9. Conclusion. We conclude that the population
mean may be 5.05
10. p value. From Table K we see that the p value
is p = 2(0.0757) = 0.1514

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 274

Methodology for the Health Sciences

A researcher designed an experiment to assess the effects

of prolonged inhalation of cadmium oxide. Fifteen
laboratory animals served as experimental subjects, while
10 similar animals served as controls. The variable of
interest was hemoglobin level following the experiment. The
results are shown in Table 2.
We wish to know if we can conclude that prolonged
inhalation of cadmium oxide reduces hemoglobin level.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 275

Methodology for the Health Sciences
14.4 17.4
14.2 16.2
13.8 17.1
16.5 17.5
14.1 15.0
16.6 16.0
15.9 16.9
15.6 15.0
14.1 16.3
15.3 16.8
Text Book : Basic Concepts and 276
Methodology for the Health Sciences
1. Data. See table above
2. Assumptions. We presume that the
assumptions of the Mann-Whitney test are met.
3. Hypothesis.
H0: Mx ≥ My
HA: Mx < My

where Mx is the median of a population of animals

exposed to cadmium oxide and My is the median of
a population of animals not exposed to the
substance. Suppose we let α = 0.05.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 277

Methodology for the Health Sciences

4. Test Statistic. The test statistic is

n(n  1)
T S
where n is the number of sample X observations
and S is the sum of the ranks assigned to the
sample observations from the population of X
values. The choice of which sample’s values we
label as X is arbitrary.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 278

Methodology for the Health Sciences
X 13.7 13.8 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.2 14.4 15.3 15.3 15.6
Rank 1 2 3 4.5 4.5 6 7 10.5 10.5 12
Y 15.0 15.0
Rank 8.5 8.5

X 15.7 15.9 16. 16.6 16.

5 7
Ran 13 14 .18 19 20
Y 16.0 16. 16.3 16.8 16. 17.1 17. 17.5
2 9 4
Ran 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25

Sum of the Y ranks = S = 145

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 279
Methodology for the Health Sciences

5. Distribution of test statistic. The critical

values are given in Table K.
6. Decision Rule. Reject H0: Mx ≥ My, if the
computed T is less than wα with n, the number of X
observations; m the number of Y observations and
α, the chosen level of significance.
If the null hypothesis were of the types

H0: Mx ≤ My
HA: Mx > My

Reject H0: Mx ≤ My if the computed T is greater than

w1-α, where W1-α = nm - W α.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 280

Methodology for the Health Sciences

For the two-sided test situation with

H0: Mx = My
HA: Mx ≠ My

Reject H0: Mx = My if the computed value of T is

either less than wα/2 or greater than w1-α/2 , where
wα/2 is the critical value of T for n, m and α/2 given
in Appendix II Table K and w1-α/2 = nm - wα/2.
For this example the decision rule of T is smaller
than 45, the critical value of the test statistic for n
= 15, m = 10, and α = 0.05 found in Table K.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 281

Methodology for the Health Sciences

7. Calculation of test statistic. We have S = 145,

so that 15(15  1)
T  145   25
8. Statistical Decision. When we enter Table K
with n = 15, m = 10, and α = 0.05, we find the
critical value of w1-α to be 45. Since 25 is less than
45, we reject H0.
9. Conclusion. We conclude that Mx is smaller than
MY. This leads us to the conclusion that prolonged
inhalation of cadmium oxide does reduce the
hemoglobin level.
Since 22< 25 < 30, we have for this test
0.005 > p >0.001.Text Book : Basic Concepts and 282
Methodology for the Health Sciences

When either n or m is greater than 20 we cannot

use Appendix Table K to obtain critical values for
the Mann-Whitney test. When this is the case we
may compute
T  mn / 2
nm(n  m  1) / 12

And compare the result, for significance, with

critical values of the standard normal distribution.

Text Book : Basic Concepts and 283

Methodology for the Health Sciences

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