Solar Radiation Geometry: Between A Line Drawn From A Point
Solar Radiation Geometry: Between A Line Drawn From A Point
Solar Radiation Geometry: Between A Line Drawn From A Point
D e c l i n a t i o n a n g le (δ) :
If a line is drawn between the center
(284+n)] degrees
Hour angle (ω): is the angular distance between the meridian of the
observer and the meridian whose plane contains the sun.
(or) The hour angle at any moment is the angle through which the earth must
turn to bring the meridian of the observer directly in line with the sun rays.
ω=[ T s -12:00] x 15, where ω=Hour Angle(Degrees) , Ts = Solar time
ω +ve in afternoon and –ve in fore noon since at solar noon the
hour angle is zero
S olar z e n i t h a n g l e (θ z ): Angle
between the sun ray and the normal to
the horizontal plane.
S o l a r a z i m u t h a n g l e (γ s ): measured clockwise
on the horizontal plane, angle between
due south and the projection
of the sun’s central ray.
Slope or Tilt Angle(β): It is Surface azimuth angle(γ): It is the
the angle between the inclined angle in the horizontal plane ,
plane surface of collector and between the line due south and the
the horizontal. horizontal projection of the normal to
+ve when sloping is towards the inclined plane surface.
south +ve when measured from south
towards west.
Angle of incidence (θ i ): is the angle between the sun’s ray incident on the
earth plane surface and the normal to that
surface. Expression for θi can be given as,
Special Cases:
At sunrise the rays are parallel to the horizontal surface. Then Angle of
incidence, θi = θZ =900 , the corresponding hour angle, ω s from above eq.
cos θi = 0 = cos φ cosω s cosδ + sinδ sin φ
ω s =cos -1 (-tanφ
2 ωs
=2cos -1 (-tanφ tanδ )
t d =
(2 /15 ) cos - 1 (-tan φ tan δ )
Estimating Solar
(1+ cosβ)/2 is the shape factor for a tilted surface w.r.t. sky