Phonemic Awareness Activity Cards
Phonemic Awareness Activity Cards
Phonemic Awareness Activity Cards
Seymour Mainu
EDU 542-90
Phonological Awareness
Rhyming Syllables
Read a rhyming story or verse to students. Pause Help a child pull apart syllables in a word to
before the rhyming word and have them guess count them. This can be done by clapping .each
what the word might be. “The cat sat on the syllable. Start by clapping the number of
___.” syllables in the childs name, the days of the
week, or words with longer syllables. “A-mer-i-
Speech to Print Tic Tac Toe Words
Students explain that m stands for /m/. Students Instruct students to write the three letter words
will be able to say the sound that m represents they see on their own piece of paper.
and spell /m/. Write words with m sounds
Students can find a partner and each partner
(mouse) and stress the sound as you write it.
would draw their own game board and places
letters in it to form at least three words. Students
exchange game boards and try to find all the
words that are possible.
Roll and Read Read and Record
Provide students with a paper containing 12 Use a recording device and a short story or
words. Students take turns rolling two dice, and paragraphs from a text. After practicing reading a
reading the word that corresponds to the number short text several times, students record
rolled. You will need two dice and a paper themselves reading the text, practicing prosody,
containing twelve numbered words. and accuracy. They then listen to themselves on
the recording. Provide students with a checklist
to rate themselves on their accuracy and prosody.
Eye Spy Word Wheel
Give students a list of words to search for in a Write a familiar vocabulary term in the center of the
text or have them find unfamiliar words. wheel.
You can award points to the words based on Fill in each wedge with synonyms, antonyms, etc.
different conditions (longest new word, word Finish your example by writing a sentence that uses
with most consonants, etc.). the word in a meaningful way.
Have students continue on making their own wheels.
Assign a word to explore with the Word Wheel, and
remind students to use a dictionary to help them
complete the wheel.
Before, During, After Story Hamburger
The student will read a book aloud to the instructor. Have the student pick a short story and fill out
First the purpose of the activity, the subject and text is the burger as they go along.
Students should learn basic story structure by
The student is asked to read the title, look at the
seeing the main idea and conclusion as the
pictures in the book, and guess what the book is about
"buns", and the supporting details such as setting,
and how the story will begin and end.
main character, and plot as the "fillings"
The student should be encouraged to ask meaning of
new words and to try and visualize the events in the
story and make predictions about the plot.
After the reading ask the student to reflect on the book.
The student then writes a brief or detailed summary