Anthropological Foundation of Education
Anthropological Foundation of Education
Anthropological Foundation of Education
Foundations of
Macy Mallari
• a science concerned with study
of mankind.
I. Physical or Biological
studies man's origin and development from a simple into a more complex
individual within his cultural environment.
studies the various facets of man's lifestyle, culture, religion, language, etc.
III. Linguistics
IV. Archaeology
Prehistory and early history of cultures around the world; major trends in cultural evolution;
and techniques for finding, excavating, dating, and analyzing material remains of past
Anthropology and Education
• Anthropology is the study of culture and its people. Education at its
core refers to the pursuit of knowledge. Since inherent learning
structures are a part of anthropology in terms of human development.
Then Education can be considered a primary feature of people and
their culture. In other words, without education, there would be no
possibility for people to persist in their cultural development and less
there would be less emphasis on studying cultural trends.
Concept and Characteristics of Culture
• Culture is learned
• People have varied Culture
• Culture is a group product
• Culture is transmitted to generation to generation
• Culture is adaptive
What is Language?
A body of words and the systems for their use common to a people
who are the same community or nation.