Critical Thinking Training
Critical Thinking Training
Critical Thinking Training
Critical Thinking
offered by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s
Academic Success Center
Critical Thinking
Sitting on top of your shoulders is one
of the finest computers on the earth.
But, like any other muscle in your
body, it needs to be exercised to work
its best.
That exercise is called
THINKING. I think, therefore I am.
(Rene Descartes)
What is critical thinking?
Commonly called “problem solving”
Not being content with the first solution to a problem, but
thinking more deeply about it.
•Inductive Reasoning
Specific Reasoning Broad Principles
Example: My history All college courses
class requires a lot of have a lot of reading.
•Deductive Reasoning
Broad Specific
Generalizations Conclusions
Example: All college My art history course
courses are hard. will be hard.
The IDEAL Method
• Snap decisions
• Don’t jump to conclusions!
• Narrow thinking
• Broaden your vistas!
• Sprawling thinking
• Don’t beat around the
• Fuzzy thinking
• Keep it sharp! Keep it
What is a Claim?
• A claim is a statement which can be either true or false, but not both.
• A claim is an assertion you want to have accepted as a fact and not be
• When evaluating a claim, you have three choices:
1. accept the claim
2. reject the claim
3. suspend judgment until you have more information
What is an Argument?
• An argument is a set of claims.
• Arguments begin with premises and lead to a
• A good argument is one in which the premises lead
logically to a strong or valid conclusion.
Form Strong Arguments
• Thinkers are generally “movers and shakers.”
• Sometimes how you solve a problem is as important as
the solution.
• Open ended questions of “Why?”, “How?” or “What
If?” have no simple, clear-cut answers.
• There are many valid points of view!
• The greatest gift a college can give you is an open mind.
• Roadways to Success
by James C. Williamson, Debra A.
McCandrew, and Charles T. Muse, Sr.,
Pearson Education
• Focus on College Success
by Constance Staley, Wadsworth
Cengage Learning
To receive Tutor Training credit for your CRLA
certification requirements, please complete
the Quiz via the link below, and sign, print
and bring the completed form to
Matthew Mattox, Learning Center coordinator.