Virtual Library System Internship Report
Virtual Library System Internship Report
Virtual Library System Internship Report
Internship Report
Introduction of Addis Abeba
Science and Technology Agency
Addis Ababa Science and Technology agency is formed
to Addis Ababa city as the capital of africa, to give the
people in the city a quality services concerning social,
political and economical factors to satisfy the customers
as good as possible. The agency is formed to transform
and make the cities old paper based systems into a
modern and efficient systems that can function in a
greate varity of fields and also that can boost
productivity in a great manner.
Services In
01 AASTA 02 03
Information Security
System System
Installation Installation
Services In
04 AASTA 05 06
Software Database
Development and Development
Development and
Management and
Mission and vision of AASTA
To make a more civilized society by
creating an educated and well awared
To see our capital city Addis Ababa, entrench
the capacities which enable rapid learning,
adaptation and utilization of effective foreign
technologies by the year 2023/24.
Virtual Library System
Virtual Benefits of Virtual Library System
Mobile View
Virtual Library System implementation(Responsive view)
User Customizer View
Some user customizer view
Virtual Library System implementation(Responsive view)
User Customizer View
Overall benefits gained
from internship
Technical Skills Gained
developing my practical skills
develop on real system.
2 Good practice and better
1 understand.
for System Development
Management Skills Gained
3 Best experience to practice the
assets of leadership
improve my self-confidence
learn about project management,
Acquaintance Acquired
I learned the importance of sharing
I learned the importance of
knowledge between the team.
This System provides a computerized version of library management
system which will benefit the students as well as the staff of the
It makes entire process online where student can search books, staff
can generate reports and do book download.
student can login and can see status of books issued as well request
03 for book or give some suggestions
There is a future scope of this facility that many more features such
as online lectures video tutorials can be added by teachers as well as
online assignments submission facility,
Virtual Library System