Concept of Domicile
Concept of Domicile
Concept of Domicile
• Domicile as a document carries with it a very important role in the life of an individual living in the world forum. An individual who
chooses his/her domicile is subjected to a lot of legal consequences and implications of the concept of domicile. It often determines
(i) jurisdiction to assess state income and death taxes;
(ii) Primary jurisdiction to probate wills and administer estates; and
(iii) Judicial jurisdiction over an individual. Domicile also determines whether and where a person may exercise various legal rights
and privileges, such as voting. Some of the Important consequences of a person or an individual having a domicile are:
• • A domicile of a person or an individual decides the marriage law applicable to each participant on the basis of his/her domicile.
• No person can be without a domicile;
• No person can at the same time have more than one domicile;
• An existing domicile is presumed to continue until it is proved that a new domicile has
been acquired;
• Domicile denotes the connection of a person with a territorial system of law.
No person can be without a domicile:
• This rule is based upon the practical necessity of connecting every person
with some legal system by which questions affecting his family relations and
family properties are to be determined. “It is a settled principle”. In case of
Udnv vs. Udny “that no man shall be without a domicile, and secure this
result the law attributes to every individual as soon as he is born, the domicile
of his father, if the child is legitimate and the domicile of mother if
illegitimate this has been called the domicile of origin and is involuntary.
A person cannot have more than one
• Main object of this rule is the same as that of the first time to connect a
person with a definite legal system. Domicile signifies connection with a
territorial subject to a single legal system of law. What is sometimes called a
“law district”. Like a federal state where the legislative authority is
distributed between central and state legislatures, the law district is, generally,
the state where the concerned person has established his home. Like
citizenship domicile is also one for the whole of India.
Presumption in favor of an existing domicile
Domicile of Origin:
• Which is the domicile assigned by law to a child when he is born? There are
two kinds of domicile, Domicile of origin and domicile of choice. Every
person is born with a Domicile of origin. It is a domicile received by him at
his birth. Hence, the domicile of origin, though received at birth, need not be
either the country in which the infant is born, or the country in which its
parents are residing, or the country to which its father belongs by race or
allegiance or the country of the infant’s nationality.
Domicile of Choice:
• Indian courts follow the common law rules. Which is the domicile which any person can
acquire? Every individual person can acquire a domicile of choice by combination of:
• (I) actual residence in particular place, and
• (II) intention to remain there permanently or for an indefinite period.
• Important for acquiring the domicile by choice.
Domicile of Dependents:
• Who are dependents? Children below the age of sixteen years, married women and
mentally disabled persons such as lunatics and idiots fall under the category of
dependents. But in case of law of domicile, dependents can also be categorized into
persons or individuals who are not able to acquire domicile by choice. Therefore, the
general rule is that the dependent individual acquires the domicile of dependence of
the individual he or she is dependent on. The domicile of a dependent can change if
the person the individual is dependent on changes his or her domicile.
Distinction between Domicile and Residence: