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Industrial Pollution Control

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Wastewater comes mainly from two major sources:
as human sewage
process waste from manufacturing industries.

If untreated, and discharged directly –

the receiving waters would become polluted and
water-borne diseases would be widely distributed.

Wastewater Contaminants
 Suspended solids
 Priority pollutants: metalloids and metals , benzene compounds, and
chlorinated compounds, aromatic, aliphatic compounds
 Microorganisms: pathogenic and nonpathogenic
 Organics: refractory and biodegradable
 Nutrients:

◦ Phosphorus

◦ Nitrogen (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates)

 Primary treatment

◦ Sedimentation and screening of large debris

 Secondary treatment

◦ Biological and chemical treatment

 Tertiary treatment

◦ Further chemical treatment

Wastewater treatment

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Primary treatment (physical)

 Metal grating
◦- Large debris

 Short retention time

◦- Settling out of sand and gravel

 Primary settling tank

◦- Approximately half suspended solids sediment.
The sedimented material is called primary sludge

 Biological treatment
◦ activated sludge
◦ trickling filter
◦ oxidation ponds
 A disinfection step is usually included at the end of the
biological treatment
◦ chlorination

Tertiary treatment

Tertiary treatment involves a series of

additional steps to reduce:
organics, turbidity, N, P, metals and

Physicochemical process

◦ Coagulation
◦ Filtration
◦ Adsorption of organics
◦ Disinfection

Biological Treatment
Itsimply involves confining naturally
occurring bacteria.

Bacteria,together with some protozoa

and other microbes, are used.

The bacteria remove small organic carbon

molecules and as a result, the bacteria
grow, and the wastewater is cleansed.

The control of the treatment process is
very complex -large number of variables
that can affect it.

These include changes in the composition

of the bacterial flora of the treatment
tanks, and changes in the sewage passing
into the plant.

The nature and composition of wastewater
Domestic waste:
The bulk of the organic matter is easily
biodegradable, consisting of proteins,
amino acids, peptides, carbohydrate, fats
and fatty acids.
The average carbon to nitrogen to
phosphorus ratio (or C : N : P ratio) is
variously stated as approx 100: 17 : 5 or
100 : 19 : 6.

Industrial wastewaters:

 variable in composition.

Those produced by the brewing, pulp and

paper industries, are deficient in nitrogen and

Nutrients need to be added therefore to

achieve the correct ratio for microbial growth,
and to allow treatment to proceed optimally.

Degradable and non-degradable carbon
Monitored using 3 techniques:
i. Total organic carbon
ii. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
iii. Chemical oxygen Demand

The values obtained for BOD are always lower
than those for COD, for 2 reasons:

• Bacteria cannot degrade some of the

compounds oxidized chemically in the COD test.

• Some of the carbon removed during the BOD

test is not oxidised, but ends up in new bacterial

So the BOD is only measuring the biodegradable

carbon that is actually oxidised by the bacteria.

Theratio of BOD/COD will depend on the
composition of the wastewater.

For domestic sewage, and also the

wastewaters from the slaughterhouse,
dairy, distillery and rubber industries, the
ratio is about 0.5 - 0.6.

However, for effluent leaving the

treatment plant, it is closer to 0.2

This is because the readily biodegradable
organic carbon has been removed during
treatment, leaving behind the compounds
that are not readily broken down by the
bacteria – ‘hard’ BOD.

The bacteria in a wastewater treatment
plant comprise both heterotrophs and

The heterotrophic or carbonaceous

bacteria are the predominant group of

They are characterised by feeding mainly

on organic carbon molecules rather than
inorganic ones.

The autotrophs take inorganic chemicals, and
use these in the synthesis of organic

The nitrifying bacteria that remove ammonia

from the wastewater are the most important
of this group.

There are relatively few species of autotrophs,

and since they have low growth rates, they
tend to be out-competed by the faster-
growing heterotrophs.

Metabolism of bacteria
Metabolism comprises the thousands of
simultaneous chemical reactions that are
going on at any one time inside the
bacterium. In each of these reactions, a
substrate, in the presence of an enzyme
(which acts as an catalyst), is converted
into a product.

Catabolism or Energy Production:

 This comprises a series of reactions in

which carbon compounds, are broken
down to yield cellular energy.

Thisis biological oxidation and involves

oxygen uptake by the bacterium.

This is also the basis of the process

referred to as Respiration.

This is a series of biosynthetic reactions in
which small molecules are joined together
to form large molecular weight

Thisrequires an input of energy from

Catabolism, and is the basis of the
process of Growth.

Major processes in a bacterium
Three major processes that are relevant
to the biological treatment of waste.
These are:

• Ingestion
• Respiration
• Growth and division


Thisinvolves the passage of organic carbon

compounds, other molecules and ions from
the mixed liquor into the bacterium.

They have to pass through the cell wall and

the inner membrane

Differentspecies of bacteria are specific for

what enzymes they secrete, and this
determines which chemicals they can exploit
as a food source.
the bacterium requires the presence of
the particular chemical compound in the
water to switch on the genes for the
synthesis of the enzyme required for its

This is the basis of the process of

Acclimation or Adaptation in activated

Toxic chemicals can inhibit either the Respiration metabolic pathway or the Growth
metabolic pathway. In both cases the influx of organic carbon into the bacterium,
which corresponds to the rate of biodegradation in the aeration tank, is inhibited
as a result.

Chain of metabolic reactions: substrate molecule
is oxidised, and the energy made available to do
work inside the cell.

The energy contained in a substrate such as

glucose is rapidly liberated as heat when it is
oxidised by burning it in air.

When glucose is metabolised in respiration, the

same amount of energy is ultimately liberated,
but only after some of it has been used to carry
out cellular work.

During respiration, the energy is initially
captured by the molecule adenosine
diphosphate (ADP).

Thisadds on another phosphate group to

form adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The energy that is captured or transferred

is stored in what is sometimes called a
‘high energy phosphate bond’.

So when glucose is metabolised the
overall reaction is:

This is not a perfectly efficient energy
capture mechanism, and some of the
energy is lost as heat.
The ATP then moves to another site within
the cell and releases the energy to do
At the same time the phosphate group is
released, regenerating ADP again. So
overall, we have:

The rate-limiting step is in fact the
requirement for energy.

The faster the cell is using energy, the faster

the reactions in respiration proceed.

So, the rate of respiration could be measured

by the rate of oxygen uptake, by the rate of
CO2 production or by the rate of heat

There are a number of factors that affect
the performance of biological treatment
system. These include:
return rates
amount of oxygen available
amount of organic matter available
waste rates
aeration time
wastewater toxicity

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Fig. Isolation and preparation of microbial blends for pollution
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Bio-Reactors for the treatment
of Wastewater

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An ideal biological treatment plant/reactor
would have the following features:

• High rate of BOD removal

• Good settlement of sludge in the clarifier
• Low rate of sludge production
• Minimal aeration costs
• High quality effluent - low in BOD
suspended solids etc.

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The manipulation of this relationship between growth
rate or sludge production rate and BOD in process
control gives rise to 3 main types of biological
treatment plant.
• High rate For pre-treatment or partial treatment of
high BOD wastewater, as in some pharmaceutical and
dairy wastes etc.
• Conventional Medium rate, characteristic of most
municipal treatment works.
• Low rate Low BOD loading, and characteristic of
small, extended aeration works and oxidation ditches
and lagoons, occupying a large land area.
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F/M ratio: Relationship between available feed and
the micro-organism present in a biological reactor.

MLVSS: measure of mass of organisms (biomass)

in the reactor.

Hydraulic retention time/Detention time: The

length of time a particle or a unit volume of
wastewater remains in a reactor.

Surface loading rate/hydraulic loading: Volume of

wastewater (flow rate) applied per unit surface
area of the treatment basin. Unit: m3/m2/d
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Sand Filtration

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Slow Sand Filtration.
 Slow sand filters contain a layer of sand (60–120
cm depth) supported by a graded gravel layer
(30–50 cm depth).

 The sand grain size varies between 0.15 and 0.35

mm, and the hydraulic loading range is between
0.04 and 0.4 m/h.
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Figure: Slow sand filter.

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• Biological growth inside the filter comprises:
organisms, including bacteria, algae, protozoa,
rotifers, microtubellaria (flatworms), nematodes
(round worms), annelids (segmented worms), and

• The top layer is composed of biological growth and

filtered particulate matter. This leads to a head loss
across the filter, a problem corrected by removing or
scraping the top layer of sand.

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Rapid Sand Filtration.
• Consists of a layer of sand supported by a layer of anthracite,
gravel, or calcite.
• Effluent is collected by an underdrain system.
• Operated at filtration rates of 5– 24 m3/h/m2 as compared with
0.1–1 m3/h/m2 for slow sand filters.
• Periodically cleaned by backwashing (i.e., reversing the
flow) at a sufficient flow rate to allow a thorough cleaning of
the sand.

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TABLE : Removal of Poliovirus by Rapid Sand Filters

Thus, optimum coagulation followed by filtration in water

treatment plants is essential for parasites and pathogens control.

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Other parameters that adversely affect filter
operation are:
 sudden changes in water flow rates,
 interruptions in chemical feed,
 inadequate filter backwashing,
 use of clean sand,

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Dual-stage filtration (DSF)

Dual stage filtrationis an alternative to rapid sand filtration

for small water treatment plants.
This process consists of chemical coagulation followed by a
filter assembly consisting of two tanks, a depth clarifier and
a depth filter. At a flow rate of 10 gpm/ft2, this treatment
removed more than 99 percent of Giardia cysts from water
with an effluent turbidity less than 1 NTU

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Trickling Filters

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A trickling filter/trickling biofilter, biofilter,
biological filter/biological trickling filter 

It is a fixed-bed, biological reactor that

operates under (mostly) aerobic conditions.
Pre-settled wastewater is continuously
'trickled' or sprayed over the filter.

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Wastewater trickles vertically through a porous
media (e.g. a stone bed) with high specific
Working Principle
surface. The biofilm growing on the media
removes organic matter under aerobic conditions.
Semi-centralised to centralised. The system is
usually applied in urban areas for treatment of
domestic wastewater. It can be applied for bigger
and smaller communities.
BOD: 65 to 90 %. Low TSS removal. Total
Performance Coliforms: 1 to 2 log units
N: 0 to 35%. P: 10 to 15 %.
Medium; investment costs depend on type of
filter materials and feeder pumps used;
operational costs determined by electricity
consumption of feeder pumps.
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Cylindrical tank and is filled with a high specific surface
area material, such as rocks, gravel, shredded PVC
bottles, or special pre-formed plastic filter media.

A high specific surface provides a large area

for biofilm formation.

Organisms that grow in the thin biofilm over the surface

of the media oxidize the organic load in the
wastewater to carbon dioxide and water, while generating
new biomass.

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The incoming pre-treated wastewater is ‘trickled’
over the filter, e.g., with the use of a rotating

The filter media goes through cycles of being dosed

and exposed to air. However, oxygen is depleted
within the biomass and the inner layers may
be anoxic or anaerobic.

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Design Consideration
 The filter is usually 1 to 2.5 m deep, but filters packed with
lighter plastic filling can be up to 12 m deep.

 Oxygen is obtained by direct diffusion from air into the filter

and the biological film from the bottom through a
spontaneous airflow.

 The primary factors that must be considered in the design

of trickling filters include :
 the type of filter media to be used
 the spraying system, and
 the configuration of the under-drain system

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Design Standard High rate Super rate
Criteria rate or low (Stone (Plastic
rate media) media)
Hydraulic 1–4 10-40 40-200
loading rate
Organic loading 0.08-0.35 0.35-2.4 1-6
(BOD5 kg/d-m3)

Depth of filter 1.5 – 3.0 1.0 – 2.0 2 - 12

Recirculation 0 1-4 1-14
BOD5 removal 80 – 85 65-80 65-85
efficiency % NIT Durgapur presentation;
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Activated Sludge Process

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Oxidation Ponds

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Oxidation Ponds are also known

as stabilization ponds or lagoons.

Within an oxidation pond heterotrophic

bacteria degrade organic matter which results

in production of cellular material and minerals.

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Classification and Design Consideration

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Waste stabilization pond design
Major Aerobic Facultative Anaerobic Maturation
Depth (m) 0.3 – 1.5 1.0 – 3.0 2.5 – 5.0 1.0 – 1.4
Detention (d) 4 – 40 5 – 30 15 – 50 5 - 18
Organic loading 40 – 160 15 – 150 200-500 0 - 15
BOD removal 80 – 95 80-95 50-80 60-80
efficiency %
Algal 40 – 260 10-80 0 – 10 5 - 15

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Thank You

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